And What a Dance it Was (NO SV, War is Coming, Prepare)

[X]Plan: A Free Haven
-[X]Religious Exceptionalism: While Freedom of Cult is the law of the lands of Westeros, you wish to have the Valyrian faith have a safe haven for their belief, one that was never allowed outside of a few places in Westeros. (this will make the Valyrian faith legal in the Stepstones, instead of tolerated as decreed by Westerosi law. Keep that in mind)
-[X]The Colonization for a People: The Valyrian Diaspora was mitigated with Aegon's conquest, but many find that the land of Westeros, is foreign, and not for them. This will be a new home. Perhaps not a Valyria. But it will be a place for them to come.
-[X] Daughter's name: Daenys
-[X] Son's name: Aeron

- Colonisation and guarranteed religious freedom are things we will not have another chance at.
- Dominion of the Stepstones we have a 1/3 chance of getting anyway. And if we don't it goes to either our father or our stepfather. While it still looks good, it does not trump the above 2, IMHO.
- Vassals : again a one off chance but IMO less important than the colonisation and freedom of religion by law
- Keep: We can get it another way. It will be costly and it will take time (we might have to settle for something less grand at the end) but we will get something at the end.
- for the names, I confess to shameless copying.
[X]Plan: A Free Haven
This has convinced me. I hope the dice rule in our favor for who gets the Stepstones.
Fuck it, let´s roll the dice... If it goes to Daemon it is likely that he will give it to us in a couple of months...
[X]Plan: A Free Haven

[X] plan free heaven. sociopath next ruler.
X]Plan: A Freehold Once More
-[X]Dominion of the Stepstones: While Viserys might choose someone else to rule, you want to make sure that it is you. You wish to rule. And you shall. (Gain the Stepstones and are the Prince of the Stepstones. With all the problems and privileges that it has) (Note: If this is not chosen, there will be a d3 rolled, between Daemon, Valaar, or you, to get control of the Stepstones)
-[X]The Colonization for a People: The Valyrian Diaspora was mitigated with Aegon's conquest, but many find that the land of Westeros, is foreign, and not for them. This will be a new home. Perhaps not a Valyria. But it will be a place for them to come.
-[X] Daughter's name: Daenys
-[X] Son's name: Aeron
Guys, you should format your plan correctly if you want it to be tallied well...
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House Tabasco
By the will of our QM I have created this character sheet, so it was bid and so shall it be.

Name: Davion Tabasco

Age: 21

Alias: The Red Runner

Languages Known: Westerosi common, Westerosi Common (Written), Bravosi, Bravosi (Written)

Religion: The Gods of Valyria: An ancient and powerful pantheon that once dominated the world. Now they are weak and cling to the glories of the Past. They are told that the Storm Singers can predict the weather and can read the skies, even on the backs of Dragons. They have many peculiar traditions, from polygamy to sister/brother marriage, to even blood sacrifice. While a minority in Westeros, they are mostly left alone by faith.


Premier Spice… "Tradesman": So long as there's spice left in the world, somebodies going to pay a premium for it. (+15 for any action that involves smuggling.)

Fast talker: Some port officials are just so very stringent about things; it helps to be obfuscating. (+10 to lying rolls.)

Blockade Runner: Born to life at sea and proven in the war, not many could contest your mastery over the waves and fewer could match. (+10 to sailing and navigation rolls.)


Sailing and Navigation (Master): From a young age you learned your way around a ship, and for a long time you've commanded a very fine one indeed. (+30 to sailing rolls)

Naval Combat (Skilled): A knight raised from birth knows his suit of armor like his own body, to a Dothraki screamer hos horse is an extension of himself, for you it is the mighty vessel beneath your feet, and no other feeling can match. (+30 to naval combat rolls.)

Deception (Master): In every port on the Narrow Sea port, they've heard every false name, mumble, and excuse. They'd only find out after you left the harbor and you made sure to keep it that way. (+30 to deception rolls.)

Naval Logistics (Skilled): Running a business is hard, running a ship is harder. You learned to make sure everyone had their fill on long voyages. (+20 to logistics rolls involving ships.)

Camouflage (Skilled): Sometimes you had to hide a few things, not like hiding thing was illegal anyway. (+20 to camouflage rolls.)

Twin sword (Skilled): Some said you were a pirate, which isn't true at all, you just liked the flashiness. (+20 to personal combat rolls when wielding two swords.)

Commerce (Skilled): Business is good for people who know how to spot it, and there's always a deal to be made. (+20 to all commercial rolls.)

Administration (Skilled): keeping things in working order is very important at sea, and you'd rather not have to wade through sea water to get breakfast. (+20 to administration rolls.)

Swimming (Trained): Obviously you know how to swim, what sailor doesn't? (You know how to swim, +10 to relevant rolls.)

Literate (Trained): Make sure to always read the fine print, on every contract. (You know how to read and write, +10 to relevant rolls.)

Court Diplomacy (Trained): Dealing with nobles is.. new, but you've picked up a few things, like which spoon goes where! (+10 to court diplomacy rolls.)

Court Intrigue (Trained): People lie and gossip, that's a given, but why in the thirteen do these highborn silver-spoons have to be so weird about it about it? (+10 to court deception rolls.)


Newly minted: A knighthood! They gave you a Knighthood and an island for you to govern for running supplies! Maybe speeding through that Triarchy squadron had something to do with it? (You are a Lord of Port Tabasco, formerly Torturers Deep, and a Knight. Your word holds sway and you sit at very big tables with very important people now.)

Trusted confidant: Quick tricks be damned you know why they picked you, and just how lucky it was, and you'll be damned if that all goes to waste. (Will act in Daemon's and Lucien's favor, -10 to resist any convincing attempts by either.)

One hell of a gumbo: The real reason for your success here, a recipe made to perfection and unbeaten by any challenger, there is no doubt in your mind that this is the single best Gumbo ever devised. (+25 to any diplomacy roll if the target has eaten "The Gumbo", can only be used in certain social instances.)

Veteran of the stepstones war: Spice running is one thing; war is something else. Having used your skills to outpace hunting squadrons and deliver vital supplies, having been boarded a few times along the way, you can claim a veterancy the same as those that sieged the castles and fought in the fields. (+10 to personal combat rolls, +5 to Speech rolls with other soldiers.)

A Baptism by fire: You watched as armies clashed and men died, as the fleets squared off and ships were smashed to splinters, but nothing came close to… Them. You found faith in those fires, as others watched in horror or jubilation, you saw a spark of the divine. (You are a recent convert to the Valyrian faith by the war in the Stepstones end, +5 to interactions with other Valyrian faithful.)

"By Sea And Fire We Go"

For King Viserys, King of the Rhoynar, the Andals, and the First Men, Lord of the seven kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm. For the Princes Daemon and Lucien, the Rogue and the Song, who conquered the Stepstones in divine fire. For Port Tabasco, that the spice may flow and the gold return in good form. All Praise to the Thirteen.
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So we are currently tied.

Adhoc vote count started by Ghost in the sun on Dec 5, 2022 at 4:15 PM, finished with 89 posts and 15 votes.

  • [X]Plan: A Freehold Once More
    -[X]Dominion of the Stepstones: While Viserys might choose someone else to rule, you want to make sure that it is you. You wish to rule. And you shall. (Gain the Stepstones and are the Prince of the Stepstones. With all the problems and privileges that it has) (Note: If this is not chosen, there will be a d3 rolled, between Daemon, Valaar, or you, to get control of the Stepstones)
    -[X]The Colonization for a People: The Valyrian Diaspora was mitigated with Aegon's conquest, but many find that the land of Westeros, is foreign, and not for them. This will be a new home. Perhaps not a Valyria. But it will be a place for them to come.
    -[X] Daughter's name: Daenys
    -[X] Son's name: Aeron
    [X]Plan: A Free Haven
    -[X]Religious Exceptionalism: While Freedom of Cult is the law of the lands of Westeros, you wish to have the Valyrian faith have a safe haven for their belief, one that was never allowed outside of a few places in Westeros. (this will make the Valyrian faith legal in the Stepstones, instead of tolerated as decreed by Westerosi law. Keep that in mind).
    -[X]The Colonization for a People: The Valyrian Diaspora was mitigated with Aegon's conquest, but many find that the land of Westeros, is foreign, and not for them. This will be a new home. Perhaps not a Valyria. But it will be a place for them to come.
    -[X] Daughter's name: Daenys
    -[X] Son's name: Aeron
    [X] Plan: To get some land and get a new castle
    -[X]Dominion of the Stepstones: While Viserys might choose someone else to rule, you want to make sure that it is you. You wish to rule. And you shall. (Gain the Stepstones and are the Prince of the Stepstones. With all the problems and privileges that it has) (Note: If this is not chosen, there will be a d3 rolled, between Daemon, Valaar, or you, to get control of the Stepstones)
    -[X]To Build a New Keep: You want the Crown to pay for the repairs for the Keep, or rather, to destroy the old one, and build you a new one. (Place the Image for what you want it to look like in a spoiler below this vote)
    -[X] Daughter's name: Daenys
    -[X] Son's name: Aeron
    -[X]Dominion of the Stepstones
    -[X]The Colonization for a People
    -[X]Dominion of the Stepstones: While Viserys might choose someone else to rule, you want to make sure that it is you. You wish to rule. And you shall. (Gain the Stepstones and are the Prince of the Stepstones. With all the problems and privileges that it has) (Note: If this is not chosen, there will be a d3 rolled, between Daemon, Valaar, or you, to get control of the Stepstones)
    -[X]The Colonization for a People: The Valyrian Diaspora was mitigated with Aegon's conquest, but many find that the land of Westeros, is foreign, and not for them. This will be a new home. Perhaps not a Valyria. But it will be a place for them to come.
    -[X] Daughter's name: Daenys
    -[X] Son's name: Aeron
    [X] plan free heaven. sociopath next ruler.
Omake: Ladies in Waiting Rumor Mill

Myranda Ryswell stretched her fingers, the palm feeling oddly sore. Writing so many letters last night has taken its toll it seems.

First she had one to write her family about the news of the successful birth of Alicent and Rhaenyra, then she had to write one to Alicent about the incoming rumors about their children, King Landing situation, the Martells and certain key people she asked Myranda to keep an eye on. Besides that she had to write a last letter to maternal grandmother's family because apparently Alicent needed a Weirwood Arrow and for experiment sake her friend asked if she could gather Weirwood Arrows from trees of different ages and locations so she could test their potency.

Myranda loved her friends but Alicent was close to reminding her of grandmother Arleyne which wasn't exactly a good thing because granny Arleyne was a wood witch or it would be a mountain witch? Did Alicent count as a tower witch ?

Nevertheless she loved them both, witch talk or not, so she sent more letters to other Northern Houses under the guise of asking Weirwood branches to bless Prince Lucien children.

The things she did for friendship.

Still it was a better deal than Lorena, who had taken to praying at sunrise for protection of the newborns. The girl was currently only being outmatched in piety by Rhyelle who had made a promise under the Mother name to fast each morning until both babies completed a year.

Myranda had taken a hare and slit its throat in the Godswood and called it a day.

She had no idea what Galena had done to bless the children, except for sneaking out at night with two dolls and silver chains, returning absolutely drenched in saltwater with no doll or chain in sight.

Understandable, she didn't question it further.

So Myranda strolled across The Red Keep, walking a familiar path towards the Queen Solar… It was strange how much time had passed since Queen Aemma's final rest, she could remember all those years ago being summoned to the room when she helped Rhaenyra the previous night.

She missed Lady Rhae too, in the beginning when the Lady of Runestone wasn't so ill they would often ride together with Jocelyn, while Prince Daemon, ever protective, would keep watch on his wife accompanying them from behind. Lady Rhae would often tell them stories about growing in the Vale, First Man stories about the Kings of the Runic Crown and most of all of her daughters' progress and daily life.

An ache surged on her chest, a pang of regret. It has been how long since she last heard about the twins? Perhaps she would have to ask Rhyelle about them, failing that ask Minisa who in turn could know via her exchange of letters with Little Jeyne.

Myranda opened the door to the Solar and as she expected a familiar sight greeted her, yet sometimes it also felt a bit too new without the Queen's presence.

Vanessa is always working on a ledger, quill dripping in the ink pot every few moments and rapidly writing something although the girl seemed to be more tired than usual, her hair a bit more messy and the sleeves of her dress with a few ink drops.

Was something going on?

Sneaking close to the red haired girl, Myranda took a peek of what seemed to be a guest list? She came more closer to ta-


A hand suddenly slapped her face, making her take a step back.

" What do you think you are doing?!" Vanessa had finally noticed the other girl, giving Myranda a surprised look.

"You hit me!"

"It was you who sneaked upon me!"

Sensing her defeat, Myranda deflected the issue at hand "I just wanted to see what you were working so seriously".

"You could have just asked me…" Sighing Vanessa, placed a hand on the forehead. " I didn't even want to hit you anyway, I thought it was an annoying fly from before… "

" What did you say?! Did you just mistake me for a fly?"

" As I was saying, King Viserys intends to hold a Tourney in celebration for the birth of his first grandson and his brother's victory in the Stepstones" at this pause a page of what seemed to be a guest list was shoved in Myranda face " Lord Beesbury is doing most of the planning but he still needs help with the most fine details like the Feast planning and seating arrangements."

" I see.."

It made sense, Myranda thought, especially since the rumors at the Prince Baelon health. While people didn't outright say it, many were worried given Queen Aemma's childbirth story that the young heir would die before even being one year old. Which in turn left the question of who would be the heir since Rhaenyra unconventional marriage made some of the most pious nobles squirm and the fact she was a woman made her a less popular choice than a male... The next choice would have been Daemon as he was currently windowed and only had daughters made some of the most ambitious see a path to the throne should the Crown Prince die.

As if someone could ever replace Lady Royce in the Prince Daemon heart, Myranda snorted.

Of course the list of potential heirs should Baelon meet the Stranger went on and on… Almost like a Flint family gathering. Everyone and their mother wanted a say about who would be King and Queen.

Thus the reasons for the Tourney, it would be a chance for most of the Realm to see the Baby Prince in good health and House Targaryen strength with their most recent victory even if the War on the Stepstones wasn't sponsored by the Crown and see who would be chosen to be the new Lord of the Stepstones.

Also some of the Great Houses wanted to test the waters if the King wanted to arrange a marriage between his son and Prince Lucien daughter by Alicent, by what Myranda heard some of the courtiers are already making veiled insults at Lord Otto calling the man too ambitious and overstepping his boundaries as a Hand.

Of course the rumors were in turn countered by another one saying that the young children of Rhaenyra and Alicent would marry each other according to Targaryen practices…

"Here is an template letter, you can start to write the invitations for the Northern Houses since you are most familiar with them"

Myranda blinked, being shoved more paper and quills in her arms by Vanessa.

"Wait! First you hit my face and now want me to work?"

"Everyone will be working for the Tourney, if you don't want to help me write the invitations then perhaps helping Lady Rhyelle in the charity kitchens might be more to your taste my Lady?"

Dragging her feet, Myranda took a chair and started to write the letters in defeat. Her hands will not rest today it seems.

And so she started to write, and write… All she could hear was the sound of the quill moving across the paper.

"Hey Vanessa…"


" Did you hear that Lady Laena will be marrying Prince Lucien next?"


" Yet her brother Lord Laenor, her elder, is still unmarried… One might wonder what Lord Corlys is planning with all of the rumors.."

"This would be between Lord Corlys and his son Myranda."

"They say Prince Lucien unleashed a horde of thousands of Ghosts in Slaver Bay…"

" Hmm…"

" I heard that in the Stepstones Prince Lucien found a strange foreign sauce and became bewitched by it"

" I will take note to send some as a gift for when his Keep is finished then."

Myranda eye twitched, Vanessa's composure when doing work almost rivaled Rhyelle and Caliadne work ethics, at this rate she would really be stuck here writing for hours! She had to escape somehow! Her hand's survival depended on it!

" If you are really that bored, you can help Minisa with hiring artists. Last time I heard she was tasked by the King to find a -"

"Yes! I shall help Minisa thank you, goodbye~!"

" Don't run in the halls!"

With that Myranda took her leave, running for freedom remembering the Queen once scolding her of the same thing.

Some things never change.

Notes: So here we have 1.2k of slice of life I guess? Some tibits here is that Myranda Maternal Granny is a Flint of the Mountains, Vanessa and the others tibit of how they are helping to fill the void in the Queen duties, Rhyelle took over the charities, Minisa with the art events and patronage and Vanessa helped with more admistrative duties and the rest gave support to the three of them. We hear some rumours and some banter, Dialogue isnt my fort as you can see. Hope you enjoyed it!

Edit: Also I have no ideia if Viserys would throw a tourney but I think he would celebrate the birth of his first grandson with a big feast at least.
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We still have lots of Bingo Squares to go!

Mushroom getting a printing press

Essos Slave Revolt.

Corlys and Valaar finding the One Piece in Leng.

Me usurping the title of most posts from Magoose in the thread because I am a chatter box.

Lucien putting Tabasco Sauce in every dish he can find.

Finding Ghotik Hogwarts with Professor Melissandre and Gael.
Mushroom getting a printing press
Not yet.
We already started it.
Corlys and Valaar finding the One Piece in Leng.
Come on, its far past asshai.
Me usurping the title of most posts from Magoose in the thread because I am a chatter box.
Not possible.
Lucien putting Tabasco Sauce in every dish he can find.
(Impossible challenge)
Finding Ghotik Hogwarts with Professor Melissandre and Gael.
There is no hogwarts here.
I'm going with this for the same reasons that @wencitofrum has but slightly more.

Colonization and Religious Exceptionalism helps us with with other options. Building a keep will take time and money but with a loyal population with religious and cultural similarities it will help smooth things over. As for ownership of the Stepstones, Daemon might get it but if Valaar gets it, we still technically get it as well since Lucien is both his eldest son and heir. Also, if Valaar gets it, it covers our fleet options since he is technically a highly competent admiral.

[x] Plan: A Free Haven