1. Formula for wildfire so that Waymar doesn't need to reverse engineer and can immediately work out a "safe" variant.
2. The formulas for the various poisons she knows.
3. All details on all current plots she's aware of.
4. In particular, what the devils had planned for Lord Corbray and with any Valyrian Dragons they might have managed to hatch.
5. Her knowledge on the state of Hell's courts and if any other dukes are currently moving on Prime Material.
6. The names of every last Fury she knows in Mammon's service.
7. The names of devils with shiny templates. Especially a platinum Cornugon, if such a thing exists.
8. Her knowledge of all supernaturals currently in Prime Material.
9. All intel on her current research.
10. Explicit details on what happened in the Summerhall Disaster.
11. Knowledge of where Lamentation is being held.
12. What the name of the
Advodaza is, or if she doesn't know, knowledge of who *would* know.
13. In White Harbor we discovered there was an original devil summoner who was apparently a high lord, the one who started the infestation. We want his name.
14. Intel on the Devils' war against the Deep Ones.
15. All history she has on the Dawn Age, the various powers that ruled Prime Material at the time (especially dragons), the pact between the proto-Valyrians and the devils, anything she might know about the Doom, etc. If it's historical and plot relevant, we want to know.
16. Any form of intel she might have on the warlocks of Qarth, and whatever is in Asshai.
17. Whatever she knows about the Breaking of the Spheres.