Well, i did say i would vote for perfect hybridization.

Will put my plan up when I'm not on my phone.

[X] Plan: The Dawn of a New Day

and here's the proforma vote for my own plan, with the warrior section updated to match the discussion
[X] Plan: Open the mystery boxes and build stuff
-[X][STEWARD] Move Existing Councils (5 AP)
-[X][STEWARD] Manage Diplomatic Affairs (2 AP)
-[X][BONESINGER] Replace Primary Power Distribution Control (2 AP)
-[X][BONESINGER] Enhance Industry (3 AP)
--[X][FORGE] Use the Forge (One Turn Completion)
-[X][BONESINGER] Seer Circle (4 AP)
--[X][FORGE] Use the Forge (1d3 turn reduction)
-[X][BONESINGER] Armour Foundry (Void Guard Warsuit) (2AP)
-[X][BONESINGER] Continue ship repair (1 AP) [Strongly recommended]
-[X][BONESINGER] Continue ship refits (1 AP)
-[X][BONESINGER] Refit an Escort (1 AP)
-[X][BONESINGER] Develop Basic Grenades (1 AP)
-[X][SEER] The Eye of Tzeentch (2 AP)
-[X][SEER] The Hunger of Slaanesh (5 AP)
-[X][SEER] The Jealousy of Nurgle (3 AP)
-[X][SEEKER] Grav-Gun Hybridization
--[X] Perfect Hybridization (6 AP)
-[X][SEEKER] Reverse-engineer Meson Blasters
-[X][WARRIOR] Organize Troops (2 AP)
-[X][WARRIOR] The Burden of Command (1 AP)
-[X][WARRIOR] Design a Light Capital (Cruiser or Light Cruiser) (4 AP)
-[X][WARRIOR] Chassis Militarization (2 AP)
-[X][WARRIOR] Develop Refit Profiles (3 AP)
-[X][WARRIOR] Deploy forces to conduct an exploration and salvage mission in the Kronite System
--[X] Send 1 Combat Brig, 4 Battle Carracks, 10 Assault Ketches, and 20 Lance Sloops, Zahr-Tann's 15th Scout Fleet is to assist as they are able and provide early warning in case any local Problems decide to start coming our way.
--[X] 2nd Heavy Militia is to accompany as security forces for the expedition
---[X] This is not to be a combat operation despite the forces being deployed, our objective is to salvage any artifacts from the human wreckage that may provide useful insights for our own Seekers, sure, it's crude and poorly developed--but the core principles are still useful, and we're hardly in a position to be picky for sources of how to rebuild our forge-craft without the blessings of the Phoenix Court. Withdraw if there is any significant risk of sustaining damage.
-[X][WARRIOR] Deploy 2 Scouting Fleets from Zahr-Tann's forces to assist in scouting the regional Webway.
-[X][WARRIOR] Have 4 Combat Brigs, 12 Battle Carracks, and 20 War Ketches accompany the 3rd and 5th Scout Fleets, the 3rd Heavy Fleet, and the 6th Line Fleet of Zahr-Tann, they are to serve as a Liberation/Rescue/Search force for Nacretinei once we've coordinated with their allies and gathered the data we can.
--[X] They are additionally to be accompanied by the Vaul-Hammer Warhost and the Grand Warcasting Circle of Vau-Vulkesh, as well as the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Battle and Line Hosts of Zahr-Tann, ideally we don't need the military strength, but it's better to have it and not need it. If further Reinforcements are required, they can be transported through the Webway Gates on our Brigs.
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Shuriken weapons are actually mostly equivalent to Needlers in terms of actual when-firing performance; Needlers have superior armor-peircing properties but inflict more localized damage, Shuriken weapons are more likely to ricochet off tougher armor but inflict fairly nasty slashing wounds to things they hit. The big deal difference between them techwise at the moment is that Ulthwe didn't have Fatecaster weapons to study for the ammo generation, so they're stuck with conventional premade ammo blocks.
Are needler/spike longer range than shuriken? Seems like better aerodynamics should help.
Perfect Hybridization is kind of redundant in my opinion. We already have an ultra expensive AV option and thats Starblasters. Crude Hybridization is just faster which is equally useless as we already have very good AV weapons we can start producing this second.
I actually suspect perfect hybridization would allow the path to a new drive type. Grav drives are a thing, and imperfect understanding of the concept -wont- get you there. I think doing both Hybrid and Perfect has merit.

Does 'raise a seering circle' raise the Seer AP, or is it a legit unit?
okay. I'm throwing some finishing touches on an aciton plan, and I think you'll all like it, considering the discussions so far.
Small edits applied. Thanks to the error-catchers. Should be finalized!
[] Action Plan: Nerds of the Past, Present and Future.
This is an action plan that focuses on getting information from the past to for fixing the craft world NEXT turn. If there's any craft world that just kept legacy systems in a museum or mothballed , or has a garden of eden creaton kit in storage somewhere - its this one. The a gooe example would be that they just straight up kept the last version of the power distribution system - from before godtech was standard around, and the best example would be a way to bootstrap psychomaton or android labor production again. This also features a massive upscaling of industry, and a solid foot forward on all other fronts, and some potential for mid-turn twists. Weakest part is the military section, so i'm open to input on that front. I've tried to borrow from everything, to cover all bases

✔ Steward 7
[ ] Move Existing Councils (5 AP)
IF we CAN do a partial spend, do 1/3 ap for 'create diplomatic council' representing work going in now, and we'll pay for the rest next turn
Spend the remaining AP on Delve the Vaults. (1-2, depending on above answer)

[ ] Delve the Vaults (1 point )
[ ] Manage Diplomatic Affairs (1) point

We want to preserve the Create Diplomatic Councils action for next turn by NOT taking the mutually exclusive option NOW. Minor edit: I was informed that we can re-arrange diplomacy later, so this 1 point into diplomacy is a stop-gap measure until the hall is set up.
The vault delving is to be in conjunction with scrying their contents, so hopefully it gives us a useful thing

Just to be clear, I do NOT want to have 'manage diplomatic affairs', because it goes backwards and eats up all our AP gains. We want sign of the herald AND sign of the hero! Being able to give OUT quests to the other allies is huge! Create Diplomatic Councils is a must have. its just a next turn have due to point limitations.

✔ Seer 10
Scrying is still too useful to give up, and when it comes to the craftworld itself, we have proximity and legacy. For magical things, that counts for something.
We also need many, MANY more seekers and seers, assuming some will die in the pursuit of curse breaking.
Seering into the past and present isn't listed as an AP, so... imma make use of that

[ ] Scry the Past "When our ancestors crafted our Forgeworld, what decisions did they make, and how can it help us repair the damaged systems elegantly? "
[ ] Scry the Past "What relics exist within the Vaults that can assist us with repairing the forgeworld?"
[ ] Scry the Present: "What military threads do our allies need to prepare for, and how can we use this to help them? "
[ ] Scry the Present: "Are there any Events or Points of Interest in neighboring systems that would concern us?"
[ ] Scry the Future (1 point each): "What doom befalls Fea-Eresh (the dryad world with the tree-elf quest)"
[ ] Scry the Past/present(whichever is more apt, or one leads to the other) " What happened that prevented Nacretinei from attending the moot and whats needs to be done about it?" Crossed this one out, so as not to tip enemies off to our interest.

[ ] Raise a Seeing Circle (2 points per turn, 2 turns)
[ ] Raise a Seeing Circle (2 points per turn, 2 turns)
[ ] The Eye of Tzeentch (2 points each, no max)
[ ] Develop Warstaff (2 AP & 3 Battlecasters required for initial; ?? turns
[ ] Raise a Bladedance Troupe (1 point per turn, 4 turns)

The Forge of Vaul
Forge charge 1: Spend to take turns of Enhance industry (see below on bonesinger actions)
Forge charge 2: Spend to take turns off Enhance industry

✔ Bonesinger 15
[ ] Continue ship repair (1 point) [Strongly recommended]
[ ] Continue ship refits (1 point)
[ ] Seer Circle (4 points initial, 2 points continuous | 3-5 turns)
[ ] Enhance Industry (3 points initial, 1 point continuous | 2-3 turns, each)
[ ] Enhance Industry (3 points initial, 1 point continuous | 2-3 turns, each)
[ ] Enhance Industry (3 points initial, 1 point continuous | 2-3 turns, each)
Conditional expenditure: Should the Forge of Vaul's Aid Construction make any additional Bonesinger BP available for use this turn due to making a construction finish in time to give points, please spend it in the following order of preference:
3 AP: Additional Enhance Industry action(repeat if multiples of 3) > 2 ap: Missile Weapons or Melta Weapons + Grenades (thread subvote) or Weapon Forge > 1ap Melta Weapons or (thread subvote for 1ap option)

The plan NEXT turn is to pop a Forge charge on the Seer Circle and hit the ground running with two fresh seer circles. If we roll well on the forge, we might get to manufacture the cake, eat it, and still have it too.
Best case scenario is the forge discount rolls well, and can carry between projects that are the same (ie, rolling 3 on 1 year left, and not wasting the extra)

✔ Seeker 12
- [ ] Simple Hybridization (3 AP, 5-12 turns)
- [ ] Perfect Hybridization (6 AP, ?? turns)
- [ ] Scrambler Fields at 3 ap
I believe that Gravity tech tree has the potential to unlock a new drive type - and that doing so would require COMPLETE understanding of the forces involved, not a compromise.
That means we're researching -both-, and hopefully getting a bulk discount. I think meson blasters would make a good fighter weapon as that's one area where one hit to kill is very, very useful.
Conditional: If there IS bonus/reduced AP for dumping 9ap into gravs since some of the work is shared, add any extra ap to Scrambler fields. if 2 are freed up, instead add Scrambler Guns.(this is a foundational technology that will make the understanding of the rest come easier)

✔ Warrior 12
[ ] The Burden of Command (1 AP initial ).
[ ] Commission Forces (1 AP each, max 6)
[ ] Chassis Militization (2 AP per turn, 1-12 turns; can take up to 3): Interceptor
[ ] Chassis Militization (2 AP per turn, 1-12 turns; can take up to 3): Fighter
[ ] Hull Militization: Escort. (5 AP per turn; 4-8 turns for Escorts): Aiming for a fast destroyer and escort vessel/fleet screener.
If the Chassis Militarization can be combined so that one chassis has two variations, that'd be great - if not, thats okay too.

We need a PROPER warfleet that can fight, take hits, and isn't adapted from civilian vessels. We can figure out the weapnons later as they come off the line - but the foundation for that needs to be laid now.

Allied Force Deployments
Deployment 0: Home Guard. 2nd Line Fleet to patrol area around Vau-Vaukesh. Warhosts: 1 battle host, 1 line host, adjust if needed.
Deployment 1: Render Aid to Meros. Send a 4th Heavy and 3rd Scout fleet to help with their orc problem. (scout+hammer) bringing the following warhosts(8) along: 1st Siegebreaker, Armored Assault 1st + 2nd +3rd host, Line host 2nd + 3rd + 4th
Deployment 2: Render Aid to Fea-Eresh Evacuation. If any Allied vessels have a Webway Gate attached (army list lists names, not equipment, so I can't tell): Travel to Fea-Eresh and deploy a webway get there to aid in the evacuation. Have Transport fleet 1 assist and a 3rd Heavy Fleet assist evacuation, unless this is already in progress, in which case carry on. If webway transit is possible, send a few line and battle hosts to help secure the planet If it is not.(not sure on #'s - enouhg to be useful for the operation - otherwise, 4 line/4 battle can ride in heavy 3rd)
Deployment 3: Render aid to Nacretinei: 7th Scout Fleet to make contact with Nacretinei and see what they need. Permission to pull other reactionary fleets in to assist if needed.
Deployment 4: Seer Information Reactionary Forces: 4th line Fleet + 5th Scout Fleet to stand by in case actionable intel comes up from Seer activity. Warhosts to be tailored to threat - off the cuff sggestion: 1 line, 1 armored assault carried in 4th line.
Deployment 5: 6th Line to act as reserves for any other deployment requiring assistane. Warhosts as-needed, likey one with scouts (2). Subgoal: Exploratory mission to Antakya; see if it can be determined was being fought over. A seer-derived Point of Interest takes precedence - subgoal to be abandoned if other fleets need help.
Deployment 6: Regional webway scouting in the vicinity of Zamov and keopsis to be carried out by 11th and 13th scout fleet.
Deplyment 7: 9th scout fleet to explore webway in the vininity of Bitter Mold?(right of map).
Deployment 8: 15th Scout fleet to explore webway in the far right of map near (spelling?) Dullan.

All these irons in the fire. I think I covered all the bases!

I have an idea for a civilian labor suit inspired by the psychomaton labor blurb Tldr: Light Power armor, due to the magic of rounding, is only 2ep with 3 empty slots. If you add Void adaptation, its still 2ep, and those extra slots are intentionally left empty for workers to fill it with what they need later or on their own. Versatile and flexible. Room for a pocket needler if the craftworld is threatened, or a full pocket heavy weapon if void is removed. It isn't perfect, but it is -cheap- and can always be improved.

As a request from the gm, if we could please have an 'ongoing quests' section of the turn update that'd be great. I had to backread a few threadmarks to figure out what was going on/where to send ships and it was a little confusing trying to figure out which irons are in the fire.

Thought for the day: we can fit a mega-star cannon on a ketch, but it needs a screening vessel.
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We want to preserve the Create Diplomatic Councils action for next turn by NOT taking the mutually exclusive option NOW.
The vault delving is to be in conjunction with scrying their contents, so hopefully it gives us a useful thing

Just to be clear, I do NOT want to have 'manage diplomatic affairs', because it goes backwards and eats up all our AP gains. We want sign of the herald AND sign of the hero! Being able to give OUT quests to the other allies is huge! Create Diplomatic Councils is a must have. its just a next turn have due to point limitations.
The option is mutually exclusive only in the current turn. We can reorganize diplomacy next turn, even if we improvise this turn.