Voting is now closed
Scheduled vote count started by Imperial Fister on Feb 22, 2023 at 4:48 PM, finished with 16 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Plan Frozen Shield
    -[X] Assign 2 Orthstirr to Silver-Tongue (-2 Orthstirr)
    -[X] 6 Attack
    -[X] 5 Defense
    -[X] Use Hone Trick on the first two attacks (-2 Orthstirr)
    -[X] Tactics
    --[X] Charge up and use our newly freed hand to use Inertia-Arresting Trick (-6 Orthstirr) to freeze his shield, then circle around and attack him on his unshielded side.
    --[X] After the fight, win or lose, explain that we had to give it our all to even have a chance against our big brother, hence why we fought as we did.
Summer 3/Eric Spar 1.2 Final
[X] Plan Frozen Shield
-[X] Assign 2 Orthstirr to Silver-Tongue (-2 Orthstirr)
-[X] 6 Attack
-[X] 5 Defense
-[X] Use Hone Trick on the first two attacks (-2 Orthstirr)
-[X] Tactics
--[X] Charge up and use our newly freed hand to use Inertia-Arresting Trick (-6 Orthstirr) to freeze his shield, then circle around and attack him on his unshielded side.
--[X] After the fight, win or lose, explain that we had to give it our all to even have a chance against our big brother, hence why we fought as we did.
Despite the distinct sense of defeat looming in the horizon, you can't quite keep the smile off your face.

Gods, it's good to fight! Win or lose, it's like a lover's touch to your soul.

Heart pounding in your ears, you crouch down and eye your brother.

Eric stands before you, focused and ready for battle. Shield and sax in hand, he meets your eager gaze with eyes of iron.

"You're having fun," Eric dryly observes as he runs a hand through his sweat-slick hair.

"I always am!" You reply and raise your axe high.

You bring it down and battle is once again met between brother and sister.
(Trick Attack: 19 vs Defense: 2, Attacker Wins, Disables Shield)
Whipping your free hand back, orthstirr sparks and you hurl the invisible folds of Standstill. It hurtles through the air, spinning and extending to its limits.

Though he can't see it, Eric still senses incoming orthstirr. He shifts, shield dropping in front of the invisible hugareida — just as you planned!

Standstill wraps around the shield, arresting its ability to move and trapping it in the air. Eric tries to move it but finds it stuck fast.

His eyes shoot open. "Hugareida?!" He half-asks half-shouts as he lets go of his shield and it stays hanging midair.

You dart around the frozen shield, Eric's eyes snapping first to your movement and then to your axe, its Honed edge shining with crimson orthstirr.
(Honed Attack: 8 vs Unshielded Defense: 3, Attacker Wins, -2 Endurance)
You bring it down as he backs off and the orthstirr-coated edge carves through his thigh. The iron scent of blood fills the air as Eric's newly freed-hand swings back in, a tightly wound ball of wind rapidly spinning in his palm.

A sense of time slowing down passes over you, Standstill trickling back in. Your axe is already starting another strike, but Eric's palm is nearly ready to unleash its charge. It's a race against time, speed versus speed, hamr versus hamr.
(Halla's Hamr: 14 vs Eric's Hamr: 14, Tie. Reroll: H's Hamr: 16, E's Hamr: 17, Eric Wins)
(Trick Attack: 20 vs Unshielded Defense: 6, Attacker Wins, -1 Endurance)

You laugh as orthstirr screams and wind throws you from your feet. Shear wind cuts small wounds in your skin as you tumble, laughing all the way.
(Hamr (Recovery): 6, 4, 6, 2, 4) 5 Successes
Bouncing once, twice, you land on unsteady feet. You steady yourself just in time for Eric to take two steps forward and hurl his hand with a heavy stomp, an arrow of air leaving his grip.
(Trick Attack: 5 vs Unshielded Defense: 5, Defender Wins Ties)
Strands of hair are shorn from your head as you duck the throw. Winds batter at your back as you move with burning axe in hand. Eric pulls his hand back yet again, an arrow of wind forming in his grip as he steps forward and hurls it.

Time slows to a trickle yet again as the arrow leaves his grasp. Idly noting that you could, feasibly replicate this effect, you swing your axe forth.

It's a race once more, with victory on the line. Will Eric's arrow hit you before your axe breaks flesh? Will his blood spill before his arrow saves the day?

There's only one way to find out and you are eager to see it through.
(Halla's Hamr: 23 vs Eric's Hamr: 22, Halla Wins)
Axe carves through wind-borne arrow and carries on to flesh.
(Honed Attack: 7 vs Unshielded Defense: 5, Attacker Wins, -1 Endurance)
Blood sprays around your axe as Eric stumbles back, red leaking from his wrist. You raise your axe to give chase, but something holds your limbs as Eric grimaces and signals defeat.

"Did you really have to break my wrist when I'm about to meet with Stigrun's father?" Eric grunts through pain-clenched teeth.

"Sorry, Eric. I, uh," you scratch at your head, idly noting the missing strands of hair, "got a little carried away. You'll be fine, right? Asvir has good healers."

"Even if it'll heal good as new, it's not exactly a good look to show up to your potential father-in-law with a broken wrist, Halla." Eric huffs, clearly rather cross with you.

Alright, Halla, think. Eric's your brother, you've got to make it up to him somehow.

A jingle in your pocket gives you an idea.

"I'll pay for your healing!" You immediately offer, fishing out your money.
(Hugr (Silver-Tongue): 1, 1, 2, 4, 1, 5, 6) 1 Success
Eric looks at you for a long moment before sighing. "Fine, just, hand it over."

You do and he looks at the coins in his hand. "Thanks, Halla..."

"...It's not enough, is it?" A sinking feeling settles in your gut.

"It'll suffice," he says, the lie clear in his eyes.

Thinking quickly, your hand darts to your belt pouch and comes back with your spare work-knife in hand. Eric blinks as you offer it to him.

"I said I'd pay, this should cover it."

Eric's eyes soften. "Keep it, Halla. Your coins too."

He presses the coins into your palm despite your protests.

(Eric's Relations stay the same)
(Standstill: Contested-Movement added to Incomplete Tricks, (3/9) till Learned)
(Bloodlust Reset)
Personal (Pick 2/3, if no Exploration is picked):
[ ] (Personal) Abjorn came by, asking if you wanted to go walking with him.
[ ] (Personal) Stigr came by, asking if you wanted to go fishing with him. (Hamr+Fishing)
[ ] (Personal) Attend Eric's Wedding (Hugr+Silver-Tongue)
[ ] (Personal) Ask Randi to tell you some stories
-[ ] (Optional) Write in the topic
[ ] (Violent) Pick a fight or spar with...
-[ ] Asva (You doubt she'd be willing to fight you, but maybe you can needle her enough?)
-[ ] Someone else (Write in)
[ ] (Personal) Spend time with... (Write in)
[ ] (Crafting) Try to make something (Write in) (Hugr+Some kind of crafting skill)
Exploration/Travel (Pick 1 or none):
[ ] (Visit) Go visit...
-[ ] The Witch! (Actually, it's probably a good idea to avoid her entirely)
-[ ] Asvir!
-[ ] Vidby, Abjorn's Farm
-[ ] Kerby, Stigr's Farm
-[ ] Buriby, Osborn's Farm (Has a guaranteed chance of ending in a fight)
-[ ] Glebby, Sverre's Farm
-[ ] Runby, Aki's Farm
-[ ] Horrby, Horra's Farm (Has a very good chance of ending in a fight)
-[ ] The one at the bottom of the river
[ ] (Exploration) Go on a walk through...
-[ ] The fields!
-[ ] The Hading!
-[ ] The hills!
--[ ] (Optional) Towards where the flaming thing landed. Maybe there's something you missed?
Training: You have 10d6 training dice to spend as you see fit.
[ ] (Blackhand) Try to develop old/train new hugareida tricks (Write in)
[ ] (Steinarr's Training) Ask Steinarr to teach you a trick/some tricks (Write in)
[ ] (Training) Hamr (15 successes to rank up)
-[ ] (Optional) Train a hamr skill or trick (Write in)
[ ] (Training) Hugr (6 successes to rank up)
-[ ] (Optional) Train a hugr skill or trick (Write in)
[ ] (Training) Fylgja (1 successes to rank up)
-[ ] (Optional) Train a fylgja skill or trick (Write in)
Orthstirr Available: 17
How do you want to use your orthstirr?
[ ] (Orthstirr Usage) (Write in)
Fylgja Capacity: 0/2
Do you want to withdraw or deposit anything in your fylgja?
[ ] Write in (Optional)
(Random POV: 4)

Across the Baltic Sea, in the land of the Finns, a red-haired smith pulls his sword from the chest of the last attacker. He breathes heavily and looks to his small family as they emerge from their hiding spot behind a pile of rocks.

His pregnant wife and young daughter look to him with worry in their eyes. He meets their gaze with one of resolute determination.

They share a nod and the smith looks to the sea, towards where he was born. Towards where he knows he and his young family will find protection.

Sten Iskearauta is heading home.
AN: Spars will always give you an incomplete trick as well as some progress on it.

You can store more in your fylgja than just hugareida or muna. You can store anything you want in them, with the exception of non-hugareida tricks.

25-minute moratorium.

There's a solid chance that there won't be an update tomorrow, on account of an art gallery I'm, somehow, being exhibited in and also KSP2 coming out. Fair warning for that.
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Huh. Well, that went as well as could be expected, and the new Trick sounds like what we wanted in terms of disabling opponents, or at least a good step in that direction.

In terms of plan, we really need to go to Eric's wedding, I think, and people wanted to go fishing, plus we want to head out to Asvir to meet the seeress. That sounds like a full turn. We'll presumably go walking with Abjorn the next turn when things are a tad less hectic?
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Okay, so, plan as mentioned above:

[X] Plan Wedding, Travel, and Hugr
-[X] (Personal) Stigr came by, asking if you wanted to go fishing with him. (Hamr+Fishing)
-[X] (Personal) Attend Eric's Wedding (Hugr+Silver-Tongue)
-[X] (Visit) Go visit...
--[X] Asvir!
--[X] Seek out the seeress about learning seidr from her at some point
-[X] (Steinarr's Training) Ask Steinarr to teach you a trick/some tricks (Write in)
--[X] Train Reinforce-Shield Trick 1d6
--[X] Train an offensive trick with Chop, specifically, something for higher direct damage 1d6
-[X] (Blackhand's Training) Try to develop old/train new hugareida tricks (Write in)
--[X] Train Contested Movement 1d6
--[X] Ask Hallr to tell us about his history, and specifically about how he got his kenning of 'Blackhand'
-[X] (Training) Hugr (6 successes to rank up)
--[X] Train Hugr Itself 6d6
-[X] (Training) Fylgja (1 success to rank up)
--[X] Train Fylgja Itself 1d6
-[X] (Orthstirr Usage)
--[X] 4 Hamr
--[X] 4/5 Hugr (depending on whether it rises)
--[X] 2 Fylgja
--[X] 1 Fishing
--[X] 2 Silver-Tongue
--[X] 4/3 free for tricks (depending on whether Hugr goes up)

So, as I said before, the wedding seems mandatory and people seemed to want to try fishing. I'm down for that. We also want to visit Asvir and meet the seeress there and see about getting training, which is a good idea, I think. I don't think we store any tricks in our fylgja quite yet...maybe the stabilizing seidr once it's a tad more durable.

For training, we really do need to get up Hugr, so that's the focus, along with working on several tricks (the two we're currently partway through and the one our QM explicitly recommended). Plus continuing slow and steady Fylgja progress. We have a bunch of skills we still want to raise, but most of them are Hugr based, so raising Hugr effectively raises all of them and is thus a priority (we'll go back to raising them when Hugr is done with).

I could easily be convinced to go walking with Abjorn rather than fishing, but I think this works and with three personal actions next turn, he definitely gets one.
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(Eric's Relations stay the same)
(Standstill: Contested-Movement added to Incomplete Tricks, (3/9) till Learned)
(Bloodlust Reset)
Oof, that was close.
Double-posting. It can be a free action if you do a trick training with him.
I'm tempted to train Contested movement with him then ask him about fire-related hugareida as a free action alongside it.

[X] Plan Talking and Talking
-[X] (Personal) Stigr came by, asking if you wanted to go fishing with him. (Hamr+Fishing)
-[X] (Personal) Attend Eric's Wedding (Hugr+Silver-Tongue)
-[X] (Personal) Spend time with... (Write in)
--[X] Asva
-[X] (Blackhand) Try to develop old/train new hugareida tricks (Write in)
--[X] Contested-Movement (3/9 till Learned): 2d6
--[X] Ask Hallr about how he got his kenning of 'Blackhand'
-[X] (Steinarr's Training) Ask Steinarr to teach you a trick/some tricks (Write in)
--[X] Reinforce-Shield Trick (2/9 till Learned): 1d6
-[X] (Training) Hamr (15 successes to rank up)
--[X] Hamr itself 1d6
-[X] (Training) Hugr (6 successes to rank up)
--[X] Hugr Itself 2d6
--[X] Composure 1d6
--[X] Silver tongue 2d6 (2 successes to rank up)
-[X] (Training) Fylgja (1 success to rank up)
--[X] Fylgja Itself 1d6
-[X] (Orthstirr Usage)
--[X] 4 Hamr
--[X] 4 Hugr
--[X] 2 Fylgur
--[X] 2/3 Silver tongue (depending on training)
--[X] 4/5 free for tricks (depending on Silver tongue)

Tried to spread out the training, with an extra dice on Hugr and our new Hugareida trick. @Imperial Fister is the conditional OK for the Silver tongue Orthstirr expenditure? If it ranks up via training spend 3 on it and keep 4 free, otherwise spend 2 and keep 5.

I did say last turn I wanted to hang out with Asva, and I'm fine leaving the trip into town until next turn.
EDIT: Lol, by the time I finish the plan the moratorium's over anyway.
I admit, I had not realized that "broken wrist" was a "have to go see a specialist and pay money" level of healing in norsequest. I'd have been a lot less into the idea if I'd known.

[X] Plan Wedding, Travel, and Hugr
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I admit, I had not realized that "broken wrist" was a "have to go see a specialist and pay money" level of healing in norsequest. I'd have been a lot less into the idea if I'd known.

Yeah, I figured it would take time, not be an actual expense. Ah, well, Halla clearly didn't know that either. We get to learn with her!

And we can keep in mind to pay him back later when we're rich and famous.
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How is Healthcare in NorseQuest anyways. Do we get healing powers? I assume we kinda do with us saving our thicc hubbie during the fight.

Also isn't Jeremus somekind of learned man, a doctor, mayhaps?
How is Healthcare in NorseQuest anyways. Do we get healing powers? I assume we kinda do with us saving our thicc hubbie during the fight.

It probably falls under seidr, yes, or specific varieties of hugareida. Learning more seidr is very much on the agenda.

Also isn't Jeremus somekind of learned man, a doctor, mayhaps?

Not to our knowledge, and even if he was he's got a power-suppressing artifact on him because he's a very scary dude from an enemy nation. So, uh, releasing him to provide medical attention is probably not gonna happen.
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How is Healthcare in NorseQuest anyways.
If you're not already dead, then you can be healed no matter the injury. The Nornir dictate the exact time of death and if it is not that time, then nothing can kill you. If it is that time, however, then nothing can save you.

Your brain could be dust, but if it wasn't your time to die, then you can be healed.
Not to our knowledge, and even if he was he's in power-suppressing manacles because he's a very scary dude from an enemy nation. So, uh, releasing him to provide medical attention is probably not gonna happen.
He's actually explicitly not in manacles. Why, you don't know.

Gabriel is, though.
I mean. It was a dick move and we knew it was a dick move.
I had honestly not believed it was all that much of a dick move. I acknowledge that there were others who said as much, and I did not believe them, and I was incorrect.

If QM had confirmed OOC that it was a dick move somewhere, or our father had specifically said it, then the fact that I missed that does not reflect particularly well on me, but I really hadn't thought it particularly was.
I had honestly not believed it was all that much of a dick move. I acknowledge that there were others who said as much, and I did not believe them, and I was incorrect.

If QM had confirmed OOC that it was a dick move somewhere, or our father had specifically said it, then the fact that I missed that does not reflect particularly well on me, but I really hadn't thought it particularly was.

The QM had confirmed it was 'a bit of a dick move'. Which I assumed meant it was painful and unpleasant and maybe took a little longer to heal, rather than costing money. But like I said...we learn with Halla here. We'll know better next time.
The QM had confirmed it was 'a bit of a dick move'. Which I assumed meant it was painful and unpleasant and maybe took a little longer to heal, rather than costing money. But like I said...we learn with Halla here. We'll know better next time.
Well I guess we just underestimated how much it sucks to have your wrist broken.


I mean there were a bunch of arguments that we should be a dick to our brother, and he got a sucky situation out of it, explicitly as desired, so I really am not seeing why we should be upset here.
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Well I guess we just underestimated how much it sucks to have your wrist broken.


I mean, we were explicitly told that healing could take care of it casually and pretty much immediately. Which it can, just apparently only the kind of healing that costs money. That second part we were not aware of.

I mean there were a bunch of arguments that we should be a dick to our brother, and he got a sucky situation out of it, explicitly as desired, so I really am not seeing why we should be upset here.

I don't think anyone actively wanted it to suck for him, we were willing to have it suck for him in order to win (which is a bit different), and it wound up sucking more than we thought it would. Feeling a bit bad about that is understandable. Like, his suffering was not a goal here, it was a side effect and turned out to be a worse one than we thought.
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On Healing
This is a bit of a departure from the 'On Norse' formula as this isn't a breakdown of real life Norse society but of NorseQuest Norse society. Specifically, it's a breakdown of its healing, as well as brief asides on the Bodies of NorseQuest Norsemen and a bit on Shapeshifting.

Healing is deceptively easy. From an onlooker's perspective, all it consists of is laying hands on somebody and surging orthstirr, or giving them some kind of potion, or performing some kind of ritual. This is incorrect.

While the process itself is quick and simple, allowing for sub-five minute operations in some cases, the learning behind it takes a lifetime to learn and longer to master. Generations of healers pass their knowledge on to their descendants and apprentices, who further refine and study it before passing it on further. These scraps of knowledge are jealously guarded secrets, meaning that just because Stungir of Bumfuckville can heal a broken pelvis in a jiffy doesn't mean Hrogi of Stanktown can as well. Hrogi probably knows a way of doing it, but probably not one as efficient or as effective as Stungir's. And since it's not as efficient, Hrogi has to spend more resources on it to match effectiveness, which jacks up the price.

A cheap healing can cost two or three ounces of silver. Though, of course, priority is given to those willing to pay more. And if you've got a meeting with your potential father-in-law coming up later that day... The standard fee might not get you healed in time to be on time.

Fortunately for both the healer's energy and the patient's wallet, the bodies of the Norsemen are very malleable things. They remember what form they should be in, but lack the power to fix it themselves. If a patient has sufficiently high enough hamr to have developed some level of shapeshifting, they could very well simply will their body back into shape. They could even go so far as simply sticking a chopped-off limb back on, should that be the case.

But that, of course, requires shapeshifting-levels of hamr (Hamr 7 and beyond) in order to work.
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