As some one who is supporting getting contacts in Bretonnia this turn, I have to say that Quinsberry is a great idea and I'll support it next turn (and if this turn it's going to come down do Quinsberry or some other cult I'll go with Quinsberry).
The library should start with easier targets. The books and prestige we'll get from one collaborator will assist with getting the bigger organizations, which probably won't be as interested in the library as it currently stands. And I think the Quinsberry cult is a good first target.
Credit to
@Jreengus for coming up with this idea. I'm kind of mad that I didn't come up with this myself because it's so obvious in retrospect. Quinsberry is the halfling God of tradition and knowledge, there's a library dedicated to Him and offerings to Him include books. He's basically the equivalent to Verena's aspect as the Goddess of knowledge in the halfling pantheon, and when the option came to have our library be pious he was mentioned along with Verena, Hoeth and Valaya, so there should be no doubt that His cult will be a useful source of books.
As Marshal Titus Muggins told us, the purpose of the halfling expedition to Karak Eight Peaks was to put some of the halfling eggs in another basket. The expedition has certainly done this with the population of the Moot, and so we now offer the cult of Quinsberry the opportunity to do it with the knowledge of the Moot. If the Moot is lost in some disaster tomorrow some halflings will survive, yes, but think of all the knowledge and history and tradition that will be lost. We graciously offer the halflings a chance to have a copy of all of the significant works and records of the halflings safely stored within The Library of Karak-Eight-Peaks, and in return we ask for a copy of all of their
insignificant works as well. And also they may copy our books too I guess.
Now if you pay close attention you'll notice that the deal is that we get books, and in return we agree to get even more books. Pretty good deal, if you ask me. And I think the cult of Quinsberry will be inclined to agree.