We should probably make a backup in Latin(can we not read this?) or English(do they have a writing system yet?); if for no other reason than to preserve Norse culture and cultivation.
Halla doesn't know Latin yet, and I'm not sure she's comfortable enough with written English to write poetic allegories in it yet either. But writing translations once she has the proficiency isn't a bad idea.
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-[X] (Lost Herd?) There's a large herd of high-quality cattle out in the highlands beyond your property. Write in what you wish to do about it.
--[X] Approach cautiously and with an eye towards seeing if the cattle belong to someone, bringing basic gifts (food, alcohol, maybe some money) to make friendly with anyone who shows up claiming ownership. We'll claim the herd if there's nobody there even after we check and make sure, though.
--[X] Bring Abjorn and our huscarls.
Not really a priority IMO. A bunch of free cows or silver is irrelevant to our situation.

Once again, don't bring literally everyone so that there are people protecting our home if something happens, plus also so that it is easier for there to have character beats between our people.

As for what to do:

1) Check for livestock brandings which are normally used to indicate ownership. They should exist in this era, they've been around since like 2700 BC IRL. Even divinely owned cows should have them.
a) If there are markings, ask around for their owner.

Apparently they have no brandings. Go figure.

1) Hunt around very hard for magical beings of any sort. Someone owns those cows and they probably aren't a Norseman.
2) Use Seidr to see if there are weird spirits who have been pranking people by leading away their cows or something. This is a LOT of cows.
3) Spam the shit out of Owl-Eye Pulse and the Give-Away Tricks for spiritual weirdness.
4) Even after claiming the cows, mark them separately so that if someone does come around to claim them we can return them without much hassle.
-[X] [Social] (Playdates)
--[X] Klaus-Kjaran-Kadrina (Coast Family)
--[X] Hopefully a smaller gathering will give our kids more opportunities to bond.
Not sure, but maybe specify the exact 1-1 matchups among our children?
--[X] Try and experiment with using a technique like Recall (ie: something telekinetic, using strings or fingers as our visualization) in our unbinding of needlebinding, doing it mentally rather than physically – 1 Research
Alectai had something to say about doing some kind of string based multitasking, maybe put that in? More details is more good.
--[X] Offer Odr in our recruitment efforts for spirits to work for us, exact details depending on the specific spirit and the arrangement –1 Research
I think we should offer them the opportunity to exist in our soulscape... well, actually:

Lesser Spirits (Random useless spirits who can't do anything)

Get: Place to exist in without our Soulscape but OUTSIDE our Farmsoul.
Give: Make the place more lively, don't cause trouble, defend against other hostile spirits.

Moderate Spirits (Definition: Any spirit with an ability that could qualify as remotely useful)

Get: As Lesser Spirit, plus potentially Odr (amount pending spirit).
Give: As lesser Spirit, plus services based on that spirit's capabilities exactly.

Greater Spirits (Definition: Any spirit which could plausibly harm us)

Case-by-case basis (Read: Update for specific negotiations).
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Not really a priority IMO. A bunch of free cows or silver is irrelevant to our situation.

Per IF on Discord, the cattle are of Wondrous quality and have no brand. That only reinforces my suspicions that something is really weird with the cows. Like 'in need of investigation' weird. If it were just the money I'd be a little less focused but that's just strange as hell.

Once again, don't bring literally everyone so that there are people protecting our home if something happens, plus also so that it is easier for there to have character beats between our people.

Eh. Fair enough. Done.

This seems like micromanaging to the point of being, well, unmanageable. I'll make it even more explicit that we're checking for weirdness, though.

Not sure, but maybe specify the exact 1-1 matchups among our children?

We have 4 kids who'd be involved...I'd rather let that develop naturally anyway.

Alectai had something to say about doing some kind of string based multitasking, maybe put that in? More details is more good.

Alectai's is basically what I describe only without the possibility of fingers, which I think is an important thing to try.

I think we should offer them the opportunity to exist in our soulscape... well, actually:

I sincerely don't think we can or should micromanage what offers we make to that degree. They should depend heavily on the specific spirits. I'll expand a little on some possibilities, though.
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Per IF on Discord, the cattle are of Wondrous quality and have no brand. That only reinforces my suspicions that something is really weird with the cows. Like 'in need of investigation' weird. If it were just the money I'd be a little less focused but that's just strange as hell.
I think it's just a magical creature, though as long as we bring Abjorn along we should have a near-certain chance of finding the real owner due to Wolf's Nose.
[X] Plan Household Activities

Can we also add offering expiriences and maybe food to the spirits we recruit?

It's sad that despite it all, Abjorn still loved his father.

I don't think love is the right word.

Abjorn must have really complicated feelings towards his father. And deep down he is probably disapointed he didn't get to kill him or at least put him down himself.
Will we use next turn to meet Jurgen and the skogtatt?

Now the herd and Abjorn have taken priority, but we should investigate those at some point.

I think they have to wait until we're back from Gotland. That trip is likely next turn, along with probably making the book cover and either some more crafting if we can do a Divination on the trip, or the Divination if we can't (and talking Steel with Sten as our social, probably). Once we're back, I'm down to talk to both of those, potentially, though we'll see how that intersects with other actions.
Even if Experiences work, I would prefer we didn't offer them on the basis that 9 Work Dice is really a lot of work.

It sounds to me like we can imbue them into things without losing them. Like, the Fylgja Ritual does not require us to reacquire those Experiences every time we do it, it just requires that we have them at all...I think. Likewise, imbuing one into an item so a spirit could feel it probably doesn't cost us the Experience in question.

I'm not 100% sure of that, though, I admit. Even if I'm wrong, though, I think we'd still be willing to offer them...albeit at a much higher price. Like, we'd definitely spend 9 Work Dice to acquire a spiritual servant for the rest of our life or something like that. So they'd be on the table either way just not at the same price point.

@Imperial Fister how do Experiences work? Am I right that generally, once you have them you have them and can reuse them, or are they used up when you imbue them into something?
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I think they have to wait until we're back from Gotland. That trip is likely next turn, along with probably making the book cover and either some more crafting if we can do a Divination on the trip, or the Divination if we can't (and talking Steel with Sten as our social, probably). Once we're back, I'm down to talk to both of those, potentially, though we'll see how that intersects with other actions.

Fair enough, it makes sense.

By the way, are we using Weighed on the Scales when we recruit Spirits right? It seems implicit in the plan, but i wanted to check.

Also, if this works and we want to recruit more Spirits in the next turns. We can use Signalfire to do it.
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Crossposting my thoughts from Discord on the attributes:

+Raw Hamr Rolls
+Hamr Trick Slots
+(eventually) Combat-Speed Shapeshfits

Hamr Infusions:
+(Seemingly nothing else?)

+Raw Hugr Rolls
+Hugr Capacity
+Hugr Trick Slots
+Rewrites/Loopholes (Personally I call them Stretches/Scratches)

Hugr Infusions:
+Hugr Capacity

+(Probably) Raw Fylgja rolls
+????????? We're probably missing something here
+Fylgja Endurance & Capacity
+Command Slots
+Fylgja Evolutions

Fylgja Infusions:

+Fylgja Endurance & Capacity
+Command Slots
+Alloy/Shapeshfit Slots

So in Bold Underlined were where Infusions gave something that the base attribute didn't. As you can see, Hugr and Fylgja Infusions both gave something (Frenzy that the base attribute did not. This is not the case for Hamr Infusions - There isn't anything that you can get with Hamr Infusions that you can't get by raising Hamr high enough. That's suspicious!

Also, the Fylgja stat remains a huge oddity and we're probably missing something big in it's base stats. We probably have all it's Infusion effects, but we're likely missing something from the base attribute itself.
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Crossposting my thoughts from Discord on the attributes:

Generally agreed, yeah. We're missing something from Fylgja itself and maybe something from Hamr Infusion. The existing benefits of Hamr Infusion could, in theory, be good enough it doesn't need an 'extra thing'...I do think there's probably something else, but it might be something minor or something that only kicks in at Hamr 10+ or something.

I'm in complete agreement that we're missing something Fylgja-related, though.

+(Likely eventually) Rewrites/Loopholes

I believe IF confirmed this at Hugr Infusion 9+.
Generally agreed, yeah. We're missing something from Fylgja itself and maybe something from Hamr Infusion. The existing benefits of Hamr Infusion could, in theory, be good enough it doesn't need an 'extra thing'...I do think there's probably something else, but it might be something minor or something that only kicks in at Hamr 10+ or something.

I'm in complete agreement that we're missing something Fylgja-related, though.
I think the something we are missing from Hamr Infusion is probably about 'as' good as either the extra Endurance or the extra Shapeshfits. Basically I think we're missing maybe ~1/3 of the effects of Hamr Infusions.

We probably have all the effects of Fylgja Infusions though, I think. We're just missing a critical effect of the base stat.
@Imperial Fister how do Experiences work? Am I right that generally, once you have them you have them and can reuse them, or are they used up when you imbue them into something?
Experiences were inspired by the materials to make Fenrir's bonds, which were used up in their entirety in the making of them. It's why you
no longer "hear the footfall of a cat" or "see the beard of a woman"—never mind that both absolutely still exist but shut up.

So, in short, Experiences are used up in the process.
I think the something we are missing from Hamr Infusion is probably about 'as' good as either the extra Endurance or the extra Shapeshfits. Basically I think we're missing maybe ~1/3 of the effects of Hamr Infusions.

We probably have all the effects of Fylgja Infusions though, I think. We're just missing a critical effect of the base stat.

I'm not sure whether that's true on Hamr, though it's possible. Agreed entirely on Fylgja.

We should ask a Fylgja specialist to see what they know. So either Aki or Solrun.

We should have the opportunity to ask Solrun stuff next turn. So that's probably the easiest way.

Experiences were inspired by the materials to make Fenrir's bonds, which were used up in their entirety in the making of them. It's why you
no longer "hear the footfall of a cat" or "see the beard of a woman"—never mind that both absolutely still exist but shut up.

So, in short, Experiences are used up in the process.

Oof. That's rough. That makes revealing someone's Fylgja way more expensive than it seems like it should be at 27 Work Dice (or three actions). Or is there some sort of discount for those specific three Experiences?

Like, that seems generally fine, at 9 Work Dice per cool thing you can add to something, but for Fylgja specifically it seems overly harsh.
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Maybe we can regain those Experiences and then use them again?

I'm sure we can, but 27 Work Dice per Fylgja Reveal doesn't really work with the prices Solrun was charging previously or indeed it being a thing you can just buy. That's a huge amount of work for a lone seeress, who likely doesn't even have that many Work Dice per turn and would need to burn multiple actions...it just doesn't quite work.

I mean, if regaining the same Experiences is cheaper after the first time it'd potentially work, but not at 27 Work Dice/3 Actions a pop.
Like, that seems generally fine, at 9 Work Dice per cool thing you can add to something, but for Fylgja specifically it seems overly harsh.
Yeah, that's the point. Unveiling your fylgja is to force something formless to take a form when the time isn't right. It's going to be expensive as hell to do that.

It's why you don't see all that many people with unveiled fylgjur, because it's expensive as all get out.

I'll sleep on it, though. See if I feel any different come morning
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