For minor actions, are you up for helping with housing construction? That's definitely on the itinerary, and if you're living with Ragnarr...

Being brothers with Moli or someone would also work, and probably still involve house construction.

Can land be merged into a clan compund?

That's sort of the plan right now, I think, though multiple houses may still be built. If the clan gets 3E we have a nice square block of land, though 4F (as Jungle Hills) is also adjacent and maybe more useful long term.

For my own Passives:

[X] Ragnarr's Actions, Turn 1 Winter
-[X] Major/Active: Scout hills to the north of Rikardsby with Rikard's party
-[X] Build a house on new land using, sadly, just basic lumber and vine rope. Trying hard to set up all the needed defenses. Hopefully, this can be a clan project to some degree, though if we need to set up separate homes that also works.
-[X] Continue to work on the local language in town with the locals. Knowing how to talk is important.
-[X] Engage in sparring to hone his newly gained martial abilities.
-[X] If there's any time leftover, help farm and so on. Keep an eye out for threats.

My active action is still pending.
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I'm planning on getting rid of that T-Rex wandering about near the settlement, would any terraformers be willing to help Liv set up a pit trap for me to lure it into? I'll repay you with your pick of either the teeth or the bones.

Hello, Harald has a Soil Kunna and a Martial Style based around terrain manipulation.

I'm down if you have a crew and nobody from my clan has a complete major action to get in a fight first, I am not interested in two manning a Trex.
When you say Pit-Trap, do you mean a literal hole in the ground, or a hole in the ground with stakes in it as well? If it's the latter, maybe I could have my character (if it's approved before this happens) carve some sort of sensory-enhancing runes into the tips of said stakes alongside maybe something like bloodletting-- so as to amplify an pain caused by the stakes and make said creature continue to bleed? As, if runes are powered by blood, and the stakes draw blood, then hopefully said blood would fuel the runes on the stakes to then draw even more blood from the creature?
just a regular pit trap, I fully intend to finish the creature off myself for the glory of the deed, but the offer is appreciated.

Hello, Harald has a Soil Kunna and a Martial Style based around terrain manipulation.

I'm down if you have a crew and nobody from my clan has a complete major action to get in a fight first, I am not interested in two manning a Trex.
That should be enough, yes, Liv is the expert on Architecture, so she will be designing the pit to hold the beast, we just need someone with the right Kunna to get the right shape and reinforce the sides, so it can't escape. As for killing it, I plan to fight it myself, though I would not object to you and Liv rescuing me if it goes badly. Welcome to the team.
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[X] Steinar Stonelicker
-[X] Major Action: Raise an runestone to commemorate the landing and the loss of Gotland and the people on the journey.
-[X] Passive action: lay the stonework for ragnarr's house
-[X] Passive action: Find new stones and name them
-[X] Passive action: learn local language to ask about stone.
[X] Passive: Agnes spends the winter churning tough, self-repairing jackets for the children
[X] Passive: Starts delineating the edges of her family plot in preparation of warding against spirits.
[X] Passive: Makes netting so husband can try his hand at fishing.

Has anyone else thought of going fishing yet?
@I.F. Ister I'll take one of the jungle beaches if they're still open, or a cleared beach if not. Also, how long until Arnleif's hands grow back?
If anybody wants to join me to hunt for beasts in the jungle, I can use my Ice Kunna to freeze the blood and keep it fresh for the Seeress. This should also give us some meat for the winter and pacify nearby threats.
Sounds good, I'll go with you.

[X] Kare Sky-Dancer
-[X] Active Action: Accompany Grid Frostdottir on her beast hunting expedition.
-[X] Passive Action: Use lightning strikes to burn away parts of the jungle on my land
-[X] Passive Action: Act as a watchmen for the settlement.
-[X] Passive Action: Construct a small but fortified house in the most defensible location on my property.
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If there's any goats and maybe sheep to be found, it's probably in the mountains we'll find 'em. Exploring the mountains in winter is going to be a bit tough, but we could probably put together a group capable of doing so safely, if anyone else is willing to try.
[X] Valo Halvarson
-[] Active action - Go out searching for herding animals using Guiding-Light Kunna and Navigation. In the Company of Kare and Grid
-[X] Passive 1 - Establishing a small wooden house fit for 3 adults and erect a smokehouse for fishes
-[X] Passive 2 - Valo will go fishing on an available boat with anyone coming and use his Ocean Kunna to draw the fish.

I'd like to not go alone does anyone want to come looking for some herd animals or flightless birds (without scales) - Towards the West BTW where we suspect normal humans are
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[X] Harald's Passive Actions, Turn 1 Winter
-[X] Assist Ragnarr with the home contruction, largely using his Soil Kunna to speed the grading and compaction of the earth and lay a good foundation.
-[x] If there are seeds available for any fall crops that might still yield this season(squash, greens, etc) then plant and tend them, otherwise Prepare the Fields for the coming spring and add any extra time to home construction.
-[X] Engage in sparring with his clan mates to hone his martial style, if theres any time left
Moli's actions:

[X] Moli Spotlight
-[X] Major Action: (sigh) Conduct Major Experimentation on The Strange Rain (Details to be added but see below)
-[X] Passive 1: Set up Molisby with house (basic lumber and vine rope), farm, etc, the works.
-[X] Passive 2: Set up a Workshop so he can start producing Glassware (including, critically, stuff like windows)
-[X] Passive 3: Sparring/Helping out with whoever asks him. (Like making a ton of Kunna-Glass for Agmundr to do his weapons training thing with)

Shard's Experimentation:

1) Expose Rainwater to Clearwater Kunna: Does Clearwater Freeze?
2) Expose Rainwater to real water: Does the water freeze?
3) Feed the Rainwater to a random unlucky critter. What happens?
4) Grab a random tiny critter and wash them with the Rainwater: Do they freeze?
5) Campfire the Strange Rainwater (Not On Ground). Does it boil?
6) Seal a small amount of Rainwater completely in glass Kunna. Get to safe distance, throw on ground far away: Does rainwater still boil, causing the apparatus to explode in a horrible spray of glass Shards?
-[X] Major Action: Raise an runestone to commemorate the landing and the loss of Gotland and the people on the journey.
The runestone stands at the edge of the shore, its magic stopping the waves from eroding it away.

Many lives have been lost, Gotland not the least of them. Tears have been shed, mourning has been done.

But the people of Gotland, they still live. As long as the Gutes still stand, Gotland, in some form, lives with them.

The runestone stands as a reminder of that, of a home now lost and a people now adrift. And yet, it also serves as a stable surface to stand on, a constant sense of purpose and drive pushing them to live and prosper--if not for themselves, then for the land now lost.

+3 Ordstirr, +Good for raising morale
@I.F. Ister
Do you have a preferd voting format?
Not particularly, though marking what your major actions and the name of your character is probably a good idea
@I.F. Ister I'll take one of the jungle beaches if they're still open, or a cleared beach if not. Also, how long until Arnleif's hands grow back?
They're good now.
[X] Ingegärd Svæindottir
-[X] Active action: scout around the jungle on her tile and the jungles surrounding 1D, avoiding the mountain
-[X] Passive action: create a small loft to store items and sleep high on the sturdiest tree she can find to avoid the monsters

@I.F. Ister Does this work for actions on 1D
[X] Gunnar Toad-Terror
-[X] Passive Action: Hunt some Storm Toads and bring their meat back to the settlement, to be shared among the community
-[X] Passive Action: Patrol the settlement, watching for attacks by the native wildlife
-[X] Active Action: Gather Liv Clearwater and Harald Logarson, as well as other volunteers, and hunt down the Giant Gravity Lizard that approached the settlement in the Summer.
[x] Ivor Lindholm
-[x] Active - Explore to the north-east with Njal Ulfson
-[x] Passive - Build a home on his plot
-[x] Passive - Collect stones to build a fish trap on the beach
-[x] Passive - Contribute to patrols and guard duty.