[X] Fernweh Enginweiss Actions: Turn 2 Summer:
-[X] Major Action: Join the Onigar culling expedition. Use this as an opportunity to explore mountains.
-[X] Passive Actions
--[X] Build a house on the highest, most defensible hill around.
--[X] Set up places for Golden Grass to grow similar to those where it is naturally found and plant it there.
--[X] Dig moats and wolf pits.
--[X] Work on building defenses around my home, including runework and the like.
--[X] Find carnivorous and otherwise dangerous flowers and cultivate them as another line of defense. Present them to the shapecrafter if they are interesting enough.
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Ingegards turn plan:
-[X] Major: Properly map out her claim while searching for golden grass
-[X] Passive: Cultivate golden grass in the darkest parts of the jungle floor.
-[X] Passive: Try and find a cool stick
-[X] Passive: Construct a humble shrine to Vidar
-[X] Passive: Find the resources to create a bow
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[X] Valo Halvarson
-[X] Major Action: Hunt down The Void Eagle after making preparations. Combined action with Kare & Grid
-[X] Passive Action: Hunt Prep - Net making with small wooden rings woven in with Runes (Seeress seidr promised); Rune's will, combined say: He-who-in-pride-flies-unfettered be snared by Net-Holder's humble twine. (Reference to Njord being the god of wind)
-[X] Passive Action: Have Halvar Sunshaft and Thrall Charlotte farm a plot of Golden Grass, hopefully fuelled with Fish-Guts and Bones
-[X] Passive Action: Maintain the smokehouse, and upgrade the Basic House by making the base stone floor - combined action with Thrall and Halvar
-[X] Passive Action: Explore the sea close to my land
-[X] Passive Action: Using any extra net, no runes, fish; use a boat if there is available if not, walk into the sea and catch with net and spear.
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You already forgot about me ):

In a seriousness I would like to come and you did sound open to it earlier, but I don't want to interfere in your fun if you just want to go with the other two.
You're welcome to come along if you really want to but I would suggest that you join up with the gang who's planning on attacking the Oni quarry or the group that's going to find the other humans, there will be a lot more Ordstirr in those missions than in this one I think.
[X]Njall Redaxe
-[X]Active be prepared to fight the Onigar in the North
-[x]Passive Grow Golden Grass
-[X] Passive Grow Mushling from Spawnbag
You're welcome to come along if you really want to but I would suggest that you join up with the gang who's planning on attacking the Oni quarry or the group that's going to find the other humans, there will be a lot more Ordstirr in those missions than in this one I think.
Yeah, our group is in a little less dangerous situation. Our biggest issue is that the Void Eagle is a smarty-pants boss. He's an ambush predator and is willing to run when he knows he's in danger.

Also, we have a last known location since he tried to eat some kids. Soooo yeah. With how much trapping we've invested I'm tempted to try and bring it in alive.

Edit: If you're in the mood, there is also a diplomacy mission to a local human tribe
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Katla Major Action [X] Join expedition to search out places of power

Katla minor actions

[X] Minor Actions
- [X] Clear land and begin expanding the house a bit.
- [X] Clear sheltered areas for golden grass.
- [X] Start analyzing local herbs and poisons.
- [X] Plant a small field.
- [X] Plant an herb garden, with whatever seeds Katla brought with her.
- [X] Spend time with her son. Attempt to figure out if her breastmilk is poisonous. If it is, see if eating golden grass helps.

With herblore and a poison kunna, and a nursing child, I figure Katla has got a pretty good shot at figuring this out. And I'm honestly curious.
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Also, in an unrelated note, there was a rules change after you made your character and you have 1 PT spare...would you like to spend it?
Can I take Shield 1?

[X] Skuli Draugrhater
-[X] Active: Join the Western Expedition
-[X] Passive: Use Fire Kunna to help Grid Frostdottir forge its Rune Necklace. Ask in return for a runic Axe with the ability to easily dismember when attacking (for the love of me, don't ask we for rune poetry).
-[X] Passive: Help people cutting down trees with his axe, paying attention for any weird trees.

Does this look good?
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-[X] Active: Join the Void Eagle Killing Expedition
We really don't need the help, like I appreciate the idea but we already beat this thing like a drum last time we fought it and now we're all a lot stronger.

If you want to get Ordstirr I'd suggest going with people who want to fight the Oni or going with the group that wants to contact the humans.
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[X] Gunnar Toad-Terror
-[X] Passive Action: Construct a fence around my land.
-[X] Passive Action: Hunt Storm Toads in the marsh, trade the bodies to Hrolfr for Mushlings.
-[X] Passive Action: Expand the house, to better accommodate current and future members of the Clan.
-[X] Passive Action: Make a leather bag from Storm Toad Skin, to hold javelins made from Storm Toad Spines.
-[X] Major Action: Travel North, to the Oni Quarry. Be prepared for battle.
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