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That new battle altar sounds like a really nice weapon to deploy against bulky enemies like Ogres, or hardened targets like Chaos Knights. Also, we have now contributed to the nullification of two of the Skaven's most famous and dangerous pieces of technology! Yay!

Which... probably means they're going to come up with something even more ludicrously dangerous. Um... yay? :p
They would do it anyway. Besides with skaven tech more dangerous applies both to its intended target and to its crew and anyone else around.
So... our eventual goal should be to nullify so much of their tech that they blow up all their own warrens just by existing?
[X] [LIBRARY] Library of Mournings: Linguistics, Hoeth
[X] [COLLEGE] A translation of the Indic Aqshy books obtained from the Elementalists (1 CF)
Have you ever have had a completely inane insight just leap to mind?

Okay, so, "X" Marks are a holy symbol of Ranald. Particularly, when incorporated into another design instead of being displayed openly.

Well, it occurs to me, out of the blue, that there are designs that actually incorporate quite a lot of X marks. In fact some are made entirely of nothing but X marks, in a way where it isn't really obvious until you actually think about it.

And so I must ask:

Are fishnet stockings sacred to Ranald?
Have you ever have had a completely inane insight just leap to mind?

Okay, so, "X" Marks are a holy symbol of Ranald. Particularly, when incorporated into another design instead of being displayed openly.

Well, it occurs to me, out of the blue, that there are designs that actually incorporate quite a lot of X marks. In fact some are made entirely of nothing but X marks, in a way where it isn't really obvious until you actually think about it.

And so I must ask:

Are fishnet stockings sacred to Ranald?
High Priest of Ranald thats a catgirl/boy in fishnet stockings.

(Saying that makes me feel like the guy from the isekei omake)
Oh, that sounds like fun. Do you have a link to it?
Eike Meets the Real Protagonist in Apocrypha

Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest Fantasy - Users' Choice!

This is your fault, both of you. Eike Meets the Real Protagonist I was walking back to the dormitory from the library, a small stack of books in my arms, going over my recent investigation in my mind—I was getting close to finding another one of the hidden reading spots, I just knew it—when a...
We're going to need to talk to either the Druchii or Asur eventually, so getting ready is good. Mathilde already complained about not having the chance to buy all the books on them when they showed up unexpectedly.
[X] [LIBRARY] Barak Varr booksellers: Druchii of Naggaroth, Ten Kingdoms of Ulthuan, Kingdom of Nehekhara
[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [LIBRARY] Library of Mournings: Linguistics, Hoeth
[X] [COLLEGE] A translation of the Indic Aqshy books obtained from the Elementalists (1 CF)
[X] [LIBRARY] Library of Mournings: Linguistics, Hoeth
[X] [LIBRARY] Library of Mournings: Linguistics, Ladrielle
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [COLLEGE] A translation of the Indic Aqshy books obtained from the Elementalists (1 CF)
[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.
Honestly, I had the image of Lady Dimitrescu in my head before you had to correct it with your logic.
I'm pretty sure that's correct actually
Well, she's 6 ft something rather than Dimitrescu's 9'6''
But Mathilde paints Gretel's new figure as intimidating but in an appealing way
Plus Amethyst aesthetics
So Dimitrescu and her affect on the internet is pretty much spot on
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Markus Kehlmann and the Princess of Skulls
Thank you for the reminder of

The True Protagonist. And now I'm thinking-

Found by a scribe in a bargain bin during a shopping trip to Barrak Var, and tucked away carefully in the 'FICTION: ROMANCE: HUMAN: MILDLY OBSCENE' section, this battered tome has proven to be a popular echo among the many-We. Please be careful with...


The expedition had proven a to be a disaster for all parties. While the CHAOS DWARF DEMONCANON were silenced, and the REBUILT FOUNDRY that had been their target lay once more in ruins, the band dedicated to its destruction was just as broken.

The Magister Gresdautr, former apprentice of the LADY MAGISTER who footsteps they had trod in their mission of demolition, was dead. Ser Perntgaust, BRETTONIAN KNIGHT and oathsworn foe of all things cruel, had been last seen drawing the enemy north in a running engagement.

Alone but for for his boon companions, the Squires Jeffrey and Ridik, MARKUS KEHLMANN flees south and west through the badlands to where his once rival, EKIE HOTHSCHILDE, dwelt in the mountain sanctuary of KARAK EIGHT PEAKS. There rest and recovery could be had behind legendary defenses, and with what he NOW KNEW, the final words of the TWISTED PROPHECY driving his destiny could be deciphered.

But PURSUED by the armies of the Chaos Dwarves, and darker things still, MARKUS finds himself pushed west, and west, and west again, into the shadows of MAD DOG PASS. It offers an escape from CERTAIN DEATH, but will that be enough? For on the far side of the pass the towering and mysterious PRINCESS OF SKULLS awaits him!
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A gift for Adela was the original impetus, I think. There's also a vague intention to actually learn Kislevite at some point, whereas literally nobody is agitating to learn Indic.

AGIT AGIT AGI... yeah no that's not going to be remotely practical any time soon.

Would half been funnier if she'd said Panoramia's Panamour :V

"I'm Pararamia's Panamour - no, wait, sorry, Panamoria's Pararam... Gaaah!"
@Boney If not-codified masteries and invented spells can only be passed to some apprentices/others with a similar mindset, and you can't develop new masteries for your own masteries of other spells/invented spells even after you codify them, does that also apply to apprentices/people with similar mindsets or can, for example, Eike develop her own mastery for the MAP or RoW?

And if so, can those masteries be passed back to the inventor of the original spell or is that impossible because the new mastery represents the apprentice's mindset diverging from their master's on this specific matter?
Have you ever have had a completely inane insight just leap to mind?

Okay, so, "X" Marks are a holy symbol of Ranald. Particularly, when incorporated into another design instead of being displayed openly.

Well, it occurs to me, out of the blue, that there are designs that actually incorporate quite a lot of X marks. In fact some are made entirely of nothing but X marks, in a way where it isn't really obvious until you actually think about it.

And so I must ask:

Are fishnet stockings sacred to Ranald?
This makes me think of a sect of paranoid and superstitious Ranaldians who see and seek out X marks everywhere. If they see an X, any X, it's a sign from Ranald. Somehow. X in the burl of a tree? Danger ahead. The X formed by two streets? Good fortune if you stay at the pub here. Two clouds vaguely look X-ish? Bad weather soon. A fine lady wearing fishnet stockings? Secret priest of Ranald, do whatever she says. The legs of that table form two Xs? You stole from the wrong person, give the purse back. Tripped over a few sticks and they landed in an X? Time to invest in the local logging business. And because it amuses Ranald, very occasionally these "X-men" actually do recieve real X-themed omens.
This makes me think of a sect of paranoid and superstitious Ranaldians who see and seek out X marks everywhere. If they see an X, any X, it's a sign from Ranald. Somehow. X in the burl of a tree? Danger ahead. The X formed by two streets? Good fortune if you stay at the pub here. Two clouds vaguely look X-ish? Bad weather soon. A fine lady wearing fishnet stockings? Secret priest of Ranald, do whatever she says. The legs of that table form two Xs? You stole from the wrong person, give the purse back. Tripped over a few sticks and they landed in an X? Time to invest in the local logging business. And because it amuses Ranald, very occasionally these "X-men" actually do recieve real X-themed omens.
Admittedly, crossroads are places of mystical importance so two streets forming an X rather than, say, a + sign would be notable. Similarly, it would be unusual for an ordinary cloud to take the form of an X, or for a priest other than a Ranaldian to wear fishnets. The others are a bit of a stretch, but there's enough basis here for an actual character concept along those lines.
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