Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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Also, POKER FACE! More scenes of Mathilde keeping a straight-face while internally having absolutely no idea what is going on!
Finally, Ruprecht breaks the silence. "We remain loyal to Ulric and His Empire," he says carefully, "and not those that claim to speak in His name."

You do your best to keep your face neutral. "I've no doubt," you reply.

"Dwarves are..." his face twists as he searches for words. "Sometimes, not all one could wish for," he says finally. "But nor are we. As allies, they do not dishonour us."

What? you think. "I agree," you say.
Arcane and Divine Marks are a unique form of mutation, caused by someone's soul being partly transmuted into the form of energy that is being channelled through it. Part of Mathilde's soul is made of Ulgu instead of whatever it is souls are normally made out of. That means if she tries to channel anything but Ulgu through it, Dhar is guaranteed and miscast is extremely likely.

What about the Marks of the Dark Gods? Not that I want to test it out, just curious.

I understand if the reply is 'you don't know' because Chaos mages are fine doing insane things like multi-cast since they are crazy already.

When the Chaos Mark on your soul causes Dhar to form:

After the QM reply, I like Trucemaker less. I figured itd be a general conflict resolution trait, not specifically 'Truces' in a military context. As a Diplomacy trait then, Polyglot is closer to what I want, which is improved communication and understanding with various people's and cultures.

Colligiate is very applicable right now, as getting the college's to help with Waystones is going to be a burden beyond the bare minimum.

I'm less interested in Dhar Insight as we're already a greater Dhar expert than most necromancers, and we'll never actually be able to touch the stuff, so meh.

On the otherhand, Mystic is a good pick for deepening ties to Ranald, and he's already shot down the more technically minded divine investigation of Theologian, so I think this is superior to that option.

Also, why logistics when we can appropriate other people's logistics, hence Light Fingers. Really leverage that Intrigue. I also have a vague picture in my head of Mathilde Absconding with enemy valuables Cat Woman style, with a smug smirk. Like if you'd eat a game, and that perk had an associated thumbnail, that's be it; Mathilde in a Cat Woman mask to tip-toeing away with a bag of loot and a smirk.

[x] DIPLO: Collegiate
[x] DIPLO: Polyglot
[x] LESSON: Mystic
[x] LESSON: Light Fingers
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So I was thinking about underground defenses for K8P and I keep coming back with good old water. Keep a lake above ground and just flood the tunnels when you are invaded, then pump it out.

But more generally, water is a pretty powerful weapon, blasting a dam at the right time can wipe out armies but has huge collateral damage.

Using it underground against Skaven however... I mean, diverting a river is not a small endeavour and they have to have SOME defenses against flooding or they'd probably just be an aquifer rather than a city, but going full Tywin and turning Skavenblight or HellPit into the deepest lake on Mallus does have some appeal as a permanent solution. Despite the probable difficulty of doing so.
On the otherhand, Mystic is a good pick for deepening ties to Ranald, and he's already shot down the more technically minded divine investigation of Theologian, so I think this is superior to that option.
Point of order: he hasn't shot down that investigation. We can still do the investigation. We just can't look at him directly. We can still study his energies, and in fact that research option of the coin unlocked the ability to study his energies (by exposing the AV to divine energies).

There is plenty of heresy to be had just in studying the gods' energies and not their essence, I assure you.
[X] DIPLO: Polyglot

We're about to take on a multi-cultural project. This can only help.

[X] LESSON: Mystic

This seems like the most Ranald-friendly option to me.
Point of order: he hasn't shot down that investigation. We can still do the investigation. We just can't look at him directly. We can still study his energies, and in fact that research option of the coin unlocked the ability to study his energies (by exposing the AV to divine energies).

There is plenty of heresy to be had just in studying the gods' energies and not their essence, I assure you.
Oh goody, more heresy! You can never have enough heresy and apostasy. Nothing adds religious spice like a case or two of apostasy!

On the reals, while you are correct that there's no blanket ban on technical divine investigation, we have been burned in that front once. Further that's not an argument against Mystic, as much as simply leaving a path open to Theologian.

I don't think taking previous failures into account when charting a path forward to investigate is unreasonable.

I do admit that my original statement was worded too strongly however, as if the path was closed there wouldn't be a trait for it at all.
I mean, he worked his way up to that.

(And ingested a whole mess of Warpstone in-between)

I think at the start he mostly just wanted to live forever (and, well, take back what he saw as his birthright from his younger brother).
I think his ambitions technically started at "live forever" and "be king of all Nehekhara". But that's still not a small goal and he was plenty willing to do all sorts of horrible things before all the warpstone and Dhar.

FTFY. The hat is important.
On the reals, while you are correct that there's no blanket ban on technical divine investigation, we have been burned in that front once. Further that's not an argument against Mystic, as much as simply leaving a path open to Theologian.

I don't think taking previous failures into account when charting a path forward to investigate is unreasonable.

I do admit that my original statement was worded too strongly however, as if the path was closed there wouldn't be a trait for it at all.
Yeah, I'm voting for both Mystic and Theologian, I have no beef with Mystic or with people who prefer one to the other. I just really want to shoot down that misconception when I see it, because we do still have a divine magic research path and I do still want to take it.
FTFY. The hat is important.
I spent a while trying to shop in a hat but couldn't get the alpha to work properly and gave it up as too much effort to spend on a shitpost. Apparently so did you, but with a different attitude to what that implies about what the final product should be :V
Nor can we just use a Great Deed from the Emperor to get the Jade College to share secrets, just as we couldn't use a Great Deed to obtain the secret to Gehenna's Golden Hounds from the Gold College.
Yes, this exactly. Even if you technically have the authority to, you cannot effectively order somebody to give up a secret unless you already know that secret yourself. Because otherwise it plays out like:

Emperor: Hey Jades, I officially order you as Emperor to tell the protagonist about the cool magic thing that you apparently keep secret, I guess.
Jades: ...Of course, Emperor. Though that is, arguably, a grave overreach! Some might say. Not us, of course. And certainly not any other of the Colleges, or Cults, or anyone else in the Empire who might have organizational secrets they wouldn't care to be ordered to hand over to pay off an unrelated political debt of the Emperor's. Anyway, here you go protagonist: [tells Mathilde nothing or almost nothing she doesn't already know]. There you go, we did the thing. *maintain poker faces*
Emperor: ...Okay, then. Good. I don't know what the secret was, so I have literally no way of confirming that you did in fact share everything you know. Which means I can assume you did with a clear conscience, since I have no feasible alternative anyway. Great Deed paid off! Damn, it feels good to be the Emperor.
Jades: We're gonna fucking remember this, protagonist.
Emperor: What was that?
Jades: We can honestly say that it's nothing you need to worry about.
Emperor: Kay cool then, I won't. I can't wait to get back to looking forward to the absolutely no long-term political consequences on the institutional attitudes of the Colleges towards the Emperor that are definitely what's coming.

Anyway, here's my argument for Theologian: this is the Deep Lore option. This, right here. Delving into the secret mechanisms of divinity itself? Hnnngh. Do want. Plus, just consider: we could develop an internally consistent, logically grounded, basically irrefutable really, thesis that objectively proves that Sigmar is actually a big ol' turd that people shouldn't bother worshipping.
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[X] DIPLO: Polyglot
[X] LESSON: Logistician
[X] LESSON: Mystic
[X] LESSON: Dhar Insight

Logistician because I suspect a lot of our future will involve getting people and things to where they're best used, Mystic because that basically what waystones are, and Dhar insight because if there's a specific Dhar/corruption related problem with them that needs to be overcome it'd combine well with having read the Liber Mortis to find a solution.
[X] LESSON: Logistician

[x] DIPLO: Mentor

I know that neither of them have a chance in hell of winning but I like the kinds of plots they encourage and don't hate any of the front runners
Plus, just consider: we could develop an internally consistent, logically grounded, basically irrefutable really, thesis that objectively prove that Sigmar is actually a big ol' turd that people shouldn't bother worshipping.
I don't know that it could honestly be claimed to be logically grounded, considering it is an attempt to find empirical proof/justification for an entirely personal bitterness that stems from said god not doing as we think he ought to have. When the reason could be as simple as Kasmir just failed at the invocation and had an exceptionally poor choice of words for expressing said failure. Which is exactly what the casting rolls represent in the RPG.
Arguments against picking up Collegiate instead of Polyglot:

1) If the intention is picking up the trait that will help us the most in the project, then Collegiate helps with the Colleges, yes, but Polyglot helps with everyone else.

2) Our reputation with the Colleges is, as of right now, 164. By comparison, our reputation with the Dwarfs is 134. That means that our reputation with the Colleges is better than our flat-out-bullshit levels of reputation with the Dwarfs. Granted I think that the results of the expedition were not yet added to our reputation on both cases (not sure if it was already?) but the even if it was not the point still stands: Mathilde is an incredibly respected individual in the colleges. We can recruit a lot of people from them by using our name alone.

3) If the above is not convincing however here is my main argument: just like we got seduced by that big, sexy library so will every single wizard we go to ask to join us. Even if they got other projects, none can deny that full access to the motherfucking Library of Mournings would help basically any and all research that any and all Magisters and Lord Magisters of all colleges are doing.

TLDNR: If we want to recruit Wizards, just say B O O K.
But we want to recruit Jades and Ambers, and they might be weirdos who don't prize rare books the objectively correct amount, which coincidentally happens to be the amount that Mathilde prizes them? What should we do if that happens?!
"Would you like to see a wood elf forest without anyone trying to kill you?"
Laurelorn is no Athel Loren, but I suspect just getting to look around at the plants/animals in their free time may be enticing to the nature colleges, provided we can convince the elves that it would be worth it to allow them.
Probably best to make a no touching policy just in case.
I haven't had a chance to catch up on the last ~30 pages of discussion yet so this is my preliminary thoughts. Mostly aiming for things that will help with the next project.

[] LESSON: Dhar Insight
You've seen Daemons, the Chaos Wastes, the Windfall. You're reaching as thorough an understanding of the fel energies of Dark Magic as can be attained without actually wielding them.
Insight has the word sight in it. That makes it the closest to a windsight upgrade and thus an auto-pick :p. Also for a project focused on dealing with possibly contaminated Waystones this may be helpful.

[X] LESSON: Leader
Despite not seeking it, once more you found yourself in military command. Perhaps this tendency is something to be embraced.
Mathilde is taking a position of leadership in the Waystone project. Pretty straightforward, probably the actual best trait even if it feels a little bland.

[] LESSON: Poker Face
Acting like you always know what's going on has gone from a source of personal amusement to a vital diplomatic first line of defence.
We absoloutely know what we're doing with this whole Waystone project thing. There will be no guessing or fumbling whatsoever. Convincing the elves we actually know what we're doing could be quite helpful for getting their best support, same for everyone else we ask to join.

[X] DIPLO: Collegiate
How independent the Colleges are from each other depends a great deal on your perspective. There can be a lot of value in bridging those gaps.
Getting more Wizards on board and working for us. Seems like another relatively straightforward leadership bonus which is important if we're bossing around lots of wizards.

[] DIPLO: Trucemaker
Sometimes the best battle is one you never fight. Every life not spent fighting lesser evils can be turned against the greater ones.
Making sure the elves, humans and dwarfs we have working for us continue to work smoothly seems like a valuable trait.

I considered polyglot and really wanted it, but couldn't think of any really strong reasons to take it over the other traits that seem more relevant.

Edit: Having read more of the thread I've decided Trucemaker is probably niche enough not to be a first pick since it's referring to factions likely to go into actual battle rather than just not work together. Also having already succeeded in getting people on board Poker Face is less desirable than Leader.
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