And What a Dance it Was (NO SV, War is Coming, Prepare)

[X]Plan: A Freehold Once More

Voting for this, since Tabasco did take my name suggestions in account.

Omake should come later... Hope Magoose dont mind me taking a stab in Valaryan childbirth traditions.
A day for prayers.
Omake: A day for prayers.

Lorena Celtigar rubbed her eyes, feeling tired at being awake at such an early hour. The other girls were lucky that the Septons would be only holding the prayers for Princess Rhaenyra's child later, but the Valaryan costume was to pray for the newborn's safety at sunrise.

Still she was happy, if anything went wrong in Alicent or Rhaenyra pregnancy they would be here at sunset instead, waking up early was a price she would gladly pay for her friends safety.

Ahead of her, Lady Visanya went up the steps of the Temple, followed by her children. The doors were already open in preparation for the event. Behind them a small stream of people followed, Lorena could recognize most of them by name, of all years she spent at the Temple, either praying and doing charity work.

The building itself wasn't big or luxurious as the Sept of Kings Landing, yet it was theirs all the same. The benches were sturdy enough to last a good few years and were enough in number that everyone could take a seat, small statues of dragons were carved on its walls and ceilings, the recent addition of the huge stained glass window in the back now gave the much needed light for the ambience without fire wich in the summer heat was a blessing.

In front of the Altars she could see the Stormsingers organizing everything, in particular Elder Velesya, an old priestess with gray hair who generally was in charge of prayers regarding Tessarion, Meleys and Shyrkos was commanding today's event.

From afar Lorena could still see the old burn scar on the woman's cheek, which she learned was from an accident from lighting the fire for cooking pot in her childhood, Elder Visanya would almost die from the poor treated wound if a stormsinger didn't stop to heal her, thus inspiring her to take the faith even in a place that they were minority or so said the priestess.

Greeting her fellow sisters and brothers in faith as she walked, Lorena seated beside what she thought was Little Viserys by the color of clothings. One could never be fully sure with the triplets, they liked to put on shows with Mushroom and have people bet which one was which, gaining a not small amount of coin.

"Good Morning Lady Celtigar!"

"Good Morning, Ser Gregor."

Sitting at her side was one of Lucien's friends from the city watch. Gregor, called the Halfman due to his dwarf status and of the few friends she made that shared her faith in this city, aside from Lady Visanya.

Lorena offered her hand to him for the incoming prayers and he swiftly took it, taking the hidden coins in her closed palm. She had betted on the babies being both girls, but alas she had lost and Gregor made her 15 dragons poorer, sometimes she thought Gregor was blessed by one of the gods with how much he won in bets… Or he was receiving information in advance somehow.

The sound of drums interrupted her thoughts, Elder Velesya was in the front ready to begin the prayers.

" Brothers and Sisters! Today we gather around to celebrate not only the Fourteen Blessed Prince Lucien Targaryen with a child but two! So today we thank the gods for their gift! "

And in unison they answered.
"Blessed by the Flame!"

"Now we begin!"

" Oh goddess you that has lifted us towards the sky,
Take us under your wing, forever free in the wind
Oh god, you that have made the heavenly fire
Light our way around the night and day…. "

And such it went, until the sun tinted the sky with its light and then it was time for the main event.

Elder Velesya gestured towards the Altars with each of the gods behind her, stooding in a perfect circle. "Now I call the family to pray and make the newborns receive the blessings from the Fourteen."

Lady Visenya stood, the triplets with her. Lorena and Gregor also followed, since Lucien didn't have enough relatives for the ritual it was alright for a friend to participate although in her case she was doing it for Alicent and Rhaenyra. Still even with them helping Lucien's family they were only 6, enough for only half of the 14 so the rest of the priest filled in.

Each one took a candle for each baby, white for the girl and red for the boy all of it being the exact same length and placed it at the feet of one particular god. From what she could see Lady Visanya being a healer had chosen Tessarion, the triplets split and Gregor was in front of Vermithor statue.

"Now light the candles!'

The ritual was twofold, the candle represented the newborn life and by putting it on a god altar was to put its life under their protection but also it served as a form of divination. Being all the same length the candles should burn at the same speed but some went out faster than the others. The first candle to go out would indicates a form of weakness, doom or tragedy depending on which god feet they were, in reverse the last candle to go out indicated the newborn strength or fortune according to the god.

Thus the reason why they needed candles of different colors and a signal to lit them at the same time.

Lorena had chosen the goddess Tyraxes, hoping the children would grow with wisdom and if war came they would be skilled warriors and strategists like their father but above all she prayed for a peaceful life for her friends' children.

As the candles burned, Lorena could only hope her prayers were answered for everyone sake.

Notes: So what you guys think? I wanted to give more light to the Old Valaryan Faitfull and their rituals, not sure if I managed to do it right tho. The reason they pray for the newborn at sunrise its because its the beggning of the day or in this case a new cycle to Honor Shrykos as a goddess of beggnings and ward the night as long one can.
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Notes: So what you guys think? I wanted to give more light to the Old Valaryan Faitfull and their rituals, not sure if I managed to do it right tho. The reason they pray for the newborn at sunrise its because its the beggning of the day or in this case a new cycle to Honor Shrykos as a goddess of beggnings and ward the night as long one can.
Fantastic stuff Ghost, seeing more mundane activities is a treat.
Ok, this is my plan and it is basically the same as Tabasco, BUT since colonization is actually a thing that can be achieved much more easily (basically with gold and actions) than the special religious status on the Stepstones.

Plus this is probably going to attract quite a lot of immigration, and if Baelon´s Sociopath trait goes the Joffrey way, instead of the Sherlock way, we may want to have that part covered.

[X]Plan: A New Promised Land
-[X]Dominion of the Stepstones: While Viserys might choose someone else to rule, you want to make sure that it is you. You wish to rule. And you shall. (Gain the Stepstones and are the Prince of the Stepstones. With all the problems and privileges that it has) (Note: If this is not chosen, there will be a d3 rolled, between Daemon, Valaar, or you, to get control of the Stepstones)
-[X]Religious Exceptionalism: While Freedom of Cult is the law of the lands of Westeros, you wish to have the Valyrian faith have a safe haven for their belief, one that was never allowed outside of a few places in Westeros. (this will make the Valyrian faith legal in the Stepstones, instead of tolerated as decreed by Westerosi law. Keep that in mind).
-[X] Daughter's name: Daenys
-[X] Son's name: Aeron
[X] Plan: To get some land and get a new castle
-[X]Dominion of the Stepstones: While Viserys might choose someone else to rule, you want to make sure that it is you. You wish to rule. And you shall. (Gain the Stepstones and are the Prince of the Stepstones. With all the problems and privileges that it has) (Note: If this is not chosen, there will be a d3 rolled, between Daemon, Valaar, or you, to get control of the Stepstones)
-[X]To Build a New Keep: You want the Crown to pay for the repairs for the Keep, or rather, to destroy the old one, and build you a new one. (Place the Image for what you want it to look like in a spoiler below this vote)
-[X] Daughters name: Daenys
-[X] Sons name: Aeron

my plan is similar Tabascoheath's plan but we take the castle optio. As it is stated totaled 3 actions a turn. For multiple turn s if we don't take it , that is really the only difference, the names and the other option is the same
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Omake: A day for prayers.

Lorena Celtigar rubbed her eyes, feeling tired at being awake at such an early hour. The other girls were lucky that the Septons would be only holding the prayers for Princess Rhaenyra's child later, but the Valaryan costume was to pray for the newborn's safety at sunrise.

Still she was happy, if anything went wrong in Alicent or Rhaenyra pregnancy they would be here at sunset instead, waking up early was a price she would gladly pay for her friends safety.

Ahead of her, Lady Visanya went up the steps of the Temple, followed by her children. The doors were already open in preparation for the event. Behind them a small stream of people followed, Lorena could recognize most of them by name, of all years she spent at the Temple, either praying and doing charity work.

The building itself wasn't big or luxurious as the Sept of Kings Landing, yet it was theirs all the same. The benches were sturdy enough to last a good few years and were enough in number that everyone could take a seat, small statues of dragons were carved on its walls and ceilings, the recent addition of the huge stained glass window in the back now gave the much needed light for the ambience without fire wich in the summer heat was a blessing.

In front of the Altars she could see the Stormsingers organizing everything, in particular Elder Velesya, an old priestess with gray hair who generally was in charge of prayers regarding Tessarion, Meleys and Shyrkos was commanding today's event.

From afar Lorena could still see the old burn scar on the woman's cheek, which she learned was from an accident from lighting the fire for cooking pot in her childhood, Elder Visanya would almost die from the poor treated wound if a stormsinger didn't stop to heal her, thus inspiring her to take the faith even in a place that they were minority or so said the priestess.

Greeting her fellow sisters and brothers in faith as she walked, Lorena seated beside what she thought was Little Viserys by the color of clothings. One could never be fully sure with the triplets, they liked to put on shows with Mushroom and have people bet which one was which, gaining a not small amount of coin.

"Good Morning Lady Celtigar!"

"Good Morning, Ser Gregor."

Sitting at her side was one of Lucien's friends from the city watch. Gregor, called the Halfman due to his dwarf status and of the few friends she made that shared her faith in this city, aside from Lady Visanya.

Lorena offered her hand to him for the incoming prayers and he swiftly took it, taking the hidden coins in her closed palm. She had betted on the babies being both girls, but alas she had lost and Gregor made her 15 dragons poorer, sometimes she thought Gregor was blessed by one of the gods with how much he won in bets… Or he was receiving information in advance somehow.

The sound of drums interrupted her thoughts, Elder Velesya was in the front ready to begin the prayers.

" Brothers and Sisters! Today we gather around to celebrate not only the Fourteen Blessed Prince Lucien Targaryen with a child but two! So today we thank the gods for their gift! "

And in unison they answered.
"Blessed by the Flame!"

"Now we begin!"

" Oh goddess you that has lifted us towards the sky,
Take us under your wing, forever free in the wind
Oh god, you that have made the heavenly fire
Light our way around the night and day….

And such it went, until the sun tinted the sky with its light and then it was time for the main event.

Elder Velesya gestured towards the Altars with each of the gods behind her, stooding in a perfect circle. "Now I call the family to pray and make the newborns receive the blessings from the Fourteen."

Lady Visenya stood, the triplets with her. Lorena and Gregor also followed, since Lucien didn't have enough relatives for the ritual it was alright for a friend to participate although in her case she was doing it for Alicent and Rhaenyra. Still even with them helping Lucien's family they were only 6, enough for only half of the 14 so the rest of the priest filled in.

Each one took a candle for each baby, white for the girl and red for the boy all of it being the exact same length and placed it at the feet of one particular god. From what she could see Lady Visanya being a healer had chosen Tessarion, the triplets split and Gregor was in front of Vermithor statue.

"Now light the candles!'

The ritual was twofold, the candle represented the newborn life and by putting it on a god altar was to put its life under their protection but also it served as a form of divination. Being all the same length the candles should burn at the same speed but some went out faster than the others. The first candle to go out would indicates a form of weakness, doom or tragedy depending on which god feet they were, in reverse the last candle to go out indicated the newborn strength or fortune according to the god.

Thus the reason why they needed candles of different colors and a signal to lit them at the same time.

Lorena had chosen the goddess Tyraxes, hoping the children would grow with wisdom and if war came they would be skilled warriors and strategists like their father but above all she prayed for a peaceful life for her friends' children.

As the candles burned, Lorena could only hope her prayers were answered for everyone sake.

Notes: So what you guys think? I wanted to give more light to the Old Valaryan Faitfull and their rituals, not sure if I managed to do it right tho. The reason they pray for the newborn at sunrise its because its the beggning of the day or in this case a new cycle to Honor Shrykos as a goddess of beggnings and ward the night as long one can.
I love this. Really I do!
Fantastic stuff Ghost, seeing more mundane activities is a treat.

Thanks Tabasco! I wasnt sure if I could pull of the religious stuff well. Also thanks to Magoose saying the Temple was gothic in style I actualy researched it and now have basic knowlegde of it and I even tried to draw a basic concept art for the building alas it didnt go so well.

I love this. Really I do!

Thanks Magoose! This was one of the omakes I had planned, I wanted to do one with the Martells but I am not sure if I could pull of all the political tension and intrigue going on with Viserys having them as "guests" in Court.

Edit: In the end I choose the Valaryan Faith since we will be seeing them a lot more with them setting at the Stepstones.
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Thanks Tabasco! I wasnt sure if I could pull of the religious stuff well. Also thanks to Magoose saying the Temple was gothic in style I actualy researched it and now have basic knowlegde of it and I even tried to draw a basic concept art for the building alas it didnt go so well.
The reason I went for gothic instead of the later styles is because of all the Gargoyles that appeared on them in later centuries. Mostly because it looks so cool

And replace them with dragons then it's perfect
Thanks Magoose! This was one of the omakes I had planned, I wanted to do one with the Martells but I am not sure if I could pull of all the political tension and intrigue going on with Viserys having them as "guests" in Court
Well I have plans for the Martells and they have rolls

But rumor mill is coming…

And dear lord, is it fun.
Coming back to the Valaryian Gods a bit. From people that were shepherds they don't seem to have an Harvest God.

So what do you think as Vhagar is a war God being also the God of Harvest mirroring Mars agricultural aspect?

Also Meraxes being a Goddess of Sky being also a goddess of Rain, Clouds and Storm? Like a bunch of the other Gods have multiple domains so...
From people that were shepherds they don't seem to have an Harvest God.
Given the nature of meat harvesting and curing, and the general attitude of mountainous shepherds, it's likely that their "harvest god" was Syrax, and that the harvest season itself was capped with a grand celebration to the gods in general but Syrax in particular with the sharing of food and wine all around. Though if I had to make a second guess I might say Meleys for being the god of fertility, that goes hand in hand with farm stuff usually.
So what do you think as Vhagar is a war God being also the God of Harvest mirroring Mars agricultural aspect?
Swords and plowshares? Maybe they had a "3 acres of land" system for the veterans of their wars.
[X]Plan: A Freehold Once More
-[X]Dominion of the Stepstones: While Viserys might choose someone else to rule, you want to make sure that it is you. You wish to rule. And you shall. (Gain the Stepstones and are the Prince of the Stepstones. With all the problems and privileges that it has) (Note: If this is not chosen, there will be a d3 rolled, between Daemon, Valaar, or you, to get control of the Stepstones)
-[X]The Colonization for a People: The Valyrian Diaspora was mitigated with Aegon's conquest, but many find that the land of Westeros, is foreign, and not for them. This will be a new home. Perhaps not a Valyria. But it will be a place for them to come.
-[X] Daughter's name: Daenys
-[X] Son's name: Aeron
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X]Plan: A Freehold Once More
-[X]Dominion of the Stepstones: While Viserys might choose someone else to rule, you want to make sure that it is you. You wish to rule. And you shall. (Gain the Stepstones and are the Prince of the Stepstones. With all the problems and privileges that it has) (Note: If this is not chosen, there will be a d3 rolled, between Daemon, Valaar, or you, to get control of the Stepstones)
-[X]The Colonization for a People: The Valyrian Diaspora was mitigated with Aegon's conquest, but many find that the land of Westeros, is foreign, and not for them. This will be a new home. Perhaps not a Valyria. But it will be a place for them to come.
-[X] Daughter's name: Daenys
-[X] Son's name: Aeron
You're missing a bracket at the front there, it won't get counted otherwise.

@Tabascoheath in honor of Port Tabasco:

House Tabasco has been formed and will be taking up residence there, with its first member being of your own creation.

Good luck.