-[X] (Blackhand's Training) Try to develop old/train new hugareida tricks
We should go and Perfect Kindle-Spinner, Firebomb-Strike and Ember-Wing Cloak. It should cost 39 exp in total, 10 exp after quartering, if we're allowed to overflow.

We could probably defer Semi-Halting Vortex for this.
--[X] Mess around with the strange sword we bought in Asvir. It looks like it's made for cutting, maybe we could try developing a Slash trick with it?
I would like us to Alloy Puncture to Stoker State while Stoker State is alloyed to Ignition/Standstill to see if Puncture is 'Propagated' to Ignition and Standstill tricks.
--[X] Try and Alloy Ignition and Stoker State, see if it grants Stoked Dice for using EWC or propagates damage to Stoker State Tricks – 1 Research
For example, if the Devouring Flame trick now deals a whole ton of damage.
We should go and Perfect Kindle-Spinner, Firebomb-Strike and Ember-Wing Cloak. It should cost 39 exp in total, 10 exp after quartering, if we're allowed to overflow.

We are probably not allowed overflow from one Trick to another, and should definitely not make a plan based on it without asking. Based on previous overflow, they likely overflow to Hugr. Which pegs their cost at 14 xp total, by the way. 12xp (3xp) Kindle Spinner, 24xp (6xp) Firebomb Strike, 20xp (5xp) EWC.
Also, do we know or have the action that would let us work out the dwarf deal for Dorri? How does it work narratively/mechanically?

[X] Plan Less Crafting, More Poetry and Swords
[X] Saga Expansion
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on the height thing. one solution would be that going through the stages of cultivation makes your body more fitting for your saga.
aki or stigr's sagas would probably never have them be mountains of muscle and sinew towering over mortals.
so going through the making of your saga could make you taller if that fits for your legend or it could hardly change your height at all.
it could also in theory make you shorter or more lithe and wiry if that is the image that would be fitting for your saga.
Re: Height, we do have an example of odr cultivators growing to titanic levels. Modgudr is tall enough that Halla's head before this growth spurt came up to Modgudr's knees. Assuming that knee height is roughly one fourth of total height, and assuming her knee height was around 170 cm, she'd be more than 6 metres tall. That's 20 feet, twice the height of Corpsemaker. Modgudr doesn't need to worry about inconveniences in her daily life, but I suppose those that are at a similar power level to her, like the gods, who do interact with others regularly, would shape shift themselves into smaller sizes.
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[X] Saga Expansion

[X] Plan Less Crafting, More Poetry and Swords

More idea for the alloy bin:
Can we alloy shapeshifting slots with something?
Would we see our kids if we alloy the worried mother muna with a vision trick/sunder sight muna?
What happens if we alloy out aspects?
We should go and Perfect Kindle-Spinner, Firebomb-Strike and Ember-Wing Cloak. It should cost 39 exp in total, 10 exp after quartering, if we're allowed to overflow.

We could probably defer Semi-Halting Vortex for this.

Sounds reasonable to me, although I think Slowing Slog and Time Stands Still take slightly higher priority? I'll shift the dice over from SPHV though.

I would like us to Alloy Puncture to Stoker State while Stoker State is alloyed to Ignition/Standstill to see if Puncture is 'Propagated' to Ignition and Standstill tricks.

For example, if the Devouring Flame trick now deals a whole ton of damage.

Fair enough, I'll find a dice from somewhere and put this as a research action. Definitely worth checking.

"Why do I hear boss music?"


Honestly, we could also try this with one of Flekkr's puppies at some point.
Re: Height, we do have an example of odr cultivators growing to titanic levels. Modgudr is tall enough that Halla's head before this growth spurt came up to Modgudr's knees. Assuming that knee height is roughly one fourth of total height, and assuming her knee height was around 170 cm, she'd be more than 6 metres tall. That's 20 feet, twice the height of Corpsemaker. Modgudr doesn't need to worry about inconveniences in her daily life, but I suppose those that are at a similar power level to her, like the gods, who do interact with others regularly, would shape shift themselves into smaller sizes.

In fairness, she's Aesir, not human, her being bigger may partially be that as well.
Twenty feet is about the height of a fully grown Tyrannosaurus Rex raising itself up to its full height. Extrapolating from a human weight of 75-100kg Modgudr would weigh slightly less, somewhere between three to five tons versus the eight or nine tons we now believe the largest specimens of T-Rex may have reached. But that's bigger than any living land animal except the largest male African elephants, and the same weight as most large theropod dinosaurs who weren't T-Rex.

So, in summary, Morgudr could punch out a T-Rex.
Sounds reasonable to me, although I think Slowing Slog and Time Stands Still take slightly higher priority? I'll shift the dice over from SPHV though.
perfected EWC might help us explore our larger soulscape, or at least traverse it more easily. its no longer a small farmstead, so limitless flight can be massive there.

we should start thinking about Alloys when learning Seidr now. a spell is not just the spell itself but also all other implications.

when do we wanna get the lightning Hugareida? and what do we intend to do about experience capturing?
when do we wanna get the lightning Hugareida? and what do we intend to do about experience capturing?

I'm not actually sure what we want to do in the way of lightning-hugareida acquisition...I'd personally be more inclined to offer it as an option to others than focus on it for Halla specifically...it's unlikely to be wildly effective compared to our other options, I think.

For experience capturing, I think we still need to brainstorm alternatives, though acquiring a new sense then sacrificing it seems possible...
perfected EWC might help us explore our larger soulscape, or at least traverse it more easily. its no longer a small farmstead, so limitless flight can be massive there.

we should start thinking about Alloys when learning Seidr now. a spell is not just the spell itself but also all other implications.

when do we wanna get the lightning Hugareida? and what do we intend to do about experience capturing?

Happily, we're perfecting EWC in the latest draft of my plan, as well as Kindle-Spinner and Firebomb Strike.

I'm not actually sure what we want to do in the way of lightning-hugareida acquisition...I'd personally be more inclined to offer it as an option to others than focus on it for Halla specifically...it's unlikely to be wildly effective compared to our other options, I think.

For experience capturing, I think we still need to brainstorm alternatives, though acquiring a new sense then sacrificing it seems possible...

Hehe, brainstorm. :D

I think the one use-case for Lightning Hugareida which might be helpful is if it made us better at capturing lightning bolts? Being able to make more of those lightning-in-a-jar thingies would be great for crafting and other big projects. Or if there's some kind of persistent self-buff to improve our reflexes, it's not that expensive to get it to Refined, and that can be the only one we use, same as Slipstream.

Getting a lightning Muna itself isn't expensive per se, we just need to tie ourselves to a lightning rod and see what happens. If it works it works, and if it doesn't we've lost one Research slot, but I think we've spent Research on longer odds before.
Getting a lightning Muna itself isn't expensive per se, we just need to tie ourselves to a lightning rod and see what happens. If it works it works, and if it doesn't we've lost one Research slot, but I think we've spent Research on longer odds before.

I'd probably want a few more precautions to avoid dying, but if it's just research fair enough...I'm worried it's an action, though, given Muna's narrative weight. Finding time for that is harder.

And remember that one Lightning Trick is effectively 2 Capacity, given the need for the Muna as well as the Trick itself...that's not a non-sell, but it needs to be a very good Trick if there's only one.
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I'd probably want a few more precautions to avoid dying, but if it's just research fair enough...I'm worried it's an action, though, given Muna's narrative weight. Finding time for that is harder.

And remember that one Lightning Trick is effectively 2 Capacity, given the need for the Muna as well as the Trick itself...that's not a non-sell, but it needs to be a very good Trick if there's only one.

Those are both good points, yeah. We'd definitely want to prepare for "Plan Strike Ourselves with Lightning", and yes if it's an action slot, the opportunity cost is higher.

In terms of Capacity, if the Lightning Trick is mostly to help us capture lightning-in-a-bottle, we don't need to keep it slotted all the time. But yeah if it's a combat trick, that does become more of an investment. I'd say that if it gave us +1 Speed like slipstream, or some sort of quick reflex bonus to dodging attacks or something, it's probably worth it? But otherwise maybe not.
Voting is now closed
Scheduled vote count started by Imperial Fister on Sep 27, 2023 at 6:00 PM, finished with 129 posts and 19 votes.

  • [X] Saga Expansion

    [X] Plan Less Crafting, More Poetry and Swords

    -[X] Personal Actions

    -[X] (Poetry) Try to realize our "Bearbreaker" poetic Inspiration; crafting a praise poem in skaldic metre which tells the story of how our brave husband earnt his kenning by hunting the terrible hunter. This is not at all because we want to stick it to that yellow-eyed little trick with the red scarf who dared to insult our boo. Definitely not. No siree.
    --[X] Infuse 3 Odr into it.
    --[X] Spend Three Reward Dice - (Skippy)
    -[X] (Crafting) Try to make something
    --[X] Item One
    --[X] Add Runes to our existing Tools (+15 successes from Tools/Workshop)
    --[X] "May Brokkr and Eitri's skill be granted to those who learn with me." – Hopefully making them a Training Item for crafts like Weaponcraft, Artcraft, and Armorcraft and possibly other assorted crafts or crafting-adjacent Tricks.
    --[X] Item Two
    ---[X] Silver Drinking Horn (+15 successes from Tools/Workshop)
    ---[X] Add runes saying "May the drink that pours from me be as the mead that fell from one-eyed eagle's craw to poet's mouth." – Hopefully a Wordplay and Silver-Tongue Training Item
    ---[X] Add bone ash from thrushes, larks, and other songbirds.
    -[X] Initiate Aggressive Befriending with the Ice Sword.
    -[X] [Social] (Personal) Spend time with...
    --[X] Eric
    --[X] Ask again about what's going on with the Kyrsvikingar
    --[X] Use the opportunity to put the word out that we're planning an expedition in a couple of months. Nothing epic, just a trading mission.
    -[X] (Exploration) Go on a walk through...
    --[X] Your Soulscape!
    ---[X] (Optional) Send your fylgja in your place (Does not cost an action)
    -[X] Special Note: On all Crafting add the following if possible unless otherwise specified:
    --[X] For metal items, have Heat Hold available just in case.
    --[X] Using Sundersight (+1d3 Successes)
    --[X] Stoking Frami, Virthing, and Saemd (for +1 Success each, +3 successes total) to enhance the crafting process

    -[X] Training

    -[X] (Seeress) Learn seidr with the Seeress (Only available during Summer)
    --[X] Learn the spells for traveling to Ginnungagap and finding a specific soul there (like those used to rescue Aki)...we have a lot of relatives with fylgja and would like to be able to save them at need.
    --[X] Ask Solrun what she knows about Aspects and how they work
    --[X] Ask Solrun where she goes for the winter, and invite her to stay with us if she'd prefer that.
    -[X] (Research)
    --[X] Carried over from last turn: Place a runestone in our soul, with a poem commemorating our and Abjorn's first kiss under a falling tree, when time stood still.
    --[X] Go over our known capabilities and see if our hitting a new stage of our Realm has had any effect on any of them that we can discern – 1 RP
    --[X] Try and Alloy Ignition and Stoker State, see if it grants Stoked Dice for using EWC or propagates damage to Stoker State Tricks – 1 RP
    --[X] Try Alloying our Hamr and Stoker State, see if this empowers our muscles with short bursts of energy in the same way that Standstill froze them up. - 1 RP
    --[X] Mess around with the strange sword we bought in Asvir. It looks like it's made for cutting, maybe we could try developing a Slash trick with it? - 1 RP
    --[X] Try experimenting with Time Stands Still and other Standstill effects and try and figure out what the Martial Style Time Stands Still is part of might be, or be capable of – 1 RP
    --[X] Try and Alloy Puncture and our Stoker State whilst Puncture is alloyed to Ignition, to find out whether Puncture's effect can propagate across multiple disciplines that are mutually alloyed. – 1 RP
    --[X] Try and Alloy Campfire and Hamr. - 1 RP
    ---[X] Do this naked in the sauna with Abjorn, holding a rag to see if it ignites, prepare to switch it out quickly...try and figure out from how it works how it would go if we did the same with Ignition
    -[X] (Blackhand's Training) Try to develop old/train new hugareida tricks
    --[X] Train Slowing Slog 46xp (23xp)
    --[X] Train Ember Winged Cloak 20xp (5xp)
    --[X] Train Kindle Spinner 12xp (3xp)
    --[X] Train Firebomb-Strike 24xp (6xp)
    --[X] Train Campfire 28xp (7xp)
    ---[X] Note: This allows us to re-alloy Forgefire, adding +2d to all crafting (25d total on this turn's crafting)
    --[X] Train Time Stands Still 36xp (18xp)
    -[X] (Training) Martial Styles
    --[X] Train Stoker State 8xp (4xp)
    --[X] Train Threadcutter 4xp (2xp)
    -[X] (Training) Hamr (255 successes to rank up)
    --[X] Train Throw 1xp

    -[X] Incidentals and Allocation

    -[X] (Work Dice Usage)
    --[X] Buildings, Resources, and Quality: 2 Living Space, Everything else maxed out (61 Total)
    --[X] Crafting: Making 1 Glue Bomb and 1 Meat-Keeping Stick (4 Total)
    --[X] Construction: Improve Building – Workshop by 19 (19 Total)
    --[X] Conversion: Spend for 6 Research Dice (12 Total)
    -[X] (Incidentals)
    --[X] Adding Taafl Board Capacity Gains to: Abjorn, Hallbjorn,
    --[X] Receiving Metal from Dwarves: 24 oz Forged Iron, 6 oz Drafty Iron
    -[X] (Shapeshifting Slots)
    --[X] Add one instance of Fast Twitch Muscles.
    -[X] (Fylgja Alloy/Shapeshifting Slots)
    --[X] Remove the 4Fold Sparkbomb, replace it with a 2Fold Sparkbomb (-17 Orthstirr)
    -[X] (Standing Orders)
    --[X] Change the Standing Order relating to Sparkbombs to replace the 2Fold Sparkbomb with a single Sparkbomb whenever that Fast is empty.
    -[X] (Assign Hugareida Levels)
    --[X] Assign 4 Forgefire Levels to Damage
    --[X] Assign 1 Campfire Level to Dice and 2 to Instances
    [X] Saga Mounting
    [X] Plan Finishing Things Up
    -[X] (Crafting) Try to make something (1)
    --[X] 1 oz. Molten Iron Fire Striker Rod (+15 successes from Tools/Workshop)
    --[X] Add runes saying "May my sparks grant knowledge of Ignition itself." – Training Item for Ignition
    --[X] Add rooster bone ash, hoping to connect with the 'bring the sun' thematic beat there
    -[X] (Crafting) Try to make something (2)
    --[X] Silver Drinking Horn (+15 successes from Tools/Workshop)
    --[X] Add runes saying "May that drunk from me teach sweet words and poetry." – Hopefully a Wordplay and Silver-Tongue Training Item
    --[X] Add bone ash from songbirds
    -[X] (Crafting) Try to make something (3)
    --[X] Add Runes to our existing Tools (+15 successes from Tools/Workshop)
    --[X] "May Brokkr and Eitri's skill be granted to those who learn with me." – Hopefully making them a Weaponcraft, Artcraft, and Armorcraft Training Item
    -[X] (Crafting) Try to make something (4)
    --[X] Forged Iron Work Knife (+15 successes from Tools/Workshop)
    --[X] Add runes saying "May I teach all the uses of knives." –Training Item for Housecraft, Pierce, and Slash if we can manage it
    --[X] Add beaver bone ash
    -[X] Initiate aggressive diplomacy with the Ice Sword
    --[X] Use Sundersight and have our spiritual combat seidr ready.
    -[X] [Social] (Personal) Spend time with...
    --[X] Eric
    --[X] Ask again about what's going on with the Kyrsvikingar
    -[X] (Exploration) Go on a walk through...
    --[X] Your Soulscape!
    ---[X] (Optional) Send your fylgja in your place (Does not cost an action)
    -[X] Special Note: On all Crafting add the following if possible unless otherwise specified:
    --[X] For metal items, have Heat Hold available just in case.
    --[X] Using Sundersight (+1d3 Successes)
    --[X] Stoking Frami, Virthing, and Saemd (for +1 Success each, +3 successes total) to enhance the crafting process
    -[X] (Seeress) Learn seidr with the Seeress (Only available during Summer)
    --[X] Learn the spells for traveling to Ginnungagap and finding a specific soul there (like those used to rescue Aki)...we have a lot of relatives with fylgja and would like to be able to save them at need.
    --[X] Ask Solrun what she knows about Aspects and how they work
    --[X] Ask Solrun where she goes for the winter, and invite her to stay with us if she'd prefer that.
    -[X] (Research)
    --[X] Go over our known capabilities and see if our hitting a new stage of our Realm has had any effect on any of them that we can discern – 1 Research
    --[X] Try and Alloy Ignition and Stoker State, see if it grants Stoked Dice for using EWC or propagates damage to Stoker State Tricks – 1 Research
    --[X] Try and Alloy Stoker State and Puncture, see if that allows Puncture on Standstill or Ignition (already alloyed with Stoker State) or Basic Attacks –1 Research
    --[X] Try and Alloy Contested Movement and Stoker State, see if that allows Stoked Dice to be used in a less all-or-nothing way with Contested Movement – 1 Research
    --[X] Try experimenting with Time Stands Still and other Standstill effects and try and figure out what the Martial Style Time Stands Still is part of might be, or be capable of – 1 Research
    --[X] Try and Alloy Campfire and Hamr – 1 Research
    ---[X] Do this naked in the sauna with Abjorn, holding a rag to see if it ignites, prepare to switch it out quickly...try and figure out from how it works how it would go if we did the same with Ignition
    -[X] (Blackhand's Training) Try to develop old/train new hugareida tricks
    --[X] Train Slowing Slog 46xp (23xp)
    --[X] Train Semi-Halting Vortex 16xp (8xp)
    --[X] Train Campfire 28xp (7xp)
    ---[X] Note: This allows us to re-alloy Forgefire, adding +2d to all crafting (25d total on this turn's crafting)
    -[X] (Training) Martial Styles
    --[X] Train Stoker State 8xp (4xp)
    --[X] Train Flame-Tending Blade 16xp (8xp)
    --[X] Train Threadcutter 4xp (2xp)
    --[X] Train Knee-Drop Back Breaker 6xp (3xp)
    --[X] Train Fang 14xp (7xp)
    -[X] (Training) Hamr (255 successes to rank up)
    --[X] Train Chop 12xp (6xp)
    --[X] Train Throw 1xp
    -[X] (Work Dice Usage)
    --[X] Buildings, Resources, and Quality: 2 Living Space, Everything else maxed out (61 Total)
    --[X] Crafting: Making 1 Glue Bomb and 1 Meat-Keeping Stick (4 Total)
    --[X] Construction: Improve Building – Workshop by 19 (19 Total)
    --[X] Conversion: Spend for 6 Research Dice (12 Total)
    -[X] (Incidentals)
    --[X] Adding Taafl Board Capacity Gains to: Abjorn, Hallbjorn,
    --[X] Receiving Metal from Dwarves: 24 oz Forged Iron, 6 oz Drafty Iron
    -[X] (Shapeshifting Slots)
    --[X] Add one instance of Fast Twitch Muscles.
    -[X] (Fylgja Alloy/Shapeshifting Slots)
    --[X] Remove the 4Fold Sparkbomb, replace it with a 2Fold Sparkbomb (-17 Orthstirr)
    -[X] (Standing Orders)
    --[X] Change the Standing Order relating to Sparkbombs to replace the 2Fold Sparkbomb with a single Sparkbomb whenever that Fast is empty.
    -[X] (Assign Hugareida Levels)
    --[X] Assign 4 Forgefire Levels to Damage
    --[X] Assign 1 Campfire Level to Dice and 2 to Instances
    [X] Saga Growth
    [X] Saga-Gard
Well, this is the vote I've least minded losing in any Quest in a while. And my favorite option did win the Stage Name Vote, which was probably the more important one.
Did we end up getting that runestone into Halla's soulscape before we broke through? I remember IF wanted to wait for someone to write a poem for it, but I'm pretty sure Skippy managed to get that done in time.