Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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Ursun and Dazh particularly have a close relationship, with it being said that bears sleep during winter because they're sad that Dazh isn't around.

As far as Mathilde knows, is there any generally accepted position in the broader faith on how good Ursun is at giving hugs, or it something that isn't really considered?

[X] The Black Water Canal
[X] Gold College
[X] Elementalism
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[X] House Filuan
[X] Swordplay
[X] Sofia
[X] The Black Water Canal
[X] Druchii Diplomats
[X] Elementalism
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[] House Filuan
[X] Sofia
[X] The Black Water Canal
[X] Druchii Diplomats
[X] Skull River Ambush

In particular i want the canal, since someone pointed out its...several years? i forget the specifics? behind schedule. Sofia is pretty high up there too, of course.
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First, the things I feel both the need and want to know more about...
[X] Middenland
[X] Nordland
[X] Druchii Diplomats

And then something I'm just really curious about because its cool.
[X] Elementalism
I am really confused by the number of people voting for the Gold College, especially when we don't need the CF for the Orb flex.
whats not confusing, but kind of sad for me, is not one of the Dip socials are in the top 5. despite the fact that Waystones is starting to go loud.

its shocking to me how uninterested the thread has been the whole arc in the Urlic-elf thing, despite being very important to the project.
I am really confused by the number of people voting for the Gold College, especially when we don't need the CF for the Orb flex.
Unless Boney's changed his stance on it since the Alkarad and the Slayers social, it won't give us CF anyway, since socials don't have mechanical benefits. I, and I assume the others voting for it, just really wanna see what the nerds Golds have done with the Crack-rat tech.
[X] Gold College

[X] House Filuan
[X] Gretel
[X] Middenland
[X] Nordland
[X] The Black Water Canal
[X] Druchii Diplomats
[X] Skull River Ambush
[X] Elementalism
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its shocking to me how uninterested the thread has been the whole arc in the Urlic-elf thing, despite being very important to the project.

I mean, I'm voting for Middenland and Nordland, but it's not like the thread never looked into things and not voting for it now means being blind to it all, we talked about it at the wedding and heard Middenland was pleased about how things were going but they expected any developments to be slow, and we know there's a whole house in Laurelorn putting their weight behind Ulric so it's not as if it's getting blown off on that end either.
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