This just means that Ling Qi's super power is not merely good talent, but good luck as well!
As any xianxia protagonist should.
What some cultivators haven't seemed to get yet, is that it costs literally nothing to be polite to people and spirits we meet. So it could be that because we are polite we aren't slapped down as some upstart angry cultivator that is on a one-man crusade against the institution.
(Looking at you Ji Rong!)
Politeness costs nothing but breath, but can buy as much as your life.
So, what's Meizhen going to say when we tell her about this trip?
"Ling Qi gonna Ling Qi. It's amazing what you get used to in short order."
I would totally be game for that. Fits our overall theme nicely, and could probably blend with both of our primary weapon choices.
I think I'd prefer a fire art, honestly. We don't want Adoratortoise to be cold in our Dantian, do we? Just picture the poor little guy, shivering and huddled in his shell for warmth.