And What a Dance it Was (NO SV, War is Coming, Prepare)

[X]Plan: A Freehold Once More
-[X]Dominion of the Stepstones: While Viserys might choose someone else to rule, you want to make sure that it is you. You wish to rule. And you shall. (Gain the Stepstones and are the Prince of the Stepstones. With all the problems and privileges that it has) (Note: If this is not chosen, there will be a d3 rolled, between Daemon, Valaar, or you, to get control of the Stepstones)
-[X]The Colonization for a People: The Valyrian Diaspora was mitigated with Aegon's conquest, but many find that the land of Westeros, is foreign, and not for them. This will be a new home. Perhaps not a Valyria. But it will be a place for them to come.
-[X] Daughter's name: Daenys
-[X] Son's name: Aeron

This gives us a nice dominion over the islands, a nice population boost, and religious acceptance for the diaspora right off the bat, all the material stuff we can go through with the admin skills we trained up before and during the war. For our kids names I'd like for them to be named after Daenys the dreamer and Baelon, the prince that found us all those years ago.

Edit: changed son's name and corrected vote
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It means there will be Valryian worshipers, meaning if any become dragon riders... they get bonuses that the Valyrian religion gives.

Also, it means that we are not subject to the whims of the King of Westeros for say... Deciding we're devils and decides to kill us.
I thought that the second part was included under the religious Tolerance laws...
-[X] Son's name: Baelon

Bad idea we have already a Baelon in the Family...
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X]Dominion of the Stepstones: While Viserys might choose someone else to rule, you want to make sure that it is you. You wish to rule. And you shall. (Gain the Stepstones and are the Prince of the Stepstones. With all the problems and privileges that it has) (Note: If this is not chosen, there will be a d3 rolled, between Daemon, Valaar, or you, to get control of the Stepstones)
bad vote, as there is only two choices, not three.
On the stuff for the Stepstones I kind want to choose this one too

[]Choose your Vassel Houses: You want to reward the islands to the people you want to have. (You must write in the houses you wish to reward, and they will. Below. There are 8 islands to pass out)

@Magoose if we dont choose this, what happens to the rest of the Islands?
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Ok so changed plan to only have dominion and colonization, we're going to have to work on the religious exceptionalism for the future BUT we are a new territory so it might work out for us.
Ok so changed plan to only have dominion and colonization, we're going to have to work on the religious exceptionalism for the future BUT we are a new territory so it might work out for us.
I don´t know, I mean the colonization part can probably be done and financed by ourselves later, the religious exceptionalism is less likely that can be done in the future...
[X] Plan: To get some land and get a new castle
-[X]Dominion of the Stepstones: While Viserys might choose someone else to rule, you want to make sure that it is you. You wish to rule. And you shall. (Gain the Stepstones and are the Prince of the Stepstones. With all the problems and privileges that it has) (Note: If this is not chosen, there will be a d3 rolled, between Daemon, Valaar, or you, to get control of the Stepstones)
-[X]To Build a New Keep: You want the Crown to pay for the repairs for the Keep, or rather, to destroy the old one, and build you a new one. (Place the Image for what you want it to look like in a spoiler below this vote)
-[X] Daughters name: Daenys
-[X] Sons name: Aeron

so the bases of this is to make sure the people who fought for us are rewarded and to make the crown pay for a new keep.
though I might swap one out for making sure that we actually get the land. though I have a question for @Magoose if we don't take the new keep option now will we be able to build one in the future
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I don´t know, I mean the colonization part can probably be done and financed by ourselves later, the religious exceptionalism is less likely that can be done in the future...
I'd rather levy favors against the throne at a later date and get the population boost right off the bat, religious exceptionalism doesn't mean much if the people here aren't actually part of the faith.
Question can we make a plan for the Stepstones and a separeted vote for the Names?

I just saying it in case I like the political rewards of a plan but not the names on it
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I must admit that I hoped Viserys would be more generous and give us more choices, especially after the princess's side mission and burning down the whole Triarchy army... Or it may be better said that I hoped that Dominion of the Stepstones would be included by default.
Child Gender Roll:D2 => 2 (It's a Girl!)
Child Gender Roll:D2 => 1 (It's a boy!)
Otto: Excellent, all according to Keikaku
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I don't know if I've missed something, but why haven't we married Laena yet? Shouldn't she already be of age to get married by Westerosi standards? In fact, according to the ASOIAF wiki, she's older than us by five years.
Or it may be better said that Dominion of the Stepstones would be included by default.
Well you have a d3 chance to where, your adoptive father, our father, or us.

Pretty good odds were going to get it very soon anyway.

Plus Viserys wants to try and control Daemon... again.
Otto: Excellent, all according to Keikaku
Then they want to marry eachother.
No crown support officially, maybe a council of those who fought?
More like, as I said, Viserys wants to try and control Daemon.
...Oh boy.
do you guys think for my plan I should swap out the chose your vassal option with the one that guarantees that we get the stepstones? which one would you rather vote for