Amerion Wardson (15)
PT Spending: 1PT Runes, 1PT Warding, 1PT Fire-Kunna
Appearance: Rather short and lean with fair-coloured skin, brown hair, and hazel coloured eyes.
Personality: Amerion is a fair bit socially anxious-- typically preferring to avoid initiating social interactions unless necessary, and typically keeps to themself. Possibly a result of overexerting themself at times when it comes to warding- Amerion tends to space out on occasion as well.
Family: TBD (I'd be fine with having Amerion join any of the preexisting clans or being related to someone else)
@I.F. Ister is there anything else I need to do/change/write up for my character, or is it fine as it is?
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I'll give you +1 Ordstirr for this. Should I threadmark it as 'Liv's Poem 1' or something?
Sounds good, yeah.

@Nando @weeblypanda I'm perfectly happy to let you both share my home, if you wish, though if we do have one consolidated clan home, then we should really come up with a proper name for our clan.
Maybe something about our blonde hair?
And Liv'd be happy to share a home.

[x] Liv Sweetwater
-[x] Major: Design and build a sturdy safe house. In coordination with the wishes of the Jarl and depending on who supports her have the walls be made of stone.
-[x] Passive1: Work on the plot she shares with Gunnar. Specifically use her Clearwater to water any plants we try to grow.
-[x] Passive2: Support Gunnar's hunting trip.

I hope that works for y'all, @I.F. Ister @Guest99
[X] Galti Hanison
-[X] Major: Fishing
-[X] Passive: Make a net/nets using 1 Unit of Quality Rope
-[X] Passive: Make more rope
Sounds good, yeah.

Maybe something about our blonde hair?
And Liv'd be happy to share a home.

[x] Liv Sweetwater
-[x] Major: Design and build a sturdy safe house. In coordination with the wishes of the Jarl and depending on who supports her have the walls be made of stone.
-[x] Passive1: Work on the plot she shares with Gunnar. Specifically use her Clearwater to water any plants we try to grow.
-[x] Passive2: Support Gunnar's hunting trip.

I hope that works for y'all, @I.F. Ister @Guest99

Yeti is not telling you how to structure your vote, but I suspect that if you want to do more than get water ready for the hunters(which would still be appreciated, to be clear) the hunt should probably be your major.

It's your agency, of course.
You don't have any stone available for use in construction, at least not construction quality material
The assumption was that maybe someone with an appropriate kunna might wanna join this activity.If not, than I guess it would have to be build out of the available resources.
And can you weigh in on yetis remark? Guest99 had asked about help constructing a pit for the hunt, which did not sound like a super major activity to me...?
[X] Oddr Gunnvaldson
-[X] Active Action: Spy on the giant crabs from afar, trying to understand why they are here and what schemes they are plotting.
-[X] Passive Action: Get Gunnvald Oddrson to run faster, he'll need to alert the village if something bad happens on the eastern outskirt when Oddr's not there.
-[X] Passive Action: Build up a shack for him and his son on their land. Start contemplating an expansion for some leatherworks and the substitutes for materials not present here.
-[X] Passive Action: Learn the local's speech, maybe they can point him to the ways of this land's leathercraft?
[X] Gunnar Toad-Terror
-[X] Passive Action: Hunt some Storm Toads and bring their meat back to the settlement, to be shared among the community
-[X] Passive Action: Patrol the settlement, watching for attacks by the native wildlife
-[X] Active Action: Gather Liv Clearwater and Harald Logarson, as well as other volunteers, and hunt down the Giant Gravity Lizard that approached the settlement in the Summer.

As the talk of distributing land goes on, Eirny tunes out most of it. The girl had no interest in anything but the blade on her hip, and the idea of growing crops, tending Livestock, building a home, or raising a family were distant from any of her desires. So she cedes any claims she may have made, despite the prestige land may have brought to her.

After a brief meeting amounting mostly to Eirny staring at him as Gunnar asked if she wanted to join him in hunting beasts, Eirny gives a nod. The dark skinned norsewoman packing her few belongings to join in the hunts. Unsure of how her blade will fair against such a massive quarry, but interested regardless.

-[X] Active Action: Join in the hunt for the Gravity Lizard, alongside Gunnar and his allies.
-[X] Passive Action: Spend time in un-norsely meditation on the nature of Swords, via sword dance.
-[X] Passive Action: Aid Gunnar in his minor hunts of Toads to help provide food to the household and the hold in general.

If possible I'd also like to spend the 3 orth I earned for my Omake on 1 PT of Speed. Eirny is notably fast amongst the Norse, even if she's not physically imposing.
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[X] Amerion Wardson (Winter 1)
-[X] Active Action: Attempt to Ward the freshwater pool/spring created by Liz Clearwater to repel smaller lifeforms and grains of dust/detritus. (IE, ward the freshwater pool/spring itself so that it remains pure/clean.
-[X] Passive Action: Carve Runes of Bloodletting and whatever the equivalent for enhancing something's perception of touch/physical contact to the tips of the Stakes in the light trenchworks (assuming they are there). Ideally-- these runes should be triggered by the stakes drawing blood, with the bloodletting then hindering the wound being clotted and said entity then continuing to bleed (to continue to power the runes even more), with the perception enhancing runes amplifying the pain felt.
-[X] Passive Action: Using their Fire-Kunna and some of the branches from the felled/cleared trees, plant them in clusters around the inner perimeter of the light-trenchworks (so on the side with the Settlement), and when the sun begins to set each night before going to sleep, set them alight to provide those on Guard duty with visible light with which to see by, and (some semblance of) warmth.

(EDIT: Changed actions- link to updated/changed actions here)
[X] Amerion Wardson (Winter 1)
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[X] Arnleif Whistler
-[X] Active: Join the giant lizard hunt.
-[X] Passive: Start setting up a basic house around the base of the biggest tree in your new plot.
-[X] Passive: Set up some basic traps on the jungle floor. It should be simple enough that your human body can do it without having to think too hard.
-[X] Passive: Meanwhile, use your fylgja to fish. Circle high above and dive down to grab any fish you can see near the surface.
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I will claim plot G3, which is the plot above Ivor
Main Action
[X] Try to forage for any new ingredients that the first scout effort might have missed
--Set up a basic camp/house on my plot
--Being ready to detox anyone who got poisoned
--Regularly use a trick to sense anything poisonous around camp, especially the kids
--Cook food for anyone who can't/find new test subjects for new dishes
--Cook new experimental dishes with any new ingredients
---Try cooking with the rainwater
--Try to be the first one to eat anything new since Runa can tank a lot of bad food via her Iron Stomach Bloodline
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Both claims are added to the map.

There remains a lot of cleared land left to claim, honestly. Did the Farming Clan want to grab some extra, maybe? There's some right next to them and them having more farmland makes sense.
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