I'm pretty sure that to improve our Soulscape Farm Plots, we need to get special plants.

Like, idk, if we're just growing rye and barley and wheat, we need to add on, like, apples, oranges, strawberries, whatever. More variety.
Oh yeah, something we should do in england (and at home, but its not like the option to do that without extra ap cost is going away):
Get perennial food plant seeds. For a diverse plot of multiharvest plants (which so far (fireberries and glue trees) have regrown).
I'm pretty sure that to improve our Soulscape Farm Plots, we need to get special plants.

I think adding special plants would be something akin to the glowstomes that we can add to a house, if less effective. Although from what I understand, we don't actually really farm the special plants as much as we do grow them. Considering there's only one of each. And I'd rather not have to wait to spend the odr or wait for the seeds to grow before advancing.

Still, it's a good idea, just one I hope we don't get too obsessive over. Not to say that you are obsessing over it.
Ok, admittedly I feel like I came off as adversarial when I posted that, which is my bad. But like... at the same time, you're judging a personality which currently doesn't even exist?

We have no idea what our Realized armour would be like as a person. And as much as they are alien to us.... they're still people. People which we can even influence, given that in the case of Realized armour, we'd be the closest thing to its mother figure given we literally created them. I don't see why mediation would be impossible.

Following that line of thought, there is as much of a chance of them getting along as there is of them hating each other. Sorry to sound like a broken record, but again, I honestly feel that the magnitude and risk of this problem is bring blown out of proportion.
the easy solution, it seems to me, is at least check if there is a way to influence the personalities of realized objects. sagaseeker was bloodthirsty and wanted kills, but he was like this even before realizing. the realization only further developed the existing character of the weapon.
if we can create conditions like this for the armor too, we might be able to make sure its personality fits what we want. like a protective one- it makes sense for an armor.
we can probably ask the dwarves about this. we might need another trade, but if its just a one time piece of information we can probably get that for some goods or food.
another idea- adding blood to a weapon makes it connected to the donor right? what if we add blood to a realized weapon? will it be extra loyal? bonded to us?
it might also want our blood of course. but it might be a risk worth taking, as an experiment where we can destroy the weapon just in case
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the easy solution, it seems to me, is at least check if there is a way to influence the personalities of realized objects. sagaseeker was bloodthirsty and wanted kills, but he was like this even before realizing. the realization only further developed the existing character of the weapon.
if we can create conditions like this for the armor too, we might be able to make sure its personality fits what we want. like a protective one- it makes sense for an armor.
we can probably ask the dwarves about this. we might need another trade, but if its just a one time piece of information we can probably get that for some goods or food.

I mean, purposely influencing someone's personality in general - besides giving them advice/lessons, since ultimately it's up to them how they change through those - is pretty icky. I don't think Blackhand would be a fan of it either, and I wouldn't too.
I just checked the character sheet, and noticed we have some Poetic Inspirations unused. We should write some more poems, its basicaly risk-free Orthstirr and maybe some other bonus for the cost of one action.

And now that i think abaout it, what does Halla do with those poems? does she recites them at Yule or araound the campfire with her family? Are those stories known araound the Valley and that is how she gains Orthstirr? If we hired a Skald to spread tales of our deeds would we gain more Orthstirr? is that how Jarls and Kings grow costantly more powerful?
I just checked the character sheet, and noticed we have some Poetic Inspirations unused. We should write some more poems, its basicaly risk-free Orthstirr and maybe some other bonus for the cost of one action.

Because right now spending actions for the likely gains in Orthstirr from this is actually not a great deal. It's not the worst deal ever, but it's not great.
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I'd prefer to hold off realizing anything else for now. I'd like to reach the second realm sooner rather than later and some people want to push our core stats to Infusion 6 first I'm hope of getting some extra perks so I would prefer if we stayed focused on that. Side projects might not cost all that much but they do add up. Though making an awakened cooking pot does amuse me, we could maybe raise its Orthstirr through feasting and the like. Hopefully it wouldn't have the same love for mutton that Halla does.
Honestly, I just want to follow the Nordic Armor questline so Halla can get a magical girl transformation and complete the meme I made when the quest started, is that too much to ask for?
Honestly, I just want to follow the Nordic Armor questline so Halla can get a magical girl transformation and complete the meme I made when the quest started, is that too much to ask for?

I mean, fair enough I guess. Although there's no guarantee we'll even complete it as Halla, but as long as we upgrade our armour to Wondrous I'd be fine with not Realizing it.

Actually, on the topic of Runic Armour or whatever, Realizing it would be cool but doesn't seem feasible in the long run. A shame, since Realizing seems to be a Norse only thing so you'd expect the pinnacle of Norse armour to include it.
Honestly, I just want to follow the Nordic Armor questline so Halla can get a magical girl transformation and complete the meme I made when the quest started, is that too much to ask for?
I want to take the knowledge and spread it across the Norse.

Then we can have Ironbrothers in Norsely plate a few generations down the line.

Or in the short term, Norsely Armor for our family.
Man, now that I think about it, clothes made from the water-wolf pelts sound miserable. They'd probably be eternally damp or something.
Miserable in the north, awesome if it cools via evaporation in desert areas.

That's actually true. I don't think the quest plans to go into a desert any time soon, though, so no water clothes for some theoretical desert expedition. I don't see how Sigurdr would end up in one, at the very least.

Or it could be waterproof? So they don't get soaked by their own power?
Why does it seem like Halla would make a wolf fur bikini for Abjorn?

Uh, how would you even go about waterproofing something that is constantly wet to touch? I guess you could make a waterproof underlayer or sum.
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That's actually true. I don't think the quest plans to go into a desert any time soon, though, so no water clothes for some theoretical desert expedition. I don't see how Sigurdr would end up in one, at the very least.
He might get a chance to sell them in the varangian guard, if he meets people that are going to have a desert exedition.
I mean, if he visits Costantinople he could also visit Syria or Egypt. They are pretty close and have deserts.

I was under the impression that the majority of Europe wasn't aware of the existence at Africa at this point...?

He might get a chance to sell them in the varangian guard, if he meets people that are going to have a desert exedition.

Why would the Varangian Guard leave Constantinople and go all the way to a desert? I mean, I get they have missions, but going so far from Constantinople when their main goal is protecting the Emperor doesn't seem like it'd happen.
Why would the Varangian Guard leave Constantinople and go all the way to a desert? I mean, I get they have missions, but going so far from Constantinople when their main goal is protecting the Emperor doesn't seem like it'd happen.
While he is in the Guard he'll have a good chance to be in Constantinople, and may meet non Varangians, some of whom may have their expedition.
While he is in the Guard he'll have a good chance to be in Constantinople, and may meet non Varangians, some of whom may have their expedition.

Oh, right, sorry. Misunderstood what you were trying to say. Well, that's true, but I honestly think we could do more if we sold them as Halla for food and other crap.

By the way, @DeadmanwalkingXI, is the plan to go to Wessex and trade for grain and other valuables, then come back to Agder and sell them/distribute accordingly, or will we use the information Tuskpuncher gave us and go from Wessex to somewhere else to sell what we get?
Oh, right, sorry. Misunderstood what you were trying to say. Well, that's true, but I honestly think we could do more if we sold them as Halla for food and other crap.
Yeah, not really practical, but possible.
By the way, @DeadmanwalkingXI, is the plan to go to Wessex and trade for grain and other valuables, then come back to Agder and sell them/distribute accordingly, or will we use the information Tuskpuncher gave us and go from Wessex to somewhere else to sell what we get?
The main motivation is to buy food for the valley to help with the famine, so traveling on to trade elsewhere after Wessex (that doesn't lie on the way back) would be really weird.
I mean, purposely influencing someone's personality in general - besides giving them advice/lessons, since ultimately it's up to them how they change through those - is pretty icky. I don't think Blackhand would be a fan of it either, and I wouldn't too.
that is true in a way. on the other hand, the personality is not yet formed. its an interesting question, obviously, but IMO its not too different then a parent trying to influence a baby personality. we don't magically influence a fully formed being, but guide the creation of a new one into a helpful and not harmful form. which IMO is quite different.

Blackhand what do you think of influencing the personality of a realized item during realization? do you think it is morally wrong?