My votes gone from you as well Thor's.
I'm just not sure people understand or empathize what Han Jian's group is going though. They feel they aren't advancing quick enough, they see someone who only started cultivating when she came to the sect start surpassing them, they helped that girl out and specifically Han Jian stuck his neck out for us when his teammates were against it, and we benefited from it. We have access to a valuable resource that they have great need off, and not mentioning it is frankly going to ruin the friendship. We kept something they desperately wanted and likely believe they needed a secret from them. We didn't even try and offer it to them.
That is friendship ending. They stuck out their necks for us, and you guys aren't even willing to try if there's a chance of failure. The chance of failure is also small when you consider the price isn't going to be extortionate, Ling Qi herself wouldn't be taking any of it, Han Jian is a naturally emphatic individual and trades of this variety should be common knowledge among nobles, and the value of an equivalent in resources is substantially more expensive. That's without considering the site can combine it's bonuses with resources, nor that they can draw upon their families resource base to enhance their growth. Nor the sheer length that value can be had, given at minimum the Inner Sect test is in 9 months.
The argument about merging of groups is also rather poor given for me that's never what it's been about. I wouldn't even argue that Ling Qi is apart of Han Jian's group as she's clearly still on the outside given they grew up with one another, but they interact with one another and have a mutually beneficial relationship. Just as Bai Meizhen is capable of working together with Su Ling and Li Suyin, yet I certainly wouldn't class them as part of the same group. This should be what the aim is, there is zero need for friendship to develop although it's beneficial, merely that they each benefit from working together. For thirst sake Huang Da is still using the vent!
It's frankly for me one of the definitions of an adult. Being able to work together with someone you don't socially like. Yet you do so because it's required whether because of employment or famiy or spouse, or because you mutually benefit from doing so.