btw, is it theoretically possible for Halla, with perfected EWC, to just traverse the seas by flying over them? obviously she will have to stop for the night at some point, and probably make it to land once in a while to rest during the day, but is it possible?

Yeah, that should work if we just wanted to go somewhere alone. In fact, with the floating boat, we could even do this and bring some friends. Personally that strikes me as a lot more precarious than a trip by ship with a full crew, bit it ought to work.
btw, is it theoretically possible for Halla, with perfected EWC, to just traverse the seas by flying over them? obviously she will have to stop for the night at some point, and probably make it to land once in a while to rest during the day, but is it possible?
If that was possible, there would likely be a major issue with running into nasties whilst being all on our lonesome.
Gotland Calls | Denmark 2
[X] Politely introduce ourselves and explain why we're passing through, including mentioning what goods we have. We thought we'd inform him as a courtesy.

With all the eyes of the world at your back, you turn to meet it with spine straight and shoulders proud, "My name is Halla Sunshine, daughter of Steinarr Freedfire, and I come to give my greetings to Jarl Iwan!"
Hamingja: 16 Successes
The name of your father ripples across the gathered Eikarmenn as muttered whispers rise. Iwan leans on a fist, eyes passing over his men before returning once more to you.

"I bid you welcome to Acorn's Hearth, Halla Sunshine," Iwan speaks up, his deep, timbre-filled voice putting a stop to the murmurs of his men. Waving his free hand your way, he beckons you closer, "Come, I wish to speak with you."

Eying Abjorn and Stigmar—the sole people you brought along—you take nod and climb the steps leading up to the high hearth. Jarl Iwan nods to one of his Ironmasks—the one seated across and to the left of the high seat—who silently offers his seat to you.

Taking it, you find yourself offered a number of fine foods and divine drinks—which you, of course, happily partake in. As you gorge yourself upon the feast laid before you, Jarl Iwan strikes up a conversation.

"I heard of your father's passing," Iwan closes his eyes in a solemn nod. "The loss of a man of his quality will surely be felt for generations."
Silver-Tongue: 8 Successes
"Um, thank you?" You're not really sure what to say to that, but Iwan seems to take it in good spirits regardless.

"I'm told you came with cargo of hadingtree wood," when and how he managed to hear of that is a mystery to you—and one you suspect won't be answered anytime soon, unfortunately. "I wish to buy it from you, as many of my ships were damaged in a recent storm."

With a fingernail like sharpened iron, he scratches a series of runes upon a stick he produced from... Somewhere. Passing it your way, you find yourself face-to-face with a Steelfather's wealth.

He's offering you five ounces of silver per unit of hadingtree wood you've got on the Wavedancer.

What do you decide?
[ ] Take the deal
[ ] Counter-Offer
-[ ] Write in (Silver-Tongue, -1 Success for every Ounce above initial offer)
[ ] Refuse the deal


After your meeting with the Jarl, you find yourself once more with free time on your hands. How do you want to spend it?

[ ] Look for people willing to buy and sell cargo
[ ] Mingle with the populace, see whose who in the city and surrounding lands
[ ] Listen to the local Skalds, learn what news there is in Denmark
[ ] Wander the roads, see what you can't find
[ ] Call it good and start planning the next leg of the journey


AN: Surprise!

No moratorium.
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You know guys, we can be rolling d3s and not d6s and it would be massively easier to count. Just saying.
[X] Take the deal
[X] Listen to the local Skalds, learn what news there is in Denmark

Looks like our hatred for Steelfathers is grounded from Blackhand bleeding over to us.
Do we have any idea what is usually exported from here? we might make out better by trading goods than by taking his silver.
am I mathing right? We bought 8 units of hadingtree wood per unit of silver, and we can sell it for 5 units of silver per unit of wood? For a profit per piece of wood of 4 and 7/8 units of silver?
am I mathing right? We bought 8 units of hadingtree wood per unit of silver, and we can sell it for 5 units of silver per unit of wood? For a profit per piece of wood of 4 and 7/8 units of silver?

Yes, it's roughly a 4,000% return on investment.

Once you've got the cash to buy bulk cargo and a way to ship it, making a fortune is just a matter of putting in the effort.
A thousand two hundred ounces of silver for what we spent 30 on?

Holy crap.

If anyone in our crew thought to pack hading tree wood they've hit the jackpot too.

I'm not voting to haggle any further. This was more than enough.

[X] Take the deal

I'm gonna vote to still look for merchants, to replace what we just sold with local goods

[X] Look for people willing to buy and sell cargo
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Iirc we make like 100 ounces of silver a year from our farm. So we just made 11.7 years of our income just off the wood. Thats hilarious.

We need to find some money sinks to turn money into pure power
[X] Take the deal
[X] Listen to the local Skalds, learn what news there is in Denmark

If we talk about our duel with Hooknails we can get more Twists
[X] Take the deal
[X] Look for people willing to buy and sell cargo

Yeah, it's a good deal, we were considering picking up (and freeing) thralls here and various other purchases, though.
Well, this is a much more promising start than our last trading venture!

Of course, in our last trading venture, we were trading among culturally hostile foreigners (the English) and we were desperate because we were shopping for grain to prevent a famine. Those aren't recipes for making massive profits.

Here, we are the ones who stand to make a massive profit because other people have urgent need for our goods.

Looks like our hatred for Steelfathers is grounded from Blackhand bleeding over to us.
Likely so, to a point.

Although it occurs to me, as a matter of devil's advocacy:

Anyone who becomes a jarl, Steelfather or otherwise, probably has more than a few tricks, gambits, and special abilities aimed at social activity and politicking. They are generally going to make a pretty good first impression on anyone they care to make a good first impression on. Blackhand's impressions and feelings may be canceling out some of those positive vibes, and then here we see said vibes full force.
Of course, in our last trading venture, we were trading among culturally hostile foreigners (the English) and we were desperate because we were shopping for grain to prevent a famine. Those aren't recipes for making massive profits.

We actually did make a massive profit on that trip, even ignoring the Food and mercenary work. That might be largely because we got the whetstone effectively for 'free', but the amount we were paid for it was significantly higher than even this.

This is a ridiculous profit, don't get me wrong, and we can maybe make more of one on the return trip, but just as a bit of fact checking the profits from our Wessex trip, even just from a trade trip perspective, were immense.