Okay, cool. Relatedly, we do need both hands unused for FTB charging even with a one handed weapon? I assume so, but it feels silly not to make sure under the circumstances.
You do, yes
How much would that take to effectively fully max out our boosts @Imperial Fister BTW? Would it just be effectively (Hugareida Level) each to cover a full Odr Boost for EWC in both configurations for the round?
That works for me


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Got it.

The broad principle here is to convert this into a low altitude dogfight, in which conserving energy while forcing our opponent to exhaust more to keep up with us is key. This means the attacks he does get on us will be reduced in number and magnitude, while we use kicked Kindle-Spinners to discourage him from his eyes wandering onto someone else or to punish him for trying to disengage from us. Hell, the 4-fold Kindle Spinners loaded in our Fylgja-Fast would actually be a great punish if he tried to not engage with our nonsense, that probably hits hard enough that it has a non-zero chance of threatening even his hyper-regeneration.
We know that he can move shapeshifts around as needed, so attempting to kill him with conventional damage also has to get through all of his DR shapeshifts.
Again, he has Standstill and probably Just Wins Hamr/Hugr Contests, he probably will just follow us into the Frozen Time, at which point his regeneration works automatically. Since after the nerfs, it's contested, and since he has Standstill too, he probably isn't limited to just passive defenses.

Don't get so monofocused on one tactic that you discard everything else.

Bombard him with kicked Kindle-Spinners to keep his focus on us, turnfight, use aerial Sidesteps to dodge anything he doesn't put Puncture on, and our layered defenses against anything he does. Buy time until the Flame Tending Blade can be drawn--we brought it up to Mastery, that's probably going to be something we can charge up enough in the time we have.

Then angle it so we don't destroy Halfdan's farm and let it rip
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Okay, so, here's that plan, I think.

[X] Plan Time To Tend The Flame
-[X] 36d6 Attack (36d6 tricks)
-[X] 93d6 Defense (93d6 tricks)
-[X] 0d6 Intercept
-[X] Stoke Virthing and Saemd for Orthstirr (+629 Orthstirr)
-[X] Activate Stoker State 3 (-9 Orthstirr), Slipstream (-8 Orthstirr), and Fanned Flames to boost our Ember-Wing Cloak speed even more (-7 Orthstirr), as combat begins. Continue using Sundersight to get a read on him.
-[X] Immediately take to the air with Ember-Wing Cloak spending 6 Odr to enhance its speed as much as possible (-6 Odr, +3 Stoked Dice) and using Veto Motion (-3 Orthstirr, +3 Stoked Dice) as needed to allow greater precision in our defenses and lead him around the arena near the ground, attempting to stay out of reach with our greater speed and precision and taking advantage of difficult terrain (particularly the glassed portion of the field) to impede him, but low enough he doesn't need to fly to reach us. All subsequent actions have +1d6 from the Skyfire Kenning.
-[X] Burn a Calm Charge to recover Saemd and begin charging Flame-Tending Blade (-1 Calm Charge, -1 Aspect). Unleash it as soon as we're sure it'll take him out. We will burn all Stoked Dice on this as well, when it happens.
-[X] Add a 120d6+6 Sword Guard with 2 Odr invested into it (-124 Orthstirr, -2 Odr) and activate Atgeir Bodyguard at 120d6+6 with one Odr invested having Sagaseeker hover to perform that function (-80 Orthstirr from us, -46 Orthstirr from Sagaseeker, -1 Odr).
-[X] As long as our other Guards are active Sagaseeker should take breaks from guarding us and use up to seven 60d6+6 Shapenedx27 Forceful Levers adding 1 Odr to their effect (-32 Orthstirr and -1 Odr each) in order to force Hooknails further away or otherwise spoil his attacks at his own discretion. He should also go back to doing this if his own Atgeir Bodyguard is broken.
-[X] We will use up to eight 16d6+6 Fast-Stored 3Fold Orthstirr Enhancedx13 Kindle Spinners (-18 Orthstirr each) to keep him focused on us rather than running off to murder the crowd or similar things.
-[X] In response to any uses of Contested Movement by Hooknails while we are within range of his attacks add our Stoked Dice to our Hamr roll and hope to win.
-[X] If he is looking like he is about to hit us and we don't think other defenses will work sufficiently or we've truly been trapped in some way we will activate Time Stands Still (using a Calm Charge to recover an Aspect then burning it, burning our final use of Fight Of Our Life for 27d6+6 on opposed roll), and flee as far as possible while still being in the arena (using Backstep as needed if that's faster). We will also reactivate our Guards if they are down.
-[X] If we are ever captured by something like Inertia-Arresting Throw and cannot disperse it with greater Standstill then we will burn a Calm Charge and stoke an Aspect to escape. Likewise, we will use a Calm Charge and stoke an Aspect if we fall below 200 Orthstirr, and will do so as long as our Calm Charges last.
-[X] By default use the Sword Guards and Atgeir Bodyguard to defend against most attacks (other than fleinns or guard breaks). In response to anything without Puncture or some other obvious ability to ignore Perfect defenses that gets through those (including fleinns) or in response to guard break attacks without Puncture, use Backstep or Sidestep with Veto Motion as appropriate (-7 or -8 Orthstirr, +3 Stoked Dice), and if facing attacks with Puncture that get through (or Guard Breaks with Puncture) use up to three 120d6+15 Reinforcedx88 Sway Defenses (-90 Orthstirr each) adding Veto Motion (-5 more Orthstirr, +3 Stoked Dice) if necessary to make those work.
-[X] Tactics – So, the idea here is basically go full defense with just enough attacks to keep his attention, and charge Flame-Tending Blade to kill him. The rest of the tactics amount to attempting our hardest to survive.

EDIT: Added some Forceful Levers from Sagaseeker.
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Overall the plan looks good, but would the Veto Movement and Sidestep combo I asked about help for some extra insurance?

[X] Plan Time To Tend The Flame
[X] Plan Time To Tend The Flame

It's broadly what I had in mind. Either way, it's big on reducing his options while maximizing our defensive potential. Hopefully it should be enough.
Just to note, we have more than 81 Odr right now, and while we know 9 Odr can significantly boost something, I do wonder what 81 will do.
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Just to note, we have more 81 than Odr right now, and while we know 9 Odr can significantly boost something, I do wonder what 81 will do.

We can't spend more Odr on a Trick than its governing Hugareida or skill. That's a max of 6 for any of the Tricks in the current plan, and much less in some cases. I assure you, if we could spend more Odr on our defenses productively I'd be all for it.

EDIT: Ninja'd (foeman'd? are we going with that?) by Alectai.
We can't spend more Odr on a Trick than its governing Hugareida or skill. That's a max of 6 for any of the Tricks in the current plan, and much less in some cases. I assure you, if we could spend more Odr on our defenses profuctively I'd be all for it.
Right, my bad. It was Seidr that we spend the 9 Odr on with Banish the Night, not a finale, though it might be possible with Finale to shove more then the usual among.
Why do we need to burn the other Aspects?
Edit: Or at least why do we need to pop them both right away?