Forge of Destiny(Xianxia Quest)

The girl gave her a considering look from behind her veil, and then sighed, sending the cloth hanging over her face fluttering. "I would appreciate it. The personal matter which I have mentioned to you several times has come up."

Ling Qi furrowed her brows, what was Xiulan talking about? They hadn't… her eyes widened a moment later and she shot her friend a slightly alarmed look. A member of Xiulan's family was here to talk to her? She opened her mouth to reply, but at that moment Fan Yu spoke up.

From interlude we know that Xiulan is loyal to Gu clan and want to impress her father... she also know Ling QI weakness.
What sort of family member we will meet?

[X] Plan Meridians are Dorks.
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[X] Plan Forbidden Forests, Forgotten Paths

Personally, I strongly support the idea that summons can be absolutely vital in combat for several reasons.

First, they are a target for our buffs. This includes Argent Current, which I don't believe anyone has any issues with further developing?

Second, Outnumbering a foe is an extremely good tactic in combat because it splits their focus, which can give us a chance to re-engage stealth for unaware strike bonuses. Having other targets also mean that "hey, guess what? Ling Qi didn't just get smited with divine/blood fire because our foes was too busy trying not to get grabbed by icky worms".

Third, Unless I am misreading the text on AE: Crawling Horror, can we activate this multiple times to generate more worms? So, we could very rapidly turn a fight to our advantage through sheer overwhelming number. (Admittedly dependent on our Qi pool, but that's only going to grow larger.)

Fourth, may I just say I really like three AE passives?
-bonus to spiritual defences.
-bonus to perception against any target touching the ground.
-bonus to offensive clashes each time the user damages an enemy.
These sound like passives that I would really like to be developed.

Sooo.... I support AE improvement.

(If I have completely misunderstood combat mechanics..... then uh:oops:)
@Arkeus @Thor's Twin Tagging you because your plans are leading, but this is to all plan makers:

Would you consider adding a question to Meizhen about any wood sites she's stumbled on?

Personally, I strongly support the idea that summons can be absolutely vital in combat for several reasons.

First, they are a target for our buffs. This includes Argent Current, which I don't believe anyone has any issues with further developing?

Second, Outnumbering a foe is an extremely good tactic in combat because it splits their focus, which can give us a chance to re-engage stealth for unaware strike bonuses. Having other targets also mean that hey, guess what? Ling Qi didn't just get smited with divine/blood fire because our foes was too busy trying not to get grabbed by icky worms.

Third, Unless I am misreading the text on AE: Crawling Horror, can we activate this multiple times to generate more worms? So, we could very rapidly turn a fight to our advantage through sheer overwhelming number. (Admittedly dependent on our Qi pool, but that's only going to grow larger.)

Fourth, may I just say I really like three AE passives?
-bonus to spiritual defences.
-bonus to perception against any target touching the ground.
-bonus to offensive clashes each time the user damages an enemy.
These sound like passives that I would really like to be developed.

Sooo.... I support AE improvement.

(If I have completely misunderstood combat mechanics..... then uh:oops:)
I... huh, I never really thought about summoning more. I don't see why we couldn't. In terms of developing AE though, I'm definitely on board, but it's unlikely we'll have time to bring it to its third level before we break through to the third realm. Right now, AE is so close to the _second_ level that we can easily level it up with the bonus successes we get from stealth/larceny dice via EPC. So, we don't even need to train it at all directly to get it to level 2 in the next couple turns or so.
Personally, I strongly support the idea that summons can be absolutely vital in combat for several reasons.

First, they are a target for our buffs. This includes Argent Current, which I don't believe anyone has any issues with further developing?

Second, Outnumbering a foe is an extremely good tactic in combat because it splits their focus, which can give us a chance to re-engage stealth for unaware strike bonuses. Having other targets also mean that "hey, guess what? Ling Qi didn't just get smited with divine/blood fire because our foes was too busy trying not to get grabbed by icky worms".

Third, Unless I am misreading the text on AE: Crawling Horror, can we activate this multiple times to generate more worms? So, we could very rapidly turn a fight to our advantage through sheer overwhelming number. (Admittedly dependent on our Qi pool, but that's only going to grow larger.)

Fourth, may I just say I really like three AE passives?
-bonus to spiritual defences.
-bonus to perception against any target touching the ground.
-bonus to offensive clashes each time the user damages an enemy.
These sound like passives that I would really like to be developed.

Sooo.... I support AE improvement.

(If I have completely misunderstood combat mechanics..... then uh:oops:)
AE is definitely really powerful. The plan, however, doesn't actually improve AE more than we would otherwise. Well. Rather, it gets AE2 this week rather than in a couple weeks, at the cost of one action. Training AE currently gives us 36~ successes, and EPC stealth could give us 30~. Considering that we are short on actions before breakthrough, that the only arts EPC stealth can go to are either FZ or AE, we will get AE2 before breakthrough unless something goes very wrong.

We, however, won't be getting AE3 before breakthrough.

Then there is the issue that while AE itself is really powerful, it will take a few more levels before it's competitive. The passives are already really powerful, but the techs themselves need to be significantly improved before being combat ready, so getting to AE2 one week or two early won't actually influence our combat capability much.

As for summoning a lot of worms... Yeah, but currently it's 2worm/Turns. It will probably get to 3 fairly soon, but we want a good balance on numbers of worms/qi spent/ power of worms/ turn spent summoning them.
@Arkeus @Thor's Twin Tagging you because your plans are leading, but this is to all plan makers:

Would you consider adding a question to Meizhen about any wood sites she's stumbled on?
I would definitely consider it. If no one is against it, I'll add it in a couple hours.
Fan Yu lowered his head, and Ling Qi saw one of his fists clench. Han Jian simply gave Xiulan a reproachful look. She stared back, unabashed. Her friend was growing more defiant and openly rude.
So Fan Yu has limits to his tolerance as well.

This pressure cooker is going to blow soon.
Heijin was reluctant, glaring down the hall, but acquiesced after a few more ear scratches.
Heijin: "Its not like I like it or anything, but more scratchies please."
"Indeed, tell us of the beast that we may slay it for this insult," Heijin added haughtily, irritably brushing at his nose with his paw.

Han Jian blinked, turning to her, and shot a wry look to Heijin. "Ling Qi I can understand, but… were you not paying attention Heijin?" The tiger cub looked away, maintaining his haughty air.
...I guess Heijin had not been paying any more attention than Han Jian did.
The early form of the Sects physical enhancement and movement arts, combining the flexibility of wind with the sudden force of thunder. Fills the user with the strength of the great seasonal squalls which beat down upon the Wall year after year.

Wind, Thunder, Balanced
Current Meridians: Spinex2
Needed Meridians: Leg(3), Spine (5)

+2 dice on defense against all physical attacks
DV of all melee weapons increased by 1
+3 Speed
+1 Initiative

Rumbling Squall: oo
Cost 4 qi
Cloaks the user's body in powerful winds, granting them armor 1 and three additional dice on physical defense. In addition upon a successful melee attack, the user's target must make a three success stamina check or be deafened. Lasts three turns, but may be renewed for an additional 4 qi(irreducible) if the user chooses.

Thunderous Retort: ooo
Cost 5 qi
A powerful blow, charged with the speed of a storm's wind and the power of a thunderclap, which punishes those who fail to strike the user. The user falls into a defensive stance, concentrating their qi on countering their foes. Melee attacks which miss the user trigger a counterattack. This counter uses the users standard physical attack dice, with a bonus of three, and one point of bonus damage on successful hits. The user may counter a maximum of three attacks per activation, or, if unused the effect fades after three turns.
Ooo, Malfean Stealth option. And Ling Qi is even more insanely fast.
Since the flute is now a physical attack we should be able to use it to deliver the deafening and the counterattack as well.

The user and allies within thirty meters gain +2 dice on physical attacks
The multiple attacker penalty increases by one for the user and all allies within thirty meters.
Damage to armor durability inflicted by the user is increased 2 times.

Scalding Stream: oo
Cost 4 Qi
Channeling their boiling qi into a strike, the user washes away a foe's defenses. The user gains a +4 bonus to their attacking die pool with a melee weapon. The attack is granted armor piercing two, and deals two additional damage on a success. Additional damage may not be blocked by qi negation. In addition the enemy receives a -2 penalty to their physical defense pool for three turns. If an enemy with this penalty is struck again by Scalding Stream, this penalty stacks up to three times(Max -6) renewing the duration each time.

Pressure Crack: ooo
Cost: 6 qi
Uttering a command or encouragement to their allies, the user fills themselves and up to five allies within thirty meters with vigor and determination to strike down their foes manifesting as rising steam. Grants a three die bonus to the offensive pools of all affected allies for three turns. Allies who attack the same foe as the the user add an additional point of damage to their successful attacks which cannot be blocked by qi negation. In addition, for each ally who attacks the user's target, the user gains +1 die bonus to their offensive clash against the target the following turn. This effect may only apply to a single target at a time.

Third Flow 24/60
Bolded sounds like as we progress it need not be necessarily verbal. As long as it boosts their spirits it can work.

Ling Qi might require some less depressing songs to make it work though
"You should choose your words more carefully," Meizhen admonished lightly, returning her gaze to her work. "I have heard that you were lapsing back into casual, common speech with Cai Renxiang."

"Was she complaining to you?" Ling Qi asked with a frown. "I forgot myself a little, but…"

"She was not 'complaining'," Meizhen replied. "That you are growing more comfortable is good, but there are limits," she continued, glancing up to meet Ling Qi's eyes. "If you are to involve yourself in the games of nobility, you MUST temper your speech more consistently."

Ling Qi let out a frustrated huff, but didn't object to her point. She forgot to use proper speech all too easily still.
Certainly a factor. Ling Qi is pretty uncultured as these things go. What skill do we train to control this though...
"The sect arts cover all the elements though, don't they?" Ling Qi replied, feeling a bit defensive. "The Sect Head can't be wrong, right?" The argent arts had been personally developed by him after all.

Zhong Peng inclined his head slightly. "That is a path all its own," he replied. "An inner disciple who wishes to follow in Master Yuan's footsteps would do well not to be distracted by other arts,"
So it seems like the Argent path requires maintaining overall balance of Qi, so becomes increasingly more difficult as we go further.

Or alternatively maintaining the drugs just gets expensive enough that going that route requires a dedicated focus.

Oh well, we'll complete this set and then see what comes next.
Definitely something interesting at the end of the set.
[X] Plan Forbidden Forests, Forgotten Paths

Either this or Eleven. Kind of split, but eh
There's a lot of arguments that support Music as being antithetical to our stealth focus. I'm kind of confused about why honestly.

Most of what I've seen has had 'music is meant to be noticed/makes noise' as its primary argument, and that seems a little limiting considering what we've learned about music arts and our newly earned music meridian.

This very strongly implies that being heard is no longer a prerequisite of our music arts effects. And as it took the place of the Thunder meridian here, it isn't completely crazy to think that future music arts could have a similar replacement. There's a lot of ways that yrsillar could spin a music art influencing someone's perception or general awareness passively (without them actively knowing that they're being influenced) or boosting Ling Qi's ability to blend in without someone having to hear an obvious Mission Impossible theme playing around the corner.

We really need to at least look at some other music arts to see if they could synergize with stealth, or be played in addition to other melodies at the same time. I agree that if we can only have 1 melody up at a time it could get very limiting and/or qi intensive, but we've already seen that extension of the melody for multiple turns is a part of natural art progression too.

TLDR: We really need to try/search for a few more music arts before arguing that it's better to write it off as a core component of our build completely. Same with archery honestly, though I will admit to being biased towards music.
Music also has a lot of "take control of their senses/emotions" type effects implied as well. Which works for Stealth
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I would imagine minors like music with Su Ling and looking at the books Xuan Shi was reading.
Being cultured in this sense is not about reading novels and music making, especially since we don't seem to approach either in a way that lends itself easily to showing off how cultured we are in court, it's about interacting appropriately in polite society.
Our Socialize is pretty darn meh and that's not really a good thing if we might be one of the closest retainers of a ducal heir and we sort of demonstrate our ineptitude openly whenever there are witnesses to our interactions.

We might gain a certain amount of leeway from our background and this only being the kiddie ball pit, but we're also not nearly far enough up the power ranking to get our behavior seen as peculiarities rather than us not being house-trained.
Not to mention that CRX specifically seems to care extra much about decorum and stuffs. Even if we Ling Qi'd her into falling for our adorkableness as well, she'd still insist that we have to be capable to present the proper image in public and with good reason.
I switched the spine/arm places in my plan, so that arm is the one we train with SuSu and spine alone, hoping we get a bonus from both minion for spine and for the close failure. We don't know if "close failure give a bonus" is still something @yrsillar is planning, but just in case.

Also, the odds of failing a meridian are annoyingly high (20%?) without highsun, so I'd like feedback on whether people think we should use it. Using a highsun now means it's actually much harder to get everything equipped before breakthrough, as we'd need highsun for harder DC meridian much more than for those ones.
Can someone explain how we went from "we shouldn't push Meizhen on an area she is clearly very uncomfortable with and we probably won't like anyway" to "full steam ahead" on asking about ways to stay with Meizhen?

I'm not seeing how things have changed since we made that decision and there seems to have been basically no discussion about it, with it just getting slotted into every plan.
Hrrggg.... I suppose that is a good point. If indeed we can't get AE 3 until after breakthrough then I suppose I support passively building it up from stealth bonuses.

Very well.

[X] Plan Meridians are Dorks.
Can actually cite that AE 3 isn't doable for green?
Well, it's not doable with the plan which trains AE unless we push back breakthrough. It's actually sort of doable, depending on how much we want to sacrifice to get it. We need 1 meridian (lung) and 18 +X successes, with X probably being 150, if you want to have it equipped (you might not want to).

We can expect 36 successes per action spent training AE, and another 30 successes if we spend all our mission stealth/larceny toward it. This means that, if everything goes well, we'd need 3 consecutive actions as well as missions to get it, so a minimum of 3 weeks, then another action (can be done earlier/etc) to get the meridian. Considering we are currently aiming breakthrough weeks 37/38, this means that a plan that both get mission exp and train AE this week (there is none) could thereotically get AE3 week 36, in time for breakthrough.

However, it means not putting the two necessary mission successes toward FZ, so FZ won't be gotten in one action but maybe 3, and won't gain a meridian overflow either. This probably means no FZ5 before breakthrough. It also means having to slot AE training in every weeks until breakthrough, which means not being able to do the same for TRF, and thus not being able to get to TRF4 week 36/37 (depending on unlucky dice).

Now, clearly, we can push back breakthrough. While aiming for week 37/38 with AE3 means no TRF4/FZ5, aiming for weeks 38/39 probably means FZ5, and weeks 39/40 probably TRF4 and even more argent arts level than we were planning.

So yeah, it's possible before breakthrough if we are willing to either push it back just for it or sacrifice TRF/FZ.
Well, it's not doable with the plan which trains AE unless we push back breakthrough. It's actually sort of doable, depending on how much we want to sacrifice to get it. We need 1 meridian (lung) and 18 +X successes, with X probably being 150, if you want to have it equipped (you might not want to).

We can expect 36 successes per action spent training AE, and another 30 successes if we spend all our mission stealth/larceny toward it. This means that, if everything goes well, we'd need 3 consecutive actions as well as missions to get it, so a minimum of 3 weeks, then another action (can be done earlier/etc) to get the meridian. Considering we are currently aiming breakthrough weeks 37/38, this means that a plan that both get mission exp and train AE this week (there is none) could thereotically get AE3 week 36, in time for breakthrough.

However, it means not putting the two necessary mission successes toward FZ, so FZ won't be gotten in one action but maybe 3, and won't gain a meridian overflow either. This probably means no FZ5 before breakthrough. It also means having to slot AE training in every weeks until breakthrough, which means not being able to do the same for TRF, and thus not being able to get to TRF4 week 36/37 (depending on unlucky dice).

Now, clearly, we can push back breakthrough. While aiming for week 37/38 with AE3 means no TRF4/FZ5, aiming for weeks 38/39 probably means FZ5, and weeks 39/40 probably TRF4 and even more argent arts level than we were planning.

So yeah, it's possible before breakthrough if we are willing to either push it back just for it or sacrifice TRF/FZ.
Just pointing out that iirc we were originally planing on week 40 breakthrough, that leaves 3 months for the Tournament.
And that we have two pills that give a decent chance of making it in a single week.

Fishing of an extra breakthrough bonus seems worth it, even if it's just a couple dice worth.
[X] Plan Meridians are Dorks.

Shame about the no-longer-present option to look up those books Xuan Shi was reading, though even then I doubt the thread would go for it instead of minions or Suyin...