We can do it if necessary, but why? Are there really that many places that need them?

Here's what we've crafted in just the last two months.

Whispering Brazier (x21): Henekar, Dire Den, Driftmark, Naath, Basilisk Isles, Lorath, Ibben, Runestone, Sun Spear, Tolos ACSEC Office, Tolos, Mantarys ACSEC Office, Mantarys, Volantis, Lys, ACSEC Lys, Myr, ACSEC Myr, ACSEC Stonehead/Summer Isles, Braavos/Sealord, Castle Black

Interplanar Whispering Brazier (x4): ACSEC Opaline Vault, ACSEC Sorcerer's Deep, SD Planar Train Station, Xorn Trading Post
We need two more interplanars for Amun Kelisk and I want to see about rolling out braziers to all our armies and fleets. Now that we are beginning to spread operations from the Narrow Sea to east of Ghis, the communication by raven with the military becomes increasingly inconvenient.

I just need to work out the exact number we need, so I'm asking for a blocker worth 20 braziers until I can give you the exact numbers, not 20 braziers to be produced.
We can do it if necessary, but why? Are there really that many places that need them?

Here's what we've crafted in just the last two months.

Whispering Brazier (x21): Henekar, Dire Den, Driftmark, Naath, Basilisk Isles, Lorath, Ibben, Runestone, Sun Spear, Tolos ACSEC Office, Tolos, Mantarys ACSEC Office, Mantarys, Volantis, Lys, ACSEC Lys, Myr, ACSEC Myr, ACSEC Stonehead/Summer Isles, Braavos/Sealord, Castle Black

Interplanar Whispering Brazier (x4): ACSEC Opaline Vault, ACSEC Sorcerer's Deep, SD Planar Train Station, Xorn Trading Post

EDIT: Amrelath got an Interplanar Whispering Brazier this month, too.
We might need to secure a supply of obsidian sand. Since we've got Mind Blank now, maybe we can pop by Molten Skies and pick up a bunch?
We need two more interplanars for Amun Kelisk and I want to see about rolling out braziers to all our armies and fleets. Now that we are beginning to spread operations from the Narrow Sea to east of Ghis, the communication by raven with the military becomes increasingly inconvenient.

I just need to work out the exact number we need, so I'm asking for a blocker worth 20 braziers until I can give you the exact numbers, not 20 braziers to be produced.
Ooh, braziers for every proper Legion would make things a lot more convenient.

By the way, we should also eventually give every Legion its own Ooze of Panacea. All it needs is a Ranger or Druid or something to manage it, and every Legion suddenly has unlimited Panaceas at their disposal.
The core of his motivation is to prepare for the Long Night and get rid of the weak before they inevitably turn into wights. If there was a way for them to guarantee that no, they wouldn't be turned into wights for the army of the Others, then I don't see him still pursuing their eradication, because at the end of the day there needs to be people to repopulate after the Long Night. He has brutal methods, but I don't see him trying to enforce them in places he knows they're unnecessary. Not to mention the fact that it would be a waste of energy for no real gain on his end.

At the end of the day, I find true Social Darwinism's threat scenarios to not be justified. While I don't agree with the werebear's methods, his threat scenario is very real, it's something we see happen in canon. Ergo I don't consider him a Social Darwinist so much as I do a bear spirit working with a limited mindset and limited tools.
Thank you for the explanation, I still don't agree with your interpretation, but I think I understand it now.
For me, based on the things the character has done and said, he's a toxic future liability who happens to have an actual thing he can use as an excuse to pursue his reprehensible goals. I think the goals would be there regardless since his underlying philosophy would be unchanged.
We need two more interplanars for Amun Kelisk and I want to see about rolling out braziers to all our armies and fleets. Now that we are beginning to spread operations from the Narrow Sea to east of Ghis, the communication by raven with the military becomes increasingly inconvenient.

I just need to work out the exact number we need, so I'm asking for a blocker worth 20 braziers until I can give you the exact numbers, not 20 braziers to be produced.
We've got a metric fuckton of lower level crafting capacity remaining. Just tell me how many we need once you work it out and I'll add them to the schedule.
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Thank you for the explanation, I still don't agree with your interpretation, but I think I understand it now.
For me, based on the things the character has done and said, he's a toxic future liability who happens to have an actual thing he can use as an excuse to pursue his reprehensible goals. I think the goals would be there regardless since his underlying philosophy would be unchanged.
I just think that he wouldn't see the need once the threat of the Long Night is done. Our goal isn't simply to defeat the Others and send them into a slumber or something, it's to utterly remove them as a threat. If the bear spirit acts the same way even after that, then I'll be right there with you in wanting it dead.
Okay, here's the level ups for Teana, Theon, and Asha (using @TalonofAnathrax's latest version of her build). Thoughts or suggestions before I ask @Azel to add them to his plan so we can get them taken care of?

[] Teana Level Up
-[] Class: Shadowcraft Mage
-[] Skills (8 Points): +1 Concentration, +1 Knowledge (Arcana), +1 Professor (Instructor), +1 Spellcraft, +4 Hide
-[] Spells:
--[] Cantrip: Amanuensis
---[] Retrained: Resistance >>> Detect Poison
--[] 1st level:
---[] Retrained: Magic Missile >>> Nerveskitter
--[] 2nd level: Elemental Dart
---[] Retrained: Combust >>> Detect Thoughts, Spectral Hand >>> Blindness/Deafness
--[] 3rd level: Major Image
--[] 4th level: Assay Spell Resistance
--[] 5th level: Baleful Polymorph
---[] Retrained: Teleport >>> Shadow Evocation

[] Theon Level Up
-[] Class: +1 Mystic Ranger
-[] Improved Combat Style (Archery): Manyshot
-[] Skills (8 points): +1 Knowledge(Dungeoneering), +1 Knowledge(Nature), +1 Spot, +1 Survival, +2 Knowledge(Arcana), +2 Knowledge(The Planes)
-[] Spell Loadout:
--[] Level 0: Cure Minor Wounds, Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink (4/day)
--[] Level 1: Guided Shot, Hawkeye, Hunter's Mercy, Primal Hunter (3+1/day)
--[] Level 2: Aquatic Cavalry, Primal Instinct, Swift Haste(2+1/day)
--[] Level 3: Arrowsplit, Fickle Winds, Find the Gap(2+1/day)

[] Asha Level Up
-[] Class: +1 Rogue
-[] Alternate Class Feature: Trap Sense >>> Penetrating Strike
-[] Retrained Feats: Sidestep Charge >>> Combat Expertise, Dodge >>> Deadly Defense, Weapon Focus (Handaxe) >>> Martial Study (Wolf Fang Strike), Combat Reflexes >>> Martial Stance (Iron Guard's Glare), Travel Devotion >>> Allied Defence
-[] Skills (10 points): +1 Balance, +1 Bluff, +1 Intimidate, +1 Profession (Sailor), +1 Spot, +1 Swim, +1 Tumble, +3 Sense Motive
Which is understandable, because bear spirit, but that doesn't make his opinions any more valid.
Alternatively, it doesn't make his opinions any less valid.

He is making super-soldiers to fight in the apocalypse and is feeding them with what he sees as enemy assets.

And he... isn't really wrong about that. The elderly, extremely sick or extremely yound will not make it through the Long Night, not that high up north and not with the wildling's technology level.

This reminds me: I believe we've thrown away extraordinarily good resources in the form of werebears and weretigers we've come across.

The fear of an infestation is reasonable and sound, but we can still use these as elite warriors without much issue. They should merely have an outstanding order to not bite.

If they absolutely must, they must inform their superiors that they did, and efforts can be made to hunt them down and kill them.

With awareness of the problem, we can be sure that people will come to the relevant authorities in case of any 'outbreak', and any foe that escapes a gang of werebears/tigers and their probably spellcaster budies would be something worthy of being hunted down.
I'd much rather have the old one, it makes her more effective in the now, and this defensive focus can be built up later, if we want to.
This reminds me: I believe we've thrown away extraordinarily good resources in the form of werebears and weretigers we've come across.

Technically we haven't made contact with the Summer Island Weretigers, though I have plans that I will be diving into over the weekend on this front.

Finally found a use for the Freys and all I needed to do was turn them into the weasel faced furries they always were.
Technically we haven't made contact with the Summer Island Weretigers, though I have plans that I will be diving into over the weekend on this front.

Finally found a use for the Freys and all I needed to do was turn them into the weasel faced furries they always were.

I want the weretigers or at least the bodies of weretigers. I would like to use them as the base for the hero killer monster we were suggesting. Or as the base for the researcher we may want to build. I reiterate because some of y'all think I am crazy. I do not want to start a fight with the weretigers. If we can diplomatically get them to join us (and give us their corpses) I will be more than happy.
The one with riposte.
Is this the one?
[] Asha Level Up
-[] Class: +1 Rogue
-[] Alternate Class Feature: Trap Sense >>> Penetrating Strike
-[] Retrained Feats: Sidestep Charge >>> Combat Expertise, Dodge >>> Deadly Defense, Weapon Focus (Handaxe) >>> Riposte
-[] Skills (10 points): +1 Balance, +1 Bluff, +1 Intimidate, +1 Profession (Sailor), +1 Spot, +1 Swim, +1 Tumble, +3 Sense Motive
There were some on the Plane of Fire people sent away.

Really? I would have thought the thread would have wanted to cure them. Weird.

I want the weretigers or at least the bodies of weretigers. I would like to use them as the base for the hero killer monster we were suggesting. Or as the base for the researcher we may want to build. I reiterate because some of y'all think I am crazy. I do not want to start a fight with the weretigers. If we can diplomatically get them to join us (and give us their corpses) I will be more than happy.

But what if

We didn't need Weretigers to have Weretigers? And instead of having dead levels upon dead levels of level adjustment, we actually got some sort of hit dice advancement?

What if a five level prestige class let you turn into a bear?

What if we had PCs that leveled in Weretouched Master?

All we need to do is prove that the Freys literally had intercourse with wereweasels back in the day and we're set on the Late Lord Frey likely making an ill advised bargain to emphasise the Glory of his House, and bam, we now have a stable population of Shifters!

We don't even have worry about this biting us in the ass once the war in Westeros hits because the Late Lord Frey will more than likely keep out of the conflict entirely! And afterwards we can completely invalidate his entire existence to leave him scrambling for relevancy (the rate of our bridge building likely prompting the Fey Lineage Bargain) which will let us snap up his military inclined children up for their own Order of Werebears/tigers!

It'll take some effort to get them set up to level 10, but it would provide a much more controllable population of half human half + a bear's worth of attribute bonuses.
But what if

We didn't need Weretigers to have Weretigers? And instead of having dead levels upon dead levels of level adjustment, we actually got some sort of hit dice advancement?

What if a five level prestige class let you turn into a bear?

What if we had PCs that leveled in Weretouched Master?

All we need to do is prove that the Freys literally had intercourse with wereweasels back in the day and we're set on the Late Lord Frey likely making an ill advised bargain to emphasise the Glory of his House, and bam, we now have a stable population of Shifters!

We don't even have worry about this biting us in the ass once the war in Westeros hits because the Late Lord Frey will more than likely keep out of the conflict entirely! And afterwards we can completely invalidate his entire existence to leave him scrambling for relevancy (the rate of our bridge building likely prompting the Fey Lineage Bargain) which will let us snap up his military inclined children up for their own Order of Werebears/tigers!

It'll take some effort to get them set up to level 10, but it would provide a much more controllable population of half human half + a bear's worth of attribute bonuses.

See the only problem with this line of thought is that we would be continuing the line of the Freys. Other than that I kinda want something in the more short term for the murder creature. But yeah I got no other objection than those two.
See the only problem with this line of thought is that we would be continuing the line of the Freys. Other than that I kinda want something in the more short term for the murder creature. But yeah I got no other objection than those two.

As long as the Late Lord Frey is removed or trivialized, the rest of the Freys are just people which means they shouldn't be punished for just existing. We give them a chance to fuck up first and then we bring the stern disapproval down on them.

Short term, advocate for more Summer Islands. Something exists in those jungles we just need to find them.
Regarding the werebear, I mainly wanted to use it as a weapon against the Long Night... kept firmly north of the Wall, and away from the Imperium.
Really? I would have thought the thread would have wanted to cure them. Weird.
Most of us had little interest in inviting plagues into our lands. Werecreatures are strong as hell and useful too, but we didn't consider the risk as worth it considering just how easily something like that could spread.

Also, the fluff for weretigers isn't exactly flattering. It made them a tough sell to begin with.
Weretigers are egomaniacs with a natural talent for controlling others with fear and awe, a talent they usually use to reign over the humans they think of as slaves and cattle for the slaughter.
EDIT: You can, of course, pursue this if you want. This was just our reasoning for not doing so when presented with the opportunity.
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Well, there are definitely Frey bad apples that need to be quietly removed for the sake of Stability and Order and General Prosperity. But there are some decent ones... the actual heir, Stevron Frey, for one, is basically another old Frey (who was probably killed by another Frey to disguise his death of "wound rot", which was treated and not thought serious). Regarded as preeminently reasonable and polite (probably why he got stabbed in the back).

Also, dibs on Olyvar Frey, come to think of it. The first chance he gets, I am going to contrive to make sure he gets out of that crazy place. Maybe sent to insinuate himself in court in order to get support for inheritance of Rosby (or for Walder to bludgeon him with the reminder that he's paying for his magical education so at least he'll serve some use for the family).

And then promptly getting way more than he expected.


I really need to write my other ideas first.
Would Gladiator's Gauze be a good item to commission en masse for the legion? It's slotless, 35 gp (18 gp for crafting) and is automatically consumed to stabilize the wearer when they reach 0 hp and also stops bleeding caused by using psionic focus as a swift action. We might even be able to drop the psionic use of the item to make it cheaper.

Would probably help with legion casualties against mundane enemies.

That's actually quite overpriced.
@Goldfish, would you mind reminding me what the standard graduation package for every Scholarum mage is?

From what I can remember:

Sorcerer's Deep Adventurer's Kit©
Amulet/Ring of Protection from Evil
Healing Belt (+2 CON)
Circlet of Clarity (+2 INT) OR Headband of the Whisper Within (+2 WIS) OR Ring of Untarnished Glory (+2 CHA)
Quill of Scribing
Earrings of Arcane Acuity
Anklets of Translocation
Ring of Sustenance

Is that everything or did I miss anything?
There should be a dagger of some sort. A knife is generally useful to have.
That's part of the adventurer's toolkit. ;)
Each graduate of the Academy should get a small monetary reward. Nothing outrageous, but enough to get them well established in SD so they don't start thinking about leaving to earn their own way working for a potential enemy power. 10 or 15 IM should be plenty.

We should also give them all a set of basic magic user's adventuring gear; a backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, blanket, camping gear (a pot & mess kit), clothing (a couple explorer's outfits), dagger, flint & steel, light crossbow (with 10 to 20 bolts), staff or other weapon they are proficient with, 2 waterskins, writing implements (paper, ink, a pen or quills, & scrollcase), a spellbook or holy symbol (if necessary for their type of casting), and a tool kit if they possess a skill that would require or benefit from it (disguise kit, healer's kit, etc).

All of this costs us very little, but it serves to further ingratiate the new mages to us, makes them more comfortable, and increases their likelihood of surviving. The clothing we give them could all be based off a similar pattern and color scheme, to differentiate them from the common folk. Besides engendering a sense of prestige and rank among the new mages, they would also be somewhat easier for spies to target, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. After all, we are setting up an intelligence network, which includes a flock of construct birds and a couple quasi-quasit invisible spy birds. The mages might make good bait to draw out our enemies.
@Goldfish covered just about everything.
@Duesal, would you mind making a comprehensive list of questions we look for answers to in Uniila-Codex?
Aside from all Outisider names she knew, devil plans on Plane Material and outside it, and what happened with Celestial Planes that is, as I assume these are a given.
*cracks knuckles*

1. Formula for wildfire so that Waymar doesn't need to reverse engineer and can immediately work out a "safe" variant.
2. The formulas for the various poisons she knows.
3. All details on all current plots she's aware of.
4. In particular, what the devils had planned for Lord Corbray and with any Valyrian Dragons they might have managed to hatch.
5. Her knowledge on the state of Hell's courts and if any other dukes are currently moving on Prime Material.
6. The names of every last Fury she knows in Mammon's service.
7. The names of devils with shiny templates. Especially a platinum Cornugon, if such a thing exists.
8. Her knowledge of all supernaturals currently in Prime Material.
9. All intel on her current research.
10. Explicit details on what happened in the Summerhall Disaster.
11. Knowledge of where Lamentation is being held.
12. What the name of the Advodaza is, or if she doesn't know, knowledge of who *would* know.
13. In White Harbor we discovered there was an original devil summoner who was apparently a high lord, the one who started the infestation. We want his name.
14. Intel on the Devils' war against the Deep Ones.
15. All history she has on the Dawn Age, the various powers that ruled Prime Material at the time (especially dragons), the pact between the proto-Valyrians and the devils, anything she might know about the Doom, etc. If it's historical and plot relevant, we want to know.
16. Any form of intel she might have on the warlocks of Qarth, and whatever is in Asshai.
17. Whatever she knows about the Breaking of the Spheres.
[Also with a few feats they can cast Miracle spontaneously from a first level slot, which is amazing in a whole other way]

Isn't that slot a simple image heightened to 9th though? If you're actually casting Miracles from a level 1 slot I'm not sure how, I'll need to look into Shadowcraft again.

Edit: Darkway is the bomb-diggity, it's a fun spell to think about but I've never had a 3.5 character to play around with it.
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@Goldfish, when you wake up, I think a final touch of each Scholarum graduate getting a Handy Haversack would be great. That is such a wonderfully useful magic item, and it'd only take two days of crafting. The level 5 wizards might not be able to make it on their own, but I feel like it's a more powerful gift because of it. It's a symbol that those stronger than them are in fact looking out for them.

Granted, this can wait for later after all the actual PCs are equipped first, but I do like this idea.

On a different note, you guys know the Valyrian Steel Longsword we took off of Aedon's corpse?
So begins the fight, a short and vicious thing, spellsteel against spellsteel flashing.
There's a good chance that it is in fact Truth, the Valyrian Steel Longsword last wielded by Moredo Rogare. DP wrote earlier that Shara Rogare's father's death signaled dozens of vultures to swoop in and rob his surviving family. I could easily see the ancestral dragonsteel blade being one of the things that was stolen... something that was later confiscated by Aedon to use as a prop for his "glorious conquest". That, or simply that it ended up being taken even earlier when House Rogare's fortunes failed them, which was maybe a century ago.

In any case, there's a good chance that this is the same sword. It would make a fantastic gift for Shara. She might not use it, but there's something special about getting your ancestral blade back.