I should note that each option doesn't seem to be a single element:
The Village seems to have hints something other than Darkness, what with the mention of "Tiny Lights"
The Wood mentions a bonfire, which is curious addition considering Ling Qi only has 1 Fire art, making me think that it has something to do with Zhengui.
The Peak bears elements of one of the options of our little dream quest after Thunderdome Redux, though this time the impossible peak has been modified.
The Sky is the most interesting to me, as it mentions not only freedom, but also visiting the other locations. The other options seem mutually exlcusive, but the Sky explicitly mentions the being able to visit all the other locations within Ling Qi as well. This, I believe, represents a kind unity among all of the locations we see in the dream, and it represents how Ling Qi has constantly strived to maintain all of the other elements within her at once. Safety, friendship, art, freedom all of that is within her, but none of them dominate another. It is Ling Qi's version of freedom, the freedom to be whatever she wants to be, without limiting herself.
So please, vote Sky!