Forge of Destiny(Xianxia Quest)

Which is the same as Training trf with SuSu, or any other training action with a friend.
Last time we took a friend on a mission (also for free) was Su Ling to investigate things. Can't say that was equivalent to simple training. While wolves aren't likely to be as involved, they're definitely quality time, especially with a pyromaniac like Xiulan.

Not that I wish to pick a fight, because that conclusion is what we knew anyway, but your code does have MS at 29 dice. I believe it should only be 10 lower, since these calculations use equipment bonuses.
Corrections are more than welcome :), in this case however MS has 11 less dice than FSS (3 dot, -4d vs 3 dots +7d); so even if we don't have 29/40, the gap will stay 11 and the conclusions wrt relative enemy defense remain more or less the same.

EDIT: forgot to take into account the "save or be blinded" part of MS, might be worth it over FSS even at higher defense values depending on what blind does.
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[X] Plan: Flaming Fire + Woodworking
-[X] Use: Highsun Pill; 3 RSS; 1 Yellow stone
-[X] Purchase: Channel Cleansing Pill (2) + Heavy Rains Pill (10) + Gushing Spring Pill (2) + Flowing Rivers Pill (6) + Both Fire Pills (2+6) + Vigorous Sapling Pill (2) + Second Wood Pill (6) + Bear Marrow Elixir (4) + Bear's Heartsblood Elixir (10) + White Hart Elixir (6) + Steady Growth Pill (8) + Sturdy Oak Pill (18)
-[X] Total resources consumed: 2 + 10 + 2 + 6 + 2 + 6 + 2 + 6+ 4 + 10 + 6 + 8 + 18 + 3= 85RSS, 1 YSS, 1 Highsun Pill
-[X] EPC Bonus:
Abyssal Exhalation
-[X] Overflow -> Physical
-[X] Major: Train at the Vent with Su Ling
--[X] Arm Meridian
--[X] Attached Minor: Invite Su Ling to join in and spar with the Ma Sisters. She could use some partners closer to her level, and more friends besides
-[X] Major: Explore and Train with Golden Fields
--[X] Thousand Ring Fortress
--[X] Attached Minor: You never did get to go out have a night on the proverbial town with Xiulan, see if she's still up for that
-[X] Major: Cultivate on your Own
--[X] Argent Current
-[X] Major: Research Dragons, and how they might be appeased
-[X] Major: Do a Job
--[X] Wolfpack Hunt: A group of rinefur wolves have moved into the wilderness at the base of the mountains. Numbering nearly a score, with an alpha at the first stages of grade three, they cannot be allowed to remain. Eliminate the pack. 3 points for each slain wolf. 15 for the alpha.
--[X] Invite Gu Xiulan
-[X] Minor: Work to Unlock the Puzzle Box
-[X] Minor: Zhengui's pyre had begun to dim, shrinking no matter how much fuel you add. You should be there when he emerges
-[X] Minor: Meizhen has been disappearing more often, she's even too busy to train this week. What is she up too?

There are enough complaints about the current plans, that I figured I would put my plan out there. There are a couple of reasons for this plan.
A) If we kill 5 wolves and get the alpha (or 5 more wolves) then we will have enough sect points for a 3rd ranked archives visit. A visit we desperately need for spiritual attacking arts.
B) Xiulan should have some attention, we haven't dealt much with her for a long time
C) We should be fine with physical cultivation, AE is the only one that we can place stealth successes to other than that.
D) The puzzle box and the Dragon actions have the potential to have extremely high rewards, if we place the effort into it.
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Last time we took a friend on a mission (also for free) was Su Ling to investigate things. Can't say that was equivalent to simple training. While wolves aren't likely to be as involved, they're definitely quality time, especially with a .
that mission was a mission specified for two people. This is the equivalent of killing the plant monster.

Turning our friendship into a business and refusing to see her.

After Ling Qi was so thankful for giving her another choice than Cai.

If you want to break a SL, at least be upfront about it.
[X] Plan: Flaming Fire + Woodworking

Bit concerned about not doing Fu Xiang's favor, but otherwise does something like what I want.
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Yeah. As is the txi leading plans are trying ti get us banned from the market because they are trying to pretend Ling Qi stealing from production student isnt punching down in yellow....

And the alternative is stealth trying to break a social link.

Oh for crying out loud... We see Xiulan regularly. We were doing her minor just last week. Have we spent any leisure time with her? No. But then our Suyin minors are largely studying as well.

And now you're going from "doing the favor now is unnecessary and the punching down argument is lousy" to "we're going to fail because we're terrible at thieving"? Really?
Kai merah has a plan without the favours. Ut has no Xiulan though.

Not a huge fan of the wolf job. I know you've long held that that job's possible with just Ling Qi and Gu Xiulan, but I'd rather be a bit more cautious. I might swap the breakthrough attempt out for the Passion Fruit Collection since that would get the stealth successes I need to add.

Point is you should change it. Neither your plan nor Primal's are worth voting for with a 10% chance to fail TRF4

I would change it, but I prefer the combination of TRF and Zhengui to a 9.2% higher chance of getting TRF. Purely for narrative reasons, that is.
[X] Plan Favorless
-[X] Argent Vent Bonus -> Argent Current
-[X] Grinning Moon Bonus -> Abyssal Exhalation
-[X] Overflow -> Physical
-[X] Use from inventory: 3 RSS (3), 1 YSS (10), Highsun Pill
-[X] Purchase: Channel Cleansing Pill (2) + Heavy Rains Pill (10) + Gushing Spring Pill (2) + Flowing Rivers Pill (6) + Both Fire Pills (2+6) + Vigorous Sapling Pill (2) + Second Wood Pill (6) + Bear Marrow Elixir (4) + Bear's Heartsblood Elixir (10) + White Hart Elixir (6) + Steady Growth Pill (8) + Sturdy Oak Pill (18)
-[X] Total resources consumed: 3+10+2+10+2+6+2+6+2+6+4+10+6+8+18=95RSS, 1 Highsun Pill
Major Actions
-[X] Explore and Train with Golden Fields
--[X] Cultivate Argent Current
-[X] Train at the vent with Su Ling
--[X] Open Arm Meridian
--[X] (minor) Invite Su Ling to join in and spar with the Ma Sisters. She could use some partners closer to her level, and more friends besides
-[X] Cultivate on your own
--[X] Cultivate Thousand Ring Fortress
--[X] (minor) Zhengui's pyre had begun to dim, shrinking no matter how much fuel you add. You should be there when he emerges
-[X] Research Dragons, and how one might be appeased
-[X] Take a Job
--[X] Passion Fruit Collection
Minor Actions
-[X] Meizhen has been disappearing more often, she's even too busy to train this week. What is she up too?
-[X] You never did get to go out have a night on the proverbial town with Xiulan, see if she's still up for that
-[X] Work to unlock the Puzzle Box

Changed out the breakthrough attempt for the Passion Fruit Collection job. Still not going to get any votes, but I figured I should update you all.
The champion's armband cancels 4 dice of penalties though, but it doesn't give bonuses, so it doesn't contribute equally to FSS.
Yeah I seriously doubt we're keeping the armband. MS is basically our only attack at a penalty and in a normal fight we're the ones landing penalties/debuffs on our opponents.

I can see us picking up something Wood/Dark-aspected since AM techs are cheaper/more situational compared to TRF and our more expensive Dark techs.

Well, for all of the people who want to not do the favor at all, at least until we can ace it, I hope you're all willing to do the full three then.

Rather than just argue for dragging it out forever and then doing the bare minimum.
What is the difference between this and the Let's Try It Out plan?
No favor mainly.


Well, for all of the people who want to not do the favor at all, at least until we can ace it, I hope you're all willing to do the full three then.

Rather than just argue for dragging it out forever and then doing the bare minimum.
I want to do it, though I don't participate enough in this quest to hold it to a specific time. 3 I think we could do, it'd be a fun risk.
Thoughts on the Gu Tai offer:

Unfortunately for Gu Tai, the timelines of the competing offers don't really work in his favor. His option basically said that we have a decent amount of time before answering, and even if we say yes, it'd still take years to sort out all the details, with us being able to gracefully back out for a decent portion of it.

Whereas Cai's was "I'll ask again for a definitive answer after you breakthrough.", which is just a few turns away. And we can't put off our breakthrough in order to keep up with, well, everything else. And while we wouldn't necessarily be permanently locked out of becoming her vassal later if we said no or asked for more time, it would drastically weaken our rapport and position. While some might find it irritating that Cai is kind of forcing us into the decision before we've really come into our own and discovered our opportunities, from her position it makes perfect sense.

Apart from her Talent, the main reason Cai wants Ling Qi is because of her Loyalty. Is Qi willing to tie herself to Cai and get in with her early despite the uncertainty? If Qi is the kind of person to quibble over the decision while jockeying for other opportunities, then she's not the kind of person Cai can depend on to always have her back in her inner circle.

In order to still be "considering" Gu Tai's marriage offer by the time we breakthrough, we're basically saying no to Cai. Of course if we say yes to Cai, then we're saying no to Gu by default. It's not a great situation, but there's not much we or Tai can do about it. Which sucks for him, since he came into this competition for Ling Qi's future late, with less time to win us over, but that's honestly his problem.

Even though we've only had one interaction with him, the guy seems pretty good. Unfortunately "pretty good" isn't enough to be competitive here. His deal isn't just a matter of joining his "faction", it's a marriage, with all that entails. It would make him Ling Qi's life partner, the father of her children. He'd be integrated into most aspects of her life. And as the commoner marrying into his family, Ling Qi would start off on the back foot as far as influence in the relationship goes, despite whatever her personal power is at the time. And that's not even touching the personal issues she has with the whole business.

And what he's offering in exchange honestly isn't that great. Fighting off monsters and hunting for lost treasures. That can be fun, but we don't have to get married or plant ourselves in a radioactive desert to find similar activities elsewhere. And we'd be given resources, but we'd be expected to use them for what they're meant for, terraforming our little patch of desert and establishing our Branch House (which would be subordinate to the main Gu family and everyone above them), not so much for our personal development. So really the main thing to draw us into the option is Tai himself, and I just don't see him being able to win over either Ling Qi or the majority of the thread in the few turns that he has.

He seems nice enough, but he's not as immediately engaging as a lot of the other characters. To be honest he didn't impress me much with the initial meeting, wasting most of it just catching up with his cousin. Sure, he was trying not to come on too strong, and Ling Qi didn't help at all with her shrinking violet behavior. But he went into it knowing that she would already be presented with enticing competition for her allegiance, and the onus was on him to put his best foot forward when making his case. Again, he didn't do badly at all, just not necessarily good enough for the circumstances and time he has at hand.
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Well, for all of the people who want to not do the favor at all, at least until we can ace it, I hope you're all willing to do the full three then.

Rather than just argue for dragging it out forever and then doing the bare minimum.
I'm a filthy completionist so I always wanted to do all three. Preferably later when their projects are more worth stealing. Mystery bag loot is best loot but less so when it's half done...

[X] Plan: Flaming Fire + Woodworking
[X] Plan: Flaming Fire + Woodworking

Reasoning is that I doubt anyone would begrudge us waiting on the favors a couple weeks while we break through and get a talisman.
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