[x] The sheep need to be moved to higher ground, so that any potential vikingar coming by don't have as easy as a time getting to them.
[x] Stigr says that he's found something weird in the woods, but you and Abjorn aren't certain on that one
[x] Does it want to be friends?
[x] What in the heck is a 'fylgja'?
[X] The sheep need to be moved to higher ground, so that any potential vikingar coming by don't have as easy as a time getting to them.
[X] Stigr says that he's found something weird in the woods, but you and Abjorn aren't certain on that one
[X] Does it want to be friends?
[X] What in the heck is a 'fylgja'?
[X] The sheep need to be moved to higher ground, so that any potential vikingar coming by don't have as easy as a time getting to them.
[X] Stigr says that he's found something weird in the woods, but you and Abjorn aren't certain on that one
[X] Train your hamr (2 successes to rank up)
[X] Does it want to be friends? (Can be repeated)

Preparing for viking attacks seems like a good use of time, and spending time with our dad is a bonus.

Spending time with our friends seems fun, not mention that an adventure in the woods could lead to something interesting - while I doubt we'll get orthstirr that easily, I'd like the PC to get a habit for adventuring, since I imagine we're gonna end up travelling a lot, and adventuring seems like a good way to get orthstirr.

Being bloodthirsty, I think we should get our hamr up at the very least, since fights are going to a guaranteed thing for us, and winning them would be nice.

And I see no reason to not get the dog.
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I presume someone else in the family is doing the unchosen seasonal options. The cows and goats aren't going to do well if not milked for a season.

[X] The sheep need to be moved to higher ground, so that any potential vikingar coming by don't have as easy as a time getting to them.
Also an excuse to go for a walk.

[X] Ask Randi to tell you some stories
Fluff and plothooks and opportunities!

[X] Train your hugr (2 successes to rank up)

[X] Does it want to be friends?

I feel like this is unnecessarily foreign, "nål" is just the word for "needle". Needlebinding.

Needlebinding is like knitting, for those wondering, but with one large needle instead of two pins.

And on the charsheet:
Ah yes, the most basic xianxia martial arts technique. :lol:
[X] The sheep need to be moved to higher ground, so that any potential vikingar coming by don't have as easy as a time getting to them.
[X] Stigr says that he's found something weird in the woods, but you and Abjorn aren't certain on that one
[X] Does it want to be friends?
[X] What in the heck is a 'fylgja'?
Never knew I wanted this

[x] The sheep need to be moved to higher ground, so that any potential vikingar coming by don't have as easy as a time getting to them.
[x] Stigr says that he's found something weird in the woods, but you and Abjorn aren't certain on that one
[x] Does it want to be friends?
[x] What in the heck is a 'fylgja'?
I presume someone else in the family is doing the unchosen seasonal options. The cows and goats aren't going to do well if not milked for a season.
You are correct. Each turn is a couple of months, so everything that's available to do does get done. You're just choosing which you want to focus on doing.

I feel like this is unnecessarily foreign, "nål" is just the word for "needle". Needlebinding.
Likely is, thanks. I'll change that.
[X] Plan: Rambunctious little girl
-[X] The sheep need to be moved to higher ground, so that any potential vikingar coming by don't have as easy as a time getting to them.
-[X] Stigr says that he's found something weird in the woods, but you and Abjorn aren't certain on that one
-[X] Train your hamr (2 successes to rank up)
--[X] (Optional) Train Glima
-[X] Does it want to be friends?

Made a plan to raise our already existing combat skill of glima(wrestling). It could unlock more tricks possibly in that tree and well we are likely to get in combat more as we grow up
[x] The sheep need to be moved to higher ground, so that any potential vikingar coming by don't have as easy as a time getting to them.
[x] Stigr says that he's found something weird in the woods, but you and Abjorn aren't certain on that one
[x] Does it want to be friends?
[x] What in the heck is a 'fylgja'?
[X] The sheep need to be moved to higher ground, so that any potential vikingar coming by don't have as easy as a time getting to them.
[X] Stigr says that he's found something weird in the woods, but you and Abjorn aren't certain on that one
[X] Does it want to be friends?
[X] Train your hamr (2 successes to rank up)

Fylgja is tempting, but I think we should train up our physical stats somewhat given, y'know, the bloodlust. So I'd personally prefer we do at least a bit of that first.
Admittedly I am trying to raise our actual combat skill in my plan earlier to a higher level which is seperate from our hamr stat. I'm not sure if it's better to raise the stat or get the actual skill higher
Admittedly I am trying to raise our actual combat skill in my plan earlier to a higher level which is seperate from our hamr stat. I'm not sure if it's better to raise the stat or get the actual skill higher

Only in the short term, though. Glima is nice, but it's almost certainly not gonna be our primary fighting style as an adult. Hamr remains good even once we learn to use a sword or axe or something.

I'm very interested in magic, i just worry that next character there may be a "we already had a magic character last time, lets go pure fighter!" sentiment.

I mean, by playing a female character we're already incentivized to practice some magic, since seidr is...not exactly women only, but certainly not expected of men. We definitely want to pick that up, I think.