Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
@Boney Thank you for the update. Great work as usual.

There doesn't seem to be a social action with Panoramia? It's been two turns since the last one, so I assumed the date in Tor Lithanel would come back, since we didn't take it.
Karak vlag: i hope its Borek.

That he went home, saw what they have done, and rather than just accept things as they are and mope, decided to something.

But also, i hope Avatar comes into play, AV we feel Grimnir's touch on the axes :V.

Mathilde: Ancestors encountered, 12
Google and google translate have both failed me. I'm guessing this is "Finder's Keepers" or something in that vein?
Yah. I think this is, uh, Latin? Not quite made-up, but not entirely pig Latin either?

It's genuine Latin, but declensions are a forest of madness. The root words would be 'inventor' and 'custode'. Arguably 'vindex' would work better for the latter word, but it's harder to take a stab at the meaning of it with just a knowledge of English.

Do our new rare books on Morr have anything to say on His relation to Shallya that Mathilde (and the thread) wasn't familiar with?

No. The family tree of the major Gods of the Old World has been settled orthodoxy for a very long time.

@Boney Thank you for the update. Great work as usual.

There doesn't seem to be a social action with Panoramia? It's been two turns since the last one, so I assumed the date in Tor Lithanel would come back, since we didn't take it.

Panoramia dates aren't so much on a strict timer as they are reliant on me having an idea for it. Most social actions are easy enough because it's just putting Mathilde on a certain trajectory and seeing what happens, but there's not really that many pending questions or resolvable tensions in the relationship with Panoramia.
Panoramia dates aren't so much on a strict timer as they are reliant on me having an idea for it. Most social actions are easy enough because it's just putting Mathilde on a certain trajectory and seeing what happens, but there's not really that many pending questions or resolvable tensions in the relationship with Panoramia.
That's understandable. Personally, I don't really care if pending questions or resolvable tensions exist within a social action. A demonstration of their relationship is its own reward. Of course, that's just my opinion, and I definitely have a bias.
Right. I care about exactly one thing this vote
(Well, technically, I want them all, but one rises above the rest)

Might revise once I'm more awake and the choices have been narrowed down a bit.

[x] Eike
[x] The Black Water Canal
[x] Karak Vlag
[x] Karaz-a-Karak
[x] Eike
[x] Skull River Ambush
[x] Revise
[x] Sylvania
[x] Gretel
Last edited:
[X] Revise
[X] Magister Tochter Grunfeld
[X] Kasmir
[X] Eike
[X] Karak Vlag
[X] Karaz-a-Karak

Come on people, it's kasmir, now is the time to snow in and see how he's doing...
Charcoal does seem a perfectly fine trade good to keep the trade route open with, and then spices and dyes to cash in with K8P Silk road. It isn't flashy, but most trade isn't flashy.

Ithilmar IMO sounds like an opportunistic thing, if a source is tapped, then we know who will pay good money for it, and is unlikely to use it for ends we'd regret or waste a rare material.

The ore market meanwhile is probably going to need to wait for the Canal to redraw trade routes.

[X] Revise
[X] Magister Tochter Grunfeld
[X] Karak Vlag
[X] Eike

[X] Amber College
[X] Gold College
[X] Skull River Ambush

Half for options I want to see, and half for the potential favors cashouts to check into
[X] Max
[X] Thorek
[X] Magister Tochter Grunfeld
[X] Kasmir
[X] Eike
[X] Brief the Emperor
[X] Amber College
[X] Gold College
Last edited:
I take it we're going to be importing a lot of charcoal in the near future, right?

[X] Revise

Contributing knowledge does no good if the knowledge is unreadable, especially since the only people who benefit from it are journeymen and apprentices.

Ahh there's too many interesting social options.

[X] Max
[X] Thorek
[X] Magister Tochter Grunfeld
[X] Gretel
[X] Kasmir

Catching up with friends and colleagues.

[X] Sylvania
[X] Wissenland
[X] Karak Vlag

Poking our nose into other peoples business, like a responsible Grey Wizard.

[X] Eike

Apprentice apprentice apprentice apprentice

[X] Amber College
[X] Gold College

Checking in on the tech tree we offloaded.
[X] Revise
[X] Magister Tochter Grunfeld
[X] Skull River Ambush
[X] Eike
[X] Gold College
[X] Kasmir
[Writing the book on Windsoak Mushrooms, Learning: 12+29+7(Library: Sevir)+2(Library: Dwarven Agriculture)=50.]
[Writing the book on Windsoak Mushrooms, Learning: 6+29+7(Library: Sevir)+5(Library: Chemistry)=46.]

Some thoughts on trade opportunities with Tor Lithanel:
The first answer you stumble across is one of the most obvious: Ithilmar, the sky-silver of Ulthuan, found only in the occasional eruptions from the volcano of Vaul's Anvil in Caledor. Light as silk and hard as steel, it allows the lightest and most delicate of weapons to retain an edge throughout an entire battle, and for the swiftest and most graceful of warriors to be armoured without encumberment. It is often described as priceless, but that is because the ones doing the describing are the sort of adventurers and mercenaries who come away with that impression after finding themselves unable to acquire it at the local blacksmith. Pieces of it do circulate throughout the Empire, either sold through Marienburg, dug up from former Elven settlements, or acquired from unscrupulous traders who barter with the Norscans or the Fire Dwarves for their plunder, and though the price asked for them is always exorbitant, the price that Laurelorn would pay to acquire some more would be greater still, as the amount available to them has only dwindled since they were cut off from Ulthuan. This would require a huge amount of liquid capital to act upon and would likely draw a lot of attention as astronomic offers are made for various items within private collections, but would greatly enrich whoever is first to act upon the opportunity.
Getting involved in this is a bad idea. Ithilmar has obvious military applications, so trading it to the Eonir comes dangerously close to interferring in a dispute between provinces for personal profit. Since there's no way of doing this discreetly, we better not do it at all.
The artisans of Laurelorn seem to have an open ear for the possibilities of foreign materials, such as leathers and fabrics to the clothiers and new ingredients for the cooks. Just about any kind of raw material that is not available within the forest of Tor Lithanel will find a buyer while the Elves explore the possibilities of the materials of the outside world, but it's impossible to say which, if any, of these will find a long-term market. It's easy to imagine an Eonir baker realizing the potential of milk and eggs and it unlocking a permanent new customer base, or their leatherworkers discovering the durability of cow leather or the softness of sheep and revolutionizing their armours and fashions, but it's as easy to imagine the fad fading within a year or two and the Elves returning to the traditions of millennia once the novelty wears off. There's also the possibility of small volume, high margin, permanent demand luxury goods, such as spices, dyes, and pigments. There's never any possibility of entire cartloads of them flowing back and forth, but there'll always be some that will pay good prices for a bagful every so often.
This, on the other hand, we should absolutely capitalize on.
Regarding the foreign materials, some of them will fall out of favour quickly, so the time to make profit off of them is short. Others will possibly find a long-term market, in which case the first trading company to trade them to the Eonir will have a heads-up on that and will have already established sources for them.
The luxury goods are another good source of profit. The EIC is well established in Karak Eight Peaks which sits near the Silk Road, so it could quite easily get involved in some spice trade. This will also be good for keeping relations between the Eonir and the Empire positive.
You dig further, carefully asking questions that display curiosity of the subject matter itself without actually asking for anything that might be considered a trade secret, and you learn that while most metals come from Laurelorn trees that draw trace metals from the soil and extrude them in nodules along their trunks, the Faniour do occasionally uncover surface veins of metal-bearing rock, and the city retains the knowledge of how to process these. If the Empire was able to supply suitable ores and flux, then the city would be willing to pay a decent price for them. This sounds good at first, but after crunching the numbers and looking over maps you find a considerable logistical issue. The Middle Mountains are infamously barren of minerals, and the only ones to be found under the soil of Nordland are the ones that Nordland was extracting from under Laurelorn. The nearest exploitable resources are some very minor tin and lead mines in Ostland and some iron panning in southern Middenland. The distances involve make transporting raw ore by cart entirely uneconomical, and there are no routes for Empire-mined minerals that don't pass through Marienburg, which you're rather hesitant about, and so too would the Eonir. They might be willing to build very careful links with the Empire, but they don't want those links going through a catspaw of Ulthuan.
This sounds like a no-go. Just too big of a pain to make work, especially with the Marienburg situation being what it is.
But there's one good that the Empire is able to supply easily and in bulk, and that Tor Lithanel has an untapped demand for: charcoal.
This is great news. I seem to recall that timber costs in the Empire have fallen recently, so this would be a good market for the Empire to offload its excess timber to, and this is the kind of permanent market that would go a long way towards stabililzing the Eonir-Empire relationships, as parties on both sides will suddenly find that they have a lot to loss if relationships deteriorate.