Winter 10/Lost Herd? 4
[X] Let the child-vittra speak

"Dad!" The child-vittra exclaims as his father arrives on the scene, "These weirdos said that they're looking for you!"

"Is that so?" The father-vittra mutters to himself, the stink of cheap alcohol thick in the air, "Well what the fuck do you pasty fucks want, eh? I paid good silver to not be bothered by feckless runts like yourselves, so this'd better be good or you can fuck right off!"

Letting the child speak may have been a mistake...

Still, as the leader of this expedition, it falls on your shoulders to find a solution—or lead the charge, such as the case may be.

What do you do?
[ ] You've had enough of this, attack.
[ ] Attempt diplomacy
-[ ] Write in
[ ] Do as he says and fuck right off


AN: Sometimes, things work out and sometimes you make the wrong choice. You win some, you lose some, such is life.

Also, I accidentally wrote this while the vote was up, my apologies. I thought I had called it, I did not.

Anyways, no moratorium and short vote.
Now might be a good time to bring out the gifts again.

We're not going to kill the vittra and kid vittra to steal the cows, but there's some questions here - why can only we see the cows, and who did the vittra pay and what for? I suspect this might be a trap for one or both of us.
[X] Let the child-vittra speak

Yeah, let the kid speak. Its really just annoying when you are cut out of a conversation.
As for your second question, it isn't viable. Your soulscape is simply too large to ward without having to run around constantly renewing the magic.
Hm... does this mean we can't put up sing posts effectively, either?
Hm... Would making some great artifice, ie.: a kind of aqueduct network from our farm carrying Odr to other parts of our soul to fuel runes or wards?
At least, if Halla knew what those are :V

Edit: Oh, i missed the previous one... oh well.
Now might be a good time to bring out the gifts again.

We're not going to kill the vittra and kid vittra to steal the cows, but there's some questions here - why can only we see the cows, and who did the vittra pay and what for? I suspect this might be a trap for one or both of us.
probably the some yellow eyed real estate manager. Cheating good folks out of their money, tsk tsk.

So, Lets repeat? Though, if he drinks so soon in the morning....
Yeah, lets not be as soft handed, i think?
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I think we do need to try and talk here. My idea for what to say:

[X] Attempt diplomacy
-[X] "Sorry to disturb you, just trying to welcome you to the neighborhood." *hold out gifts* "Did you say you paid someone to be left alone? Who did you pay? I wasn't told anything like that by anyone...either someone got confused somewhere or the person you paid isn't giving you value for money."
-[X] Using Goal Tell to see what the vittra want, the Light Touch Trick to avoid giving offense, and Cool Off to keep our wits about us without losing our temper.
Oooh, I've got a better idea @DeadmanwalkingXI

[X] Attempt diplomacy
-[X] "Sorry to disturb you, I saw your herd wandering around and wanted to check and see if we had a new neighbor, apparently your wards had a bit of a hiccup though? Well, regardless, we just wanted to make sure that everything was going to be alright and there were no misunderstandings--come to think of it, do you know who I'd need to touch base with about the invitation you got? I imagine the news might have gotten lost somewhere in the recent confusion."
-[X] Using Goal Tell to see what the vittra want, the Light Touch Trick to avoid giving offense, and Cool Off to keep our wits about us without losing our temper.
--[X] Spend 5 Odr on our check to smooth things over and limit any hiccups on our part. Remember the greeting gifts as part of the bribe to help further smooth things over.

Basically, we're politely informing him that his wards might be a bit glitchy (Which is why we saw them in the first place) and he might want to touch up with them, and trying to smoothly pivot from there into asking who was supposed to be giving us the heads up that they needed their space.
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[X] Attempt diplomacy
-[X] "Sorry to disturb you, I saw your herd wandering around and wanted to check and see if we had a new neighbor, apparently your wards had a bit of a hiccup though? Well, regardless, we just wanted to make sure that everything was going to be alright and there were no misunderstandings--come to think of it, do you know who I'd need to touch base with about the invitation you got? I imagine the news might have gotten lost somewhere in the recent confusion."
-[X] Using Goal Tell to see what the vittra want, the Light Touch Trick to avoid giving offense, and Cool Off to keep our wits about us without losing our temper.
--[X] Spend 5 Odr on our check to smooth things over and limit any hiccups on our part. Remember the greeting gifts as part of the bribe to help further smooth things over.
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[X] Attempt diplomacy
-[X] "Sorry to disturb you, I saw your herd wandering around and wanted to check and see if we had a new neighbor, apparently your wards had a bit of a hiccup though? Well, regardless, we just wanted to make sure that everything was going to be alright and there were no misunderstandings--come to think of it, do you know who I'd need to touch base with about the invitation you got? I imagine the news might have gotten lost somewhere in the recent confusion."
-[X] Using Goal Tell to see what the vittra want, the Light Touch Trick to avoid giving offense, and Cool Off to keep our wits about us without losing our temper.
--[X] Spend 5 Odr on our check to smooth things over and limit any hiccups on our part. Remember the greeting gifts as part of the bribe to help further smooth things over.

Meep meep I'm a sheep
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[X] Attempt diplomacy
-[X] "Sorry to disturb you, I saw your herd wandering around and wanted to check and see if we had a new neighbor, apparently your wards had a bit of a hiccup though? Well, regardless, we just wanted to make sure that everything was going to be alright and there were no misunderstandings--come to think of it, do you know who I'd need to touch base with about the invitation you got? I imagine the news might have gotten lost somewhere in the recent confusion."
-[X] Using Goal Tell to see what the vittra want, the Light Touch Trick to avoid giving offense, and Cool Off to keep our wits about us without losing our temper.

Yeah, this seems fine.

--[X] Spend full Odr on our check to smooth things over and limit any hiccups on our part.

This, however, is an issue. I'm not sure there is 'full Odr' on skill checks. there's probably a cap but we don't actually know it. You need to specify a number. Probably 3-5.
Yeah, this seems fine.

This, however, is an issue. I'm not sure there is 'full Odr' on skill checks. there's probably a cap but we don't actually know it. You need to specify a number. Probably 3-5.

The cap's our skill rating, right? So we can spend 5, which is effectively +5 successes, either by removing failures or adding bonuses.

Still, fair adjustment, done.
[X] Attempt diplomacy
-[X] "Sorry to disturb you, I saw your herd wandering around and wanted to check and see if we had a new neighbor, apparently your wards had a bit of a hiccup though? Well, regardless, we just wanted to make sure that everything was going to be alright and there were no misunderstandings--come to think of it, do you know who I'd need to touch base with about the invitation you got? I imagine the news might have gotten lost somewhere in the recent confusion."
-[X] Using Goal Tell to see what the vittra want, the Light Touch Trick to avoid giving offense, and Cool Off to keep our wits about us without losing our temper.
--[X] Spend 5 Odr on our check to smooth things over and limit any hiccups on our part. Remember the greeting gifts as part of the bribe to help further smooth things over.

The cap's our skill rating, right? So we can spend 5, which is effectively +5 successes, either by removing failures or adding bonuses.

Still, fair adjustment, done.

Skill rating didn't limit us on Crafting. It does on combat, but I dunno how applicable that is otherwise.
[X] Attempt diplomacy
-[X] "Sorry to disturb you, I saw your herd wandering around and wanted to check and see if we had a new neighbor, apparently your wards had a bit of a hiccup though? Well, regardless, we just wanted to make sure that everything was going to be alright and there were no misunderstandings--come to think of it, do you know who I'd need to touch base with about the invitation you got? I imagine the news might have gotten lost somewhere in the recent confusion."
-[X] Using Goal Tell to see what the vittra want, the Light Touch Trick to avoid giving offense, and Cool Off to keep our wits about us without losing our temper.
--[X] Spend 5 Odr on our check to smooth things over and limit any hiccups on our part. Remember the greeting gifts as part of the bribe to help further smooth things over.
[X] Attempt diplomacy
-[X] "Sorry to disturb you, I saw your herd wandering around and wanted to check and see if we had a new neighbor, apparently your wards had a bit of a hiccup though? Well, regardless, we just wanted to make sure that everything was going to be alright and there were no misunderstandings--come to think of it, do you know who I'd need to touch base with about the invitation you got? I imagine the news might have gotten lost somewhere in the recent confusion."
-[X] Using Goal Tell to see what the vittra want, the Light Touch Trick to avoid giving offense, and Cool Off to keep our wits about us without losing our temper.
--[X] Spend 5 Odr on our check to smooth things over and limit any hiccups on our part. Remember the greeting gifts as part of the bribe to help further smooth things over.
[X] Attempt diplomacy
-[X] "Sorry to disturb you, I saw your herd wandering around and wanted to check and see if we had a new neighbor, apparently your wards had a bit of a hiccup though? Well, regardless, we just wanted to make sure that everything was going to be alright and there were no misunderstandings--come to think of it, do you know who I'd need to touch base with about the invitation you got? I imagine the news might have gotten lost somewhere in the recent confusion."
-[X] Using Goal Tell to see what the vittra want, the Light Touch Trick to avoid giving offense, and Cool Off to keep our wits about us without losing our temper.