Honestly if we went to the city I would want more Hugr or the silver tongue skill increased. Cause it does seem more likely to be social based.
That's probably accurate, yes. We could certainly buck tradition there and play a man who uses it, but whether we want to likely depends on what seidr even does in this world, which I think we should check with Halla here. After we get some additional combat skills.
"buck tradition there and play a man who uses it"
Looking at the mechanics post, that could be extremely hard.
By receiving nid (essentially, shame or dishonor either from someone else's actions or your own dishonorable actions) you stand to lose orthstirr if you do not respond with fire and steel or through the law. Any amount of nid can prove catastrophic to a Norseman's orthstirr, so deny it at all turns.

By doing odrengskapr, the work of an odrengr (similar in concept to nid, but without the supernatural aspect that lessens your orthstirr) your standing in the eye of the community worsens, making it harder to increase your orthstirr and easier for others to desire your death.

Would much rather just make a Seeress, rather than a seidr using man.
[X] The sheep need to be moved to higher ground, so that any potential vikingar coming by don't have as easy as a time getting to them.

[X] Pick a fight with...
-[X] Eric, your older brother

[X] Train your hamr (2 successes to rank up)

Random Event: (6)
[X] Does it want to be friends? (Can be repeated)
"buck tradition there and play a man who uses it"
Looking at the mechanics post, that could be extremely hard.

Would much rather just make a Seeress, rather than a seidr using man.

I mean...it being harder was my whole point? Like, I'm not advocating playing a male seidr user, I'm advocating having Halla learn it eventually to see how it works and thus being able to make informed decisions on the issue.
[X] The river is full of fish, go set up a net or two.
[X] Pick a fight with...
-[X] One of the local boys
[X] What in the heck is a 'fylgja'?
[X] Does it want to be friends?

Friend of dog, foe of everyone else.
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[x] The sheep need to be moved to higher ground, so that any potential vikingar coming by don't have as easy as a time getting to them.
[x] Stigr says that he's found something weird in the woods, but you and Abjorn aren't certain on that one
[x] Does it want to be friends?
[X] Train your hamr (2 successes to rank up)
[x] The sheep need to be moved to higher ground, so that any potential vikingar coming by don't have as easy as a time getting to them.
[x] Stigr says that he's found something weird in the woods, but you and Abjorn aren't certain on that one
[x] Does it want to be friends?
[x] What in the heck is a 'fylgja'?
Welcome back, imperial!

[x] The sheep need to be moved to higher ground, so that any potential vikingar coming by don't have as easy as a time getting to them.
[x] Stigr says that he's found something weird in the woods, but you and Abjorn aren't certain on that one
[x] Does it want to be friends?
[x] What in the heck is a 'fylgja'?

Edit: am fine going either full or just mostly magic focused, but I hope we pick up some shape shifting and/or crafting later on.
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[x] Plan: Preparation
- [x] The sheep need to be moved to higher ground, so that any potential vikingar coming by don't have as easy as a time getting to them.
- [x] Stigr says that he's found something weird in the woods, but you and Abjorn aren't certain on that one
- [x] Train your hamr (2 successes to rank up)
- [x] Does it want to be friends? (Can be repeated)
Er people do know that the magic is locked behind our Hugr stat and not our fylgja stat right?

Hugr is your mind. Each rank in hugr allows you to put one more point of orthstirr into it. The rank also corresponds to how many different spells or muna you can have readied for sudden usage.
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I really think it would be best if these things were handled with plan votes, but since that doesn't seem to be the case:

[X] The sheep need to be moved to higher ground, so that any potential vikingar coming by don't have as easy as a time getting to them.
[X] Does it want to be friends?
[X] Stigr says that he's found something weird in the woods, but you and Abjorn aren't certain on that one
[X] Train your hamr (2 successes to rank up)
[X] The sheep need to be moved to higher ground, so that any potential vikingar coming by don't have as easy as a time getting to them.
[X] Does it want to be friends?
[X] Stigr says that he's found something weird in the woods, but you and Abjorn aren't certain on that one
[X] Train your hamr (2 successes to rank up)

Hamr seems to gatekeep transformation skills, important if we wanna run with dogs.
Alright, voting is now closed.

By the way, I'm reworking how training works and also giving you an option to actually use your orthstirr in the future. I can't believe that I forgot to do that.

I'll explain more in the actual turn.

edit: looks like hamr and fylgja training are tied (counting the glima vote, which I am and is also why I want to rework training). In this instance, I'll go with hamr since it would actually give you something a bit more 'physical' than simply knowledge about fylgjur. That sound good with everyone?
Scheduled vote count started by Imperial Fister on Feb 2, 2023 at 4:55 PM, finished with 48 posts and 18 votes.
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Summer 1/Turn 2
AN: Just to let you know, I've added in the rolls and chosen options as invisitext so as to make it as unobtrusive as possible.

[X]The sheep need to be moved to higher ground, so that any potential vikingar coming by don't have as easy as a time getting to them.
Most of the snow is gone by now, but some straggling patches crunch underneath your shoes as you, Eric, and Steinarr all work together to herd the sheep towards the highland. In a few weeks, you'll be doing this with the cattle and the goats too, but for now you simply enjoy the feeling of wind in your hair as you walk through the hills.

Steinarr stands off to the side, watching over you and Eric as you guide the baa-ing herd along. There are seventeen ewes and six rams in your family's herd, a little over eight ounces of silver. It's not the biggest of herds, but you'd probably start struggling with anything more than that, especially now that Njall was freed by Steinarr. Which means that, unless help can be hired from Asvir or one of the other farms, one of you will be stuck watching over the sheep till late summer.

One of the men, rather. You shudder, for once thankful for your womanhood.

And then you look to your spindly beanpole of an older brother and that brief thankful feeling is dashed yet again. Eric never had the broadest of shoulders and, if he wasn't your brother, you might have described him as fearful. Yet, like always, Steinarr and Eric both carry weapons and shields while you're stuck with a staff. Frankly, it makes you jealous. Why can't you have a weapon?

You scowl and kick up a patch of dirt. A nearby ewe shuffles away nervously.

Because you're a woman. Because you're a girl. Because you're weak.

Because because because.

Honestly, if they'd just let you have a weapon, you'd be fine staying in one of the pasture dwellings. At least then you'd be able to get some practice in without somebody stopping you!
(Hamingja: 6) 1 Super-Success
And then a glimmer of something glinting from the ground catches your eye and you pause. Glancing around, you make sure that neither Steinarr nor Eric were looking your way. With the coast clear, you bend over and scoop up the mud-covered object.

Later that day, when the sheep had been moved, you stole away from where Steinarr and Eric were talking and took out the object and a rag. You began to clean and realization lit up your eyes. The more you cleaned, the more it shined until you found yourself in possession of a silver penny, all the way from the Danelaw. A little over half-an-ounce, if you had to make a guess.

Was it dropped by some wandering warrior after the Great Army was disbanded? Was it from a trader? You suppose that it doesn't really matter as its yours now. Your lucky penny.
(Hugr: 3, 5) 1 Success
This... this a coin, which is a part of managing finances.

As a woman, it will one day be your job to manage your future family's finances. That includes the buying and selling of things. Things like weapons.

You've had your lessons, you know the value of a sword and you know that it would take a long time to afford one of those. Twelve milk cows, twenty-four ounces of silver, for a sword of middling quality. That's enough silver to buy a herd of sheep three times the size of your family's!

An axe or spear or even a sax like Abjorn has, however? You're already a third of the way to affording a spear and a fourth to an axe. Thor's breath, you're halfway to a sax!

Nobody's going to suspect a thing if you buy a weapon. If you can get all the silver yourself, then Steinarr and the rest will never need to know a thing. And they won't be able to take it away from you if you bought it with your own money, because that's thieving. From family no less!

The only other option is taking a weapon from a barrow, but...

Draugar lurk in barrows.

You shudder.

You're not scared, you're not. It's just that... That draugar are simply too much for you right now! You'll raid all the barrows you can find once you're strong, but right now you need to focus on being not-weak.

And this penny is the first step in doing that.

What a lucky find!

(+1 to hamingja for the rest of the year)

[x] Stigr says that he's found something weird in the woods, but you and Abjorn aren't certain on that one
"You're not gonna believe me unless I show it to you," that's what the twelve-year-old had said with spear in hand and shield on back.

With the only other thing to do being helping Asva and Asveig with the cooking, you immediately took Stigr up on his offer. After Stigr renewed his promise to keep you safe — like you couldn't do that yourself — the pair of you set off.

Along the way, you bumped into Abjorn, who'd been gathering firewood. After a short explanation, the large boy agreed to come along and soon you had both of your best friends — both of them carrying an assortment of weapons — on either side of you as you ventured deeper into the woods.

You steadily ignore the sax on Abjorn's belt and the spear leaning against Stigr's shoulder. Soon, you rub the penny between thumb and forefinger, soon you'll have a weapon of your own. It'll only take time, time and money.

Deeper and deeper into the woods you go, far past the firewood trees. Not many people venture this deep into the Hading. But then again, there's not many people around to begin with. If you were one of those stricken with wanderlust, you're sure that your heart would be racing from excitement as you stroll through seldom-trod paths.

"Did Stigr say anything about where we're going?" Abjorn peers into the shadow-filled woods, a meaty hand on his sax and his blue-green painted shield held at the ready. He's only thirteen years-old yet he already stands taller and broader than your father, who is not a small man by any means. That's probably part of why he's allowed to be by himself all the time.

"No, for once he's keeping his mouth shut." You grumble as you step over a twig that would've gotten caught in your dress. Oh how you wish for pants.

"The gods finally answer my prayers and it's to spite me."

Stigr rolls his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, yak it up. You'll be changing your tune once you see what I've found!"

"What were you even doing back here, anyways?" You quirk a brow as Stigr shrugs unconvincingly.

"Oh, well, I was..." He trails off, searching around for a convenient excuse. "Y'know, it really doesn't matter why I was back here."

"Stigandr," Abjorn's deep voice carries a stern warning, "every step we take leads us deeper into the Hading. It isn't safe here."

"Maybe not for you, but I'm safe no matter where I go!" Stigr responds with a level of bravado common in boys his age.

"It's not safe for Halla."

You stifle a curse by clenching your jaw, the bickering boys failing to realize that you've fallen half-a-step behind. Sighing, you let it go and relax your jaw before catching up. Abjorn didn't mean anything by it, he's just thinking of the promises he made to keep you safe. That's all.

Besides, he's not entirely incorrect, as much as it may pain you to admit. You don't have a weapon, nor have you had the near-daily training that all the boys get. Not that you've ever been invited to the practice battles that the local boys put together every once in a while, but that's never stopped you from watching Abjorn lay waste nor from cheering Stigr on during archery contests — Stigr's probably one of the best shots in the entire valley!

"But, if you must know, I was chasing a valkyrja," Stigr eventually admits, his voice drawing you back to the present.

Abjorn blinks, long and slow. "A valkyrja. The choosers of the slain."

"She was in the form of a raven!"

"And how would you know that?"

"She spoke to me, that's how."

You shake your head as Abjorn simply keeps staring at Stigr. He lets out a heavy sigh and lets it go.

"Sure, whatever you say." He takes another long look into the forest. "How far is it to wherever you're leading us? Surely you can tell us that much."

"Why would I need to tell you anything," you squint at the smirking boy as he stops walking, "when I can show you right now!"

You and Abjorn share a look as Stigr gestures at an old, dried up riverbed. Tree roots diving in and out keep the riverbed from collapsing in on itself.
(Hamr: 2) Failure
"Are we supposed to be impressed?" You frown, not seeing anything of note in the riverbed.

"There." Abjorn points at a part in the river, one covered in thick roots and leafy branches. Wait, leafy branches? From where?

"Oh," you say as realization dawns. No plant grew that way, the branches were put there, by someone wanting to hide something.

"I found this little number while I was following that valkyrja," Stigr says as he hops down. He pulls back the branches, revealing a shallow, empty dugout. "I don't know who made this, but they haven't been back since I've started watching it."
(Hugr: 3, 4) 2 Successes
You climb down after Stigr, Abjorn close behind. There's a frown on your face as you think back to when you tried to make a hideout with leaves and sticks. It hadn't lasted long before the leaves turned brown and ruined the hideaway.

"How long did you say you had been watching, again?" The frown deepens as you rub a green leaf between thumb and forefinger.

"Couple weeks, why?" Stigr's grin falls away from his face as he sees the look on your own. "Halla? Is something wrong?"

Your lips thin, the leaf falling from your hand. "These are fresh, Stigr. Two days old at most."


You, Stigr, and Abjorn all know what this means; there's an outlaw in the Hading Woods.

Why else would someone build such a hideout if they didn't expect to need it soon? Hiding is a coward's act. A real man stands out in the open and lets the world know his deeds. That's what Steinarr said when found your hideout.

This... could be an opportunity.

(Mysterious Hideout added to Journal)

(Hamr Training: 1, 6, 5) 2 Successes and 1 Failure
You've been running around the farm every day for the past few months in an attempt to improve your hamr.

When you started, your lungs burned and struggled for air, not used to this level of effort. Daggers stabbed into your side and your legs ached.

But now?

You run wild and free, wind kissing your laughing face as you run your fifth lap around the farm in half-as-many minutes.

(Hamr Rank Up. Endurance Increased. 4 Successes till next Rank Up)

Does it want to be friends? (Hugr (Silver-Tongue): 1, 1, 3) 2 Failures, 1 Success
The dog — puppy, really — is a shaggy brown thing with patchy, matted fur. It's small, likely the runt of the litter that somehow managed to survive. It lays in the shadow of the smithy, its body pressed up tight against the wall as it stares suspiciously at the world around it.

You've been thinking about it since it arrived. You've seen how thin it is, the ribs visible through the skin. So you've brought it some dried meat from the storehouse (which you'll replace with some fish).

It growls as you get close, so you stop and carefully, slowly, set the small bundle of meat on the ground. After unwrapping it, you slowly back away and watch as the dog sniffs the air.

It doesn't seem to take the hint and lays its head back down.

You frown, looks like you'll have to try again, on your own time.

[ ] (Seasonal) You've run out of the firewood from last winter, time to go get some more.
[ ] (Seasonal) The fields need to be furrowed and seeded.
[ ] (Seasonal) Check and reset the animal traps.
[ ] (Seasonal) Help out with the animals.
[ ] (Mysterious Hideout) That hideout has you concerned. What will you do about it?
-[ ] Tell your father and let him handle it
-[ ] See if there's any tracks nearby
-[ ] Search for more hideouts in the Hading
-[ ] Try an ambush
[ ] (Dog) Try to win the dog's trust
[ ] (Personal) You've heard about the nearby village of Asvir for many years now, but have never been. Lets see if you can't wring a promise out of your father to take you some time.
[ ] (Personal) Ask Randi to tell you some stories
[ ] (Personal) Pick a fight or spar with...
-[ ] Eric, your older brother
-[ ] One of the local boys (Optional Write In)
-[ ] Asva (You doubt she'd be willing to fight you, but maybe you can needle her enough?)
[ ] (Personal) Spend time with... (Write in)
Training: You have 3d6 training dice to spend as you see fit.
[ ] (Training) Hamr (4 successes to rank up)
-[ ] (Optional) Train a hamr skill or trick (Write in)
[ ] (Training) Hugr (2 successes to rank up)
-[ ] (Optional) Train a hugr skill or trick (Write in)
[ ] (Training) What in the heck is a 'fylgja'?
Orthstirr Available: 2
How do you want to use your orthstirr?
[ ] (Orthstirr Usage) (Write in)
Random Event: (1, 1st Reroll: 6)

Under a cloudy night sky, a bundled up wanderer knocks on the door to your longhouse. Steinarr opens the door and welcomes him into his home. He offers the traveler a change of clothes, a warm meal, and a place to stay the night.

The wanderer is so wowed by Steinarr's hospitality that, when he made his goodbyes the next morning, he promised to spread the word of Steinarr and his family's generosity.

(+1 orthstirr)

AN: I've added in a planning section for how you want to use your orthstirr for the next turn. You get spent orthstirr back at the end of the turn.

Also, please vote by plan in the future. It just makes things easier.

Also also, there will be an hour-and-a-half moratorium before voting is opened, so as to let you think properly and to make your cases.

Both of these will be added to the mechanics page. Please feel free to ask for clarification or any other questions you may have.
At a base level, all your stats have a single d6. By putting orthstirr into a stat, you can get extra d6 up to the dice max, which is upgraded through training. You may have noticed that this wasn't the case this turn, this is because you didn't have an option to assign orthstirr last turn and I didn't think it was fair to restrict you based on my mistake.

You have two points of orthstirr right now, meaning that you can put a point into, for example, hamr and one into hugr. This means that instead of rolling 1d6 for both of them, you roll 2d6.

You can also spend orthstirr on your skills and tricks. In order for tricks to be usable, (except for combat tricks, as you get an opportunity to mess around with that stuff before the fighting begins) you have to have put orthstirr into them during this planning period.

You cannot put orthstirr into hamingja, it simply is.
I realized that having you train one thing at a time wasn't exactly the most fair thing to do. Also, I just wasn't very happy with how I implemented it.

From now on, you will be able to assign the dice from your training dice pool as you see fit.

For example, with 3d6 training dice you can now put 1d6 into your hamr, 1d6 into Glima, and 1d6 into your hugr, all in one turn. Or any other combination you can think of.

An example of this in plan format is;
[X] (Training) 1d6 Hamr
-[X] 1d6 Glima
[X] (Training) 1d6 Hugr
Being an outlaw in Norse society means that you are no longer protected by the law. Anyone is allowed to come and try to kill you, whenever, wherever, with no repercussions. Killing an outlaw is always an honorable act and will earn you orthstirr.
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Also do we have only 2 personal actions?
You have the seasonal action, the personal action, and then the training 'action' is split up however you want it to be between your training options.

Also, voting is now open. I felt like that was a little long, so next time it'll be 20 or 30 minutes or something.

edit: threadmark'd just in case people didn't get the update. Will remove after voting is done
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[X] plan first fight
-[X] (Seasonal) Help out with the animals.
-[x] (Personal) Pick a fight or spar with...
--[x] Eric, your older brother
-[X] (Training) Hugr (2 successes to rank up)
--[x] 2d6
-[X] (Training) Hamr (4 successes to rank up)
--[x] 1d6
-[x] (Orthstirr Usage) (Write in)
--[x] 2 to hamr
[X] Plan Dog time
-[X] (Seasonal) Check and reset the animal traps.
-[X] (Dog) Try to win the dogs trust
-[X] (Training) 2d6 Hugr
-[X] (Training) What in the heck is a 'fylgja'?
-[X] (Orthstirr Usage) 2 to Hugr