They fly in from around something (the transition from corporeal to incorporeal can't be witnessed), do their thing, and then leave the same way they came.

The actual transition is instantaneous

So someone would need to be on their toes to attack them if they just fly in, use hugareida, and fly out? Good to know. We can probably use that quite well in the long term...though we definitely need a higher fylgja stat first.
Honestly we might just want to get our Hugr and Hamr stats up. I mean we know there is better stuff at Hamr and Hugr 7 so we should actually raise them. Fylgja stat is interesting but well maybe we should focus on getting some stats actually high then try to get everything up and be sorta mid at everything.
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Honestly we might just want to get our Hugr and Hamr stats up. I mean we know there is better stuff at Hamr and Hugr 7 so we should actually raise them. Fylgja stat is interesting but well maybe we should focus on getting some stats actually high then try to get everything up and be sorta mid at everything.

Because of the way raising stats works, it's a tiny fraction of getting Hamr to 7 to get Fylgja to, like, 4.

Basically, right now, getting Hamr to 7 is 111 successes, getting Hugr to 7 is 54 successes and much more manageable. Getting Fylgja to 4, meanwhile, is a whole 9 successes and less than 1/12 what's needed to get Hamr up, and 1/6 what's needed even for Hugr.

I'm not suggesting we try and raise it to equal our actual specialization (which is Hugr), but this system's incentives highly favor being well-rounded, with the low costs of picking up lower rated things meaning it's almost always a good idea to get at least decent at everything you might find useful.

Spending one die a turn on Fylgja until it hits 4 is a good investment of dice we are very unlikely to regret. Once it hits 4 we can start debating when and if raising it further is correct, but not investing in getting it to 4 is just leaving value on the table.
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Voting is now closed.
Scheduled vote count started by Imperial Fister on Feb 23, 2023 at 4:51 PM, finished with 49 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Plan Wedding, Travel, and Hugr
    -[X] (Personal) Stigr came by, asking if you wanted to go fishing with him. (Hamr+Fishing)
    -[X] (Personal) Attend Eric's Wedding (Hugr+Silver-Tongue)
    -[X] (Visit) Go visit...
    --[X] Asvir!
    --[X] Seek out the seeress about learning seidr from her at some point
    -[X] (Steinarr's Training) Ask Steinarr to teach you a trick/some tricks (Write in)
    --[X] Train Reinforce-Shield Trick 1d6
    --[X] Train an offensive trick with Chop, specifically, something for higher direct damage 1d6
    -[X] (Blackhand's Training) Try to develop old/train new hugareida tricks (Write in)
    --[X] Train Contested Movement 1d6
    --[X] Ask Hallr to tell us about his history, and specifically about how he got his kenning of 'Blackhand'
    -[X] (Training) Hugr (6 successes to rank up)
    --[X] Train Hugr Itself 6d6
    -[X] (Training) Fylgja (1 success to rank up)
    --[X] Train Fylgja Itself 1d6
    -[X] (Orthstirr Usage)
    --[X] 4 Hamr
    --[X] 4/5 Hugr (depending on whether it rises)
    --[X] 2 Fylgja
    --[X] 1 Fishing
    --[X] 2 Silver-Tongue
    --[X] 4/3 free for tricks (depending on whether Hugr goes up)
    [X] Plan Talking and Talking
    -[X] (Personal) Stigr came by, asking if you wanted to go fishing with him. (Hamr+Fishing)
    -[X] (Personal) Attend Eric's Wedding (Hugr+Silver-Tongue)
    -[X] (Personal) Spend time with... (Write in)
    --[X] Asva
    -[X] (Blackhand) Try to develop old/train new hugareida tricks (Write in)
    --[X] Contested-Movement (3/9 till Learned): 2d6
    --[X] Ask Hallr about how he got his kenning of 'Blackhand'
    -[X] (Steinarr's Training) Ask Steinarr to teach you a trick/some tricks (Write in)
    --[X] Reinforce-Shield Trick (2/9 till Learned): 1d6
    -[X] (Training) Hamr (15 successes to rank up)
    --[X] Hamr itself 1d6
    -[X] (Training) Hugr (6 successes to rank up)
    --[X] Hugr Itself 2d6
    --[X] Composure 1d6
    --[X] Silver tongue 2d6 (2 successes to rank up)
    -[X] (Training) Fylgja (1 success to rank up)
    --[X] Fylgja Itself 1d6
    -[X] (Orthstirr Usage)
    --[X] 4 Hamr
    --[X] 4 Hugr
    --[X] 2 Fylgur
    --[X] 2/3 Silver tongue (depending on training)
    --[X] 4/5 free for tricks (depending on Silver tongue)
Summer 3/Turn 2
[X] Plan Wedding, Travel, and Hugr
-[X] (Personal) Stigr came by, asking if you wanted to go fishing with him. (Hamr+Fishing)
-[X] (Personal) Attend Eric's Wedding (Hugr+Silver-Tongue)
-[X] (Visit) Go visit...
--[X] Asvir!
--[X] Seek out the seeress about learning seidr from her at some point
-[X] (Steinarr's Training) Ask Steinarr to teach you a trick/some tricks (Write in)
--[X] Train Reinforce-Shield Trick 1d6
--[X] Train an offensive trick with Chop, specifically, something for higher direct damage 1d6
-[X] (Blackhand's Training) Try to develop old/train new hugareida tricks (Write in)
--[X] Train Contested Movement 1d6
--[X] Ask Hallr to tell us about his history, and specifically about how he got his kenning of 'Blackhand'
-[X] (Training) Hugr (6 successes to rank up)
--[X] Train Hugr Itself 6d6
-[X] (Training) Fylgja (1 success to rank up)
--[X] Train Fylgja Itself 1d6
-[X] (Orthstirr Usage)
--[X] 4 Hamr
--[X] 4/5 Hugr (depending on whether it rises)
--[X] 2 Fylgja
--[X] 1 Fishing
--[X] 2 Silver-Tongue
--[X] 4/3 free for tricks (depending on whether Hugr goes up)
(Trick Training (Reinforce-Shield): 5) 2 Successes (Trick Training: 5) 2 Successes
The orthstirr coating your shield is a thin, flimsy thing, but you managed to make it stick this time. Which is more than you can say for your past efforts.

Sharing a grin with Steinarr, your eyes linger on his bare arms. Specifically, at the patchwork mess of small scars stretching like a spider's web over sun-kissed skin. Most are from fishing mishaps, but the few that aren't are all the more interesting for it.

But he wouldn't be here now if he hadn't been able to kill back harder than his enemies were trying to kill him.

Which requires robust combat skills.

Which includes powerful tricks.

Which you are in need of.

"Dad, what are some good tricks you know? For combat." You clarify as he runs a hand across his jaw. "For someone like me, that is."

"There are two tricks that come to mind when considering you." He holds up a finger. "The first is Power-Chop. Basic, yes," he admits with a shrug, "but often overlooked for more flashy moves. It's cheap and it does damage."

A second finger joins the first. "And the second is called Leaping-Cleave. The trick's a bit of a gamble, as it throws you into the air and gives the target a moment to escape, but if they don't," a grin spreads across his face, "not even a shield sacrifice will halt your path. And if they counter with a defensive trick, then the trick is cast aside and the shield is destroyed."

"And then you're in their face, with weapon ready and them suddenly lacking a shield," You finish for him while mirroring his grin.


Steinarr then goes on to show you the basics of both and you watch closely.

(+2 to Reinforce-Shield! 5 Successes left!)
(Power-Chop added to Incomplete Chop Tricks. (1/9))
(Leaping-Cleave added to Incomplete Chop Tricks. (1/9))
(Trick Training (Contested Movement): 2) 1 Failure
You groan as you slump to the ground, Standstill falling around you like silken clumps.

How did you do it the first time? You remember how it felt, but the usage was completely instinctual! It's a bit like trying to explain how the sole spell of seidr you know works. You know the places to put orthstirr, you know the correct amount of pulses to surge, but you don't know why it works the way it does.

'Hugareida isn't easy,' Blackhand says as you grunt a sigh. 'But it's well worth the results.'

"Easy for you to say, you're Hallr Blackhand!" You scoff and fold your arms.

'I wasn't always Hallr Blackhand, you know. Once I was Hallr Leifsson, the nascent pyromaniac.' There's something in Blackhand's voice that quells any objection you may have made.

"Your kenning, Blackhand, has something to do with fire, right?" You ask as you settle in for a story.

Blackhand chuckles, his laugh like the rumbling earth. 'Before they called me Blackhand, they called me Dreadfire, for my propensity for bringing fiery death to my foes.'

Brows furrowing, you can't stop yourself from voicing a question. "Why'd it change to Blackhand? Dreadfire sounds way more impressive."

'Which is more impressive, using fire to terrorize or wielding fire you took from the forge of a god?'

You blink. "The latter, I suppose."

'Exactly.' He chuckles at the look on your face. 'But, regardless, the story of how I came to be known as 'Hallr Blackhand' is a relatively short one. Wherever my travels took me, I always made sure to ask the local wise men the same question: Where is fire hotter than lava? And wherever they answered, I would go next.'

'Eventually, after spending many years searching and failing to find fire hotter than the blood of the earth, I found myself in the Land of the Finns. I asked the same question and received, as always, a differing answer: Ilmarinen's Forge, in the Heart of The Noit.'

'I traveled to this mountain, The Noit, and found it full of sorcerers, monsters, and men of ill-repute. I fought my way through the onslaught, fighting and overcoming foe after foe. I encountered the gods who called the mountain home and I. Cast. Them. Down.'

'Not even the mountain itself rising to war could stop my advance.'

'I broke into Ilmarinen's Forge and found his fiery furnace. I had to know its heat in all forms, it so I stuck my hand in and swallowed a flame.'

He chuckles. 'Turns out, the fire used to forge the heavens causes substantial damage to living flesh, which I learned when it permanently burnt all the skin and muscle from my hand. It left the bones intact, but blackened, which is how I gained the moniker of 'Blackhand'.'

"Wow," you say, blinking.
(Hugr Training: 5, 4, 6, 6, 5, 6) 11 Successes.

Sometimes, sometimes you *really* feel like an idiot.

Today is not one of those days.

(Hugr Rank Up! 11 Successes Left!)
(Fylgja Training: 2) 1 Failure
You're not making much progress with your fylgja, unfortunately.
Fishing with Stigr. (Hamr (Fishing): 4, 1, 5, 3, 2) 2 Successes
"So, you and Abjorn?" Stigr casually asks as you take a drink from your water pouch.

You splutter, water spraying from your mouth as you cough and wheeze. "Augh, Stigr, you nearly made me choke!"

"Seems like everyone's getting married. Stigrun and your brother. Abjorn and you." Stigr shakes his head as he leans back, fishing line in hand. "Guess I'll have to find a wife soon." Mischief sparkles in his eyes. "Hey, maybe I could marry Asva?"

You laugh in his face. "You and Asva? She would kill you in your sleep!"

"You're right!" He laughs back. "Maybe I'll find a wife on a raid? Or maybe I'll find one if I settled down somewhere else..." He shrugs. "Whatever I end up doing, there's a few years between now and then."

Just as you open your mouth to respond, his line goes taut and you share a glance moments before he's pulled off his feet and into the water. You dive after him, knife in hand, and engage the monstrously large fish in hand-to-hand combat.

It soundly kicks both your and Stigr's asses before throwing you from the water.

"...Did a- Was that a carp?" Stigr asks after a few moments of heavy breathing.

"I... We never speak of this."


(+1 Temporary Hamingja until the end of the year)
(Wedding Silver-Tongue Roll: 1, 5, 6, 3, 1, 5, 2, 5) 6 Successes
At the wedding feast, you stand up and deliver an impressive speech honoring the bride and the groom.

It goes over excellently and receives much in the way of cheering. Steinarr looks at you with pride in his eyes.

Orthstirr fills your heart with joy.

(+1 Drengskapr for attending your sibling's wedding.)
((2+2 Drengskapr) +4 Orthstirr for a good speech.)
(+1 Relations with Eric)
Travelling to Asvir. Timing: 5
When Steinarr said that he, Kerr, and Stigmar were going to be escorting Eric and Stigrun to the ship waiting to take them to Jurgdby, you'd jumped at the chance to see Asvir for yourself!

But now that Asvir stands before you, you find yourself slightly disappointed with it.

There's barely seventy people living in the village. Which, to be fair, is more than you've ever seen. But from how people talk about it you'd think that it was filled with gold and legendary craftsmen!

Instead it's a collection of buildings surrounded by farm plots with a wall of logs guarding the central cluster. A few fishing boats are beached on the bank of the river leading to the ocean.

People mill about and you pass a few minor arguments as you make your way through the village. Eric and Stigrun had been nearly inseparable on the way here, but now they're even more close together.

After saying your goodbyes to the lovey-dovey couple, you find yourself in Asvir with time to kill.

What do you do?
[ ] Search for that Seeress you've heard so much about
[ ] Hey... You and your family have pretty unique hair, so why does a stranger have it too?
[ ] Go shopping
-[ ] Write in what you're looking for and the money you're willing to pay (Hugr + Silver-Tongue, difficulty scales on stated price, rarity of the item, and quality)

AN: Not a whole lot to say here other than that I'm happy that I got this out.

25-minute moratorium.
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Well, that went super well! For the most part anyway (a couple of training failures are honestly to be expected when doing as many 1 die increases as we have been, and the 11 successes on Hugr more than make up for it). And Hallr killed a bunch of Gods so...that's a thing. Noted. No wonder the witch is scared shitless of him.

I'm thinking we look for the seeress, she's the main reason I, at least, wanted to come to Asvir in the first place.
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[X] Search for that Seeress you've heard so much about

As I said, other choices are defensible (buying armor would be good and our Silver-Tongue is currently maxed, while meeting a guy who may be our brother is self-evidently interesting), but I want to see about seidr and how viable learning more of that is in the short term.
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[X] Search for that Seeress you've heard so much about

I mean we did come here for this reason right.

Also Stigr being a good friend and possibly leaving will be sad but sorta understandable.
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Also Stigr being a good friend and possibly leaving will be sad but sorta understandable.

I mean, who said he's leaving? He mentions the possibility of settling elsewhere but only distantly.

He also mentions going raiding and I'd be shocked if Halla and Abjorn did not also go raiding, so it can easily be a group activity. Heck, I'm not convinced we actually intend to settle down right where we currently are, so maybe Abjorn and Halla also settle down in the same bit of elsewhere he does.
[X] Hey... You and your family have pretty unique hair, so why does a stranger have it too?

New family member!
@Imperial Fister looking over what skills we might want to raise going forward, I noticed that the skill examples listed in the info post are definitely at least partially obsolete (they still list Sword and Shield), and a couple of other entries raise questions:

Specifically, Charm is a listed example, but that would seem to fall under silver-Tongue, right? Memorization is also listed but, like, what would that even do? Just raise Capacity and nothing else, or what?

Another, unrelated, skill question is whether Business is a viable skill to learn, because we probably want to learn it if it is.

Also, for another unrelated skill question, it was mentioned that having their main combat skill at 4 was about typical of an adult warrior, is the same true of other professional skills? How our skills compare to others seems relevant.