Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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I'm pretty sure all elf mages worth the name use that and it includes the Eonir.
Well, let's go to the source. @BoneyM, given our Eonir library, do we know if they use Anoqeyan as a magical language the same way the magical tradition of the Asur does?
Well, it could be relatively trivially done.

We hire the LM to do whatever job, then we surprise stab them with a cannonball-sword and raise them as a loyal servant. That jerk Alkharad was confident he could keep Mathilde both useful and loyal in undeath, and if he could do it then there's no way Mathilde can't!

Now, surviving the repercussions of doing that is very much non-trivial, but that's an entirely different question.
How could I possibly have failed to consider that? Jeez, you're just clowning on me left and right today.
I don't see how Collegiate is at all relevant to the discussion then. If it's punishable by death for them to share their knowledge, it's equally punishable by death if they share it because they thought bringing the Eonir'a knowledge of Ghyran back to the College was worth the exchange or because Mathilde talked them into it because she knows what makes Collegiate wizards tick.
That's a silly argument. If the Jade Order is officially approached to participate in a project that requires sharing their secret knowledge of Waystones, that's a very different case from "attempting to bribe one of their Magisters to share that knowledge against their specific oaths to the order not to do so." If the Order decides to officially endorse something, they aren't going to execute themselves for breaking their rules, because no rules were broken.
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  • Lights: esoteric philosophers and mystery cults
  • Celestial: astrologers and soothsayers
  • Gold: alchemists
  • Jade: druids
  • Ambers: shamans
  • Brights: nothing specific
  • Greys: Hedgewise and illusionists
  • Amethysts: Cult of Morr
To add to this, Light also has some connections to Nehekharan and Tilean traditions while the Brights could be considered some of the most purely Teclisian but are also a straight forward go to option for fledgling self-taught magic users that want to fuck shit up without Dhar since pretty much forever. When a person with hidden magical talent gets angry or fearful or otherwise passionate and wants to destroy some foe then setting them on fire is pretty straight forward.

Or at least this is what I remember from when I last asked BoneyM about it. I'm sure if you dig deep enough there's bound to be some pre-Teclisian pyromancy traditions. At the very least pyromancy is exactly one quarter of what the Elementalists do while no other Teclisian College maps so directly to another of the four Elements.

I think you might want to look past the shiny new avatar and check the name on the person you're calling disingenuous.

It could be, if there was an immediate greater threat to call for a truce to face.
Ah. I didn't quite understand that the trait's title was quite so literal. I thought it also covered metaphorical truces.

That makes the trait less attractive to me, though I still prefer it over Polyglot.
Err Brights come from the Pyromancers of the Elementalists.
But the Elementalists have always been special in that they could wield multiple elements at once and only specialize in one element if they want to. Do you think that many of the first official Pyromancers deliberately buried their other abilities after being taught by Teclis and his followers or do you think that they hide their knowledge of Air, Water and Earth the way that Jades hide their Waystone secrets?
That does not mean they are necesarily going to manage their counterspell. We would need to beat the roll off to dispel the dragon transformation and then a second roll to get our own spell off. If we manage that... well I imagine a shadow knife though the brain or heart would put an end to the duel in a suitably magical way
Is there a reason that we would want to permanently deprive the Empire of a powerful and loyal Emperor Dragon with Amber LM abilities and expertise?
"Theurgy" has never actually been defined and different people in-thread use it to mean different things. Without defining Theurgy any statement about it's plausibility is meaningless. (Hence why BoneyM never talks about theurgy, because it isn't even a distinct thing.)
Let me give you my definition.

"Theurgy: Using Divine and Arcane Magic simultaneously, either by hybridizing the two or by using one to manipulate the other. Alternatively, using Arcane means to achieve Divine effects or using Divine means to achieve Arcane effects."
When Tzeentch blesses you with enhanced Arcane capabilities, that is technically Theurgy, but not the one we are currently looking for.
We would prefer something more like what the ancient Nehekarans did. Or maybe what the Ice Witches and/or tue Damsels might or might not be doing.
I might've misunderstood you. Part of our understanding is built on reading Liber Mortis, so that would definitely not be safe, but if we are just talking about what we saw and try to introduce chains of logic how we got there instead of, you know, using insights from Liber Mortis, we should be fine.
Mathilde managed to obfuscate her source multiple times now, even if her papers have suffered a bit for it.
If Dhar insight wins I do wonder what Mathilde could theoretically get up to if she did decide to go all Second Coming of Nagash: This time in the Shadows.
The trait says that it gives us as much knowledge as is possible without practical hands on experience. So if we were to try and go down that road I don't think it would do more than give us a head start and let us begin immediately on the level of experienced master Dark Wizard.
Not an amateur, Van Hall was weak, he had a low affinity for magic, but he was a skilled scholar and he had the tutelage of a Vampire Progenitor. I think it is fair to say though that Mathilde's added skills and magical power would compensate for the latter.
We could get our own vampiric mentor by taking him off of our trophy shelf.
I'm holding out for 'Level Skavenblight' as the right balance between insane ambition and something that can actually be done. The place may be guarded by uncountable hosts but with enough necromancy we can make them our hosts (with a +10 for commanding undead against Skaven). Really Van Hall would be proud. :V
Would leveling Skavenblight even put a permanent dent into the Skaven race, if not actually followed up by anything constructive and/or permanent? The free real estate would allow for quick repopulation, the loot would lead to an economic boom, the technological loss would still leave them ahead of anyone else in the Old World, the massive trauma would lead to unification against the obviously larger threat and the Horned Rat would find a replacement for his Council of Thirteen plus Black Pillar of Commandment setup sooner or later.

I'm not saying that it wouldn't massively harm them in the short term, I just am not sure that said harm would be visible from the outside for longer than a couple of centuries.
That would sadly take more reason and logic than most Skaven can posess.

'Dumb-rotten things not threat to Sqeek. Sqeek greatest Skaven to ever live/plot/scheme yes-yes.'
Skaven are many things, but too dumb to live on an institutional level is not one of them. As evident by the existence of Skaven who have managed to rule their Clan for many lifetimes despite being constantly surrounded by, well, Skaven.
That's a silly argument. If the Jade Order is officially approached to participate in a project that requires sharing their secret knowledge of Waystones, that's a very different case from "attempting to bribe one of their Magisters to share that knowledge against their specific oaths to the order not to do so." If the Order decides to officially endorse something, they aren't going to execute themselves for it.

I don't why you think that the Jade College wouldn't be interested in the Eonir's knowledge of Ghyran.

When you hire a Jade Lord Magister for a few months to consult on the project and let them dip their toe in the library, you're exposing them to what their College, of which they're part of the leadership can gain if they choose to share. This isn't 'attempting to bribe one of their Magisters'. This is us having an incredibly powerful tool to persuade the order that it's in their best interests to cooperate.

You're the person bringing up the Jade College deciding to execute one of their own leaders for wanting to make such a deal.

We don't need Collegiate for this. One of the reason we picked Laurelorn as a sponsor was because it gives us an immensely tempting reason for other magical traditions to play ball. Collegiate is basically redundant with that, to my mind.

And if they don't want to play; the implicit stick is that they're not only at danger of loosing their monopoly on the knowledge, but that they'll also be left out if we go further than what they know.

We also have a Great Deed or two available. We know that the Emperor's Orders override the Colleges' internal oaths. We can simply have him command the Jade Order that they must comply. It's a fair request given both the international political and survival of the world potential of this project.
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I do have an issue with the whole Dhar Insight being a temptation argument I've seen floating around.

Its essentially the same argument that people had against reading the Liber Mortis, that the thread/Mathilde wouldn't be able to resist going evil for some reason.

The fact that Mathilde has never used Dhar since reading the Liber seems proof that we're perfectly capable of not surcumbing to that temptation.
I do have an issue with the whole Dhar Insight being a temptation argument I've seen floating around.

Its essentially the same argument that people had against reading the Liber Mortis, that the thread/Mathilde wouldn't be able to resist going evil for some reason.

The fact that Mathilde has never used Dhar since reading the Liber seems proof that we're perfectly capable of not surcumbing to that temptation.
While I don't think we are incapable, I agree overall.

Knowing more about the bad stuff far outweighs the risk, especially with our current project.
I'm genuinely surprised by the sudden bandwagon for Collegiate. Mathilde is already on the cusp of having an Advanced Diplomacy skill for negotiations with the Colleges. She has immense institutional influence as a Lord Magister of one of the Colleges and someone who has done multiple Great Deeds. She has multiple contacts within them so she can learn who she's dealing with in advance so she can apply her truly phenomenal Learning to making a case for them to cooperate, based on the quite incredible rewards she can offer the Colleges in return. Consider as well the large amount of good will donating a Room of Calamity to each College should have given here. Her College Reputation is 164. I'm pretty confident that puts her a fair way towards being a massive hero to Collegiate wizards in general. She must have one of the highest College Reputations out there. There can't be many Magisters who have publicly done as much for all of the Colleges as she has.

If there's one thing we can be very sure that Mathilde is relatively strong at it's getting the other Colleges onboard.

Where she's a lot weaker is getting non-Imperial magical traditions to help, and actually contributing to solving the problem. Polyglot might help with both of these. We need to cover our weaknesses here
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In the past i opposed Polyglot because it felt like a kind of "Catch'em all" regarding languages when we really didnt interact much outside our sphere of influence, but now it might even be requiered if we want the project to include as many nations as possible.

I'm changing my vote from Collegiate to Polyglot, but i like both.

[X] DIPLO: Polyglot
[x] LESSON: Dhar Insight
I do have an issue with the whole Dhar Insight being a temptation argument I've seen floating around.

Its essentially the same argument that people had against reading the Liber Mortis, that the thread/Mathilde wouldn't be able to resist going evil for some reason.

The fact that Mathilde has never used Dhar since reading the Liber seems proof that we're perfectly capable of not surcumbing to that temptation.
While unfortunately true, it is worth noting that deep down a good chunk of the thread really wants to use Dhar.

And I'm not saying that for the "necromancy really has a shot at winning, believe me" points. Just look at how often people suggest various ways that Mathilde could try to circumvent the articles in order to use the Second Secret of Dhar. SV as a site likes power in all its shapes and sizes and Dhar promises quite a lot of it.

I suspect the only thing keeping the thread from using Dhar is the fact that it's both illegal and punished by immediate death. If not for that, the Dhar faction would be big enough that they would've won the occasional vote.
[X] DIPLO: Collegiate

Changing my Vote because everything else seems fine and I would quite prefer several things over Polyglot. Collegiate is definitely interesting and useful.
I suspect the only thing keeping the thread from using Dhar is the fact that it's both illegal and punished by immediate death. If not for that, the Dhar faction would be big enough that they would've won the occasional vote.

Well, there's also the mutations and the insanity angle of Dhar. We kinda want to avoid those.

... of course, a lot of the insight benefits are about avoiding the downsides of Dhar use as well...

But I think you have a point. On the whole, I suspect there's a section of the readers that don't consider Dhar to be immoral. Dangerous, yes, but so's normal magic. Illegal, yes, but 200 years ago normal magic was also outlawed. But immoral? In universe it is, because it corrupts and twists you into a slave of the dark gods.

... But Mathilde is smarter than that, right? Sure, every other mage who ever used it went mad, but we're better than them, right? We won't make their mistakes, right?

Instead, we'll make entirely new and even more horrifying mistakes.
I suspect the only thing keeping the thread from using Dhar is the fact that it's both illegal and punished by immediate death. If not for that, the Dhar faction would be big enough that they would've won the occasional vote.
There's also the question of, you know, whether the belt would still protect us from Dhar if we started actively using it. For those who believe so, I agree that there's very little other reason, except maybe a consciousness that Dhar is generally poisonous to the environment. But for those who fear Valaya remotely deactivating it, there's definitely a concern that it would drive Mathilde insane which makes a much less fun game. At least, in the particular way it drives people insane.
I think it's disingenuous to say that the trait all about making Mathilde better able to convince the other Colleges to work as a team won't be useful when it comes to convincing the other Colleges to work as a team and share their super secret special sauce.

No, we cannot in fact get the same benefit by just hiring a Jade Lord Magister with College favor. Nor can we just use a Great Deed from the Emperor to get the Jade College to share secrets, just as we couldn't use a Great Deed to obtain the secret to Gehenna's Golden Hounds from the Gold College.
[X] DIPLO: Collegiate
[X] DIPLO: Mentor
[X] LESSON: Syncretic
[X] LESSON: Theologian
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Yes I tend to agree on the not messing with Dhar front. As the liber shows smarter people have tried and gone insane. Plus being wanted dead in the empire would kind of put a damper on our career as well make things a bit awkward with pan. On the other hand just having better Dhar insight is very useful and not dangerous in and of itself. I won't be unhappy if it wins as seems inevitable right now
I said I wouldn't vote, but then picklepikkl mentioned Collegiate possibly helping with a career in the Colleges, and I'm all about that.

[X] DIPLO: Collegiate
[X] DIPLO: Mentor

Threw in a vote for mentor too, because I want Mathilde to teach an apprentice someday.

[X] LESSON: Theologian
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Hmm. Seeing how the votes have settled, I think I'll trim my vote down:

[x] LESSON: Dhar Insight
[X] DIPLO: Collegiate

I really do like Polyglot, and I won't be at all unhappy if it wins, but I think Collegiate does squeak ahead of it by a hair - reading about Mathilde's interactions with wizards from all the other Colleges has been a treat, starting with the original K8P expedition, carrying through the Duckling Club and her relationships with Johann, Max, and Panoramia, and most recently with Van Horstmann. I'd like to see more of that, if we can, and this seems like a chance to arrange that.


Interactions with other magic users are some of my favorite parts of the quest.

[X] DIPLO: Collegiate

[X] DIPLO: Mentor

[X] LESSON: Dhar Insight
[X] LESSON: Leader
[X] LESSON: Logistician
[X] LESSON: Mystic
[X] LESSON: Poker Face
[X] DIPLO: Dawri
[X] DIPLO: Polyglot
[X] LESSON: Dhar Insight

This isn't aimed at anyone, but I'm rather upset at the idea of Collegiate winning over Dawri. I know people are voting for Collegiate on its own merits, but like, I can't help but imagine what Mathilde would choose if she were picking a trait off a list like we were. And in my mind, while there's good reasons for her to choose Polyglot, (or options like Mentor and Trucemaker,) her choosing Collegiate when Dawri is on the list just feels wrong to me.

Yes, integrating with other College wizards is a worthy thing to do, but compare that to what Dawri means. It's not so much "dwarven infection" memes or Mathilde declaring herself Literally-A-Dwarf. It's basically accepting her home in K8P as her home. She'd be accepting Dawi society's acceptance of her. Just being able to do so is a very high honor. Joining a different culture is a big deal. And deliberately picking Collegiate over all that just seriously doesn't sit right with me.

So. I'm approval voting Polyglot. It's got very high mechanical and narrative bonuses, it'll be universally useful for Mathilde no matter when or where she ends up, and it'll help her make new friends going forwards.

(This is all ignoring that Dawri is the mechanically and narrative superior option to all others, of course.)
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