Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
[X] Speak honestly of everything not explicitly secret, including rifts within the Karaz Ankor
-[X] Note what is sensitive and what Is Not Talked About.
-[X] Advise caution

[X] There's a festival to Grungni coming up, and Johann has taken to observing the Holy Days of the Ancestor-God. Join him in this.
[X] Though you rarely think of those days, you did grow up on a farm and know something of the soil. Spend time with her as she goes about her work.

[X] Write in: You're in the mood for pie. Take the gyrocopter out for a ride. To the Moot. With Panoramia.
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[X] Speak honestly of everything not explicitly secret, including rifts within the Karaz Ankor
[X] You've got a puppy, he's got several. Easy. Spend time with him as your pup plays with his.
[x] Conceal matters you know the Dwarves would prefer you conceal
Let me try and make a list.

Explicit Secrets:
-Dwarven Rune stuff
-Gazul stuff
-Call for Aid stuff
-Waystone stuff
-Possibly bits/details of Eye of Gazul and how it works.
-Dwarven defenses/smithing tech/gun tech/flying tech

Stuff that isn't secret, but dwarves wouldn't like known:
-Ulthar's heir of Karak Hirn stuff.
-Internals of dwarven diplomacy and power in K8Ps.
-Rift between Belegar and High King
-Status of each Karag between that rift and positioning itself.
-The canal project and it's scope and impact.
-The We and their silk.
-How non-traditional Belegar's tactics are.
-The dwarven Civil war moment in Karaz-a-Karak.
-The golem
-Possibly the Dragon.
-The vaults Belegar is melting all those old coins from.
-Possibly Mat's thane status.
-Other Dwarven religious rites
-Advanced understanding of dwarves, their culture, language, and diplomacy
-The personalities and characters of everyone Mat has met among the Dwarves, including multiple kings, heirs and councilmembers of K8Ps.

Stuff that Mat might not want known:
-Liber Fucking Mortis
--The ossuary help with the dead for Morr.
--Warptech understanding source
-- Skaven tactics understanding source.
-Just how much money/influence she has.
-Her trapped demon/mirror snake.
-The rest of the borderline research

Does anyone have anything to add?
Does that seem about right, @BoneyM ? For the dwarves I mean, not Mat.

If we can first agree what fits what category, we can decide what to say/answer. Let's do that first, make a list.

This vote is almost as important, I think, as the one that had Mat reporting on her own loyalties. Let's not rush it. Mat is privy to a lot of secrets.
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[x] Do not speak of explicit dwarven secrets; and concerning matters that are "just" sensitive, explain how abuse of this knowledge could hurt both the Empire and the Karaz Ankor.
[x] You've got a puppy, he's got several. Easy. Spend time with him as your pup plays with his.
[x] The Halflings are renowned chefs, and several restaurants have opened clustered around the base of Karag Nar. Share a meal with her.
My point is you are not really a different species, but and altered version of the previous one. Longevity sharper senses, stronger muscles and magic powers do not a different species make, anymore than we can consider the liche priests of Nehekara a different species.
Mmm... I was starting from the basic assumption of vampires counting as a different species, but you're right that that is arguable. They're certainly no longer human, and neither are Liche Priests, but whether the difference counts as a change of species...

Honestly, not sure on that one?
The current Matriarch of the Amethyst order has been alive for centuries, long before the founding of the colleges. Some of Teclis' original sudents are still around as LM and they are more than two centuries old.
Not true. One of the like, six things that was ever revealed about Elspeth von Draken was that she was educated at the Colleges.
[X] Speak honestly of everything not explicitly secret, including rifts within the Karaz Ankor

[X] Panoramia currently calls a small cottage somewhere in the Eastern Valley home, help her expand it into a proper tower.

A Wizard with no Wizard Tower is no more a Wizard than a tower with no Wizard is a Wizard Tower.
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[X] Conceal matters you know the Dwarves would prefer you conceal

[X] There's a festival to Grungni coming up, and Johann has taken to observing the Holy Days of the Ancestor-God. Join him in this.
[X] Speak honestly of everything not explicitly secret, including rifts within the Karaz Ankor
-[X] Note what is sensitive and what Is Not Talked About.
-[X] Advise caution
[X] Though you both use your magic to cheat, you both have an interest in personal fitness. Work out with him.
[X] The Halflings are renowned chefs, and several restaurants have opened clustered around the base of Karag Nar. Share a meal with her.
Let me try and make a list.

Explicit Secrets:
-Dwarven Rune stuff
-Gazul stuff
-Call for Aid stuff
-Waystone stuff
-Possibly bits/details of Eye of Gazul and how it works.
-Dwarven defenses/smithing tech/gun tech/flying tech

Stuff that isn't secret, but dwarves wouldn't like known:
-Ulthar's heir of Karak Hirn stuff.
-Internals of dwarven diplomacy and power in K8Ps.
-Rift between Belegar and High King
-Status of each Karag between that rift and positioning itself.
-The canal project and it's scope and impact.
-The We and their silk.
-How non-traditional Belegar's tactics are.
-The dwarven Civil war moment in Karaz-a-Karak.
-The golem
-Possibly the Dragon.
-The vaults Belegar is melting all those old coins from.
-Possibly Mat's thane status.
-Other Dwarven religious rites
-Advanced understanding of dwarves, their culture, language, and diplomacy
-The personalities and characters of everyone Mat has met among the Dwarves, including multiple kings, heirs and councilmembers of K8Ps.

Stuff that Mat might not want known:
-Liber Fucking Mortis
--The ossuary help with the dead for Morr.
--Warptech understanding source
-- Skaven tactics understanding source.
-Just how much money/influence she has.
-Her trapped demon/mirror snake.
-The rest of the borderline research

Does anyone have anything to add?
Does that seem about right, @BoneyM ? For the dwarves I mean, not Mat.

If we can first agree what fits what category, we can decide what to say/answer. Let's do that first, make a list.

This vote is almost as important, I think, as the one that had Mat reporting on her own loyalties. Let's not rush it. Mat is privy to a lot of secrets.
This about covers it, yeah.
[X] Speak honestly of everything not explicitly secret, including rifts within the Karaz Ankor
[X] You've got a puppy, he's got several. Easy. Spend time with him as your pup plays with his.

Unsure about Panoramia.
Ah, I meant have non-Greys actually gone out to fight Orc Shamans to see if the principles work for other Winds and then produce papers yet. IIRC Mathilde's lectures specifically addressed the possibility that non-Ulgu Winds might not work for this solution since they flow differently.

I'm curious if other Winds can use Mathilde's solution.
Having reread that section recently, I believe all of the principles were universal, but that the Big Waaagh and Little Waaagh would interact differently with other Winds for the purposes of re-aiming spells with them (With Ulgu the Little Waaagh was strongly attracted, and the Big Waaagh was slightly repelled.)
[X] Speak honestly of everything not explicitly secret, including rifts within the Karaz Ankor
[X] You've got a puppy, he's got several. Easy. Spend time with him as your pup plays with his.
[X] The Halflings are renowned chefs, and several restaurants have opened clustered around the base of Karag Nar. Share a meal with her.
This about covers it, yeah.
From that list, could we write-in to explicitly not mention the following?
-The dwarven Civil war moment in Karaz-a-Karak.
-The vaults Belegar is melting all those old coins from.
-Other Dwarven religious rites
[ ] Speak honestly of everything not explicitly secret, including rifts within the Karaz Ankor

[ ] There's a festival to Grungni coming up, and Johann has taken to observing the Holy Days of the Ancestor-God. Join him in this.
[ ] The Halflings are renowned chefs, and several restaurants have opened clustered around the base of Karag Nar. Share a meal with her.
[X] Conceal matters you know the Dwarves would prefer you conceal

[X] There's a festival to Grungni coming up, and Johann has taken to observing the Holy Days of the Ancestor-God. Join him in this.

[X] Though you rarely think of those days, you did grow up on a farm and know something of the soil. Spend time with her as she goes about her work.
[X] Speak honestly of everything not explicitly secret, including rifts within the Karaz Ankor
[X] You've got a puppy, he's got several. Easy. Spend time with him as your pup plays with his.

Unsure about Panoramia.
i would argue that the restaurant one is the option mathy would pick because its the one that is most like the books.

and mathy got all her romance knowledge from penny dreadfuls.

she is going to make a wonderful, glorious mess of things and I just cant wait!
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This about covers it, yeah.
It's probably already too late from a vote perspective, but could Mathilde plausibly (to their ears) deliver a pick list from the 'not secret' list?
Exclude, say, Economic matters- the canal (as much an EIC secret), the We/Silk, Belegars sources of wealth?
'Economy' being 'if you squint not matters of foreign diplomacy'.

Similarly with Religion, as a theological matter.
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i would argue that the restaurant one is the option mathy would pick because its the one that is most like the books.

and mathy got all her romance knowledge from penny dreadful.

she is going to make a wonderful, glorious mess of things and I just cant wait!
That is an excellent point!
[X] Conceal matters you know the Dwarves would prefer you conceal
[X] The Halflings are renowned chefs, and several restaurants have opened clustered around the base of Karag Nar. Share a meal with her.

I still want all the Johann choices. :confused:

Wolf was also how many years old when he started talking?

... No really, I have legitimately forgotten. It feels like it was just yesterday...
Certainly older then three. I think about five or six.
Voting is open