[ ] Deny the Warp Entire (8 points)
Reject the Warp entirely, severing your potential for psykery with the tether on your souls to the Dark Prince. You will be free of them, forever, save those who seek the Ruinous One deliberately, but oh what a price to pay!
Completely frees you from the Curse of Slannesh. Also prevents you from taking any Imperial age tech, developing Psytech of any kind, and using Psykery. As this includes Wraithbone you will pretty much have to reinvent your entire technology base from scratch, which could be… problematic.
(Basically a more thorough version of what the Dark Eldar/Cormmorites are doing, without the whole "feeding the damnable thing by doubling down on the hedonism" bit.)
[ ] A Shield of Spirit (-1 point)
The first to reject Excess, the Exodites show a path, for their world-spirits guard them against the Dark Prince's predations. Could one then, cultivate such a spirit on a Craftworld? A single Starship? Or even perhaps a suit of armor? Smaller spirits would likely be weaker, true, yet could you not craft them in ironic mirror to the Ruinous Ones; many parts of a greater whole, more than the mere sum of its constituents? And even if not, many small things working in concert can shift mountains, even without such connection—Isha's domain provides more than enough examples of this principle to all with eyes to see!
Develop Spiritcrafting, imbuing everything you make with world-spirit analogs that guard against Chaos. Alone, the Spirit of a sword or breastplate might fall to even the least Deamon, yet such spirits will never be alone, and with the might of hundreds of fellows in a Warhost behind them, even the greatest of Neverborn will learn to fear their bite.
(Obviously, this is not a perfect solution, since it's very much reliant on having lots of spirit imbued stuff on all the time, and even then they can get overpowered, but it does make your stuff even more possession-resistant as a happy side effect!)
[ ] If One is a Hooked Fish, Tangle the Line. (-2 Points)
The Curse of Slannesh has speared your very souls like a fish upon a hook—you have resisted its pull for the moment, though it would but take a strong pull to overwhelm your resistance. Yet you are still Aeldari, and none save the vanished Old Ones can claim greater mastery of Warpcraft than you. With effort it may be possible to entangle that line within something else, which can prevent the fisherman from reeling in her catch—hook and line will yet remain, tethering you evermore, but caught you will not be, save by the breaking of that to which you are tangled.
Create physical anchors for a warp-working that entangles Slannesh's claim on your souls, preventing it from claiming said souls so long as the anchor still exists. This will, however, permanently limit your ability to use certain Psykeic abilities. Obviously, if you lose your anchor or it breaks, you are in deep doodoo, but otherwise it's safe.
(This is sorta "Soulstones but Better". If only because you can make as many new ones as you need rather than having to loot Daemon-Worlds in the Eye of Terror for them.)