So, on an unrelated note. @Imperial Fister, would a research die going to effectively sketch out the full abilities of a Hugareida that Blackhand wasn't particularly good at be something that lets us map it out? Boil apparently isn't great, but Steam might have good value for us.
I'll let you do it, though you should keep in mind that Blackhand is, occasionally, full of it.
Boil only seems to be Clearwater plus campfire or is it any other fire hugreida?

So trust but verify is in effect.
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Boil only seems to be Clearwater plus campfire or is it any other fire hugreida?

I think we asked and it was anything Fire-based plus Clearwater.

So trust but verify is in effect.

I think Blackhand's probably underrating Boil, but not in a way that matters, if that makes sense. Like, I bet you can boil people's blood with it. Which is great...except we already have a lot of ways to do heat-based damage.
Yeah, I think we should definitely shake some research dice loose to do a full inventory of what all of our Hugareida are good at with our present level of expertise in it. Our Ignition for instance is at a rare height.
Yeah, I think we should definitely shake some research dice loose to do a full inventory of what all of our Hugareida are good at with our present level of expertise in it. Our Ignition for instance is at a rare height.

I don't think we need to do this with Fire Hugareida. Blackhand and Steinarr can tell us about those. It's if we want a full sketch of Standstill or Gale or something like Boil that we need to spend dice.

The highest hugreida level we have seen was 8 I think?

Yep. Steinarr's Wildfire.
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Summer 9/Voyage 1.6
[X] Muna: Different After All

With the symbol of Harlow Graye fluttering from the mast of the Wavedancer, the Thanes of Winchester—their strength easily eclipsing your own—guarding the gates begrudgingly allow you through the gates.

Winchester, a city of cities. According to all you've spoken to, more then ten-thousand people live here and they have not spoken lies. Everywhere you look is a dozen new faces, faces that vanish as you look to the next.

Hundreds of buildings—of stone, wood, and iron—cling to the orderly, planned-out streets of Winchester. Walls of stone, towering over even the Wavedancer's considerable mast, encircle the city in a protective shroud. No man, myth, or monster will avoid these walls.

Wealth flows like water during thaw-season. Silver—coins at that!— changes hands with a casualness that nearly knocks you off your feet. Even assuming that the food you see from the gate is a large portion of the total stockpile, there's enough food here to feed the Valley ten times over!

As you and your men gape at the sheer abundance around you, one of the gate-Thanes chuckles to himself, "You chose a good time to come here, Norwegian."

"How so?" You turn to the man—an old, eyepatch-clad, grizzled graybeard with a nose that had been broken one too many times.

"The King's decided to hold court, and you've arrived just in time to make use of that."

You squint. "Strange that you're telling me this, mister...?"

He winks and taps his spear on the ground, "You can call me Aesc."

Your eyes narrow even further. "Alright, 'Aesc', I may do just that."

He snorts and steps into the gatehouse, vanishing from both sight and senses.

Regardless, it's time to figure out what to do about trading.
[ ] Well... If the King is holding court, why not go ask him directly?
[ ] Let's just see if we can't find a regular merchant, eh? Dealing with the King of Wessex may be a bit above your, er, 'Paygrade' as it were.


AN: I've got a thing going on tomorrow, so there's a chance that there won't be an update. My apologies in that case.

No moratorium.
How many slots do we have free for more alloys/experimenting?

Way more than we're using. We get 2 at Hugr 7, 1 at Hugr Infusion 4, and 1 at Hugr 8. Total of 4.

We're only using two of them, and we're going to get another 2 Alloy Slots before we get back. We're really at the point where we need to start filling those. Firestorm's an easy bet to give us a good ranged option, but that's just 3/4 used, and we'll unlock another 2 between our next Hugr Infusion and Hugr 9 on the trip back home. Which we can use to fill with Steam--at that point, we should have a broad enough number of potential Hugareida to start figuring out more exotic Alloys.
[X] Well... If the King is holding court, why not go ask him directly?

Don't think I don't see you mucking around 'Aesc', IF THAT IS YOUR REAL NAME.

Seriously, calling yourself after the "Estuary" Rune while being an old greybeard with one eye and a spear. Come on.
It would be kind of funny if we met someone who looked like Odin but wasn't Odin. Just some old skald with a missing eye. Who tends to give bad advice.

It would be, but I imagine Wotan kind of frowns on people who try to ruin his shtick. These are the things you're supposed to Know Him By, and someone else stepping on that while giving bad advice is something he's going to have a little chat with you about kind of on principle, since it limits his ability to meddle.
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[X] Well... If the King is holding court, why not go ask him directly?

Sir Odin, lovely as it is for you helping us, please find better disguises. Couldn't you have asked Loki for tips in the long years you've known him?