[ ] Mountain Halls-Focus your efforts on building reputation and cachet in the Foundations and Wang lands(Events and chances to improve reputation will focus on these factions for turn 17 and 18)
[ ] Garden of Sinners-Focus your efforts on the Central Valley and Diao lands(Events and chances to improve reputation will focus on these factions for turn 17 and 18)
Honestly, this vote is pretty frustrating. So. Here's why:
We have a number of pokers in the fire with the Diao, but we haven't been able to properly dive into pokering about with them due to various circumstances. And they're actually kind of important to our long-term political stability and our cultural-historical projects and even a bit of interpersonal things? This is a great opportunity to actually, finally, poke at the Diao and browse through their subfactions for potential allies and all of that. But... the Diao aren't involved in the summit. Committing to this path means taking time in the next two months, the time leading up to the summit, and dedicating it to a provincial faction which has pointedly turned up its nose at the entire summit business. Doesn't really make sense.
Then we have the Wang, who haven't dodged the summit, so they'll be involved. Maybe? We have a Wang contact now, but we haven't actually spoken with her in that capacity. At all. So actually we don't really know what's up with the Wang, here? But you know what we do know about the Wang, it's that they've contributed to ~ F I E F - B U I L D I N G ~. If you look through the posts since the update, you'll see quite a lot of excitement over rubbing shoulders with the Wang to get more fief building goodies. Taking actions/narrative opportunities in the leadup to the summit, instead of actually engaging with the summit. Doesn't really make sense.
[X] Garden of Sinners-Focus your efforts on the Central Valley and Diao lands(Events and chances to improve reputation will focus on these factions for turn 17 and 18)
I'm voting for this because having effort and time that should be going towards summit preparation inevitably collapse into another +1 for fief bullshit will legitimately shorten my lifespan. So screw it, time's misallocated either way, let's get some context for our political decisions. Just because the Diao are being tsun about it doesn't mean decisions we make during the summit won't implicate their interests, whether material or ideological. Getting a clearer view of those will help us navigate the issues as they arise. Getting a broader view of provincial perspective is just a good idea anyway.
I wish we weren't committing our time to politics before getting a clearer idea of where people stand or what issues there are through the preliminary diplo meeting we're having this month. This is a frustrating vote.