So how certain are we that Vragni isn't messing with Hashut? Orange Runes are kinda his whole 'thing'. Well, that and daemon-engines. And satanic dwarfs. And generally evil things.
I would say around 0% chance he is messing with Hashut. For all we meme about Vragni, the guy is on our team and any victory he gets is a victory for us because he just made Dwarfkind stronger for it. The disagreement stems from Vragni having a different religious view in our cult and that would not be a problem if we were so politically influential in the region. The Runesmith Cult already has many different views on its core tenets are Thungni's teaching that is mostly surmised into two groups, Radical and Conservative. The actuality of it is much much more nuanced with each side being full of completely different groups and view points that might be at odds with their fellow Radical or Conservative.
To the South Vragni and Snorri are both Radicals, simple as that but in the far north its much more nuanced than that. They see Khazagar be created and then Vragni make the Citadel of creation and just lump both of those two things together as radical and move on. Where Khazagar was created by Snorri in a way of honouring and working towards the goal of Thungni's firstborn Durin the lost. Durin the guy that basically help create the whole cult along side his father and that both the Radical and Conservatives will claim as one of there own. Vragni sees what we are doing and disagrees based on religious interpretations of basically what is a Saint to the Runemsithing cult and in his fear of Snorri's unchecked influence in the far north decides to create the Citadel of Creation. Vragni did this because of religious and political reasons to challenge Snorri's creation of Khazagar and says this to everyone but everyone else down south just sees this as another radical in the far north doing funky shit. Which in turn does lead to the creation of a bunch of other Runemsmith mega projects around the whole empire.
Everything between Snorri and Vrangi is nothing different compare to disagreements between Radical and Conserviate sides of the runesmith cult. Now its with super buildings and from we can see down south everyone is doing it and Khazagar and Citadel of Creation are not the only ones anymore. Every time there was going to be a problem with the guild you can see that either Snorri or Vragni has stepped in to fix it. As can be seen when Vragni made an announcement about how Dawi from Ornsmotek visit Khazagar are 100% allowed to come back to Ornsmotek. If Snorri actually ever got properly into politics Vragni would be one of his staunchest allies when dealing with topics outsides of the far north and the person he is always arguing with when dealing with topics inside of the far north.
If you look at the Standing threadmark you can see that Vragni actually respects us quite a bit he just disagrees with us on a religious stand point. People need to understand that Vragni is a Runelord that got nominated when the ancestors still walked the earth. This just is full on drinking the Cult of Thungni Juice(tm), if Hashut went to Vragni, Vragni would fight to the fucking death to kill this guy who dares actually ruin and corrupt the art of Runesmithing. For all his dislike of us, if we walked up to him and said we know where some hashut cults are, he would help us in a heartbeat (grumbling the whole time of course). The guy is a bro and would rather die than betray Thungni.
As for the Orange glow? We know that Vragni already worked with Ogra for runes for the Citadel of Creation and i would not be surprised if he went back from more. Ogra knows about waystones and probs knows about deep magic so i don't find it unlikely that they tried to do what we did at Khazagar and succeeded. The only problem is that we some how did a ritual and made it even more powerful, thats why our runes are gold and their runes are orange.
TLDR: Vragni is a bro and probs got Ogra's help to try and pull up deep magic for CoC but had a skill issue and only got orange runes instead of gold.