And What a Dance it Was (NO SV, War is Coming, Prepare)

The Masters of the World 2
The Masters of the World 2:

The Corsair King's Brother
-[X] "The Corsair lord has heard of something very interesting, oh Good masters of Astapor, my brother hears that you have in your possession specimens of royalty! The last Free princess's of Westeros, never touched by the Dragons fire, here in this city. My brother, Gods preserve him, has always wished to know what it is like to have a Princess at his side, a boyhood dream you understand, and with him is abound himself to have heard of these. I am here to acquire these princesses for my brother. I told him I'd bring him back something nice after all, and I would very much like to buy the whole set."

You cleared your throat and allowed yourself to feel so much in so little time. Confidence, grandeur…

Arrogance. They were all things that were not, by your nature, something you had in abundance. No, at least not now. Instead, you had only what you had, which was yourself. Your word, and your balls.

Well, that and your incredible sex drive and imagination for where to have such adventures. Being able to fuck two beautiful women on the back of a moving dragon was more orgasmic than anything you have ever done before. Or since. Nothing could compare. Nothing.

Yet as you stood before these cunts that called themselves masters, who have never been more than slaves to their own livelihood, you put on a smile. You put on a mask of joy, cruelty and indifference. Not a very hard one to put on, yet all the same, you were quietly preparing it. Even Maegor seemed uncomfortable in it, as he tried to mirror you.

"The Corsair lord has heard of something very interesting, oh Good masters of Astapor, my brother hears that you have in your possession specimens of royalty!" Your words felt hollow and sick. Your tone is delightful and cheery, like true scum of the bottom of the 14 hells.

You stepped forward and waved your arms, smiling. "The last Free princesses of Westeros, never touched by the Dragons fire, here in this city." With those words, you captivated the attention of the Great Masters, who smiled in delight as they seemed to speak among themselves as you walked forward, as you scanned the room. They were not here.

You needed to find them. Or have them brought to you.

"My brother, Gods preserve him, has always wished to know what it is like to have a Princess at his side, in his bed… a boyhood dream you must understand, and with him is abound himself to have heard of these." You paused as you thought of the next words.They noticed, yet you had them, and with the final line, you smiled.

"I am here to acquire these princesses for my brother. I told him I'd bring him back something nice after all, and I would very much like to buy the whole set."

At that, you bowed. THe part over, the crowd captivated. Yet there was no applause. It was all over now. You could leave, with-

Detection: D100 + 50 => 69 vs D100 + 100 => 164

Until you heard a single clap. "My my, what a show!" The voice spoke in Westerosi common, though it had no accent, and not a discernible dialect. It was like the man knew what to say to confuse the ear… to confuse you. "Tell me Prince… Did you rehearse this, or did you make it up on the spot? If so, you are a greater actor than even I."

You then turned, looking at the shadows behind the great masters… and then saw the bearded man. He was a man that did not look like he hailed from any region of Essos… Or even beyond. He was a man who seemed forever lost and forever drenched in the shadows.

His hair was silver and grey, he looked like an old man, and yet he was not. He moved like an assassin, and a killer… no far worse than that. A Shadow.

"What is the meaning of this?" You played it cool, trying your best to deflect. "Who-"

"Ah, but then you realize you have made a mistake, young Lucien." He walked forward, in front of the great masters. "There is no Daemon to save you here."

Blades were drawn, and as quick as moonlight, the Shadow placed a blade to your throat. "Do not kill them. I need them alive." He then pressed it closer. "Drop your sword. Now. Or I will make you silent again. And it will be far more painful than losing a voice to fear."

Your blade dropped. "Throw them into the slave cell, and prepare for transport. I want them all ready for transport." He ordered. "But first, we must celebrate our new relationship, Great Master… Soon westerosi slaves will flow back into your ports. And you will have new markets like the days of the Empire." He said quietly as he turned back to you. "And you Prince… you shall see me again."

Then the world went dark.

As you awoke, what do you see?:

[]The Three Daughters of Dorne: The Daughters of the Desert were tending for you, though with half-hearted wonders, afraid that you would awaken. But as you did, they backed away, fearful. All three were wearing, at least to your knowledge… Chastity belts. Very painful ones.

[]The Companions: You looked at them as MAegor tried to slip free from his binds. Edwyle seemed to be working on a much better plan, studying the stonework. "We're underground Lucien, so we cannot call the Dragons. But there is a weakness of these tunnels that we can exploit."

[]The Shadow: He chuckled as you stirred awake. You were unbound, and with a sword and shield nearby. "Come now, Prince… Show me what you are as a warrior?"

[]The Shadows daughter: It took everything you had to come to, and push her away as she began to strip you. "Dammit, the dosage was too small." She then huffed as she smirked at you. You were in chains, but you could still move to protect yourself. "Oh well, I need a little fun."

AN: Enjoy.
FUCK, MY PLAN, IT WAS A TRAP THE WHOLE TIME!!! I cant believe the sleaze didn't work, I guess the Magoose dice do as they will.

[X]The Shadow: He chuckled as you stirred awake. You were unbound, and with a sword and shield nearby. "Come now, Prince… Show me what you are as a warrior?"
[X]The Shadow: He chuckled as you stirred awake. You were unbound, and with a sword and shield nearby. "Come now, Prince… Show me what you are as a warrior?"
FUCK, MY PLAN, IT WAS A TRAP THE WHOLE TIME!!! I cant believe the sleaze didn't work, I guess the Magoose dice do as they will.
Its how the dice rolled my friend. You could have won too, if you got a little better on the rolls and Ra's Al Ghul didn't... but thats neither here nor there.
[X]The Three Daughters of Dorne: The Daughters of the Desert were tending for you, though with half-hearted wonders, afraid that you would awaken. But as you did, they backed away, fearful. All three were wearing, at least to your knowledge… Chastity belts. Very painful ones.

Unlike our companions, the Dornish princesses won't be actively looking for us, meaning this may be our only chance to find them.
Its how the dice rolled my friend. You could have won too, if you got a little better on the rolls and Ra's Al Ghul didn't... but thats neither here nor there.
I know, we cant win them all, what could have been and all that. BUT NO MATTER, if Ra's Al Ghul wishes to match us in single combat then in single combat then so shall it be! An early chance to take the shadows head!

I can guess that Ra's is also a legendary swordsman, going toe to toe with the best and all but this is what we trained for! Although meeting the princess's first would be a good idea... I'll have to sleep on that one.
This is why I wanted Aegor to go! Because I knew we would get trapped in useless stuff here.

[X]The Shadow: He chuckled as you stirred awake. You were unbound, and with a sword and shield nearby. "Come now, Prince… Show me what you are as a warrior?"

Don't care much about the Princesses at this point, Knowing Ra Al Ghul might as well had them poisoned with something only he knows the cure for and the belts are just for mental impact he can cause on Lucien rather for the girls.

Also I don't want to go rescue the Princesses only for us to go back with none of our companions alive and say to Aegor: hey remember that mission I didnt want you to go? I managed to complete it but your brother died, sorry"

Edit: changed my vote.
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Ok, I kind of trust our companions to survive long enough until we find them, I would rather avoid Lucien to be raped, and while we have +100 to fight with a sword and shield I am sure that Ras is a match for us.

So voting for this for now, I may switch it for trying to beat the snout out of Ras later

[X]The Three Daughters of Dorne: The Daughters of the Desert were tending for you, though with half-hearted wonders, afraid that you would awaken. But as you did, they backed away, fearful. All three were wearing, at least to your knowledge… Chastity belts. Very painful ones.
[X]The Three Daughters of Dorne: The Daughters of the Desert were tending for you, though with half-hearted wonders, afraid that you would awaken. But as you did, they backed away, fearful. All three were wearing, at least to your knowledge… Chastity belts. Very painful ones.
So what are the chances of Daemon noticing something is wrong about how long we are taking, with his view of the Martell are cursed, his fear of losing his family plus father instincts and coming to Lucien rescue?
[X]The Three Daughters of Dorne: The Daughters of the Desert were tending for you, though with half-hearted wonders, afraid that you would awaken. But as you did, they backed away, fearful. All three were wearing, at least to your knowledge… Chastity belts. Very painful ones.
[X]The Shadows daughter: It took everything you had to come to, and push her away as she began to strip you. "Dammit, the dosage was too small." She then huffed as she smirked at you. You were in chains, but you could still move to protect yourself. "Oh well, I need a little fun."
we are drugged with talia al ghul and talia will give birth to damian. And than we are a part of this world BATMAN
we are drugged with talia al ghul and talia will give birth to damian. And than we are a part of this world BATMAN

If Daemon doesnt kill her first after learning she raped his son. Plus uncle Vaegon can still call Melissandre for a miscarriage.

And lets not forget the Dance, with Damian initial thing of "only I am worthy of being my father heir" and trying to kill the other robins, I dont want him near either of Lucien children.

Edit: Maybe I am panicking with the worse scenarios sorry everyone.
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Magoose's dice roll screwed us so hard...

[x] The Shadow: He chuckled as you stirred awake. You were unbound, and with a sword and shield nearby. "Come now, Prince… Show me what you are as a warrior?"
[X]The Three Daughters of Dorne: The Daughters of the Desert were tending for you, though with half-hearted wonders, afraid that you would awaken. But as you did, they backed away, fearful. All three were wearing, at least to your knowledge… Chastity belts. Very painful ones.

Well, @Fanhunter696, I don't want to say 'I told you so', so instead I'll fall back on an ol' reliable.

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She then huffed as she smirked at you. You were in chains, but you could still move to protect yourself. "Oh well, I need a little fun."
we are drugged with talia al ghul and talia will give birth to damian. And than we are a part of this world BATMAN
So you want to get Lucien raped because you want to get Damian Wayne, that annoying asshole who is despised by most of Batman´s Famdom...

[X]The Three Daughters of Dorne: The Daughters of the Desert were tending for you, though with half-hearted wonders, afraid that you would awaken. But as you did, they backed away, fearful. All three were wearing, at least to your knowledge… Chastity belts. Very painful ones.

Well, @Fanhunter696, I don't want to say 'I told you so', so instead I'll fall back on an ol' reliable.


Hey, that only means we get to roast some human filth on the way back, don´t forget that Grey Ghost is still around.
Adhoc vote count started by Fanhunter696 on Nov 7, 2022 at 10:38 AM, finished with 18 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X]The Three Daughters of Dorne: The Daughters of the Desert were tending for you, though with half-hearted wonders, afraid that you would awaken. But as you did, they backed away, fearful. All three were wearing, at least to your knowledge… Chastity belts. Very painful ones.
    [X]The Shadow: He chuckled as you stirred awake. You were unbound, and with a sword and shield nearby. "Come now, Prince… Show me what you are as a warrior?"
    [X]The Shadows daughter: It took everything you had to come to, and push her away as she began to strip you. "Dammit, the dosage was too small." She then huffed as she smirked at you. You were in chains, but you could still move to protect yourself. "Oh well, I need a little fun."

Well the vote is pretty close, and both options are pretty logical... The only problem that I have not to vote against the shadow, is that even if we win (and since our bonus would be +100 we are likely to at least be his equal) Ras will get obsessed for Lucien like he did with Batman and we would have to deal with the aftermath.
Alright, folks, time to deploy the Omake-Cannons! We need all the Boni we can get now!
I don´t think that we need them, we have had so many omakes and memes that we are likely to have a bonus of over 200, or maybe even close to 300 ( correct me if I´m wrong @Magoose ) but these bonus doesn´t seem to apply to adventures.
It will be a quick trip they said, in and out less than a day they said...

Next time I throwing the side quest at Aegor.
Depending of which side quest it is... We still have a Sword in the North with our name on it and a missing sister.
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Now now this so could be worse like Lucius go to Skyrim

Hey you you finally awake.
I almost did that just to fuck with you.

Though I had enough control to not do that.
Also I don't want to go rescue the Princesses only for us to go back with none of our companions alive and say to Aegor: hey remember that mission I didnt want you to go? I managed to complete it but your brother died, sorry"
Well he knew the risks of coming with us.

The more dangerous problem here is that he might do something wreckless that may put him in more danger then he would otherwise be.
Magoose's dice roll screwed us so hard...
They give and take my friend, they give and take.
Hey, that only means we get to roast some human filth on the way back, don´t forget that Grey Ghost is still around.
Astapor will burn for this... it will never recover from this fucking we're about to give them.
I don´t think that we need them, we have had so many omakes and memes that we are likely to have a bonus of over 200, or maybe even close to 300 ( correct me if I´m wrong @Magoose ) but these bonus doesn´t seem to apply to adventures.

But I didn't want to use them on this adventure, for an obvious reason.

I didn't want to use them and are saving them for later.

Or better yet, allowing them to be saved for protecting Rhaenyra and Alicent... cause oh boy will they be needing that.
Or better yet, allowing them to be saved for protecting Rhaenyra and Alicent... cause oh boy will they be needing that.
Well, let's hope we don't need them for that and we can use them in the Magic Bullshit that will happen in the Stepstones.

That or having a few good turns of resettling the Stepstones, we have lots of shit to builds and buy...
But I didn't want to use them on this adventure, for an obvious reason.

I didn't want to use them and are saving them for later.

Or better yet, allowing them to be saved for protecting Rhaenyra and Alicent... cause oh boy will they be needing that.
Yeah, well, the problem is that our Opponent has a Bonus of 100. So without us having similar, no matter how well we roll, this Adventure and thus Lucien himself, was doomed from the start.
Yeah, well, the problem is that our Opponent has a Bonus of 100. So without us having similar, no matter how well we roll, this Adventure and thus Lucien himself, was doomed from the start.
But you do have a similer rolls to him.

Sword and shield training is legendary.

Meaning you are on equal footing there.

He only had you pegged on the lying because he was specced for detecting lying and beating the intrigue checks. :V
But I didn't want to use them on this adventure, for an obvious reason.

I didn't want to use them and are saving them for later.

Or better yet, allowing them to be saved for protecting Rhaenyra and Alicent... cause oh boy will they be needing that.

I think it's more fun that way, lets save them for Nyra and Alicent they will be needing it more.

Also Magoose we still have the Rumor Mill after this mini arc/side quest? I want to see in what kind of shenaningans the realm gets when Lucien is out.
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