Good idea, but I would wait until after we drop the double bomb on the true nature of curses and Isha's survival. Asking for it now would be a bit... much given our lesser status compared to majors (our discovery will probably amount to us being plus one to the 5 Majors). I think that Survivalists and Iyanden are likely also to propose something similar.
Yeah it should be the last thing we talk about.

The Aeldmoot is a semi-religious festival. Three days of dancing, theater, story telling, various competitions of strength, skill, wit, and intellect, music, good food, and religious ceremonies along with the exchange of knowledge of significant import to the whole of the people. Everyone is invited who wishes to attend. And we do mean everyone.

Yes this means that eventually when the Drukhari rear their head they will be invited too.
I'd say, get rid of the Biel-Tan stuff when it comes to the adaptionists/radicals, we already know they're against soul modification in general.

The survivalists are pragmatic and would be a good ally for the soul forging stuff as long as they know it's possible and if it'll have good results. We could probably try to workshop it so they can keep their current form if they're invested in it, so it'd be good to try to find out what their thoughts on it is, and what possible results they'd like.

We should also try to get trade deals, tech exchanges, it'd be best to involve the forgemaster since it was mentioned in his description that he'd be good for conducting deals with martial craftworlds and non martial ones looking for patrons, so I'd imagine he'd be good with the Independents as well. It'd also be a good idea to involve Dreylin (seerlord from meros) since his voice has a lot of sway with most eldar, so he'd be a good way of to make us the leaders of the adaptionists/radicals. We're already leading our coalition, so the next step would be leading the radical faction in general, which would help us gain more info about soul forging/modification in general, and controlling the method/direction of the soul forging in general for many eldar.
I personally want to wait with any trade deals until after the moot, for better prices because people would like us more. I think that instead of talking about trade deals (or rather favour trading as I doubt Aeldari even use money at this point) I could a line to find out about their problems (before offering to sell them something we should first get to know if we have something they want to buy).

And while I agree that soul forging bonuses could be gained from them I want to point out that we are dealing with group of people that are included in this
[ ] Deny the Warp Entire (8 points)
Reject the Warp entirely, severing your potential for psykery with the tether on your souls to the Dark Prince. You will be free of them, forever, save those who seek the Ruinous One deliberately, but oh what a price to pay!
Completely frees you from the Curse of Slannesh. Also prevents you from taking any Imperial age tech, developing Psytech of any kind, and using Psykery. As this includes Wraithbone you will pretty much have to reinvent your entire technology base from scratch, which could be… problematic.
(Basically a more thorough version of what the Dark Eldar/Cormmorites are doing, without the whole "feeding the damnable thing by doubling down on the hedonism" bit.)

[ ] A Shield of Spirit (-1 point)
The first to reject Excess, the Exodites show a path, for their world-spirits guard them against the Dark Prince's predations. Could one then, cultivate such a spirit on a Craftworld? A single Starship? Or even perhaps a suit of armor? Smaller spirits would likely be weaker, true, yet could you not craft them in ironic mirror to the Ruinous Ones; many parts of a greater whole, more than the mere sum of its constituents? And even if not, many small things working in concert can shift mountains, even without such connection—Isha's domain provides more than enough examples of this principle to all with eyes to see!
Develop Spiritcrafting, imbuing everything you make with world-spirit analogs that guard against Chaos. Alone, the Spirit of a sword or breastplate might fall to even the least Deamon, yet such spirits will never be alone, and with the might of hundreds of fellows in a Warhost behind them, even the greatest of Neverborn will learn to fear their bite.
(Obviously, this is not a perfect solution, since it's very much reliant on having lots of spirit imbued stuff on all the time, and even then they can get overpowered, but it does make your stuff even more possession-resistant as a happy side effect!)

[ ] If One is a Hooked Fish, Tangle the Line. (-2 Points)
The Curse of Slannesh has speared your very souls like a fish upon a hook—you have resisted its pull for the moment, though it would but take a strong pull to overwhelm your resistance. Yet you are still Aeldari, and none save the vanished Old Ones can claim greater mastery of Warpcraft than you. With effort it may be possible to entangle that line within something else, which can prevent the fisherman from reeling in her catch—hook and line will yet remain, tethering you evermore, but caught you will not be, save by the breaking of that to which you are tangled.
Create physical anchors for a warp-working that entangles Slannesh's claim on your souls, preventing it from claiming said souls so long as the anchor still exists. This will, however, permanently limit your ability to use certain Psykeic abilities. Obviously, if you lose your anchor or it breaks, you are in deep doodoo, but otherwise it's safe.
(This is sorta "Soulstones but Better". If only because you can make as many new ones as you need rather than having to loot Daemon-Worlds in the Eye of Terror for them.)
Some of them can't work with others and Deny the Warp Entire in particular will be difficult to reatached to the rest. It can be done but I agree that having more perspectives when researching soul forging is a good thing
Yes this means that eventually when the Drukhari rear their head they will be invited too.
Or or we do what canon Aeldari should have done and disown them for the crime of strengthening Slanneash's claim on our souls and Phoenix court?
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-[ ] Second Block: Meet Survivalists, try to get to know them and leave a good impression, and talk about the possibility of using the fact that this is the biggest gathering of Aeldari since the fall to form multiparty committees to deal with a few universal problems that lessen the chances of survival of Aeldari (Seers, scarcity, and need for new/adapted war doctrines, among others). If a topic comes up, get their opinion on Biel-Tan and other Craftworlds of note.
I'd say swap the last sentence out for one about Draylin of the True Sight Seerlord of Meros talking shop with Farseer Eldrad Ulthran.
I think that it would be hard and a bit impractical and very hard to enforce, but getting people to agree for a 2nd Aeldmoot, could be possible maybe as a timed event or if something important happens (be it great crusade starting, commoragh being discovered to survive or assassination of the pigeon). The UN has a hard time functioning with only one planet to deal with; could you imagine Vile-Tan with veto powers? With the decentralised state of galaxy, United Nation of Eldar won't work until the situation stabilises and given our nature as people willing to adapt we are more likely to get stronger by the time it happens (admittedly chad Iyanden will also grow in power but the radicalisation of Revanchists that will follow is worth it)

Well obviously it would be silly to copy the specific structure of real UN, but the idea of an arena for common cooperation and regular meetings is valuable.
Yes this means that eventually when the Drukhari rear their head they will be invited too.
I am not sure about trying to play very nice with Commoragh when the memories of craftworlders-to-be having to flamethrower mad crowds of pleasure cultists are fresh.

I do think we want some inroads with Commoragh, if only to poach dissatisfied population and hero units, but there is a limit to how nice we could really be with people who are embodying everything wrong with pre-Fall Dominion.
gather their opinions of other notable craftworlds in general and complaints about Biel-Tan in particular
also, stop asking people who's opinions about Beil-Tan are literally described in the update about them. it's a waste of time. infact just stop bringing up Beil-tan day one. we want them a bit more leashed, sure, but their not a major priority anymore. this is not good politicking.
I'd say swap the last sentence out for one about Draylin of the True Sight Seerlord of Meros talking shop with Farseer Eldrad Ulthran.
You literally complained when I explained in detail who was talking with whom in the first draft. I think it is quite obvious that the seerlord and farseer will talk when the idea of a seer committee is discussed. (I very much
also, stop asking people who's opinions about Beil-Tan are literally described in the update about them. it's a waste of time. infact just stop bringing up Beil-tan day one. we want them a bit more leashed, sure, but their not a major priority anymore. this is not good politicking.
It isn't a major thing, it is literally an add-on to more important things, and given how my main opposition wanted to talk with Iyanden to stop fucking Biel-Tan, I thought that laying the ground work for that meeting would be a good compromise
I personally want to wait with any trade deals until after the moot, for better prices because people would like us more. I think that instead of talking about trade deals (or rather favour trading as I doubt Aeldari even use money at this point) I could a line to find out about their problems (before offering to sell them something we should first get to know if we have something they want to buy).

And while I agree that soul forging bonuses could be gained from them I want to point out that we are dealing with group of people that are included in this

Some of them can't work with others and Deny the Warp Entire in particular will be difficult to reatached to the rest. It can be done but I agree that having more perspectives when researching soul forging is a good thing

Or or we do what canon Aeldari should have done and disown them for the crime of strengthening Slanneash's claim on our souls and Phoenix court?
I am not sure about trying to play very nice with Commoragh when the memories of craftworlders-to-be having to flamethrower mad crowds of pleasure cultists are fresh.

I do think we want some inroads with Commoragh, if only to poach dissatisfied population and hero units, but there is a limit to how nice we could really be with people who are embodying everything wrong with pre-Fall Dominion.
My intent is basically this: I dont want to cut them off entirely so that we can poach dissatisfied population from their ranks. Especially as we do not intend to follow the Paths of Asuryan. In OTL the population transfer was the other way around, even after millennia of tinkering, the Paths of Asuryan occasionally drove people to take the path of the Outcast, or to even leave for Commorragh entirely.

Commorragh is a terrible place to live and everyone knows it. But somehow the Paths were worse because people kept leaving. I would like to keep some lines of communication open, for people to escape. Even though, yeah, the memories of setting hoards of insane pleasure cultists on fire is too raw.
Yeah it should be the last thing we talk about.

The Aeldmoot is a semi-religious festival. Three days of dancing, theater, story telling, various competitions of strength, skill, wit, and intellect, music, good food, and religious ceremonies along with the exchange of knowledge of significant import to the whole of the people. Everyone is invited who wishes to attend. And we do mean everyone.

Yes this means that eventually when the Drukhari rear their head they will be invited too.
The problem is that this runs straight into the trauma of the fall, which is tightly associated with the festivals and so on if the pleasure cults.
I am not sure about trying to play very nice with Commoragh when the memories of craftworlders-to-be having to flamethrower mad crowds of pleasure cultists are fresh.

I do think we want some inroads with Commoragh, if only to poach dissatisfied population and hero units, but there is a limit to how nice we could really be with people who are embodying everything wrong with pre-Fall Dominion.
Sure, but they're not everyone though. Commorragh at this point is just one of many webway portal cities, there's many others we can court. Like how there's different factions within the craftworlds, I'd assume there's a few different factions within the webway, with the pre-fall nobility being only one of them, albeit one of the more powerful ones.

I personally want to wait with any trade deals until after the moot, for better prices because people would like us more. I think that instead of talking about trade deals (or rather favour trading as I doubt Aeldari even use money at this point) I could a line to find out about their problems (before offering to sell them something we should first get to know if we have something they want to buy).

And while I agree that soul forging bonuses could be gained from them I want to point out that we are dealing with group of people that are included in this
Mhmm, finding out about their needs so we can do our politics smoothly, yeah makes sense to wait for after the news about curses for better goodwill so we can get better prices.

But for the radicals I think we should immediately get started on unifying that faction under our lead, we have a Isha priestess with us who's a link to eldar divinity (and already succeeded somewhat in soul forging) and the seerlord, an ancient eldar with a lot of sway, and the forgelord for the weaker craftworlds looking for a patron. With a faction fully behind us, we'd have more sway in general.
My intent is basically this: I dont want to cut them off entirely so that we can poach dissatisfied population from their ranks. Especially as we do not intend to follow the Paths of Asuryan. In OTL the population transfer was the other way around, even after millennia of tinkering, the Paths of Asuryan occasionally drove people to take the path of the Outcast, or to even leave for Commorragh entirely.

Commorragh is a terrible place to live and everyone knows it. But somehow the Paths were worse because people kept leaving. I would like to keep some lines of communication open, for people to escape. Even though, yeah, the memories of setting hoards of insane pleasure cultists on fire is too raw.
Fair point, I think that we should not force it. If Aeldmoot becomes a regular thing then I think that people will naturaly involve some entertiament and ways to show off
Or or we do what canon Aeldari should have done and disown them for the crime of strengthening Slanneash's claim on our souls and Phoenix court?

I am not sure about trying to play very nice with Commoragh when the memories of craftworlders-to-be having to flamethrower mad crowds of pleasure cultists are fresh.

I do think we want some inroads with Commoragh, if only to poach dissatisfied population and hero units, but there is a limit to how nice we could really be with people who are embodying everything wrong with pre-Fall Dominion.
Honestly! If we need to associate ourselves with a faction of creepy, shadowy, slave masters; I prefer the Hrud. I think we can handle poisonous vapors and entropic time fields better than we can handle the unholy lovechild of "Fifty Shades of Grey" and "Hellraiser".
I dont envision a wild debachurous festival rather as something akin to meeting the family? If that makes sense? A celebration that we survived another year, a means of
Fair point, I think that we should not force it. If Aeldmoot becomes a regular thing then I think that people will naturaly involve some entertiament and ways to show off
Thats fair.

My vision for it was akin to something like the worlds biggest thanksgiving dinner. Where everyone shows up, watches sports, plays, music, dancing etc, engages in competitions, maybe we can use it as a way to settle grievances between craftworlds that dont involve blowing each other up?

We then have a big memorial dinner celebrating those who have died, and those who yet live, do our politics, venerate the Gods, and then we all go home.

As for the Drukhari thats all fair. I am fine with shutting them out if we make this a regular thing.
Moratorium's up, so, subject to @Mechanis approval:

[x] Plan Friends Come First
-[x] First Block: Assemble the Adaptionists. Agenda: get to know them better, show off our bling and allies, establish ourselves as the faction thought leaders.
-[x] Second Block: Meet Durran Fellwinter of Samm-Hain. Agenda: affirm them as the favorite Major Craftworld for us, find out what it'd take for them to enter a mutual defense pact.
-[x] Third Block: Keep a slot open for people who are our friends or want to be our friends. If Harlequins want to take this slot of shove someone in this slot, prioritize them. Agenda: let's find out how we can help each other

The idea is to keep it simple, talk to people we like first, make sure we're happy with each other, build blocks.

[X] Plan: Plan for the Future
works for me too.
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[x] Plan Friends Come First
-[x] First Block: Assemble the Adaptionists. Agenda: get to know them better, show off our bling and allies, establish ourselves as the faction thought leaders.
-[x] Second Block: Meet Durran Fellwinter of Samm-Hain. Agenda: affirm them as the favorite Major Craftworld for us, find out what it'd take for them to enter a mutual defense pact.
-[x] Third Block: Keep a slot open for people who are our friends or want to be our friends. If Harlequins want to take this slot of shove someone in this slot, prioritize them. Agenda: let's find out how we can help each other
[x] Plan: This will be the day

And tossing my own plan in the ring, since voting starts at not impossible time for me:

[X] Plan: Plan for the Future
-[X] First Block: Meet with the Adaptionists
--[X] Try to forge a united front and a somewhat coherent faction about what we agree on.
--[X] Promise vindication for their views, and hint at hope, despite the situation.
--[X] Inquire about their current situation, and offer help.
--[X] Compare notes about their plans
-[X] Second Block: Meet Ulthwe
--[X] Ask about how they would go about how they would go about marshalling the other craftworlds against the Great Enemy.
--[X] Ensure that Eldrad and Draylin have time to talk shop.
-[X] Third Block: Meet Saim-Hann
--[X] Discuss keeping our people (spacebound and planetbound) safe.
--[X] Could they see a coalition of independent craftworlds and planets working out?

[X] Plan Cordial Exchanges and Laying Groundwork.
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I think the latter isn't necessary. we know the effects, and we shouldn't tip our hands on this too openly. we want to focus on Iyanden, Saim-han so they don't take a pride wound over us meeting with Iyanden day one but not them.
My plan would have us meeting with Saim-Han? Pretty sure they're part of the Conservatives as well.

And the idea behind talking about the Flaw is that when our soul forging plan comes out, we presumably want to be open to other people signing up for it as well, so we want to show we're open to feedback.
I think we should meet Iyanden first day one and try to nudge them from neutral into recognizing us as worthwhile allies to court, and talk to them about Beil-tan's behavior last block of day three so it's foremost in there mind at the start of the Aeldmoot proper.
I'd rather get Biel-Tan out the way with first so we can then focus on the Flaw/Curses.

I'm confident they'll be able to remember back three days to when we brought it up if it becomes relevant at the Aeldmoot proper.
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[X] Plan: This will be the day
-[X] First Block: Meeting with Adaptionists: trying to check who is doing what and which solutions are not mutually exclusive, seeing who is the leading voice among us and if there isn't one, try to become one if only so other factions may see adaption and teamwork between different ideas as something that can be done, try to gather information about their general situation. Ask about their general opinions of Major Craftworlds and other factions. Be cordial and respectful.
-[X] Second Block: Meet Survivalists, try to get to know them and leave a good impression, and talk about the possibility of using the fact that this is the biggest gathering of Aeldari since the fall to form multiparty committees to deal with a few universal problems that lessen the chances of survival of Aeldari (Seers, scarcity, and need for new/adapted war doctrines, among others). If a topic comes up, get their opinion on other Craftworlds of note and who could be beneficial to the committees.
-[X] Third Block: Meet Saim-Hann & Exodites & the Conservationists, give them the respect they deserve, see how the fall impacted them, how they are adapting their plans with most of the gods' dead, try to have a pleasant last meeting, gather their opinions of notable craftworlds and their general plans for the moot, give Saim-Hann a forewarning that we probably will try talking with Iyanden about Biel-Tan being an asshole relatively soon.
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There might be a few craftworlds that are overpopulated, we could transfer them to our own or to our allies, with the ishari being evacuated we'll have an abudance of food.

[X] Plan: This will be the day
[x] Plan Friends Come First
Works for me. Gets a faction behind us so we can deal with Iyanden the next day with a stronger status. Both also meet with Saim-Hann so they don't get snubbed.
[x] Plan Friends Come First
-[x] First Block: Assemble the Adaptionists. Agenda: get to know them better, show off our bling and allies, establish ourselves as the faction thought leaders.
-[x] Second Block: Meet Durran Fellwinter of Samm-Hain. Agenda: affirm them as the favorite Major Craftworld for us, find out what it'd take for them to enter a mutual defense pact.
-[x] Third Block: Keep a slot open for people who are our friends or want to be our friends. If Harlequins want to take this slot of shove someone in this slot, prioritize them. Agenda: let's find out how we can help each other
[X] Plan: This will be the day

[X] Plan: Plan for the Future

Both of these plans do exactly what I want, and I would be satisfied with either of them winning