Forge of Destiny(Xianxia Quest)

[X] She has outright said that she is here to stall you. Escape and join back up with as many of your friends as you can manage. Even if it means dealing with her two lackeys too.
-[X] Tell her we'll have to postpone your talk before escaping.
So talking on Discord and everyone seems to want to find our friends over CRX, that the same here? Chu Song seems to want to keep things friendly with us, she apparently came here mostly to talk to us and she claimed Meizhen who she referred to respectfully as "Miss Bai" would be fine. Why not call her out on that and convince her to let us find her? Why fight if we don't have to?
[X] She has outright said that she is here to stall you. Escape and join back up with as many of your friends as you can manage. Even if it means dealing with her two lackeys too.
-[X] Tell her we'll have to postpone your talk before escaping.

If our enemy doesn't wish for us to be somewhere,
There is no better reason to be there...
[X] She wants to talk, then she can talk. You'll listen and plan.

We are already occupyimg a third realm cultivator and two of her minions, all by ourselves. We're doing enough already. Let's see what she wants.
So, after a nice long lunch, I have come to feel some weird vibes about this whole thing. If Cho Sung wanted to stop us from running, then why did she inform us that there was a conflict? She didn't have to tell us about all the commotion and that would have served her purpose just as well. We wouldn't know about the fighting, and so we wouldn't have interfered. Her lackeys could have prevented people coming to inform us.

It could very well be that she doesn't want to have our first contact contain any deception, but then why confront us anyway. They could have kept a perimeter around us while were cultivating and kept others away and still fulfilled the promise. So I have weird vibes regarding her ultimate goal.

Honestly, the best bet that I am getting is that Chu Song does not do things sneakily and instead is like Ji Rong with being a huge blunt battering ram going towards her goal. Don't know if that helps us, but any information or theory gleaned could prove useful.

So now, on to my write in for this event! I don't like rushing ahead and trying to group up with friends without information about the situation, but I also don't like simply sitting in one place and talking to the person trying to stall us. Therefore, I would like to combine the flee and talk option into:

[X] Ask if we could talk and walk? We have no intention of interfering in a duel between Cai and Sun, but it wouldn't do to have our friends worry about where we are.

This puts the ball into her court and shows that we are amicable to talking with her, but that we also want to make sure that our friends are alright. The phrasing, if we want to be sneaky about it, also gives us leave to interfere in an all out brawl. However, that would probably ruin Chu Song's impression of us and might make relations hostile between us.

Questions, questions.
... What?

No, really, what? Fighting as an "honorable warrior" isn't going to protect you from getting looted to the ground. Or from being ganged up on, for that matter. Suggesting that a failed escape would mean "total lootage!" is... kinda bizarre. Or suggests mendaciousness on your part.

What would protect Ling Qi from being looted is a mixture of:
1. Chu Song's idea of how *she* should behave. Particularly as she's a realm up cultivation-wise and has a couple allies. Those kind of odds and taking, well, just about anything is going to label her as a bandit.
2. Chu Song's goals involving Ling Qi herself - which probably *doesn't* involve "make a mortal enemy of her".
3. Ling Qi's talent and future potential to ambush either Chu Song herself or make the lives of her faction members miserable.
4. Ling Qi's allies retaliating. While Cai Renxiang might not get involved, Bai Meizhen definitely *would*. Gu Xiulan has been seen going around as Ling Qi's battle buddy, so the Golden Fields group is a possibility as well. f course, if the gift dress is also looted... Renxiang might be highly offended.
5. Tit for tat. Particularly in mind with #4, looting everything Ling Qi has is going to mean that Chu Song and her faction are opened up to similar ruthlessness.
6. What does she have that Chu Song would think as worth her attention? She's got a flute - Chu Song doesn't play the flute. She's got some knives - cheap ones. She's got a bow - Chu Song doesn't use the bow (I think). She's got a dress - it probably doesn't fit Chu Song and is liable to cause offense to a peer power who gifted it. She's probably got some stones on her - big deal. She might have some pills or slips - the latter require time to cultivate and probably aren't beyond Chu Song's own from the archives, and the former are probably equally common.
7. Ling Qi might react with willingness to escalate to serious injuries to protect her stuff.

In short, I would be extremely shocked if a failed escape led to any kind of looting at all, let alone a total "take everything she has" you're claiming.

Honestly this post seems to be from an altnernate universe where there isn't a strong dueling culture of trading pointers.

Being honorable does protect you - they get to take something from the losers, but not everything normally. It's why our dueling has been getting us a decent but not huge number of stones - we been following the more normal custom now that it isn't personal. It's when it gets personal that people start stripping you. Our flute isn't useful to anyone but us, so we're most likely to lose some stones and our hairpin.

On other hand, she's given us an out - we can talk the night away rather then fight. And if we fight she's given up advantages she's entitled to - her spirit beast companion. If we insist and pushing the issue AND don't fight honorably, she's entirely entitled to have her friends and spirit beast gang up on us and and take us for everything we're worth. We've throw her generosity and good will back in her face, and should be prepared to face the consequences of such rudeness.
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It will be too late to run once we talk. She flat out told us she wants to delay us. Talking means accepting the delay and deciding we are giving up on helping Cai. That's a decent choice if we don't mind breaking our own alliances first chance we get, but it's still what we are doing.

OTOH, it's very possible to get a good alliance with her if we talk.
Given the limited number of slots for inner sect I'm really not seeing how a 'good' alliance is workable with Chu Song while being friends with Han Jian/Gu Xiulan.
Doesn't talking help them even more considering it's guarantied to delay us?
It will unless the information gained is somehow useful for the battle, which seems unlikely as Cho Sung has control over the pace of the conversation.
In the Duel, we actually have to beat her before the other 2 would let us pass so she could delay us just as much. In the escape option vs. all 3, all we need to do is escape.

Thing is, we don't know if we can escape, given that whoever planned this seems to have a decent handle on how we do things. Talking keeps us in top shape while also gaining info on what the hell is going on, even if it still delays us.
It is better to try, and fail than do nothing at all when one of the probable targets for Sun Lilang's plan is a good friend of Ling Qi, or at least the plan require Gu Xiulan to be in circumstances that are unfavorable to her to insure she remains out of the fight.
Honestly this post seems to be from an altnernate universe where there isn't a strong dueling culture of trading pointers.

Trading pointers, yes. Banditry at the drop of a hat, no.

And I outlined reasons why Chu Song *wouldn't* go bandit on an unsuccessful flight. Attempting to paint a failure there as total disaster in an attempt to get your preferred option looking better is doing nobody any favors.

EDIT: I was already leaning that way, but on thinking some more, you've just convinced me.

[X] She has outright said that she is here to stall you. Escape and join back up with as many of your friends as you can manage. Even if it means dealing with her two lackeys too.
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Can people please edit out that sub-vote about postponing the talk? It's retarded, all it would do is alert her to the fact that we're about to run.
Can people please edit out that sub-vote about postponing the talk? It's retarded, all it would do is alert her to the fact that we're about to run.

The idea is, I believe, to indicate that Ling Qi is amenable to whatever they want to talk about, and isn't unwilling to speak at a later point. That is, avoid offending Chu Song and make the escape a matter of duty/business.
Belated reaction to the update prior. I am annoyed Meizhen seemed to be perfectly willing to break off our friendship over something as stupid as her crush being rejected. Like seriously? We helped each other so much and we almost got cast off over this? Good thing our confrontation succeeded, I certainly didn't expect she would be willing to go that far over this stupid teenage crap.

As for the most recent update, I'm leaning towards running. Three against one do not look like good odds but I'd rather risk it. She mentioned Meizhen is fine, but I'm worried that Xiulan is not, especially if she got dragged into Liling's fight again.

[X] She has outright said that she is here to stall you. Escape and join back up with as many of your friends as you can manage. Even if it means dealing with her two lackeys too.

I'd also like to deny Sun Liling any chance of getting stronger that we can. This fight is going to overcharge her cultivation and I want that halted as much as possible.
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So, options.

Firstly, as people have noted, both Talk and Duel mean that we won't be helping our allies. Duel makes it look like we care about them, and gives us a stronger alibi, but realistically, we're still not going to be around to help anyone else.

So, what are the pros and cons of each choice?

  • Talk:
    • + Gives us information about what's going on, outer sect politics, Ji Rong and Chu Song etc. (main appeal)
    • + May open up social opportunities with Chu Song
    • + Safest in the immediate sense (but long term consequences less certain)
    • + We have a reasonable alibi for not being around
    • - Gives up on helping our allies -> likely long term consequences: Sun gets stronger, our allies are weakened, stability falls, people may be somewhat unhappy if they find out. Character-wise, even if people don't find out, this would mean backsliding for Ling Qi, and focusing on her own short-term survival over helping her friends.
    • - Socially complicated, since it would confirm to Chu Song that we don't have much loyalty to Cai etc. May or may not matter.
    • - We don't lose anything in terms of items, stones etc.
  • Duel:
    • + Gives us opportunity to test ourselves
    • + Honorable duel means Chu Song is "limited" - we don't have to fight everyone
    • + May bond over honorable duel
    • + Stronger alibi - we were fighting Chu Song
    • - Still gives up on helping our allies. It allows us to pretend otherwise, so the social and character implications are less of an issue, but effectively we aren't helping them if we do this. Even if we win, we'll take too long and use up too much qi to help anyone
    • - Weakest potential gains
    • - We (probably) have poor odds against her in a straight 1v1
    • - By playing by the "rules", our likely losses are minimised
    • - Long term, our side is probably reduced in power, stability issues etc.
  • Escape:
    • + Help our allies. Continues Ling Qi's positive character development, our side stays stronger (hopefully)
    • + Makes our allies happiest, shows our loyalty
    • + Test ourselves in group situations
    • + Probably best potential gains
    • + We are specced for escaping. We're good at this
    • - Shows us to be loyal to Cai and our friends. On one hand this may be good for our rep, on the other, it means that opposing factions know they have to treat us as part of Cai's side
    • - Have to deal with Chu and all her minions etc. She won't be holding back
    • - May annoy her. Likely higher losses if we fail to escape
    • - If things go south for our side anyway, we'll suffer more since we'll be shown to be loyal to Cai's side

So, from a character stand point, and from the perspective of providing us with maximum possible gains, Escape is the best option. Talking, while appearing safe at first glance, actually has a lot of more subtle costs, even if it avoids the material ones. In many ways, Duel is actually the option that minimises our potential losses the most. At the same time though, we arguably gain the least from it, since we aren't getting the information we want, and we aren't helping our friends.

Incidentally, testosterone poisoning is a terrible reason for doing the duel, since winning doesn't actually give us that much. @TheLastOne 's reasoning is what you should be going on.

To sum up: Duel is the option that actually minimises our losses (though also basically accepts that we are going to have losses), and character-wise demonstrates Ling Qi's self-confidence, since she's prepared to right in adverse conditions. Talk is the "looking out for number one" option. Escape is the high-risk high-reward option that also pushes our positive character development forward.
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It could very well be that she doesn't want to have our first contact contain any deception, but then why confront us anyway. They could have kept a perimeter around us while were cultivating and kept others away and still fulfilled the promise. So I have weird vibes regarding her ultimate goal.
That's because she didn't confront us. She tried to stay sneaky and make sure we weren't going to help against what's going on while hidden, but we managed to detect her.

She was probably planning to talk to us after it was over, telling us that now that Cai is done for we need her to protect us and Meizhen from Sun Liling.
Trading pointers, yes. Banditry at the drop of a hat, no.

And I outlined reasons why Chu Song *wouldn't* go bandit on an unsuccessful flight. Attempting to paint a failure there as total disaster in an attempt to get your preferred option looking better is doing nobody any favors.

But I disagree with your reasoning for the reasons I just said. That is, because it ignores that flight in this instance is 'dishonorable.' She's given us the opportunity to not fight, or to fight her with her taking a disadvantage. Remember, it's entirely socially acceptable to walk up to complete strangers and ask them to fight you, and they'll be expected to do it.

While she's a realm above us, we're high yellow/high Silver, so she's only 'just' punching down. And she's taken on a disadvantage she didn't have to take on. And as this is a group wide conflict rather then a personal one, she had legitimate cause to fight us. Remember how we all ganged up on Kang Zihao last week?

So we have an out, and we have a chance at an 'honorable' fight. If we ignore both and take the third option, we're surrendered the protection of social norms.

That is to say... I feel the consequences for unsuccessful flight are more serious, to the point where while I prefer option three, I'll tactically vote for option one if it's obvious two is winning. I don't feel we own Lady Cai enough loyalty to take that level of risk.
[X] She has outright said that she is here to stall you. Escape and join back up with as many of your friends as you can manage. Even if it means dealing with her two lackeys too.
[x] She has outright said that she is here to stall you. Escape and join back up with as many of your friends as you can manage. Even if it means dealing with her two lackeys too.
Perhaps I'm just bad at portraying this, but Ji Rong has like... exactly one friendly contact. He also got used as a disposable berserker in Liling's original gambit. You kinda beat the pants off of him in social as far as outcomes go.
Huh. That's... OK.

Back in week 12, we learned Ji Rong had learned three arts, and got 'luck on exploration'. I am now strongly suspecting he met Chu Song back then, and she befriended him. She seems like the exact kind of person he'd respect.

So it's quite likely she gave him arts, if that's the case. We know we can ourself make jade slips of art we have fully mastered, so it would be easy for her to give him three or so decent arts.
Alright. So, @Arkeus suggested that Chu Song is here to delay us because of Ji Rong. That is, she's not fond of Cai because Cai (rather impulsively apparently) sent her goon squad to demand Ji Rong's return to her from Chu Song. This is a misplay both because of what Fu Xiang already told us about Chu Song but also because she underestimated the strength of the bond between Chu Song and Ji Rong such that Chu Song was willing to fight Cai if Cai's' minions did not back down. @Arkeus also suggested that she's here to propose an alternative alliance between Meizhen and Ling Qi with her vs. Sun Liling (and also that she's interested in talented commoners like Ling Qi).

But one way talk could work out is that I think we can convince Chu Song that Cai Renxiang would be better for her and Ji Rong with Ling Qi's help. First, as @yrsillar pointed out, Sun Liling isn't really that good for Ji Rong either considering he was used as a pawn in the last fight and given that Chu Song isn't too fond of Sun Liling either (bloody princess), it's probably something she's figured out as well.

We have enough connections that I think we can sell Cai Renxiang on the politics of this -
1. Ji Rong has already served his time for the original offense - and a month of enforced inactivity is sort of overkill as a punishment
2. His participation in the Pavilion Fight was as a "disposable berserker" to be used and discarded by Sun Liling (i.e. Sun Liling led him astray)
3. With Chu Song there to guide him as his big sister, this won't be an issue in the future

TBH, Chu Song is strong enough and with enough connections that Cai Renxiang can see the benefits of 'forgiving' Ji Rong as a favor to Chu Song (and to put Chu Song on the council) and this would be a way to draw in and coopt a major power faction in the Sect. This puts her faction in a much stronger position, and she's already been willing to make allowances for council members (a la Ling Qi and Su Ling and Li Suyin).

On another note, we can easily talk around the terms of Chu Song's favor so long as Chu Song is willing to work with Ling Qi in finding those technicalities. For ex., Ling Qi might only be barred from interfering in the Sun Liling vs. Cai Renxiang 1v1 duel. If Chu Song is willing, Ling Qi should be able to interfere in any other fights that may or may not be ongoing (i.e. Meizhen vs. ?, Gu Xiulan vs. ?, etc.) and free them up to help Cai Renxiang in turn.
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[X] She has outright said that she is here to stall you. Escape and join back up with as many of your friends as you can manage. Even if it means dealing with her two lackeys too.
-[X] Tell her we'll have to postpone your talk before escaping.

Adhoc vote count started by Rhydarson on Aug 14, 2017 at 7:16 AM, finished with 28026 posts and 90 votes.
Yeah I like Cai but honestly I don't want to be pulled even further into her camp.

Cai aside though, remember that after Cai, Meizhen is Sun's main enemy. We will be in the line of fire after this if Sun beats Cai.

On the other hand, escape is focused on aiding our friends. This doesn't necessarily mean Cai. It's quite possible that one outcome of this could be Sun beats Cai, but we pull all of our friends together and roll everyone up, so while the Pax Cai would be weakened, our side would come out really strong.
[X] She has outright said that she is here to stall you. Escape and join back up with as many of your friends as you can manage. Even if it means dealing with her two lackeys too.
-[X] Tell her we'll have to postpone your talk before escaping.

We are already occupyimg a third realm cultivator and two of her minions, all by ourselves. We're doing enough already. Let's see what she wants.

We have a third realm cultivator and her minions sent here to occupy us, presumably because those cultivators will not help elsewhere, or because they've decided this is a good use of forces.

In either case, doing nothing is playing into their plan that hopes to have us tied down. Doing exactly what our enemy wants us to do is very rarely a good plan, particularly when we have no real information or credible hope of a reversal playing along, and the collapse of Cai's administration can screw us over in a very big way (look at how many people were 'fair' targets when Cai took charge, that will be us if Liling wins this)
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