So we do something to change this perception. Commission some plays and songs, print pamphlets, that sort of thing.
Seriously; you talk like public opinion is some sort of immutable constant of the universe, when it's everything but.

Not to mention that I think the impact on our image is overstated. We're anti-slavery, yes, but unless we somehow only punish crimes with death or fines, chances are that we'll have prisons and quite likely labor sentences, and the public seems reasonably fine with that.
There also doesn't seem to be any backlash against supporting the Watch with supplies, or against the Black Brothers themselves.

Those would be a good starting point, then. The resources and time saved from not having to replace/refill candles, oil lamps, and the like might not be all that much, but every little bit likely helps.

We literally do not have prisons or prison labour at this point in time. It was decided that it was too expensive to just support people financially while they sit in a giant stone box for an extended time out and compelling them to labour so that they support themselves was deemed too much like slavery. We also don't have judicial torture like caning, mutilation, or flogging since those were deemed barbaric.

The only punishments that we currently have are: fines, exile, execution, and blood sacrifice.

Don't worry, I know the thread has discussed talking with archons et al about prisons and rehabilitation centers they've set up with the end goal of being to have prisons and some "retribution through labor" system that doesn't trigger everyone's SLAVERY buttons.

In fact, the turn order vote should be right about now anyways...
@Duesal, looking over Minor Actions I'm compiling for this turn vote rn, we didn't vote on trees we were to raise in the background this month, did we?
@Duesal Niche and specific information request, did Asha level up to 6 alongside Theon? If so, her sheet wasn't updated along with his, what was her level-up plan?
@Duesal Niche and specific information request, did Asha level up to 6 alongside Theon? If so, her sheet wasn't updated along with his, what was her level-up plan?
She did indeed get to level 6 at the same time as Theon. Here is the winning levelup vote:
[X] Theon Level Up
-[X] Class: +1 Mystic Ranger
-[X] Feat: Weapon Focus(Longbow)
-[X] Skills (8 points): +1 Spot, +1 Survival, +2 Knowledge(Arcana), +4 Knowledge(The Planes)
-[X] Spell Loadout:
--[X] Level 0: (3/day): Cure Minor Wounds, Light, Mending
--[X] Level 1: (3+1/day): Guided Shot, Hawkeye, Hunter's Mercy, Primal Hunter
--[X] Level 2: (2+1/day): Cat's Grace, Primal Instinct, Swift Haste
--[X] Level 3: (1+1/day): Arrowsplit, Find the Gap

[X] Asha Level Up
-[X] Class: +1 Rogue
-[X] Feat: Travel Devotion
-[X] Skills (10 points): +1 Balance, +1 Bluff, +1 Climb, +1 Intimidate, +1 Profession(Sailor), +1 Spot, +1 Swim, +1 Tumble, +2 Knowledge(Geography)
That said, I believe her levelup has already been implemented. You can tell because she's got the Travel Devotion feat on the front page.
Name: Asha Greyjoy
Alias: The Kraken's Daughter
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Age: 17
Race: Human
Level: 5
Class: Mariner 4/Rogue 2
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Handaxe), Dodge, Sidestep Charge,Two-Weapon Fighting, Travel Devotion
The only thing wrong is that she's listed as level 5 instead of level 6. Even her class is indicating that she's level 6.
She did indeed get to level 6 at the same time as Theon. Here is the winning levelup vote:

That said, I believe her levelup has already been implemented. You can tell because she's got the Travel Devotion feat on the front page.

The only thing wrong is that she's listed as level 5 instead of level 6. Even her class is indicating that she's level 6.
So it is.
Part MMCDLXXI: Of Lordship and Lore
Of Lordship and Lore

Third Day of the Seventh Month 293 AC

After some thought on all that Kira had revealed you decide not to pursue the matter at once, but instead step back and address the situation at large. For too long does it feel like you have been jumping from one fire to the next, stamping them down, only for some other blaze to flare up elsewhere. With the quiet addition of Naath, Tolos, and Mantarys to your realm in more than just name and Volantis waiting on the threshold, not to mention the planned invasion of Lys, you have to look over the realm in a new light, not as a Pirate Prince or the Archon of a contentious Tyrosh, not as a merchant looking to reap profits from the sea, but all of those together whereby some strange alchemy of ink and sweat you might emerge an emperor, uncrowned though you may yet be.

Numbers that came before in a thousand scattered sheets now lie in neatly ordered rows, every report that reaches your desk having passed through half-a-dozen hands, balanced, verified, and annotated, offering the best chance to make sweeping decisions without tripping over local customs and peculiarities. Looking down upon your realm from this lofty perch, you begin to understand more easily how kings might grow lax in their duties and lose themselves in the petty games of court. Symbols upon symbols upon symbols, like a hall of mirrors, and yet upon such work does the prosperity and safety of nearly eight-million souls rest. The notion is as daunting as any battle you have ever fought, as complex as any arcane riddle.

Realm Balance increased: 280,163 Gold

As you look through the details on the integrations of Tolos and Mantarys, as well as the first status report of New Lys'os, you are pleased to note that Naeron has organized and copied the lore you had recovered from the cursed caravan without having to call over-much on Lady Saenena. She does not need the reminder of all she had tried to save for the sake of her children, now both perished beyond recall.

Library Upgrade:
Knowledge (Arcana) +6
Knowledge (The Planes) +7
Knowledge (History) +7
Knowledge (Architecture) +5
Knowledge (Mathematics) +5
Knowledge (Religion) +4
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +3
Knowledge (War) +3
Knowledge (Nature) +1

Darker lore is also open to your gaze, questions asked and answered of the dead. You discover that the man servant of Ymeri knew something of the death of Hardhome. He called it 'Shadow-edged in Flame' and said it was born of the 'farthest east'. Another thread leading to Asshai, hopefully one that will remain quiescent for now. Of the efreeti sorcerers you learn that the ritual they used to empower the giants to legendary strength is not one that can be worked by any save the slaves of the Brazen Throne. Still, that the Sultan is willing to grant such a bounty of his own gathered strength might yet be his undoing, for any portal can work both ways.

The names of demons you also gather from the tongue of the fallen spider fiend you defeated in the lands of the south, though its own name the carcass cannot reveal by some cunning enchantment that binds its lips closed in death. By far more interesting for your growing empire is the revelation that the 'mountains of silver' near Venthar have more than likely not been mined out, as well as extracting a rough estimate of where to look after considerable secondary divination. The directions are still far too vague to simply will yourself there, though not to end an expedition. As to the black diamonds, Lya was able to piece together that they were once part of the tribute the city payed its overlord, or perhaps the demon-goddess they revered. They had apparently been much prized in the trapping of souls. Useful to know, certainly. You mark the association as something that might be of interest to Anu and Svitran.

Gained Demon Names

Gained rough location of the Venthari silver mines

Last of all, however, are the most ominous words to pass from fleshless lips: The warlocks of Qarth are not merely alchemists supping from some strange concoction nor even unliving mages such as you have fought so many before. They are somehow tangled up into the very fate of their city, 'Many as One and One as Many'. Perhaps you should visit the Gateway of the East... or perhaps you should leave well enough alone, the part of you that is more the king and less the scholar notes. If the warlocks are content to sit behind their crumbling walls then they are not adding more troubles to your young realm.

What shall the month ahead hold for you, your companions and the fledgling empire you rule (List of Actions and Characters)?

[] Increase Manpower
By starting a recruitment drive, you can increase the available manpower in a province. When this action completes, throw 1d4 and an additional 1d4 for every multiple of 500 of Population the province has. The sum of these dice gives the number of Population that is converted into Manpower. If the Manpower would exceed the cap, no Population above the cap will be converted.
Requirements: None
Action: Military
Progress Needed: 10
Cost: 20,000 IM

[] Construct Guard Posts
A network of posts that can be used by the military and law-enforcement to better control the province. Grants a +1 bonus to Law. If the province also has a Messenger Service, this bonus is doubled.
Requirements: None
Action: Military
Progress Needed: 1/20th of the Population of the province
Cost: Population * 50 IM (Construction)
Upkeep: Population * 5 IM

[] Construct Training Center
Allows the training of soldiers. Each Training Center can accommodate 1 manpower (1,000 people).
Requirements: Must be a coastal province or have a major river.
Action: Military
Progress Needed: 20
Cost: 10,000 IM, 50,000 IM (Construction)
Upkeep: 500 IM

[] Enforce Martial Law
By using military force, the Administration and Law of a province can be forcefully raised. While under martial law, the province makes progress against both Expand Administration and Expand Law-Enforcement simultaneously as if every action assigned to Enforce Martial Law were used for both of those projects at the same time. However, for every turn under martial law, the Life-Quality of a province is lowered by 1. Once martial law ends, this penalty is reduced by 1 per turn. This action can't raise the Administration or Law scores higher then half of the maximum value.
Requirements: Need to have at least 10 soldiers per Population of the province present. This can be halved by spending an additional Military action and quartered by spending three additional Military actions.
Action: Military
Cost: None

[] Riders on the Storm:
Rhango and his yet small Khalasar have tied their fortune firmly to yours, yet there is a request to unite the Dothraki people before they yet loose themselves on unsavaged lands to drown them in blood... or drown themselves. Together, you can seek and subdue them in turn be it by the sword or with offers of wealth and glory
Requirements: Must be performed by a Hero
Action: Military
Progress: 25
Cost: 15,000 IM
Upkeep: None (Added to military roster)

[] Improve Infrastructure
Effort is put into constructing new roads, harbors, bridges and channels in the province to ease traffic and aid trade. When completed, the Infrastructure rating of the province improves by 1
Requirements: None
Action: Economy
Progress Needed: the current Infrastructure rating * 5
Cost: the current Infrastructure rating * 50,000 IM (Construction)

[] Create / Expand Manufacturing Business
This represents a local business that produces either raw materials or refines them into goods. It has the following statistics:
- Size - This gives the number of people in thousands who are employed in the business. When creating this business, the size is always 1 and additional actions be used to expand it.
- Profitability - How much income is produced each turn. At the end of each turn, a Manufacturing Business generates Size x Profitability x 1,000 IM of income for the owner. The profitability of a given business is decided on a case by case base by the GM.
Requirements: None
Action: Economy
Progress Needed: 10
Cost: 100,000 IM, 50,000 IM (Construction)

[] Encourage Immigration
Try to attract Population from another Province. At the end of the turn, a number of Population equal to 2d6 + local Life-Quality - target province Life-Quality moves from the target to the local province. Note: A large influx of people into a currently sparsely populated province can have impact on its statistics.
Requirements: None
Action: Economy
Cost: 5,000 IM per moved Population, 50,000 IM (Construction) per moved Population

[] Construct Shipyard
Allows the construction and maintenance of ships. Each shipyard can support up to 20 ships and create one ship per turn.
Requirements: Coastal Province
Action: Economy
Progress Needed: 20
Cost: 20,000 IM, 100,000 IM (Construction)
Upkeep: 1,000 IM

[] Diving for Treasure:
Many ships have been sunk into a watery grave in these troubled seas, some carrying great treasures which you might better put to use.
Requirements: Must be performed by a Hero
Action: Economy
Progress: 12
Cost: None
Upkeep: None

[] Striking Coin
A king you are though yet uncrowned, that not even your foes can deny. Time then to leave the mark of your kingdom upon the world, and what better mark than the iniquitous coin? Not dragon, stag, and groat, but something to mark the birth of a new realm.
Action: Economy
Progress Needed: 15
Cost: Special (Dependent on how much coin you strike)
Upkeep: 8,000 IM (Mint)

[] Expand Administration
By recruiting additional personal and constructing new offices, the reach of the local administration is expanded. When completed, the Administration rating of the province improves by 1
Requirements: None
Action: Government
Progress Needed: the current Administration rating * 5
Cost: the current Administration rating * 5,000 IM, the current Administration rating * 10,000 IM (Construction)

[] Establish Orphanages
Providing care for orphans ensures that they do not have to beg and slightly lowers crime-rates in the area. An orphanage system gives a +1 bonus to Life-Quality.
Requirements: None
Action: Government
Progress Needed: 1/10th of the Population of the province
Cost: Population * 10 IM, Population * 50 IM (Construction)
Cost: Population * 5 IM

[] Establish Public Schools
Providing general education to the population allows a higher standard of living and makes it easier to recruit learned workers. Public Schools give a +1 bonus to Life-Quality and can give 2d6 of additional progress to one action performed in or by the province per turn.
Requirements: At least 50 Population and at least 10 Administration and Law
Action: Government
Progress Needed: 1/10th of the Population of the province
Cost: Population * 20 IM, Population * 50 IM (Construction)
Upkeep: Population * 10 IM

[] Establish Higher Learning Institution
Every institution of this type has a focus, such as magic, natural science, law or economics and provides 1 Research action per turn that can be only used for matching topics. Alternatively, it can provide an additional 2d6 of progress to any action that matches it's specialization. A province can have an arbitrary number of these institutions, but each must have a different focus.
Requirements: At least 25 Population and at least 5 Administration and Law
Action: Government
Progress Needed: 20
Cost: 20,000 IM, 100,000 IM (Construction)
Upkeep: 2,000 IM

[] Establish Healthcare Services
Providing free healing for the population increases the quality of life significantly and lower the effect of diseases and plagues. It provides +2 Life-Quality.
Requirements: None
Action: Government
Progress Needed: 1/10th of the Population of the province
Cost: Population * 20 IM, Population * 50 IM (Construction)
Upkeep: Population * 10 IM

[] Construct Sanitation Systems
Providing good sanitation increases the quality of life and lowers the effect of diseases and plagues. It provides +1 Life-Quality.
Requirements: None
Action: Government
Progress Needed: 1/20th of the Population of the province
Cost: Population * 50 IM (Construction)
Upkeep: Population * 2 IM

[] Establish Messenger Service
A organized group of messengers or similar system that allows fast communication in the province. Grants a +1 bonus to Administration. If the province also has Guard Posts, this bonus is doubled.
Requirements: None
Action: Government
Progress Needed: 1/20th of the Population of the province
Cost: Population * 50 IM (Construction)
Upkeep: Population * 5 IM

[] Expand Law Enforcement
By recruiting additional personal and constructing new offices, the reach of the local law enforcement forces is expanded. When completed, the Law rating of the province improves by 1
Requirements: None
Action: Law Enforcement
Progress Needed: the current Law rating * 5
Cost: the current Law rating * 5,000 IM, the current Law rating * 10,000 IM (Construction)

[] Prison Reform
Attempt to implement a more advanced prison system with emphasis on rehabilitation of offenders with aid from the Archons. Once the action has been taken for half the provinces in the realm it will naturally diffuse to the others (where posibile)
Requirements: Can only be applied in provinces with Law 10 or higher
Action: Law Enforcement
Progress: 30-Curerent Law Rating
Cost: the current Population rating *20 IM, the current population rating * 80 IM
Upkeep: Population * 10 IM

[] Establish Espionage Outpost
By establishing a base of operations for a espionage group, it can more easily work in the area. An Espionage Outpost allows the owner to perform 1 Intrigue action in the province in which it is built, which can also be used to support other Intrigue actions that target this specific province.
Requirements: None
Action: Intrigue
Progress Needed: 1/50th of the Population of the province
Cost: Population * 20 IM
Upkeep: Population * 3 IM

[] Establish Espionage Base
By improving upon a Espionage Outpost, the organization gains more power and reach in the area, and the resources necessary to act outside of it. In addition to the free Intrigue action that can only be used in the province itself, the Espionage Base provides another Intrigue action that can be used anywhere. Furthermore, if the owner of the province and the Espionage Base are the same, it gives a +1 Bonus to Administration and Law.
Requirements: Espionage Outpost
Action: Intrigue
Progress Needed: 1/50th of the Population of the province
Cost: Population * 20 IM
Upkeep: Population * 6 IM

[] Sow Dissent
By leveraging the existing tensions and fractures of another realm the hero manipulates the realm into either rebellion unwise policy or some other circumstance favorable to their realm.
Requirements: Must be performed by a Hero
Action: Intrigue
Progress: Event-Based
Cost: Event-Based
Upkeep: None

[] Sway Ruler
The hero gathers support among the ruling elite of another realm to gain alliance, vassalage or some other favorable diplomatic position

Requirements: Must be performed by a Hero
Action: Intrigue
Progress: Event-Based
Cost: Event-Based
Upkeep: None

[] A Forge of Flesh:
It is time, perhaps past time, that you visit Qohor of the daughters of Valyria, the one who best kept her secret arts, for there is much to be learned there for those who would dare the shadow of the Black Goat... more than even the sorcerer-priests know.
Requirements: Must be performed by a Hero
Action: Intrigue
Progress: Event-Based
Cost: Event-Based
Upkeep: None

[] Songs and Glories:
The Lannisters tarnish your name and superstitious fools claim you consort with demons and monsters. Even the foul Deep Ones spoke of making you abhorred. Time and past time you picked up the gauntlet at your feet. Walk among the people of the Seven Kingdoms, learn of them, their woes and worries, then gather to you minstrels to sign true songs of your deeds.
Requirements: Must be performed by a Hero
Action: Intrigue
Progress: 20
Cost: 2000
Upkeep: None

[] Establish Trade Colony
The focus of this colony is to extract wealth from the lands and send it as tribute to the parent realm. While remaining a colony, it is uses Administration, Law-Enforcement and Life-Quality equal to half that of the parent province for all purposes. Due to the increased focus on economic exploitation, the initial expected Wealth of a trade colony is doubled.
Action: Colonization
Cost: Population of the colony * 100 IM

[] Establish Yeoman Colony
Used as an outlet for those wishing to leave behind their current lives and homes or just to see the world, this colony attracts settlers all on it's own. While remaining a colony, it is uses Administration, Law-Enforcement and Life-Quality equal to half that of the parent province for all purposes. A Yeoman colony attracts 1d4 population per turn, usually taken from provinces with low Life-Quality. This can include neighboring provinces, colonies or even the provinces of other realms.
Action: Colonization
Cost: Population of the colony * 100 IM

[] Establish Military Colony
Created not to claim wealth or lands, these colonies are much tighter controlled by their parent province. While remaining a colony, it uses Administration and Law-Enforcement equal to that of the parent province and Life-Quality equal to half that of the parent province for all purposes.
Action: Colonization
Cost: Population of the colony * 50 IM

[] To stride beyond the Wall:
Bloodraven has gifted you a map of what's Beyond the Wall and the treasures you can find from it. Many are the rewards for those brave enough to dare the dangers. Or perhaps you could sway the Giants to your side as you did with the Children? Ware that any move you make against the Winterborn, they would act in turn.
-[] Visit the Thenns with news of their kinsman fallen upon the Frozen Shore. Perhaps these Free Folk who yet live closest to the first customs of the First Men might have some lore to share, or even just a willingness to leave the harsh lands of their birth for warmer climes.
-[] Seek the Barrows of the Lost Clans. In times past it was not the Thenns alone amid the Free folk who dwelt in halls of stone and paid homage to their Magnars in the oldest traditions of the First Men. Yet where the Thenns were fortunate others were not, though hunger and sickness and perhaps the cold breath of the North. It is said among the Free Folk what doomed them were was choosing to dwell always in one place like southerners, and the bad air thick with their own greed and grasping choked them to death, but jotted in the corner of your map in Bloodraven's spidery script is the following note: The fools did not burn the dead.
-[] Enter Deadwood Vale: Some ancient blight lingers over this rocky vale between barren peaks, that no weirwood tree will grow within ten leagues of it. Even the beasts here are uncannily hateful to men and will attack not out of hunger but malice... or perhaps the need to keep some deeper evil from being awoken.
-[] The mystery of Hardhome. The only true city of the Free Folk, it supposedly fell to Essosi raiders, though what manner of raiders would bother to make flames that could be seen as far as the Wall? The birds that are Bloodraven's eyes fly uneasily over the ruins of Hardhome, and one was even so overcome by fright it slipped the ancient Greenseer's control, to be found hours later. Still, whatever dwells still in the ruins of the town seems content to stay there, and so Bloodraven has not meddled while other more urgent tasks demand his attention. He advised caution if curiosity would drive you there.
Action: Expedition
Progress: Event-Based
Cost: Event-Based
Upkeep: None

[] Southern Journeys:
Sothoryos holds many dangers and just as many opportunities for those who would dare to reap them. There as in no other place you have visited, monsters stride across the face of the earth and even the common beasts of the Jungle could put entire armies of men to flight.
Requirements: Must be performed by a Hero
Action: Expedition
Progress: Event-Based
Cost: Event-Based
Upkeep: None

[] Upon a Sea of Flame:
The shaitan asked for your aid in their wars. Claim your prize and then strike on at the hated foe, by stealth, diplomacy and force of arms
Requirements: Must be performed by a Hero
Action: Expedition
Progress: Event-Based
Cost: Event-Based
Upkeep: None

[] Seek the Orb of Dragonkind
The ancient accursed orb is too dangerous for you to allow it to remain lost
Requirements: Must be performed by a Hero
Action: Expedition
Progress: Event-Based
Cost: Event-Based
Upkeep: None

[] Lore of Fire:
Study of the text gifted you by the priest of R'hllor could be of great use, particularly if you were to venture once more onto the burning plains beneath the walls of the City of Brass.
Requirements: Must be performed by a Hero
Action: Research
Progress: Skill-Based (See Scroll Description)
Cost: None
Upkeep: None

[] Study Qarthi Lore:

Deep and old runs the lore of Qarth, Gateway between East and West. Long have the Warlocks toiled in the workings of fell magics. Where others faltered, they endured. What secrets might be gleamed from their artifacts and writings? Lya is more than happy to try and seek the answers.
Action: Research
Progress: 18
Cost: None
Upkeep: None

[] Study spells:
Add to the repertoire of a caster who learns spells
Requirements: Must be performed by a mage with the requisite skill
Action: Research
Progress: Skill Based (Spellcraft)
Cost: Special (See spell and feat descriptions)
Upkeep: None

[] Enchanting
Create an enchanted object
Requirements: Must be performed by a mage with the requisite skill
Action: Research
Progress: Special (See enchanting rules)
Cost: Special (See enchanting rules)
Upkeep: None

[] Study of the Arcane
Between you and your friends you possess an enormous breadth and depths of sorcerous lore, one that the fledgling mages of the Scholarum could well benefit from.
Action: Research
Progress: Skill Based (See Scholarum rules)
Cost: None
Upkeep: None

[] Tools of the Trade:
Through the ritual you gained in the Opaline Vault has revealed the secrets of many of the arcane treasures in your possession, yet some remain beyond the ritual's reach. Will you study them further?
-[] Minotaur Chains (Arcana)
-[] Star Seeker's Anchor (Arcana)
-[] Red Abishai's scale (Religion)
-[] Dream Serpent Skins (Nature)
-[] Livestone Sample (Dungeoneering)
-[] Alchemical beetles (Arcana)

Requirements: Must be performed by a mage with the requisite skill
Action: Research
Progress: Item Caster Level*0.5
Cost: None
Upkeep: None

[] Fire Whale Gem Harvesting
Baella's people have long since been the target of pirates and raiders, targeted for the gems they forge in their vast internal furnaces. Perhaps there might be a way to harvest then safely and use them to pay for protection
Action: Research
Progress: 18
Cost: 6000 IM
Upkeep: None

[] Simple Magics
Magic is more than dragon's blood or the work of gods and spirits. None know it better than Lya. The same base principles that allowed her to pick apart the threads of sorcery and kindle light long ago in Braavos can now be used to craft rituals that even those without the skill and temperament to arise full mages might face the otherworldly perils that stalk the world.
-[] Write in spell
Requirements: Must be performed by a mage with the requisite skill
Action: Research
Progress: Spell Level*2
Cost: Caster Level*200 IM
Upkeep: None

[] Works of Flesh
With the aid of the Flesh-Forge beneath Lys you can craft or improve all manner of beings to better serve your needs and those of your realm
-[] Fungal Pods (fungus-based platforms capable of supporting life-functions of various biological components (Progress 35 Cost 10,000 IM)
-[] Fire Aspected Heart Tree (Progress 25 Cost 15,000 IM)
- [] Further research of Maelephant's breath weapon (Progress 22 Cost 8,000 IM)
Requirements: Must be performed by a mage with the requisite skill
Action: Research
Progress: Project dependent
Cost: Special
Upkeep: None

[] Deciphering of The Golden Egg
The book is likely coded in some manner, containing lore beyond the simple lists at the back of the book
Action: Research
Progress: 8
Cost: None
Upkeep: None

[] Empower Oathkeper

The blade has served Ser Richard well these years but with the horrors you are now facing he will have need of greater powers still
Requirements: Must be performed by a mage with the requisite skill
Action: Research
Progress: 12
Cost: Reagents used
Upkeep: None

[] Empower Dark Sister
The Sword of Queen Visenya, ever loyal in the hand has been little used of late, though you wonder if it could be empowered to strike not only at flesh but at the soul
Requirements: Must be performed by a mage with the requisite skill
Action: Research
Progress: 12
Cost: Reagents used
Upkeep: None

[] Forge Armor or talisman from Tiamat's scales
With Runelore at your fingertips you can now safely craft an item from the Bitch Queen's scales for Dany to wear
Requirements: Must be performed by a mage with the requisite skill
Action: Research
Progress: 16
Cost: Reagents used
Upkeep: None

[] Begin a new Scholarum Course
The Scholarum could do with expanding its horizons to other arcane traditions
-[] Alchemist
-[] Agent of the Silver Eye

Action: Research
Progress: 20
Cost: Reagents used
Upkeep: None

[] Awaken the Blue Dragon Wyrmling
A third and far younger dragon should be easier to handle than the ones you are already dealing with
Requirements: Must be performed by a mage with Access to Curse-Breaking
Action: Research
Progress: 10
Cost: None
Upkeep: None

[] Look into undoing the curse of the Spider Goddess

The last of Venthar's natives could be of great use in exploring the secrets of the ancient city
Requirements: Must be performed by a mage with Access to Curse-Breaking
Action: Research
Progress: 15 (OR Automatic if you use Yss)
Cost: 5000 IM (OR a CR 16 sacrifice)
Upkeep: None

[] Create a planar exchange
Your realm would greatly benefit from access to the planar markets without the direct intercession of a skiled sorcerer
Requirements: Must be performed by a mage with the requisite skill
Action: Research
Progress: 30
Cost: 30,000 IM
Upkeep: None

[] A Further Study of Spellsteel
Considering many of the more unusual properties of Valyrian steel as well as its origins it may serve you to delve more deeply into the magic behind it.
Action: Research
Progress: 12
Cost: 5.000 IM
Upkeep: None

[] A Call into the Ether
You mat call otherworldly beings as servants, allies, or sources of information. With a better understanding of the tower's wards, the process will not be near as time-consuming. With the Scholarum likely to expand enormously you will likely need new teachers to keep up with the flow of students even with Velen pledging himself and some of his fellows to the task.
Requirements: Must be performed by a Hero
Action: Free
Progress: Event-Based
Cost: Special (See spell descriptions)
Upkeep: None
-[] Raise the Nagas

[] Planar Trade
-[] Write in city and items to trade

With your growing power and many mighty subjects it is no longer a harrowing journey to buys and sell in the markets of Sky and Stone
Requirements: Must be performed by a Hero
Action: Free
Progress: Automatic
Cost: Special (See market prices)
Upkeep: None

[] Deliver Supplies to the Night's Watch
With Jeor Mormont more determined than ever to work with you for the betterment of the Watch offering more supplies will only gain you an ever-more favorable reputation with the Watch and the North
Requirements: Must be performed by a Hero
Action: Free
Progress: Automatic
Cost: Special (The supplies delivered)
Upkeep: None

OOC: The list of actions is far from complete and the system still needs a quite of fine tuning. If something feels off or is confusing about the new system to not hesitate to point it out. We are all in this together and it is a big change. Lastly, since I know this will be asked, minor actions will still exist but rather than have a giant list coinciding with the plan vote that can overwhelm people, votes for them will be inserted organically throughout the month.
Last edited:
That was a very elegant way to introduce the shift to the new system.
I've totally forgotten its rules though... To reading!
Library Upgrade:
Knowledge (Arcana) +6
Knowledge (The Planes) +7
Knowledge (History) +7
Knowledge (Architecture) +5
Knowledge (Mathematics) +5
Knowledge (Religion) +4
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +3
Knowledge (War) +3
Knowledge (Nature) +1
*fucking dies*
...a single caravan. Wow.
*is dead again*
If you guys want to keep the current day-based hero action table we can work something out, but we will be moving towards longer actions to cut down on the fragmentation that has been messing up the narrative.
Alright, this... Is confusing.
@DragonParadox, where is place for minor actions to be kept track of?

@Goldfish, on that matter, if you are up to dealing with this all this turn, here's my list.
[] Grow more Heart-Trees when you can spare the time
-[] Raise 2 more Heart Trees in likeness t ofirst one, at other major castles of Watch.

[] Throughout the month, resolve the issue of enemy agents on your territories.
-[] On a daily basis reserve a single use of Mythic power for Viserys and single spell slot of 8th level for lya in order to cast one Greater Planar Binding each every day of the month
--[] Capture summoned entities, either by using Irony on those it would be more likely to work, or regular spellslots as necessary.
-[] Take special care to target those beings whose True Names we know and whom we know or at least suspect in acting as spies and/or agents on Plane Material first.
--[] Do so in a way that will not arouse much suspicion from any given group until we are about to be done with it, stopping summoning for some time if necessary, or switching to summoning beings from another faction
--[] These include but do not limit to: Rakshasa that ran away after Maharaja's death, the rest of Daemons from Tyrosh (names known through questioned leaders of the cult), Uniila's entourage (names known through redintg through Uniila-book), Harvester devil that eluded us, demons from Mantarys (know due to Listener's Skull), Marilith that attacked the temple of Syrax, Devils summoned by Tiamat and her croonies (skulls of devils and questioned clerics),
-[] For additional sources of Outsider names refer to Duesal's
List of skulls.

[] Take a few hours to adress your subjects through a newly-built mirror-connection between Tyrosh and Sorcerer's Deep

[] Give Flask of False Life to Wyla for further experimentation, sharing current progress with her.

[] Collect on the following:
-[] Have Relath write down all his dragonlore and history on Brine Dragons and any other dragon species he might know of. (Started 3 months ago)
-[] Ask Amrelath to write down some more books (Started 3 months ago)
--[] History of Dragonkind on Plane of Balance before Ancient Valyria, history of their fall and (all) what he knows of proto-Valyria itself.
--[] Any insights in magic or secrets of the planes he holds.
-[] Ask the Yrael and his Archons to write a book about the Celestial Planes and the Celestials therein (Started 2 months ago)
--[] Ask Yrael what method allows the Celestial Planes to produce the prodigious number of enchanted weapons and armor for their soldiers.
-[] Get Wyla to contribute to the Scholarum library, and also ask if she'd be willing to write a book on vampirism or any other subject she holds expertise in. (Started 2 months ago)
-[] Ask your newly-acquired faculty members of Scholarum to write down planar/arcane/divine lore they possess (this is unrelated to their teaching, and is just us making sure to try to get every piece of resources we can. Well, it will also kinda help them teach, but only to a degree). (Started 1 month ago)
--[] Alas the Whisperer -- Slyph Witch 8
--[] Krenal -- Raptoran Oracles 6 (Battle and Bones Mysteries)
--[] Grem -- Raptoran Oracles 6 (Battle and Bones Mysteries)
--[] Phaerl Sharp-Eye -- Avariel Hunter 7
-[] Ask Anu and Svitran to write down their respective lores, knowledge on history and magic, also drawing maps if they can make any. (Started 1 month ago)
--[] Have Glyra and her Roaming chaos band do that too.
---[] Children books?

-[] Continue Blood Wishing fertility on everyone who we've previously designated who has not already received it (Serpentfolk, Minotaurs, Pseudodragons, all Hippogriffs, Bone-Breaker the Istaheq, etc.)
Another thing I'd like to know, is if we'll be able to prodice 3 more Mirrors this turn, so that we can hold seminars and lectures at Wall, Tyrosh and Dorne from Scholarum.

Won't do as much as actually studying in there, but will greatly help nonetheless, especially if Rina could hold some lectures for Night's Watch in her free time :drevil:

Also, please try to fit learning Greater Planar Binding in Lya's schedule as soon as possible, without it my "fuck up enemies and grab free sacrifices"-plan starts to break at the seams :o

Also, @Azel, @DragonParadox, how day-by-day schedules are now kept track of now, for example if we want to have Lya learn a spell, research something, learn another spell, go on a war, research, etc... in a quick succession?
to cut down on the fragmentation that has been messing up the narrative.
I have little problem with that, so long as we can still fit in all the stuff we want in the background, which may go beyond those 3 slots sheet has right now.
Alright, this... Is confusing.
@DragonParadox, where is place for minor actions to be kept track of?

I was thinking of peppering them across the month, but you are right we do need a master list. I'll make it the vote after this one so as not to be overwhelming.

Also, @Azel, @DragonParadox, how day-by-day schedules are now kept track of now, for example if we want to have Lya learn a spell, research something, learn another spell, go on a war, research, etc... in a quick succession?

I have little problem with that, so long as we can still fit in all the stuff we want in the background, which may go beyond those 3 slots sheet has right now.

That would require that we keep the current tables running in the background so we can keep track of where Lya is and what spells she knows
@DragonParadox, updated numbers for library.

Knowledge (Arcana) +20
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +10
Knowledge (Economics) +4
Knowledge (Geography) +13
Knowledge (History) +21
Knowledge (Law) +15
Knowledge (Nature) +7
Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) +10
Knowledge (Religion) +19
Knowledge (The Planes) +20
Knowledge (War) +9
Knowledge (Architecture) +8
Knowledge (Mathematics) +5

I think we are getting up to Shaitan Spire's numbers, at least in Arcana, Planes and History :/
  • Establishing a prison system (with Archon help) and tweaking the judiciary so it all works together
  • Researching a way to safely "farm" the fire whales without killing them (enables whole new types of settlement on the Plane of Fire!)
  • Setting up Scholarum branches wherever needed. Expanding our education system and whatnot (or is that all automatic?)
  • Figuring out the "immortality problem", making our official policy clear IC (this shouldn't be long, right?)
These actions seem to be missing, @DragonParadox? Which is a shame seeing as I want to do the bolded ones this month, y'all!