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The problem is that there all pretty game changing. This isn't a simple results kind of quest. The vote in question is happening after over half a dozen further threadmarks, including nemesis events, our results, other characters results. These are all likely to influence what the more than a dozen typical voters feel the need to prioritize. I'm taking it hoping to strike at Wayne, but I won't ignore a good opportunity to shift the election if a more desirable candidate is identified.The thing is that the DC goes up with each success, and unless you have something you can say "we should aim for this specific thing" and it's completely game-changing, I think we should keep the propaganda ace in the hole hidden for now so to speak, and if it is game changing then we should put more effort to guarantee a bigger result.
Shifting the course of the election with a well worded statement from the most popular businessman in America who's currently riding on saved the world PR, is pretty game changing, since we could alter the voter trend in regard to several major issues and influence who sits in the Whitehouse for 16 turns and what agendas they pursue during that time.
Given the whole Lex quest thing, taking a chisel to Superman's vulnerable reputation just as he's starting to investigate Lexcorp on a manner provocative to several of our allies is very gang changing and could lead to America removing it's nominal sponsorship of him that protects him from the VAA.
Wayne has been a competitor and a nuisance for years, and are now openly blocking us from engaging in our pharmaceuticals work in a manner that skirts the law. Hitting them in their wallets while poking them with a stick could be very good for damaging the companies image in a semi permanent way, and could provoke them to do something that might let us attack them in a fully legal manner to claim key bits of tech or territory.
The Cold Engine and Quantum Computing are world redefining technologies. Your average layman doesn't understand this and won't for a long time. Same with improved bone growth serum.
We may even push more than one of these agendas if the roll result is particularly strong is on the table. Overall, adaptability in this quest is key when we talk about targetable, loosely defined actions. We get to see what our enemy has been up to during the turn before we structure the fruit of our efforts. It's not uncommon for a reward votes nature to change in response to something we learned by virtue of observing another characters actions.