Dragon Disciple requires you to be a decent spellcaster to enter (a bunch of levels), and then does nothing to pregress spellcasting at all. But is also doesn't really make you a good Gish either. You end up a shitty spellcaster AND a shitty melee fighter.

Mindblank reduces the DC to 40. A DC 40 isn't impossible, just difficult. Persistomancy ahoy!
Or maybe abuse Counterspelling if it's a spell-like ability. Strategy: Shadow of the Doom to kill the chaff, mutiple party members ready to Counterspell or Teleport away from melee, some more AoEs to hurt the chaff. Once its alone and can't escape (Counterspell its Teleports) beat it to death.

Of course right now our raw numbers are too low. The auras would kill people and we'd risk failing the CL rolls to dispel.
Oh, and of course it's too smart to end up in that situation. Things get far harder for us if we have an objective to protect or if it has mighty allies.

DC was 50, lowered to 40. This is clearly some kind of salient ability, not a spell.

So the real DC is probably higher, based on how much divine juice it can divert to the task on short notice. I wouldn't assume lower than 60 (impossible to pass for us, so "balanced" given it being an elder evil) lowered to 50 (just barely possible for us to pass, 20% chance). Meaning we'd fail that save four out of five times, and there's no way to avoid it because it can project it when it has Old Gods style "you acted first" tacit permission. And you just said it would never fight us on grounds where it doesn't have tacit permission, meaning we will always have to fight off that ability at least once in an encounter, and it can probably use it multiple times (though one could make an argument that within one round, against multiple high level PCs, it would have better things to do than claim one soul).

The odds do not look good.
It should further ease the difficulty of resisting, if nothing else.

We'd also have to finagle it so that we boost the saves of everyone in the encounter. And we'd have to take some backup because there would be chaff to distract us, some of that chaff dangerous in its own right.

So it becomes a balancing act of ensuring we bring enough heat, but also have enough protections to go around for all of them.

Or we could cheat with the world's greatest super power: money.
A DC 60 ability is far, far stronger than what the "canon" (3.5 RAW) Elder Evils get. I'm not saying it's impossible, but I don't expect it to happen.
We'd also have to finagle it so that we boost the saves of everyone in the encounter. And we'd have to take some backup because there would be chaff to distract us, some of that chaff dangerous in its own right.

So it becomes a balancing act of ensuring we bring enough heat, but also have enough protections to go around for all of them.

Or we could cheat with the world's greatest super power: money.
My anti-chaff solution would be Dragon's Roar plus Shadow of the Doom, cast in a single round thanks to using Arcane Spellsurge, and that's just from Viserys. I'm prepared for chaff.

The best method to protect everyone else would revolve around boosted Counterspelling and proper item usage.
All he needs to push that to 50 is to use Ruin Delver's Fortune, which I've advocated for several times. With his current Charisma bonus of 11, he could push his Will save up to 50 without even needing to use a Mythic Surge.
Ruin Delver's Fortune
Level: Bard 4, sorcerer/wizard 4
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 immediate action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1d4 rounds

In desperate need, you cry out a word imbued with power, granting you a bit of extra luck when you need it most.

When the spell is cast, choose from one of the following effects.

  • Gain a luck bonus on Fortitude saving throws equal to your Charisma modifier, and immunity to poison.
  • Gain a luck bonus on Reflex saving throws equal to your Charisma modifier, and the evasion ability.
  • Gain a luck bonus on Will saving throws equal to your Charisma modifier, and immunity to fear effects.
  • Gain temporary hit points equal to 4d8 + your Cha modifier. These hit points vanish at the end of the spell's duration.
You can cast this spell multiple times. Each time you do, choose a different benefit.

(Spell Compendium, Page 178)
... @DragonParadox, can we permanence it?
Nope, because y'all wasted too much of Viserys' available Permanence HD on flight enhancing effects.

No worries, Goldfish to the rescue! Next month, he'll get an appropriate item upgrade.
ah, too bad.
Good thing I'd rather not face things that can pierce DC40 willcheck either way :V

What current numbers look like on permanency table?
ah, too bad.
Good thing I'd rather not face things that can pierce DC40 willcheck either way :V

What current numbers look like on permanency table?
Viserys has two HD remaining for Permanence effects. We're going to have to wait one or two levels for another good effect.

If DP let us apply Ruin Delver's Fortune as a Permanent effect, we would have to select one aspect of the spell to be permanent. I would rather keep it as a flexible effect we can select at need.
Okay this is what I know about Fire Whale gem harvesting and the questions in regard to that knowledge, I think we need to discuss.

1 it need a harvester who can consistently make a DC20 Heal check, these harvesters would of course need to be taught how to do the harvesting, and that's a trade secret I at least would like to keep, so can we make constructs that can do it, or can we grow something that can do it in the Fungus Forge?

2 it gives 14d100 IM worth of gems, and can be done once a month, meaning 1 whale has an average income of 700 IM a month minus our cut, this is enough to hire a lot of mercenaries, or buy a lot of gear, the whales aren't that clever, and don't have much knowledge of the planes, so to prevent them being cheated, or buying gear that turn out to not work well for them, we will need to advice them on investing that money, so we need to determine what kind of mercenaries will be best for them to hire, and what gear will be best for them to buy. (Ideally said mercenaries would be people not already staunch enemies of the Efreeti, as that would count as causing trouble for the Efreeti, meaning the Shaitan would owe us according to our contract, sure that contract is under the table now, but the spymaster made it clear he will still honor it)

3 the Whales swim in pods that average 20 Whales, this mean that assigning a harvester to each pod is inefficient, 1 harvester can harvest at least 5 pods easily, so we need to figure out how the harvesters get to the whales, do we make harvesting stations the Whales visit monthly, or do we have the harvesters travel from pod to pod harvesting gems?

Unexpected inspiration struck. I'm going to try for one more update today.
Yay we appreciate it.
Okay this is what I know about Fire Whale gem harvesting and the questions in regard to that knowledge, I think we need to discuss.

1 it need a harvester who can consistently make a DC20 Heal check, these harvesters would of course need to be taught how to do the harvesting, and that's a trade secret I at least would like to keep, so can we make constructs that can do it, or can we grow something that can do it in the Fungus Forge?

2 it gives 14d100 IM worth of gems, and can be done once a month, meaning 1 whale has an average income of 700 IM a month minus our cut, this is enough to hire a lot of mercenaries, or buy a lot of gear, the whales aren't that clever, and don't have much knowledge of the planes, so to prevent them being cheated, or buying gear that turn out to not work well for them, we will need to advice them on investing that money, so we need to determine what kind of mercenaries will be best for them to hire, and what gear will be best for them to buy. (Ideally said mercenaries would be people not already staunch enemies of the Efreeti, as that would count as causing trouble for the Efreeti, meaning the Shaitan would owe us according to our contract, sure that contract is under the table now, but the spymaster made it clear he will still honor it)

3 the Whales swim in pods that average 20 Whales, this mean that assigning a harvester to each pod is inefficient, 1 harvester can harvest at least 5 pods easily, so we need to figure out how the harvesters get to the whales, do we make harvesting stations the Whales visit monthly, or do we have the harvesters travel from pod to pod harvesting gems?

Yay we appreciate it.
Don't forget that a Cure Serious Wounds spell, or something stronger, reduces the Heal DC to 15.
I would rather keep it as a flexible effect we can select at need.
*builds an argument based in the fact we have only so much time to prepare for any given battle, i.e. often none*

*actually reads up on what action it consumes*

*is even more tangled in understanding of mechanics than before*

Do we not use an Immediate action in combat/socials already?

What's our general profile of actions for situations like:
a) unexpected mental attack
b) unexpected encounter where a specific save is going to be utilised
b.1) no time to prepare at all
b.2) a round or so of time to prepare

I'm genuinely getting more confused about what is the "action economy" here for us with every buff we add to our arsenal :/
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There's a limit, dude, and Mind Blank is it. Beyond that point, you have to become Undead, a Construct, or a Plant to increase your resistance to that shit.

And before you think to suggest it...No.

Save bonus (resistance) Bonus squared x 1,000 gp Cloak of resistance 5

Save bonus (other)1 Bonus squared x 2,000 gp Stone of good luck

Such as a luck, insight, sacred, or profane bonus.

Morale and Competence bonuses can also provide bonuses to saves, though we already have a source of Competence bonus for Will (Channel Vigor: Spirit).

25 (bonus of 5 squared) x 2000 (base cost) x 3 (insight, sacred, morale) x 1.5 (to add to an existing item, assuming the item has a more expensive effect) x .2 (gold to IM conversion) x .5 (item creation cost) = 22,500IM

I'm unable to find any rules on minimum caster level for Saves Bonuses, but assuming the standard of 3 CL per 1 bonus, +5 is definitely within our reach.

A continuous item of Ruin Delver's Fortune provides a +11 Luck Bonus to Will (and might be able to be changed as an immediate action to one of the other effects?) and runs at

4 (SL) x 7 (CL) x 2000 (continuous item) x 4 (spell measured in rounds) x 1.5 (adding it to another item) x .2 (gold to IM conversion) x .5 (item creation cost) = 33,600IM

Dany's Persistomancy provides a +4 Morale Bonus to saves and a +6 Resistance Bonus to saves, but is not listed as a default bonus to our saves so it may or may not have been included in the rolling.

If that's the case, adding a Resistance Bonus of +5 to all saves will cost 3,750IM to make.

(25 (size of bonus (5) squared) x 1000 (price of Resistance bonus item) x 1.5 (adding it to another item) x .2 (gold to IM) x .5 (item creation cost))

We could also slap +5 Luck bonuses to Reflex and Fort saves for an additional 5,000IM assuming that the 3.X formula for "When targeting specific saves for created magic item bonuses, just reduce the price by 1/3 if targeting two saves or by 2/3 if only targeting one" applies.

(25 x 2000 x 1.5 x .2 x .5 x 2/3)

To summarise, for 56,100IM we would get +15 to Reflex and Fortitude saves and +26 to Will saves. Assuming 3.X rules apply for creating items that buff less than all three saves, for an additional 5,000IM our save bonuses would receive +20 to Reflex and Fort and +26 to Will. If Dany's DMM Persistomancy is not accounted for by DP, then for an additional 3,750IM that would bump up to +25 to Reflex and Fortitude saves and +31 to Will saves.

Tldr; The power of money can basically more than double our saves, and assuming all of the above applies it would cost us 64,850 IM to do so.

Also I want to slap this all onto our Crown so it's really swanky, but then we wouldn't be wearing our Mind Blank item.
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A 5th level caster with 5 ranks of Heal able to use Divine Insight and Cure Serious Wounds could auto-succeed in each harvesting check.
Also with all the bodyguard jobs this will cause, I'm really tempted to see if we can use targeted reincarnation, to reincarnate the Kongamato as some form of drake with fire immunity, then beat it around in dragon form until it swear fealty, so we can hire it to a pod as a bodyguard, I know I'm unlikely to get support, but I had to say it at least once.
Don't forget that a Cure Serious Wounds spell, or something stronger, reduces the Heal DC to 15.
That it does, but I think if possible, making the DC20 as often as possible is better, if a Cure Serious Wounds is needed, then the Whale got hurt, and even if it can easily be healed, pain isn't a nice thing, so unless it's massively more expensive, I would rather have the Harvesters almost always make the DC20 check, and have Cure Serious Wounds on hand for crit fails, I don't want Harvesting to normally be a painful procedure.
To summarise, for 56,100IM we would get +15 to Reflex and Fortitude saves and +26 to Will saves. Assuming 3.X rules apply for creating items that buff less than all three saves, for an additional 5,000IM our save bonuses would receive +20 to Reflex and Fort and +26 to Will.
*The Fifteenth tries to kill us, with all of his power*

Viserys: +60 will, bitch.
*makes fertiliser*

These are some magnificent calculations, man.

Now, where to get the money to equip at least 5 people with such...

(Also, fluff-wise, this is the sort of shit a Sultan of Efreet would be wearing. Kinda bullshitting DP's worldbuildimg would feel horrible...
Thank Azel we have an economy that can be exploited)
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"You think to sell your soul to me, little mortal?" The voice that fills your mind then could almost be mistaken for your own. Yet it it is all at once a howling gale over a lifeless desert, the wail of despair at the end of all things. "I do not buy men's souls, they give themselves to Me..."
By the way, top priority when our trading fleet makes it to Yi Ti. I want all the books and scrolls on the Dawn Empire, the Long Night, and the Bloodstone Emperor. Every last one we can get. The fact that he's still here is disastrous.
Also with all the bodyguard jobs this will cause, I'm really tempted to see if we can use targeted reincarnation, to reincarnate the Kongamato as some form of drake with fire immunity, then beat it around in dragon form until it swear fealty, so we can hire it to a pod as a bodyguard, I know I'm unlikely to get support, but I had to say it at least once.

That it does, but I think if possible, making the DC20 as often as possible is better, if a Cure Serious Wounds is needed, then the Whale got hurt, and even if it can easily be healed, pain isn't a nice thing, so unless it's massively more expensive, I would rather have the Harvesters almost always make the DC20 check, and have Cure Serious Wounds on hand for crit fails, I don't want Harvesting to normally be a painful procedure.
They wouldn't really need the Cure spell very often.

At 5th level, they could have 8 ranks of Heal and a +3 Wisom bonus. That +11. Divine Insight would add +10 to the check for a total of +21. The Cure spell is only their for crit failures.
By the way, top priority when our trading fleet makes it to Yi Ti. I want all the books and scrolls on the Dawn Empire, the Long Night, and the Bloodstone Emperor. Every last one we can get. The fact that he's still here is disastrous.
Yay, another apocalypse to fix in the making!

It's, what, the 6th? Or the 7th?

Others, Illithids, The 15th, Devils, Rakshasa Emperor...
Do we count Tiamat toward "apocalypse"-cases?
She wants to kill us and destroy all we've built, but she is not a "total destruction of all civilisation"-worthy... I think.
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By the way, top priority when our trading fleet makes it to Yi Ti. I want all the books and scrolls on the Dawn Empire, the Long Night, and the Bloodstone Emperor. Every last one we can get. The fact that he's still here is disastrous.
More likely than not, the thing is bound in some manner, probably to the extent the shadow reaches. It was only able to act against us because we inadvertently poked it.
Yay, another apocalypse to fix in the making!

It's, what, the 6th? Or the 7th?

Others, Illithids, The 15th, Devils, Rakshasa Emperor...
Do we count Tiamat toward "apocalypse"-cases?
She wants to kill us and destroy all we've built, but she is not a "total destruction of all civilisation"-worthy... I think.
1. Others
2. Deep Ones
3. Devils
4. Daemons
5. Demons
6. Rakshasas
7. Drow
8. Efreeti
9. Potentially undead Sarnori

Fun times. But hey, we get sacrifices, loot, and XP out of it.
More likely than not, the thing is bound in some manner, probably to the extent the shadow reaches. It was only able to act against us because we inadvertently poked it.
It's almost certain to be in Stygai somewhere. Asshai is By The Shadow. The Bloodstone Emperor is probably The Shadow.
too random to count toward "Apocalypse", I think.
Sure, a massed invasion would be one, but it would also be something we will likely see in the making.
Not nearly as infuriatingly subtle as devils.
Aren't targeting Plane Material, and have way too much on their platter, thanks to us.

Also, @Goldfish, could you give a breakdown of Walliseatschees' post, in regards to what we have/will have since it seems to be a promising avenue, please?

All I'm seeing is math, and after an exam period, I'm afraid of getting too deep into it.

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