Does anyone know the NEP cost for non-weapon parts of ships? Im drawing up a plan for a Brig and I want to compare the NEP cost to the base Brig but a significant part of its cost seems to come from the point defense and non-weapons.
Does anyone know the NEP cost for non-weapon parts of ships? Im drawing up a plan for a Brig and I want to compare the NEP cost to the base Brig but a significant part of its cost seems to come from the point defense and non-weapons.
Holo-fields and Grav-Shields are on the front page. Point Defense batteries are 60/180 vehicle-scale weapons on an Escort/Capital ship, and Close in Weapon Batteries are 10/16 Superheavy-scale weapons on an Escort/Capital ship.

We don't know the cost of anything else.
Holo-fields and Grav-Shields are on the front page. Point Defense batteries are 60/180 vehicle-scale weapons on an Escort/Capital ship, and Close in Weapon Batteries are 10/16 Superheavy-scale weapons on an Escort/Capital ship.

We don't know the cost of anything else.
Thank you, that helps a lot. It also makes me realize something about out Brig design. The Fatesever point defense weapon costs 10,800 EP (108 NEP if I understand it correctly), twice the cost of the Brigs main cannon.

From this, we have two main options to change our Point Defense to. Las and Fusion Mortars. Las point defense is the cheapest we got and are reasonably effective. However, I would argue that due to the immense price of Brigs we should go with something a bit more effective. Fusion Mortars would be idea to deal with massive waves of low quality Ork bombers and torpedoes.

Fusion Mortar Point Defense: 57.6 NEP
Las Point Defense: 36 NEP
Thank you, that helps a lot. It also makes me realize something about out Brig design. The Fatesever point defense weapon costs 10,800 EP (108 NEP if I understand it correctly), twice the cost of the Brigs main cannon.

From this, we have two main options to change our Point Defense to. Las and Fusion Mortars. Las point defense is the cheapest we got and are reasonably effective. However, I would argue that due to the immense price of Brigs we should go with something a bit more effective. Fusion Mortars would be idea to deal with massive waves of low quality Ork bombers and torpedoes.

Fusion Mortar Point Defense: 57.6 NEP
Las Point Defense: 36 NEP
Counterpoint is that those are two very different kind of point defenses.

Las Point defense are hitscan weapons, great at hitting exact targets, Fusion Mortar is big heavy, fuck-off flack.
They are more like 2 parts of the same whole than an either/or thing.
I think that Sweeper Cannon PD + anything else PD is incredibly potent combo. It's two system points but it makes enemy strike craft sitting ducks for point defense and our own strike craft.

It can also work against bombs and boarders, as it's area weapon.
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I think a single of any kind of point defense and a solidly designed intercepter class would be sufficient. We are already going to need to design new fighters anyway. No need to compromise our brigs attack ability.
I think a single of any kind of point defense and a solidly designed intercepter class would be sufficient. We are already going to need to design new fighters anyway. No need to compromise our brigs attack ability.
Due to population restrictions, and getting Slaaneshed after death, fighters always should be the last resort. The same reason medium to heavy power armor should be a preferred defense system for infantry.

So fighters should be some kind of space superiority that goes all in on interception. Bombers are more or less out of the question since there is no way to push them through something like Imperial PD coverage without severe losses. And Imperials are nowhere near the worst opponent for the bombers you could find - there are always Hrud with their entropy fields.
Counterpoint is that those are two very different kind of point defenses.

Las Point defense are hitscan weapons, great at hitting exact targets, Fusion Mortar is big heavy, fuck-off flack.
They are more like 2 parts of the same whole than an either/or thing.
True, but given the choice between the two the Fusion Mortars would be the far more effective one. The las weapons have to directly impact their targets and they have to actually hit something important inside of the target as well. The Fusion Mortars only have to be near the target to damage and the widespread nature of plasma means more areas of the target is hit. When Orks fly around on bombers that shouldn't even work in the first place I would prefer to go with overkill.

I think that Sweeper Cannon PD + anything else PD is incredibly potent combo. It's two system points but it makes enemy strike craft sitting ducks for point defense and our own strike craft.

It can also work against bombs and boarders, as it's area weapon.
Sweepers were not something I was considering but they might work very well at crushing strike craft and preemptively detonating torpedoes if multiple are fired at a single target.
If we pick some kind of dual purpose weapon, a point defense system does not need to be compromising.
As long as it's a dual purpose weapon we want on our Brigs as part of their overall strategy/role and not something we are picking because it can be used to deal with fighter craft that happens to have other combat applications.

Just put fatecaster PD on one ship and drive it around and watch as it deletes strikecraft from the stars. Like a bubble of nope.
Hmm. I suppose we could make an anti fighter torpedo boat sloop.
Las Point Defense: 36 NEP
If we're going to be using las point defense on anything, we really want to get Hellgun research done and then use hellgun PD instead. PD uses vehicle-scale weapons and the multi-lasers that hellgun research enables are basically vehicle-scale las that fires much, much faster. That's exactly what point defense needs.
Sweepers were not something I was considering but they might work very well at crushing strike craft and preemptively detonating torpedoes if multiple are fired at a single target.
Sweepers are the "tractor beam" gun. They probably won't do much to destroy fighters or munitions on their own - but a bomb or rocket that's not coming in your direction anymore might as well be destroyed, and a fighter that's pinned in place is an easy target for other weapon systems.

They don't come big enough to be Close In Weapons Batteries, alas.
I don't think sweeper weapons will work either. It's pretty much an anti infantry only weapon.
It might work knocking down light walkers to.
But most torpedoes have a guidance system that can set them back on track.
Fighters even more so.
Multilasers might work, but aren't they significantly weaker than Las cannons?
All of our ships have/will have Holo-Fields.
That means guidance systems might as well not exists and potentially be actively harmful for hitting the target.
Sweepers are the "tractor beam" gun. They probably won't do much to destroy fighters or munitions on their own - but a bomb or rocket that's not coming in your direction anymore might as well be destroyed, and a fighter that's pinned in place is an easy target for other weapon systems.

I don't think sweeper weapons will work either. It's pretty much an anti infantry only weapon.
It might work knocking down light walkers to.
Nay, look at the weapon description.

Sweeper weapons are a weaponized form of tractor-pressor beam, projecting a wide but relatively weak grav-field which attempts to keep everything within it stationary relative to the emitter. Whilst this field is only strong enough to be comparable to thick mud—or wet concrete for the larger models—the operator can simply move the emitter to inflict a proportional 'shove' on everything within the field, sending everything affected stumbling—or slamming into the terrain, shoved off of cliffs or into dangerous fires or machinery.
Imagine a bomber going multiple times the speed of sound only to slam into a wall of wet concrete. It does not matter if the force applied is not that great, the speed in which the strike craft is going will destroy itself upon contact with the Sweeper beam.
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If we're going to be using las point defense on anything, we really want to get Hellgun research done and then use hellgun PD instead. PD uses vehicle-scale weapons and the multi-lasers that hellgun research enables are basically vehicle-scale las that fires much, much faster. That's exactly what point defense needs.
Hellguns don't scale up to vehicle sizes. The largest Hellgun option available are Multi-lasers and those aren't Vehicle scale, they're Heavy scale. It's also rather telling that Zahr-Tann who we got the Hellgun tech from uses Las-cannons for their ships and strikecraft instead of Multi-Lasers.
[ ] Develop Hellguns (1 AP)
Develop Hellpistols, Hellguns and Multi-Lasers.
I'd say our best bet for PD is probably Suncannons. They are direct fire vehicle grade weapons that cost less than Plasma Mortars.

Considering the fact that they're supposed to be way cheaper than the plasma weapons of other factions our Suncannons probably perform way better than their price point would suggest.
Suncannon said:
The larger, vehicle scale version of Sunblasters, Suncannons are largely conventional plasma weapons with notable power and range compared to most other weapons of equivalent size and type. They are also extremely elegantly designed, such that their cost of manufacture is easily half that of the more clumsy designs of other races.
As an example of other factions using Plasma weapons for PD/CIWB, our ally Quilan uses superheavy multibarrel Plasma repeaters for their CIWB.
Fafnir Class Dragonship said:
The Fafnir class Dragoncruiser is the mainstay of Quilan's small but potent fleet. These ships are designed to whether heavy enemy fire with their heavily reinforced hulls and burn down any threats with their six batteries of Dragon's Breath Plasma Culverins, supported by batteries of Dragonrage Plasma Repeaters to swat down enemy fightercraft and devastate enemy ships at close range in hails of burning starfire.
  • 6× Dragon's Breath Plasma Culverin Weapon Batteries
  • 2× Dragonrage Plasma Repeater Close In Weapons Battery
  • 1× Æthersails
  • 2× Plasma Thrusters
  • 5× Hull Reinforcement
Dragonrage Plasma Repeater said:
These multi-barreled arrays of plasma cannons are favored by the Exodites of Quilan for defensive purposes, designed to unleash hails of plasma on anything in the Superheavy weapon's range.
I was under the impression that our Fusion Mortars have the same benefits as our Suncannons do. If they do not then Suncannons are by far our best option here.
They probably do since we picked low cost and range as the benefits for our Plasma weapons in general but I'm skeptical of Plasma Mortars being as effective as Suncannons in a direct fire role since their main gimmick is being capable of indirect fire and the vehicle scale ones only cost 2EP more than a vehicle scale Suncannon.
Nay, look at the weapon description.

Imagine a bomber going multiple times the speed of sound only to slam into a wall of wet concrete. It does not matter if the force applied is not that great, the speed in which the strike craft is going will destroy itself upon contact with the Sweeper beam.
I think that's just an unlucky metaphor.

The weapon is explicitedly descriped as a wide but weak gravity field, which is very much inconsistent with the 100G+ impact of a strikecraft hitting wet concrete.
So, what I imagine is meant is that the effect is akin to being stuck on wet concrete/mud and trying to move from standstill. A bomber flying into it would not instantly stopped, just be gradually slowed as the weak field saps it's speed.

Edit : Also, maybe instead of using the Sweeper to shove, we should move it on a spinning plate. Constantly being pushed in different directions would wreak havoc on most infantry, vehicles and planes.
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They probably do since we picked low cost and range as the benefits for our Plasma weapons in general but I'm skeptical of Plasma Mortars being as effective as Suncannons in a direct fire role since their main gimmick is being capable of indirect fire and the vehicle scale ones only cost 2EP more than a vehicle scale Suncannon.
The thing is I dont intend for the Fusion Mortars to be direct fire, I want them to act as flak. This way a shot does not have to directly hit a target to damage it, it just has to be nearby.
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That might work better with the Point Singularity guns. I'm not sure if the fusion mortars have a controlled detonation option, as opposed to letting the blast loose on impact - and flak can't assume an impact.
They probably do since we picked low cost and range as the benefits for our Plasma weapons in general but I'm skeptical of Plasma Mortars being as effective as Suncannons in a direct fire role since their main gimmick is being capable of indirect fire and the vehicle scale ones only cost 2EP more than a vehicle scale Suncannon.
It states that Fusion Mortars can do direct fire as well, so it probably depends on whether we prefer AoE or single target damage.
Fusion Mortars
  • Fusion Mortars are a plasma-based tactical artillery weapon that fire highly compressed 'shells' of plasma in a preprogrammed arc trajectory, releasing a large blast of superheated plasma comparable to more conventional artillery weapons of comparable size, though obviously the operator can simply set a flat trajectory and fire them like a conventional weapon.
    The man-portable form is designed to be either shoulder-fired whilst on the move, or emplaced with an adjustable bipod, whilst larger versions can be mounted to vehicles or even voidships as powerful close-combat weapons.

    Type: Heavy | Vehicle | Superheavy | Naval
    Equipment Points cost: 18 | 32 | 110 | 6
That might work better with the Point Singularity guns. I'm not sure if the fusion mortars have a controlled detonation option, as opposed to letting the blast loose on impact - and flak can't assume an impact.
Huh, I could have sworn the Fusion Mortars mentioned controlled detonation option, but the text does not mention anything. Hmmm, I will have to ask Mechanis once the next ship design vote comes around.