Anything regarding shapeshifters, given Drysalt's around? A horseshoe which, when put over a threshhold, forces shapeshifters back into their true forms?
We have no evidence Drysalt is actually a shapeshifter. As AeonIlluminate notes, our Adder Stone also already reveals shapeshifters if you look at them through it.
Anyway, preliminary plan:
[X] Plan We Want It All
-[X] Yes
--[X] Hashish Seeds (25oz Silver for one field's worth)
--[X] Unprocessed Woad (30oz Silver for 2 units)
--[X] Sundry Seeds (100oz Silver for 20 units)
--[X] Magical Item (3 Whetstones for 3 items)
---[X] A scrying crystal that allows for seeing through magical concealment when scrying or otherwise using magic to spy on people
---[X] A rune-worked amulet to help avoid magical detection for a person, allowing them to not be spotted by perception-enhancing magic or scrying effects (if we have to pick one, the perception-enhancing magic is more important to avoid)
---[X] An old and somewhat battered wooden box holding a collection of beautifully carved beetles, made of a strange dark stone with that seems to drink light. When these beetles are taken out of the box, they come to life and begin recording what they see and hear. Whilst not especially intelligent, they can be given simple instructions, and are capable of flying surprisingly long distances. Putting them back in the box transfers their memories to the owner.
The answer to what Halla knows about woad might change the amount there, and I could definitely be talked into swapping out that third item if someone has a better idea.
EDIT: Replaced the recording item with the bugs, pending an answer on Experiences from IF. Upped Woad amount for similar reasons.
Added vote on what to do next:
[X] Listen to the local Skalds, learn what news there is in Denmark