Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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I'm reminded of the time he asked Mathilde to lend Roswita a hand if she had the time, and she ended up killing Alkharad and all his disciples and causing every Battle Wizard in the Empire to descend upon Sylvania.
Except that action a) repaired relations between Mathilde and Roswita; b) impressed Krag, Algard, and the Emperor; and c) impressed the Slayer Hold on a personal level for Mathilde and on a diplomatic level for K8P as a whole. So none of it was bad!

Roswita: "They're [battle mages] like cats!"

....None of it was bad! :whistle:
Here is my air control tower proposal turned into a proper subvote, in case someone wants to include it in a plan. I am not completely sure how the lore powerlevels of dragons and squads of gyrocopters match up, but since Gotri represents half of the mountain's military power it should narratively work out.

-[ ] Build a tower of 'Trial and Error' to turn the Sky-Thane's valiant daredevils into something even a dragon needs to fear.

Rerolls and radical youths armed with experimental weapons are just a match made in heaven.

The more I think about it the less I like that our against a specific dragon is to just add another tower to Karag Nar. It feels like we are somehow stuck with our latest achievement, sticking more and more stuff on a single spot.
Seriously there are so many reasons why it's a bad idea. From not protecting further away Karags, to not protecting the underground areas that the dragon can literally fly to without being seen in the sky, to advertising our capabilities like a middle finger towards our potentially friendly target that would be more useful as an ally, to creating a single point of failure in which we lose everything if the dragon doesn't die before being able to retaliate, to just using straight forward attacks that deal X damage against a dragon. On top of that the currently winning vote doesn't really leave any space for us to be consulted or for our mistakes to be pointed out to us. And yet it currently has a vote momentum that seems near unsurmountable.

The goal isn't too single-handedly solve the entire Emperor Dragon. It's to contribute something meaningful to the Karak's arsenal while Mathilde is wrapping up her last project.
Karag Nar's the one we're allowed to deface with towers.
Karag Nar is the one we're allowed to deface with towers for personal use. There has been nothing about weapons in the spirit of the Eye of Gazul being something that is unwanted anywhere but on the "Umgi Karag".

And taking into account what BoneyM said, I think an even better proposal would be seven massive anti-Hysh wards hidden in all the Karags the dragon doesn't live on.

@BoneyM are wards against a specific wind a thing even potentially doable by College magic? If yes, would it be done by using a wind to ward against itself or by using the opposite color?
@BoneyM are wards against a specific wind a thing even potentially doable by College magic? If yes, would it be done by using a wind to ward against itself or by using the opposite color?

Not directly. You could theoretically try to minimize the Hysh in the area, either by draining it away or by creating conditions that are unsuitable for it, but the former would require infrastructure on par with Waystones and the latter would require plunging the Karak into darkness for a prolonged period.
Here is my air control tower proposal turned into a proper subvote, in case someone wants to include it in a plan. I am not completely sure how the lore powerlevels of dragons and squads of gyrocopters match up, but since Gotri represents half of the mountain's military power it should narratively work out.

-[ ] Build a tower of 'Trial and Error' to turn the Sky-Thane's valiant daredevils into something even a dragon needs to fear.

Rerolls and radical youths armed with experimental weapons are just a match made in heaven.
Interesting. But is there a reason to make it a tower instead of something that can be added to a Gyrocopter and flown wherever?

@BoneyM What are the benefits of adding any given spell to a tower instead of, say, an amulet? I imagine it's the amount of magic that can be stored up, the casting range, the inability to be stolen and carried away, and maybe some conceptual boost because wizard towers are a meme strong enough to be fundamentally anchored into Teclisian magic.
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Interesting. But is there a reason to make it a tower instead of something that can be added to a Gyrocopter and flown wherever?

@BoneyM What are the benefits of adding any given spell to a tower instead of, say, an amulet? I imagine it's the amount of magic that can be stored up, the casting range, the inability to be stolen and carried away, and maybe some conceptual boost because wizard towers are a meme strong enough to be fundamentally anchored into Teclisian magic.

It's a direct trade-off between portability and sheer power.
@BoneyM All right, thank you.
If Belegar wanted Mathilde to prepare for a certain fight it'd be a longer and more detailed process, but he's asked her to contribute whatever she can as a just-in-case, and as a softball for Mathilde.
In this case, I am going to accept that my original plan is overdoing it, swap to @LightLan's, and encourage others to do likewise.

[X] Plan Skavenslayer
Where can I get the specs on Curse? I don't even know which College it belongs to.
It's in the Spellbooks threadmark; it and all the other spells in that proposal are Celestial magic.
It's in the Spellbooks threadmark; it and all the other spells in that proposal are Celestial magic.
Could you also answer my second question? I know you aren't supporting your original plan anymore, but for all we know it might still win regardless. And in that case, having that point be clear would be preferable IMO.

In general, it breaks down into three broad size categories: man-portable artefacts, Battle Altars, towers.
Ah. I was hoping for a category in between one and two that would essentially be "mountable on a combat gyrocopter or nimble carriage".
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Could you also answer my second question? I know you aren't supporting your original plan anymore, but for all we know it might still win regardless. And in that case, having that point be clear would be preferable IMO.
I had left it deliberately vague about where the artillery would be, but yes, the idea was that there would be an artillery setup in a fixed position(s) ready to serve an AA role in a place where they could be buffed by the Portent. Probably that means "on Karag Nar" but depending on what BoneyM was willing to give us in terms of spell AOE (and dice rolls, I assume), it could have been distributed over the mountain instead of all over the top.
I really hope someone comes up with a plan where we diplomance the dragon into a mutual defense agreement against other dragons. That is the solution to the Dragon Problem that is both funniest and most elegant, and it is something that would likely never occur to the Dawi and therefor something only we can do. I mean, we did just buy a bunch of books about dragons - there have to be some hints in there we can use for negotiating.
I really hope someone comes up with a plan where we diplomance the dragon into a mutual defense agreement against other dragons. That is the solution to the Dragon Problem that is both funniest and most elegant, and it is something that would likely never occur to the Dawi and therefor something only we can do. I mean, we did just buy a bunch of books about dragons - there have to be some hints in there we can use for negotiating.
that is basically what the dip is doing, we are just doing a 'incase' trump-card
I really hope someone comes up with a plan where we diplomance the dragon into a mutual defense agreement against other dragons. That is the solution to the Dragon Problem that is both funniest and most elegant, and it is something that would likely never occur to the Dawi and therefor something only we can do. I mean, we did just buy a bunch of books about dragons - there have to be some hints in there we can use for negotiating.
Two problems with that. One, the task is explicitly a contingency in case the Ice Dragon decides he doesn't like having Dwarves as neighbors, which is pretty mutually exclusive. Two, chances are the Dragon would fuck up any others even without a deense pact since this is, you know, his territory, and while dwarves aren't really important or dangerous enough to care about I'm fairly certain the safe social distance between two dragons is much bigger than just keeping one or two mountains between them.
[X] Plan: Skavenslayer
Your assignment for the remainder of this year is a light one, as Belegar knows you've still got to finish the Reikspiel version of the translation -
Not without AP budget weirdness. If Belegar wanted Mathilde to prepare for a certain fight it'd be a longer and more detailed process, but he's asked her to contribute whatever she can as a just-in-case, and as a softball for Mathilde.

It's the same problem we've always had: Spending extra AP on our job and job-related stuff when we don't strictly need to. This turn, we explicitly don't need to break the bank, but the leading plan is to spend 2 AP on a 'softball' task.

More generally, I don't think yet another doom tower is a good solution. Any anti-dragon tower we build is going to be directly attacked by a dragon, and towers are well known for falling for to dragons. I'd rather go for a more distributed solution, like a bunch of oversized and enchanted bolt throwers. But I don't think that's going to gain much traction by now.
Can I interest anyone in a version of plan skavenslayer that swaps out the EIC action? Since we don't have an actual spy network in the EIC yet a lot of the expertise we're lending them is the Hochlander themselves.

This was their description:
[ ] Hochlander
The first possibility is a recent transfer from the Hochland College of Sorcery, who proved to be an excellent candidate for Grey Wizard in every way except for magical power. He has strong affinities for cryptography, languages, and intimidation, as well as being a fair woodsman and an excellent marksman.

They're pretty competent yes, but their best skills are all skills I'd expect Roswita's witch hunter friends to be extremely competent in. It feels very much like a token gesture where we meddle for the sake of meddling. Since we don't have a proper spy network or even any encryption set up within it yet either it's also going to be very, very open about what we're doing. Which isn't likely to be too effective and may have repurcussions.

Besides Roswita already has a lot of help:
Moving on to less direct reports, the military of Stirland remains garrisoned as their stockpiles grow and Roswita seeks to cut off the peat trade that is financing the remaining vampires. That's how it's described by those reporting from Stirland, but those coming from Talabecland are much more detailed, and much more entertaining. Roswita's first attempt at dealing with the nobles of Talabecland was diplomatic, which went poorly, then her second pass consisted of a great deal of threats, none of which were taken seriously. The notes from this time give a general impression of her returning to Stirland in failure.

The tone of those reports change quite drastically a few weeks later, when the Holy Order of the Templars of Sigmar descend in force upon Talabecland. You're quite disappointed when you get up to date on the latest reports when their investigation has only just begun and nobody important has yet to feed the pyres.

Dumping our EIC action on this feels very much a twin case of not trusting NPC competency and trying to have our cake and eat it too by dropping a half action from a mostly unprepared EIC so we can say "we're doing something".
More generally, I don't think yet another doom tower is a good solution. Any anti-dragon tower we build is going to be directly attacked by a dragon, and towers are well known for falling to dragons. I'd rather go for a more distributed solution, like a bunch of oversized and enchanted bolt throwers. But I don't think that's going to gain much traction by now.

There's been larger swings made later in the voting process. If you feel bolt throwers is the way to go, then by all means make a plan for it, or adapt an existing one.
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