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I'm pretty sure the one doing the heavy lifting in the slugfest was more Liljiana, who was keeping the entire camp occupied and distracted so Mathilde could backstab them efficiently. I'm very certain that Liljiana knows that Mathilde cannot replicate that feat in a straight fight. Not to dismiss or downplay Mathilde's feats, because they were appropriately fantastical, but I think it bears mentioning (hah. Bears) that Liljiana was a gigantic factor in there that was essential to Mathilde's success. She was the one fielding half a dozen bonuses from four gods backing her up after all.
She didn't took half the camp by herself. Liliana took nearly all of it and Mathy went around stabbing the disorganised warriors. It was impressive, sure, but we didn't do the heavy lifting in the fight.
There's no doubt that without Liljiana Mathilde couldn't have done what she did, but Mathilde still did a lot of killing in a very short amount of time. While the bearricane certainly helped distract them, the enemies she fought were those not the ones close to Liljiana, they were intercepted before they could join the dogpile. Besides the large number of mooks (some of them bearing enchanted weapons that we still need to research) Mathilde took down an Ulgu shaman, an Azyr shaman, a Chaos spawn and a Daemonette, and while Liljiana shares some of the credit for that those contributions really were mostly Mathilde.
She didn't took half the camp by herself. Liliana took nearly all of it and Mathy went around stabbing the disorganised warriors. It was impressive, sure, but we didn't do the heavy lifting in the fight.
a +30 modifier against an army is not too shabby.

[Ljiljana vs Kul: Learning vs Martial, 74+???+???(Widow?)+???(Tor?)+???(Dazh?)+???(Ursun?)+30(Mathilde)=??? vs 99+20-10(Losses)=109.]
I'm not denying that, but let's not forget that Mathilde killed like 20-30 people in a camp of 300 people. Liljiana really pulled through there. She deserves the lion's share of the credit even if Mathilde turned the tide for her.
Boeny seems to have a nack for making interesting and entertaining not-18th-century Poland worldbuilding.
FTFY. Boney does this for just about everything on screen.

I'm not as taken with the dwarfs as most of the thread, but they did turn me into a fan when I was fairly meh on them beforehand and my interest in Bretonnia/Wood Elves went from "I couldn't care less" to "that's really interesting".
FTFY. Boney does this for just about everything on screen.

I'm not as taken with the dwarfs as most of the thread, but they did turn me into a fan when I was fairly meh on them beforehand and my interest in Bretonnia/Wood Elves went from "I couldn't care less" to "that's really interesting".
I like Dwarves, but it takes a certain type of writer to make me love them as much as Boney makes me love them. I read Dynasty of Dynamic Alcoholism. I did not like the Dwarves there nearly as much as in DL.
It is kinda funny to be the person who, when you show up offering help, gets a groan because "ah shit, things are fucked, aren't they?". Which, admittedly, is what a Lord Magister should mean, especially going this far out of their way, but considering half the people don't even recognize the title…
Kreml Guard are from the Citadel Journal army list Claws of the Great Bear (the list, in general, throws in a lot stuff straight from Russian tropes and folklore- Baba Yaga and 'Kislevite Roulette')

Realm of the Ice Queen only mentions Bokha Palace Guard.
In general, just about the only thing to stick around from CotGB was Streltsi.

No character from there has ever reappeared.

Interestingly, the starting location for the Great Orthodoxy faction in Total Warhammer 3 is in Castle Alexandronov, which was mentioned only in Claws of the Great Bear.

I haven't gotten to it yet, but Ungrim is the first Incarnate of Fire and Thorgrim is the first Incarnate of Metal. Neither could cast spells, but they had magical abilities. For example, Ungrim had a "bound spell" called "Lord of Fire" which was a flaming fiery magic missile.

There were other Incarnates who lacked spellcasting abilities. Karl Sigmar, Grimgor, Ungrim, Thorgrim and even Tyrion never figured out how to be actual spellcasters. Alarielle, Malekith, Nagash, and Gelt made the most of their Wind though, and all four of them became Level 5 Spellcasters (they all have a Note that says this shouldn't be possible but they can break the rules because they're strong).

I think it's as simple as that they needed to find a way to slot all the Warhammer factions into the Wind system because each Wind becoming a Realm was the central conceit Age of Sigmar, and they used the 'incarnates' to wiggle in the ones that didn't really fit, like Dwarves and Orcs.
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It is kinda funny to be the person who, when you show up offering help, gets a groan because "ah shit, things are fucked, aren't they?". Which, admittedly, is what a Lord Magister should mean, especially going this far out of their way, but considering half the people don't even recognize the title…
The Boyar could tell from Mathilde's trimmings that she was a Lady Magister even if he struggled to recall it. But considering Reikspiel is not even his native language, that's a decent enough job. I think they do recognise her title, they just prefer to call her a Witch because it conveys more respect in Kislev.
Also, out of all the ice witches, Milica is my favourite when on Screen.

It takes a certain Queen level of bitch face and snark to always be understood, even when someone doesn't understand you.
The Boyar could tell from Mathilde's trimmings that she was a Lady Magister even if he struggled to recall it. But considering Reikspiel is not even his native language, that's a decent enough job. I think they do recognise her title, they just prefer to call her a Witch because it conveys more respect in Kislev.

There is also the fact that she really does fit the Witch title more than most of her peers and I do not mean the gender. I am reminded of that conversation we had on the expedition about the child who walked alone into a snowstorm and found a friend, even if not among the most respectable. Mathilde and Ranald may have some parallels to the Witches and the Ancient Widow in his mind if the Ice witch mentioned that part.
The Boyar could tell from Mathilde's trimmings that she was a Lady Magister even if he struggled to recall it. But considering Reikspiel is not even his native language, that's a decent enough job. I think they do recognise her title, they just prefer to call her a Witch because it conveys more respect in Kislev.
Fair enough. The border guard who really should know might have just set me off.

[X] Investigate the missing leyline
[X] Bring in Ice Witches

Magic person do magic things. Even if none of them can copy Lily there'll be more this time, and the Ice Witches are the ones we want to involve in the Project. Also, I just really like Mathilde basically being treated as an honorary Witch, and kinda want to hear more about what Lily might have said.
[X] Bring in the Kreml Guard
[X] Bring in Ice Witches
[X] Scout the Shirokij
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[X] Bring in the Kreml Guard
[X] Bring in Ice Witches
[X] Find the Boyar
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I do like how Mathilde manages to continue being both the most subtle and unsubtle Grey Magister Lord ever.
"Oh, you want me to investigate these problems? Sure, sure… and then I'll drop an army on them before slipping away quietly in the aftermath."

At least, I assume people are going to be too busy noticing the Kislev army marching to notice a couple of wizards in the wrong country.

How long would it take for Mathilde to go get an Eonir helper? Could we send Johann to do it in our stead?

If it's feasible in time, it might be worth it to at least send Johann.

How long would it take for Mathilde to go get an Eonir helper? Could we send Johann to do it in our stead?

If it's feasible in time, it might be worth it to at least send Johann.

I'm eyeballing it at about 1200 miles each way. Maximum Shadowsteed could get Mathilde there in about five days, and someone else on a regular Shadowsteed could make the return trip in about two weeks. You might be able to shave that down by beelining through the Forest of Shadows the entire way instead of sticking to roads, but that would be about six hundred miles of rolling on a really nasty random encounter table and would still take about nine days.
I'm eyeballing it at about 1200 miles each way. Maximum Shadowsteed could get Mathilde there in about five days, and someone else on a regular Shadowsteed could make the return trip in about two weeks. You might be able to shave that down by beelining through the Forest of Shadows the entire way instead of sticking to roads, but that would be about six hundred miles of rolling on a really nasty random encounter table and would still take about nine days.
Out of curiosity, if we had a pilot for the gyrocopter?
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