With Zahr-Tan's engines fixed we now have 12 Bonesinger AP, which means we could do something like the below with 2AP left to spend on developing new wargear.
[ ] The Minor Failures (1 AP each, 6 Max) (1AP)
[ ] Replace Primary Power Distribution Control (2 AP each, 4 Max) (2AP)
[ ] Repairing the Plasma System (3 AP Each, 12 Max) (3AP plus both Forge actions)
[ ] Hall of Stewardship (2 points initial, 1 point continuous | 2 turns) (2AP)
[ ] Continue refitting/repairing both Arach-Qin and Quilan's starships (2AP)
For the engines, if we can specify that any Forge Overflow should go to the Power Distribution first, then to Minor Failures second we save the most AP.