BB + Shattered Hand + Bleeding Hollow and someone else against the rest.
Likely not all of the BB or shattered hand. Varok maybe willing to work with Fel dad I don't think he's willing to turn traitor on Thrall...however, far too many when the horde
really doesn't need it.
and every single warlock will have a shot at setting themselves up as a Dark Lord. That's why I am inclined to lie.
Warlock and blade master.
The problem with the Burning Blade is that it has an awful lot of elite characters and has benefitted from the bad guys dark matter generator. So it has significantly more resources than it probably should.
It also has at least one semi-hidden base (I assume at least that Thrall doesn't know Desolace is a thing yet.)
Yes, but how to do so? Hmm... we're quite in a pickle indeed... 🤔
IMO we can do it in threeish ways.
1. Emphasising that while its all very well and good to do "what is needed to win" doing so can backfire catastrophically. We're a more recent example, but just look at Grom in the past.
2. Don't rush in: Its not really anyone's fault since it was lack of information that it is unreasonable for anyone to know (even in hindsight) that all of this was going on. However, the point remains and could be an argument to Thrall more directly, proactivity doesn't necessitate ordering a raid on the enemy. You need to know your foes well enough to preferably not fight them at all, and if they're doing something to be able to tell if its weird/be able to at least deduce things from it. IIRC a genuine question was "why are they doing this now" so in the future Thrall and the Orc's at large need to realise "that's a question that has to be answered."
3. Battles happen more cause of them than they'd like: A lot of the Orc's expansionist aggression seems to stem from the belief that they're under constant attack, but the issue there is that's because they cause people to hold grudges
or other people with grudes rally them against em. In other words we need to get across that Orcish actions have consequences. This is one for the horde population more than Thrall as he knows this.
💡We and the public (and Thrall too) need someone to blame. A scary enemy can fit the role. Jubei'thos.
We should lie. But this lie will present us, and by extension the BB as "those who take hard decisions so that the Horde can peacefully sleep in their beds survive". Jubei'thos is the darkness of the old Horde come again, and pushed the Centaurs into summoning Forneus.
(aside: I wonder how a being made of corruption could persuade the centaurs to sacrifice themselves to purge corruption. But that's a question for another time)
I disagree. Trying to throw all the blame on Jub isn't likely to work, it'll be seen as us attempting to create an easy out.
Extremely convenient that a traitor blade master turned up and was responsible for everything that went wrong. Its also incorrect he just made everything a million times worse.
What he is good for is a reminder to the Horde that
1. The old horde sucks and the memories of its actions/members keep coming back to poo on our parade.
2. Gives Thrall a nod essentially to keep looking into the burning blade shenanigans.
3. Is a big ol hint to Feldad to stop looking up to these people.
Who knows. Jub's presumably got charisma on him, he managed to convince a large chunk of the blackrock clan to follow him after all. I don't see it as implausible that he could have pumped them up sufficiently to think **** it.
But why would we have any reason to doubt that?
For all the complications in our relationship with FelDad, he's always tried to give it to us straight and he demonstrably prioritizes our well-being.
Compare that to our march* through the wrecked city culminating in a newly-constructed political arena. It's not a good look. IC we already know that Thrall is desperately trying to shore up some political legitimacy, and he wouldn't need to do that if the people are confident in his leadership. Like, disaster relief is one of the easiest ways to gain huge approval rating as a politician. All you have to do is be generally competent, have a clear plan, and actually try to do your job of taking care of your constituents.
*forced march under armed guard. One side is clearly hostile to us and it's not FelDad's.
Because he's very rarely given us straight answers.
Just in the last few updates, he's tried to keep us in the dark, not answered our concerns about Jub and tried to lead away/distract from the very real questions we have about the burning blade's operations. Just on an IC level, Grok knows that the burning blade has a lot of renegades, he's gone out and killed them (with one implying strongly that he still thought of himself as one of the clan under its leadership), he's right to have suspicions when he's been implied that his father intends to massacre this the clan elders, or that said elders are going to murder him.
Hell Grok only recently learned that the burning blade even
has a base in Descolace!
I think you're mixing up, "cares for Grok" (he does) with "be straight with him" because for reasons right and wrong, he doesn't trust Grok's judgement and intentionally keeps him in the dark on a lot of things.
As for Thrall he isn't
just shoring up political legitimacy yes he is doing that, but if that were all it was for then we'd not be in conflict nearly as much as it is. Its because the Burning Blade are fundamentally engaged in shady BS that Thrall's opted for this strategy. If they were a loyal clan then this would be going down in a very different manner.
Final bit as far as marches through the city goes, it is complicated. Its very much not friendly, and is an implict threat to not do things, but that is
fundamentally the job of the Kor'kron, they're the warchief's bodyguards/enforcers. Grok compares it most to escorting prisoners, which I think is a reasonable assessment and one that can be made is accurate, the clan
did fundamentally break the war chief's laws when you boil it down to the base level, laws which have been in place for two warchief's in fact. This fact is fairly indisputable, no matter how much feldad grinds his teeth about it.
As for the arena...well for one its not newly constructed
more refurbished, since its a massive blasted hole in the ground, but yeah its Thrall making a point to a lot of people about a lot of things.
I mean, -I- don't know that OOC and I'm likely not unique in that. Props to you for knowing extensive warcraft lore, I guess. If you want to vote that way go for it. IC perspectives are more important to me personally on this quest, so that doesn't affect my decision-making either way.
Nope, entirely missed it during me wow playing days (I was an oblivious bugger back then so that might be more of the reason). However in quest been something that's been mentioned since before the burning blade was even picked as a potential clan option.
Fractious day used Neeru as an example of why clan loyality can be complex/dangerous
and I think it was using him that made some people want to be burning blade in the first place (+ potential samurai orc.)
Even then we
do have plenty of IC reasons to be highly suspicious of Fel-dad and the entire clan. Its sus as **** and even if feldad has Grok's best interests at heart, we've been on the receiving end of far too many death threats, fought too many clan members who saw themselves as loyal and witnessed them breaking too many laws even for Grok to not go "yeah this don't smell right."