Age 16
By adulthood at Age 16 it is expected, though rarely reached, that a Norseman will have 4-5 Hamr and 3-4 Hugr. The normal amount of orthstirr a Norseman will have at 16 is somewhere between 20 and 30 while having 15-25 dice in their combat pool.
They'll have Glima 1 or 2 and probably be Rank 2 or 3 in a few combat skills as well as Rank 2 or 3 in a smattering of non-combat skills. They'll likely have a 4 in something like Farming or Labor, sometimes both.
They'll likely know about 7 or 8 tricks and might even have started to master one or two of them.
Age 20
At Age 20, a Norseman is now eligible to participate in Raid Trials, which were tests of strength and skill to see if they were worthy of going on a raid. Sometimes, younger men would try their hand and, if they showed outstanding capabilities, they would be allowed to join.
The normal stat-spread of a Norseman eligible for raiding is 5-6 Hamr (though Hamr 7 isn't too terribly uncommon) and 4-6 Hugr. They'll likely have around 40-60 orthstirr available to them and will have a combat dice pool of 30-40.
They'll have at least 2 in Glima and all combat skills with 4 or 5 in their highest skill. Their non-combat skills will probably be at 3 or 4, sometimes 5 or 6 if they're more common. Farming and/or Labor will likely be at 7, as they will have had to spend a lot of time doing that sort of thing out in the fields if they're running their own farm.
They'll likely know anywhere from 8 to 15 tricks and will likely have mastered one with a few others on the way. It's not uncommon for a Norseman at this age to have learned a hugareida of some kind.
Age 30 and Onwards
If a Norseman has made it to Age 30, then they're going to be an established badass. At least 7 in both Hamr and Hugr. They'll have orthstirr in the hundreds and dozens of dice in their combat pool.
Their combat skills will be high, as well as their non-combat skills. But while they have the skills, they also have a wealth of knowledge to draw upon from surviving dozens upon dozens of battles and witnessing much in life.
They'll have mastered several tricks and will know a catalogue of unmastered tricks that they can whip out should the situation call for it. They'll almost certainly have a handful of hugareida at their disposal alongside powerful tools.
The longer a Norseman lives, the more wild they are.