And What a Dance it Was (NO SV, War is Coming, Prepare)

I mean we could just marry our children to him, Baelon is a sociopath but he is also a genius and as such should be able to recognize the value that such a marriage has
I am VERY disinclined to marry our Children to a Sociopath. That is all I will say on that matter.
Plus, that alone may not be enough. He could easily decide to marry one or more of our daughters and then still kill us and Rhaenyra off.
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I am VERY disinclined to marry our Children to a Sociopath. That is all I will say on that matter.
Plus, that alone may not be enough. He could easily decide to marry one or more of our daughters and then still kill us and Rhaenyra off.
TBH, I don't really think that he will make a move against us in a very long time... Besides the main line of the Targaryen there are other four branches (Stepstones, Driftmark, Runestone, and Blackfyre) all of them rich and in possession of several Dragons and in the case of any attack on Lucien he will get immediately backed out by Driftmark and Runestone...

As much a sociopath as he may be he will also be a genius, and no matter how you look at it, starting beef with the branches will make the other branches (except the Blackfyres) join immediately against him.
A few...

The Twins and the Triplets, are fraternal or identical? Have you already thought about the names of their Dragons? How big those dragons are now?

Is there any chance that we end up in a "Sherlock Scenario" with Baelon (high functioning Sociopath who is extremely intelligent and totally uninterested in anything beyond their chosen field of expertise, including the throne), which would probably be uninterested in killing Lucien?

Once we are settled in the Stepstones, any chance that we can start to actively seek our long-lost sister Gael?

What will be the next update? Realm Rumor Mill? Beginning of the next turn? Interlude about settling up in the stepstones?

Having a Volcano for themselves, are Syrax and Grey Ghost going to grow at a higher rate?

Since Daemon is going AWOL, I suppose that the governance of the Stepstones will be decided by flipping a coin between Lucien and his Father, no?

What are Ras and Savage doing now?
The Twins and the Triplets, are fraternal or identical?
Twins are Faternal, Triplets are identical.
Have you already thought about the names of their Dragons?
The twins have their canon names for the dragons...

As for the Triplets, that will actually be revealed next rumor mill.
How big those dragons are now?
The twins dragons are as big as Arrax... or just a little bit bigger.

The Triplets dragons are as big as Stormcloud, was during Aegon the Younger's Last Ride.
Is there any chance that we end up in a "Sherlock Scenario" with Baelon (high functioning Sociopath who is extremely intelligent and totally uninterested in anything beyond their chosen field of expertise, including the throne), which would probably be uninterested in killing Lucien?
The thing is, he would still view Lucien, and Daemon as dangerous threats to the realm, for the simple reason that they have claims to the throne.
Once we are settled in the Stepstones, any chance that we can start to actively seek our long-lost sister Gael?
What will be the next update? Realm Rumor Mill? Beginning of the next turn? Interlude about settling up in the stepstones?
REalm Rumor mill.

The Set up to the Stepstones is right after that.
Having a Volcano for themselves, are Syrax and Grey Ghost going to grow at a higher rate?
And have a lot more eggs as well. They'll be having as many eggs as we have children if we continue with our insane sex life.
Since Daemon is going AWOL, I suppose that the governance of the Stepstones will be decided by flipping a coin between Lucien and his Father, no?
What are Ras and Savage doing now?
Ras is struggling to pick up his plans.

And Savage was freed from his cell in the citidel... it's Why Vaegon is fleeing to us, he's a dead man in the Citidel.
The thing is, he would still view Lucien, and Daemon as dangerous threats to the realm, for the simple reason that they have claims to the throne.
And what about Rhaenys, Corlys and their line? I mean even the Blackfyre have a claim (they are the twenty something in the line of succession, but they still are)

Any chance with the Genius trit and all that that he realizes that neither Daemon, Lucien, or Rhaenys, doesn't want the throne and the wisest thing to do will be not to move against them?

And have a lot more eggs as well. They'll be having as many eggs as we have children if we continue with our insane sex life.
Well, having children will probably mean a reduction in our insane sex life, but that doesn't have to mean a reduction in the number of new children...

But I am guessing that we will have at most 3-5 children with each bride, if only because I don't think that you will want to have so many character sheets to deal with.

And Savage was freed from his cell in the citidel... it's Why Vaegon is fleeing to us, he's a dead man in the Citidel.
What was Savage doing in the Citadel Cells? Checking how long it would take him to break free?

Besides that @Magoose what is the surname of our Dad and our siblings? IIRC Valarr and, by extension his kids, were named nobles when he became Admiral...
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And what about Rhaenys, Corlys and their line? I mean even the Blackfyre have a claim (they are the twenty something in the line of succession, but they still are)

Any chance with the Genius trit and all that that he realizes that neither Daemon, Lucien, or Rhaenys, doesn't want the throne and the wisest thing to do will be not to move against them?
Just because he's smart, dosent mean he will be wise.

Lets leave it at that.
Well, having children will probably mean a reduction in our insane sex life, but that doesn't have to mean a reduction in the number of new children...
Lets just say, unless any of our wives have a scary birth, and they feel they are up for it. They will be having sex with us, and they will be having more kids.

It's their duty to us... plus horny teenagers.
But I am guessing that we will have at most 3-5 children with each bride, if only because I don't think that you will want to have so many character sheets to deal with.
Try 8.

Remember, they can have multiples.
What was Savage doing in the Citadel Cells? Checking how long it would take him to break free?
The Maesters captured Vandal Savage.

Sure it took them a while, and the Hightowers help, but they managed to capture the most powerful being on the planet.
Besides that @Magoose what is the surname of our Dad and our siblings? IIRC Valarr and, by extension his kids, were named nobles when he became Admiral...
Dad dosen't have a surname. Well its Vaeltigar.
I am VERY disinclined to marry our Children to a Sociopath. That is all I will say on that matter.
Plus, that alone may not be enough. He could easily decide to marry one or more of our daughters and then still kill us and Rhaenyra off.

While I totally agree with this, we need to have a good IC reason to avoid that wedding...

The knowledge that Baelon is a sociopath that going to cause trouble for us down the line is totally OOC, and joining the main branches of the Targaryens seems like something logical and convenient...
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While I totally agree with this, we need to have a good IC reason to do this...

The knowledge that Baelon is a sociopath that going to cause trouble for us down the line is totally OOC, and joining the main branches of the Targaryens seems like something logical and convenient...

Also Rhaenyra opnion on this may weight the matter, all she is knows its her baby brother that her mother gave her life to bring into this world.

Edit: Plus Alicents opnion (and Otto swaying her opnion), right now the only daugther we have is from her so...
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Anyway we better hope the Great Houses start giving birth to Daugthers sooner or later because if not we will praticaly be the only possible options of marriage for Baby Baelon.

By the way, one way to get out of this is to push Baby Baelon and Viserys opnion towards one of the Four Storms, and have one of them (The Storms) marry one of our future/current sons forming a alliance wihout sacrificating our children to a psycho. Because refusing a Royal Marriage its not a simple matter.

Edit: Speaking of Great Houses @Magoose how is the situation of House Stark? We still need that Sword. Also can we have a scene with our marriage to Laena as a special social turn? We didnt get to see Lucien marriage to Nyra and Alicent...
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Anyway we better hope the Great Houses start giving birth to Daugthers sooner or later because if not we will praticaly be one of the only one possible options of marriage for Baby Baelon.

By the way, one way to get out of this is to push Baby Baelon and Viserys towards one of the Four Storms, and have one of them marry one of our future/current sons forming a alliance wihout sacrificating our children to a psycho. Because refusing a Royal Marriage its not a simple matter.
Well, you seem to have forgotten one of the best marriages available for Baelon (and probably the worst for us)... If Viserys marries the prince with the youngest of the Martel Princesses, he could do the Daemon the Good thingy and take Dorne into the fold 100 years before canon.

And to get out of the situation in a pinch, we can always take the easy and disgusting way out and get our children engaged to each other Targaryen Style...
Edit: Speaking of Great Houses @Magoose how is the situation of House Stark? We still need that Sword. Also can we have a scene with our marriage to Laena as a special social turn? We didnt get to see Lucien marriage to Nyra and Alicent...
Laena's Marriage to us is the opening of the next turn. It will be nice.

Also, as the Starks go, that Sword is still up for grabs.
Well, you seem to have forgotten one of the best marriages available for Baelon (and probably the worst for us)... If Viserys marries the prince with the youngest of the Martel Princesses, he could do the Daemon the Good thingy and take Dorne into the fold 100 years before canon.
Viserys may be lucky, but he also is suffering from...

Not being at his best.
And to get out of the situation in a pinch, we can always take the easy and disgusting way out and get our children engaged to each other Targaryen Style...
I mean, it would help with keeping the blood pure and for us to tame dragons... but not so much as to make sure our grandkids are sane.
If Viserys marries the prince with the youngest of the Martel Princesses, he could do the Daemon the Good thingy and take Dorne into the fold 100 years before canon.

Thats one way to do it, I think the youngest is three year old?

And to get out of the situation in a pinch, we can always take the easy and disgusting way out and get our children engaged to each other...

Oh right... Lets agree to use that as a last resort unless they are in love with each other.
I mean, it would help with keeping the blood pure and for us to tame dragons... but not so much as to make sure our grandkids are sane.
We have to balance things out... At least add some new blood one of every two generations, and try to limit the marriage with Valyrian blooded cousins instead of siblings...
Oh right... Lets agree to use that as a last resort unless they are in love with each other.
And even if both siblings are in love with each other, before agreeing to anything we should have a very serious conversation with both of them about: ARE YOU REALLY SURE THAT YOU WANT TO FUCK YOUR SISTER/BROTHER?
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Okay Freehold result is winning currently not counting with @wolfemaster01 vote since it isnt spelled correctly so I suggest you fix it if you want your vote talled properly, wolfemaster.

Edit: Notes that since Daemon walked away to Essos, the toss up result if Dominion isnt chosen is between Lucien and Valar.

Adhoc vote count started by Ghost in the sun on Dec 8, 2022 at 4:43 PM, finished with 173 posts and 21 votes.

  • [X]Plan: A Freehold Once More
    -[X]Dominion of the Stepstones: While Viserys might choose someone else to rule, you want to make sure that it is you. You wish to rule. And you shall. (Gain the Stepstones and are the Prince of the Stepstones. With all the problems and privileges that it has) (Note: If this is not chosen, there will be a d3 rolled, between Daemon, Valaar, or you, to get control of the Stepstones)
    -[X]The Colonization for a People: The Valyrian Diaspora was mitigated with Aegon's conquest, but many find that the land of Westeros, is foreign, and not for them. This will be a new home. Perhaps not a Valyria. But it will be a place for them to come.
    -[X] Daughter's name: Daenys
    -[X] Son's name: Aeron
    [X]Plan: A Free Haven
    -[X]Religious Exceptionalism: While Freedom of Cult is the law of the lands of Westeros, you wish to have the Valyrian faith have a safe haven for their belief, one that was never allowed outside of a few places in Westeros. (this will make the Valyrian faith legal in the Stepstones, instead of tolerated as decreed by Westerosi law. Keep that in mind).
    -[X]The Colonization for a People: The Valyrian Diaspora was mitigated with Aegon's conquest, but many find that the land of Westeros, is foreign, and not for them. This will be a new home. Perhaps not a Valyria. But it will be a place for them to come.
    -[X] Daughter's name: Daenys
    -[X] Son's name: Aeron
    [X] Plan: To get some land and get a new castle
    -[X]Dominion of the Stepstones: While Viserys might choose someone else to rule, you want to make sure that it is you. You wish to rule. And you shall. (Gain the Stepstones and are the Prince of the Stepstones. With all the problems and privileges that it has) (Note: If this is not chosen, there will be a d3 rolled, between Daemon, Valaar, or you, to get control of the Stepstones)
    -[X]To Build a New Keep: You want the Crown to pay for the repairs for the Keep, or rather, to destroy the old one, and build you a new one. (Place the Image for what you want it to look like in a spoiler below this vote)
    -[X] Daughter's name: Daenys
    -[X] Son's name: Aeron
    -[X]Dominion of the Stepstones
    -[X]The Colonization for a People
    [X] plan free heaven. sociopath next ruler.
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So I have one thing to say to you all:

Please don't hurt me when the Stepstones rumor mill is here…

I promise you it wasn't my fault!

Also the realm rumor mill is coming soon.
Okay Freehold result is winning currently not counting with @wolfemaster01 vote since it isnt spelled correctly so I suggest you fix it if you want your vote talled properly, wolfemaster.

Edit: Notes that since Daemon walked away to Essos, the toss up result if Dominion isnt chosen is between Lucien and Valar.

Adhoc vote count started by Ghost in the sun on Dec 8, 2022 at 4:43 PM, finished with 173 posts and 21 votes.

  • [X]Plan: A Freehold Once More
    -[X]Dominion of the Stepstones: While Viserys might choose someone else to rule, you want to make sure that it is you. You wish to rule. And you shall. (Gain the Stepstones and are the Prince of the Stepstones. With all the problems and privileges that it has) (Note: If this is not chosen, there will be a d3 rolled, between Daemon, Valaar, or you, to get control of the Stepstones)
    -[X]The Colonization for a People: The Valyrian Diaspora was mitigated with Aegon's conquest, but many find that the land of Westeros, is foreign, and not for them. This will be a new home. Perhaps not a Valyria. But it will be a place for them to come.
    -[X] Daughter's name: Daenys
    -[X] Son's name: Aeron
    [X]Plan: A Free Haven
    -[X]Religious Exceptionalism: While Freedom of Cult is the law of the lands of Westeros, you wish to have the Valyrian faith have a safe haven for their belief, one that was never allowed outside of a few places in Westeros. (this will make the Valyrian faith legal in the Stepstones, instead of tolerated as decreed by Westerosi law. Keep that in mind).
    -[X]The Colonization for a People: The Valyrian Diaspora was mitigated with Aegon's conquest, but many find that the land of Westeros, is foreign, and not for them. This will be a new home. Perhaps not a Valyria. But it will be a place for them to come.
    -[X] Daughter's name: Daenys
    -[X] Son's name: Aeron
    [X] Plan: To get some land and get a new castle
    -[X]Dominion of the Stepstones: While Viserys might choose someone else to rule, you want to make sure that it is you. You wish to rule. And you shall. (Gain the Stepstones and are the Prince of the Stepstones. With all the problems and privileges that it has) (Note: If this is not chosen, there will be a d3 rolled, between Daemon, Valaar, or you, to get control of the Stepstones)
    -[X]To Build a New Keep: You want the Crown to pay for the repairs for the Keep, or rather, to destroy the old one, and build you a new one. (Place the Image for what you want it to look like in a spoiler below this vote)
    -[X] Daughter's name: Daenys
    -[X] Son's name: Aeron
    -[X]Dominion of the Stepstones
    -[X]The Colonization for a People
    [X] plan free heaven. sociopath next ruler.
fixed my vote, hopefully i did it right 😂

on a different note bloody hell I hope the stepsons rumour mill leaves the family alive and well