Also, @DragonParadox, weren't we supposed to get a new batch of scholarum mages this thurn?
Next update?

That would require that we keep the current tables running in the background so we can keep track of where Lya is and what spells she knows
That... Is really sad and awkward.
I understand and, to a point, relate with wanting to apply this new system... But we'll always have place to micro-manage :/
And I won't feel comfortable here without micro-managing, to be honest.
This efficiency is what got us this far in the first place.

@Goldfish, would you, theoretically, be fine with continuing ro run old table in the background? However little sense that makes at a first glance?
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  • Establishing a prison system (with Archon help) and tweaking the judiciary so it all works together
  • Researching a way to safely "farm" the fire whales without killing them (enables whole new types of settlement on the Plane of Fire!)
  • Setting up Scholarum branches wherever needed. Expanding our education system and whatnot (or is that all automatic?)
  • Figuring out the "immortality problem", making our official policy clear IC (this shouldn't be long, right?)
These actions seem to be missing, @DragonParadox? Which is a shame seeing as I want to do the bolded ones this month, y'all!

I'll add them in the morning (along with any other suggestions you guys might have).
@Goldfish pick up our fat loot from the opaline vault?

Start building the fortress in preparation for the fight with the efreeti?

Talk to the merling king aboubour pan to blow up their cash?
Also, @DragonParadox, weren't we suppsoed to get a new batch of scholarum mages this thurn?
Next update?

That... Is really sad and awkward.
I understand and, to a point, relate with wanting to apply this new system... But we'll always have place to micro-manage :/
And I won't feel comfortable here without micro-managing, to be honest.
This efficiency is what got us this far in the first place.

@Goldfish, would you, theoretically, be fine with continuing ro run old table in the background? However little sense that makes at a first glance?
  1. Yes, that's a lot of rolls and it was really late for me
  2. I'm sure we can work out a happy medium eventually
@DragonParadox I think we can work with the new system well enough, but I also believe we need to assign these tasks in a calendar format simply so we can keep track of when something is supposed to happen, and rearrange tasks as necessary.
TFW the backwater barbarian empire has a capital with a library that would at least make a ruler of an extraplanar empire raise both brows, and any of their scholars faint.
I feel like fucking Genghis Khan or a similar barbarian warlord who is fascinated by a seemingly ordinary and innocuous interest (I.E books and other knowledge repositories) only taking it the most extreme end of the spectrum as is possible and building a library the size of a palace just because they could, and filling most of it with rare and obscure copies and original manuscripts.
Fair enough. I'll try to come up with a way to do that by the morning. If you guys have any ideas of your own, please chine in.
I'm making a new turn plan spreadsheet right now. It will only have Viserys and the Companions on it, which should simply things a great deal.

We'll go from there?
I feel like fucking Genghis Khan or a similar barbarian warlord who is fascinated by a seemingly ordinary and innocuous interest (I.E books and other knowledge repositories) only taking it the most extreme end of the spectrum as is possible and building a library the size of a palace just because they could, and filling most of it with rare and obscure copies and original manuscripts.
And then going a-conquering just to get more books. Yeah, that's us.
I'm making a new turn plan spreadsheet right now. It will only have Viserys and the Companions on it, which should simply things a great deal.

We'll go from there?
> The people demand reform!
> We'll make a whole new system! Deep reorganization! Total redesign! It'll make more sense, be easier to use, and it'll work out cheaper!
> Then people start asking about keeping elements of the old system
> Then we fail to abandon some of the old system's ways of thinking (like "we need a timeline instead of having everyone be hyper-flexible")
> Then the managers of the reform get tired, and the old managers are still around, sooo...
> We end up running both systems side-by-side, but they're barely compatible and everything is even more complicated

The souls of a million french bureaucrats weep tears of joy.
This feels like home.
I like how you're acting as though you had no hand in this despite being the omelette of the thread.
I like how you're acting as though you had no hand in this despite being the omelette of the thread.
The omelette of the thread? ???

And I did have no hand in this dispute, actually. I'm not touching a system change with a ten-foot pole! This feels like a potential saltmine!
I can handle any system, anyway. :p
What all do we want to order from the Fungal Forge this turn, ya'll? Besides a flock of Giant Fungal Darkenbeasts?
The omelette of the thread? ???

And I did have no hand in this dispute, actually. I'm not touching a system change with a ten-foot pole! This feels like a potential saltmine!
I can handle any system, anyway. :p

I couldn't think of anything but the tried and true "baguette" or "croissant".

Also you probably had to crush a few eggs to engineer this? :V
@Duesal Highly specific information request.

Which is 33.54% more specific than the previous ones.

If you're tracking population movements form previous turn plans, what is the current population size for all the settlements roped into the half of the Stepstones SD is included in? It's hard to track specific numbers on the google documents sheets because they lump Saltcliff, Everfire Dale, Mosshold and Sorcerer's Deep together, with Deepcleft and Port Sorrow (I think?) on the other sheet. Meaning the front page is probably not accurate as of recent shifts... also I think 6th turn didn't get accounted up in last system's style because the turn vote just appeared, and I think more population movement got voted on during 6th turn's vote.
What other spells do we want to make into rituals?
We better read through Uniila at this point first, she is bound to have not only more spells that are included in her baseline page, but some ritual versions. I bet those will be easier to reverse-engeneer from "Evul AF"-state than make new ones.

Reminder, Uniila is guaranteed to have these spells:

@everyone, look through them.