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The stones dangle from a strap across his chest.
And I'm assuming we saw them here? Yeah, I don't really want to risk poking artifacts. Morghur himself, I might think it was possible, but that? Nah.

We know the dwarves are backed by a non-Chaos god in a constant effort to push back the Wastes, and are actually succeeding. I'm of the opinion we probably could make friendly contact, but my curiosity has been satisfied enough I

[X] Leave

Divine energy in an unexpected place would likely be extremely Cython's jam.
...Ooh, even better. Let's go home, and either take Cython for a ride back up here to fuck around later or just tell him what's going on and let him poke around. If he dies, we didn't want to mess with it anyways.
Well, back when the chaos wastes reached to Ulthuan and Lustria, we mostly get stories about perpetual sieges, rather than just leaving them to chill.

I mean sure, if it's a continuous front, this is just and island of supposed sanity, a distraction. Chaos likes to play with its food. The Karak is not going anywhere, but we aren't so they are far more interested in fighting us because we might leave.
[x] Approach the Kul camp peacefully and attempt to discuss the Karak with them
[x] Approach the Kvellige camp peacefully and attempt to discuss the Karak with them
[x] Fortify here and see if anything interesting happens over the next day
[x] Attempt to intercept a Kurgan war-party en route to attack the Karag and the Beastmen
My issue with talking to the other tribes is it's quite possible it goes bad and then we have to cast to survive, at which point we're taking the risk anyway for less reward.
It's probably out of range of Morghur's effect.
Remember that Mathilde was casting Rite of Way right up until the wagon crested the edge of the crater. Camps will be outside of the crater to avoid dehydration due to this heat haze.
(Also we can totally bring Asarnil or some knights along if we want)
Is it for a Chaos Spawn quest? You know, just in case?
Given "Upon the moment of devolution, the subject is wracked with agonising pains as his body ripples and undulates. The pain is so great it destroys the mind, erasing nearly every memory, all emotion, and the capability of forming a coherent thought, leaving behind an unreasoning husk of flesh and sinew" I have to imagine that quest would be rather odd. We'd probably have options like:
[ ] Gibber Madly
[ ] Madly Gibber
I mean, I'm sure we'd manage a contentious vote out of it anyway, but still...
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...Ooh, even better. Let's go home, and either take Cython for a ride back up here to fuck around later or just tell him what's going on and let him poke around. If he dies, we didn't want to mess with it anyways.
I suspect Cython's interest falls short of willingness to die to see it. Might manage to get them onboard if we're planning a second expedition, but not on their own. We should talk to them about our observations though, that'll be great.

So leave now and come back with a small, fast group at some point in the (distant) future. Including Cython. See if he can make sense of it, or is willing to give us a lift to find out from the probable source.
Especially if we can pick up an enhancement to our Avatar sight after this trip. We'd be better equipped to investigate, at least.
I mean sure, if it's a continuous front, this is just and island of supposed sanity, a distraction. Chaos likes to play with its food. The Karak is not going anywhere, but we aren't so they are far more interested in fighting us because we might leave.
Case in point, Vlag.
Uhhh, we're pretty much 100% positive at this point that they're defending the Kharak, not besieging it.

A Karak, especially the older ones like Dum, are huge with multiple points of entry. I'm not saying that the Beastmen aren't defending it, merely that there might be a number of Dwarves who consider themselves under siege and, when presented with an opportunity, conduct an attack. Something which the Beastmen keep in mind.

So leave now and come back with a small, fast group at some point in the (distant) future. Including Cython. See if he can make sense of it, or is willing to give us a lift to find out from the probable source.
Divine energy in weird places might well be, but even with Cython's arcane mastery, I'm not sure something like this:
Each day leaves you mentally drained by the effort of keeping the flow of Ulgu as free as you can of the Dhar that's all too eager to cling to and corrupt any other Wind it touches.
would be good for a being made of pure Hysh. Particularly since Cython doesn't have the belt.
No one is ignoring it. It's been discussed at length for the last 100 pages of thread. There is the very reasonable concern that it's simply under his control now, and if he decides he doesn't like us, he'll turn it on.
The bones of his enemies and the trees of the forest he's living in don't show sign of mutation.

[X] Attempt to infiltrate the Karak with magic
-[X] Abort if the trees show signs of serious mutation up close that were not visible at distance.

Seriously guys, I have to know.

EDIT: I hate strategic voting. And yet.
[X] Approach the Kvellige camp peacefully and attempt to discuss the Karak with them
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Divine energy in an unexpected place would likely be extremely Cython's jam.
Nice. I'm not sure we'll get the full story even after investigating so maybe we could organize an expedition ourselves later and ask Cython to join.

Also, about the whole intimate gesture thing, we didn't actually see Borek's reaction to it right? @BoneyM
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I suspect it is more likely the issue is other chaos tribes rushing in to join the fight.

Anyway I'm of the opinion we have enough for the moment (the dwarves of Dum did something divine that is pushing back the chaos wastes slowly. Borek believed it would not be accepted by Karaz Ankor.) etc

And we can come back with a better equipped, better suited team for figuring out what is going on here at some point in the future, if we wish.
No, as in Expeditions to reclaim other lost Karaks, like Karak Drazh. Borek backstabbing the Expedition (and the Empire) is going to rub the Empire the wrong way big-time.
Ahhh ok. Still I doubt that. The Empire's leadership has no stake in this expedition. All the humans here are here under our invitation as Belegar's representative. They represent K8P not The Empire. Plus even with the horror of Cor-Dum, the lingering mysteries, the loss of Gotrek, and the main steamwagon with most of its hands, this expedition has been a resounding success. Karak Vlag reconnected to our world, basic intelligence on the skaven chaos dwarf war, and the fate of Karak Dum confirmed. We have accomplished the primary goal and more besides that.
Morghur becomes a legit god, closer to an ascended land spirit than a chaos horror. Beastmen gather at his call and to protect the mountain sending him such power.
Alright, but how do you explain the affection? I don't fault you for not reading like 150 pages, but it's been discussed, and that's why people hit upon the idea of him being born to a Dwarf and things escalating from there - because a means to control him does not explain the familiarity and affection he showed to Borek - something that's very much not in his nature in any story, or anyone's understanding of Beastmen in general.

Worth noting not even Chaos worshipers want to be spawn, mutants yes, but not full quivering mountains of madness.
For sure, but we could attempt to feign ignorance or a foolish or incomplete understanding. Oral histories have a tendency to degenerate like that in some, but not all cultures. Mathilde's done the reading so I assume she'd aim for something maybe kind of plausible for why she'd be asking that question, and how she'd ask it.

I like the idea that Grimnr has something to do with this.
Seems not really his M.O? I could be wrong though. Honestly, Alluminas seems like a far more likely candidate given how well suited he'd be to countering the constant corruptive effect around Cor-Dum.

I don't actually believe it to be the case, but there is ONE entity capable of purging at least one sort of dark magic, among the gods of nekehara, that's still some degree of active regardless of whether the gods of nekehara are dead. Asaph. She's noted for purging out vampirism instead of chaos taint but that's still an unusual capability.
It's interesting, and I like Nehekara, but other than the sand I don't see much of a connection and it's difficult to imagine such an insular God acting so far from home, in the interests of a people who had never shown any interest. Alluminas on the other hand has a vested interest in fucking Chaos' shit right up.
If anyone tries to tell me that we can leave now and we will come back later...

Please stop.

We all know that to travel here is way too dangerous to come back, just to maybe learn something that maybe in the future could affect the Empire or Karak Ankor.

Either we do something now or never.
Saying otherwise is almost the same as lying, especially when an important part of the posters wanted to go back and not even try to learn what is going on here.
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